public void LogMessage(LogLevel logLevel, string message) { switch (logLevel) { case LogLevel.Critical: _logger.Fatal(message); LogReceived?.Invoke(LogEventLevel.Fatal, _logger, message, _application); break; case LogLevel.Debug: _logger.Debug(message); LogReceived?.Invoke(LogEventLevel.Debug, _logger, message, _application); break; case LogLevel.Information: _logger.Information(message); LogReceived?.Invoke(LogEventLevel.Information, _logger, message, _application); break; case LogLevel.Warning: _logger.Warning(message); LogReceived?.Invoke(LogEventLevel.Warning, _logger, message, _application); break; case LogLevel.Error: _logger.Error(message); LogReceived?.Invoke(LogEventLevel.Error, _logger, message, _application); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(logLevel), logLevel, null); } }
private static async void ExicuteQueWork(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { bool didGoCompleteJobb = false; try { didGoCompleteJobb = Ping(); } catch (Exception ex) { didGoCompleteJobb = true; log.Fatal(ex, $"failed - try catch"); } finally { //Start timer again to trigger jobb jobbTimer.Interval = didGoCompleteJobb ? timerSchedule : 10; jobbTimer.Start(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); try { _logger.Information(string.Format("Starting Application {0} ...", AppName)); MainActivity main = new MainActivity(); main.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Fatal(ex, string.Format("An Error Occurred! Message: {0}", ex.Message)); } finally { stopwatch.Stop(); _logger.Information(string.Format("Application {0} completed in {1}", AppName, Utils.ElapsedTime(stopwatch.Elapsed))); } }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app. /// </summary> public async static Task MainAsync(string[] args) { Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.Console() .MinimumLevel.Debug() .CreateLogger(); Logger.Information($"OPC Publisher node configuration tool"); // command line options bool showHelp = false; string iotHubConnectionString = string.Empty; string iotHubPublisherDeviceName = string.Empty; string iotHubPublisherModuleName = string.Empty; Mono.Options.OptionSet options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet { { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => showHelp = h != null }, { "ic|iotHubConnectionString=", "IoTHub owner or service connectionstring", (string s) => iotHubConnectionString = s }, { "id|iothubdevicename=", "IoTHub device name of the OPC Publisher", (string s) => iotHubPublisherDeviceName = s }, { "im|iothubmodulename=", "IoT Edge module name of the OPC Publisher which runs in the IoT Edge device specified by id/iothubdevicename", (string s) => iotHubPublisherModuleName = s }, { "pc|purgeconfig", "remove all configured nodes before pushing new ones", b => _purgeConfig = b != null }, { "bf|backupfile=", $"the filename to store the existing node configuration of OPC Publisher\nDefault: './{_backupFileName}'", (string l) => _backupFileName = l }, { "nc|nodeconfigfile=", $"the filename of the new node configuration to be set", (string l) => _nodeConfigFileName = l }, { "lf|logfile=", $"the filename of the logfile to use\nDefault: './{_logFileName}'", (string l) => _logFileName = l }, { "ll|loglevel=", $"the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose).\nDefault: info", (string l) => { List <string> logLevels = new List <string> { "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "verbose" }; if (logLevels.Contains(l.ToLowerInvariant())) { _logLevel = l.ToLowerInvariant(); } else { throw new OptionException("The loglevel must be one of: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose", "loglevel"); } } } }; IList <string> extraArgs = null; try { extraArgs = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // initialize logging InitLogging(); // show message Logger.Fatal(e, "Error in command line options"); // show usage Usage(options, args); return; } // initialize logging InitLogging(); // show usage if requested if (showHelp) { Usage(options); return; } // no extra options if (extraArgs.Count > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < extraArgs.Count; i++) { Logger.Error("Error: Unknown option: {0}", extraArgs[i]); } Usage(options, args); return; } // sanity check parameters if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iotHubConnectionString) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(iotHubPublisherDeviceName)) { Logger.Fatal("For IoTHub communication an IoTHub connection string and the publisher devicename (and modulename) must be specified."); return; } Logger.Information($"IoTHub connectionstring: {iotHubConnectionString}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iotHubPublisherModuleName)) { Logger.Information($"OPC Publisher not running in IoT Edge."); Logger.Information($"IoTHub OPC Publisher device name: {iotHubPublisherDeviceName}"); } else { Logger.Information($"OPC Publisher running as IoT Edge module."); Logger.Information($"IoT Edge device name: {iotHubPublisherDeviceName}"); Logger.Information($"OPC Publisher module name: {iotHubPublisherModuleName}"); } CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken ct = cts.Token; // read new configuration if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_nodeConfigFileName)) { try { _configurationFileEntries = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PublisherConfigurationFileEntryLegacyModel> >(File.ReadAllText(_nodeConfigFileName)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Fatal(e, $"Error reading configuration file. Exiting..."); return; } Logger.Information($"The configuration file '{_nodeConfigFileName}' to be applied contains {_configurationFileEntries.Count} entries."); } // instantiate OPC Publisher interface Publisher publisher = new Publisher(iotHubConnectionString, iotHubPublisherDeviceName, iotHubPublisherModuleName, MAX_SHORT_WAIT_SEC, MAX_LONG_WAIT_SEC, ct); // read existing configuration List <PublisherConfigurationFileEntryModel> currentConfiguration = new List <PublisherConfigurationFileEntryModel>(); List <string> configuredEndpoints = publisher.GetConfiguredEndpoints(ct); if (configuredEndpoints.Count > 0) { Logger.Information($"OPC Publisher has the following node configuration:"); } else { Logger.Information($"OPC Publisher is not publishing any data."); } foreach (var configuredEndpoint in configuredEndpoints) { List <NodeModel> configuredNodesOnEndpoint = publisher.GetConfiguredNodesOnEndpoint(configuredEndpoint, ct); PublisherConfigurationFileEntryModel configEntry = new PublisherConfigurationFileEntryModel(); configEntry.EndpointUrl = new Uri(configuredEndpoint); List <OpcNodeOnEndpointModel> nodesOnEndpoint = new List <OpcNodeOnEndpointModel>(); Logger.Information($"For endpoint '{configuredEndpoint}' there are {configuredNodesOnEndpoint.Count} nodes configured."); foreach (var configuredNode in configuredNodesOnEndpoint) { Logger.Debug($"Id '{configuredNode.Id}', " + $"OpcPublishingInterval: {(configuredNode.OpcPublishingInterval == null ? "default" : configuredNode.OpcPublishingInterval.ToString())}, " + $"OpcSamplingInterval: {(configuredNode.OpcSamplingInterval == null ? "default" : configuredNode.OpcSamplingInterval.ToString())}"); OpcNodeOnEndpointModel opcNodeOnEndpoint = new OpcNodeOnEndpointModel(); opcNodeOnEndpoint.Id = configuredNode.Id; opcNodeOnEndpoint.OpcSamplingInterval = configuredNode.OpcSamplingInterval; opcNodeOnEndpoint.OpcPublishingInterval = configuredNode.OpcPublishingInterval; nodesOnEndpoint.Add(opcNodeOnEndpoint); } configEntry.OpcNodes = nodesOnEndpoint; currentConfiguration.Add(configEntry); } // save it on request if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_backupFileName) && currentConfiguration.Count > 0) { await File.WriteAllTextAsync(_backupFileName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentConfiguration, Formatting.Indented)); Logger.Information($"The existing OPC Publisher node configuration was saved in '{_backupFileName}'"); } // remove existing configuration on request if (_purgeConfig) { publisher.UnpublishAllConfiguredNodes(ct); Logger.Information($"The existing node configuration was purged. OPC Publisher should no longer publish any data."); } // push new configuration, if required if (_configurationFileEntries != null) { var uniqueEndpoints = _configurationFileEntries.Select(e => e.EndpointUrl).Distinct(); Logger.Information($"The new node configuration will now be set in OPC Publisher."); foreach (var uniqueEndpoint in uniqueEndpoints) { var endpointConfigurationfileEntries = _configurationFileEntries.Where(e => e.EndpointUrl == uniqueEndpoint); List <NodeIdInfo> configurationNodeIdInfos = new List <NodeIdInfo>(); foreach (var endpointConfigurationFileEntry in endpointConfigurationfileEntries) { foreach (var opcNode in endpointConfigurationFileEntry.OpcNodes) { Logger.Debug($"Id '{opcNode.Id}', " + $"OpcPublishingInterval: {(opcNode.OpcPublishingInterval == null ? "default" : opcNode.OpcPublishingInterval.ToString())}, " + $"OpcSamplingInterval: {(opcNode.OpcSamplingInterval == null ? "default" : opcNode.OpcSamplingInterval.ToString())}"); NodeIdInfo nodeIdInfo = new NodeIdInfo(opcNode.Id); configurationNodeIdInfos.Add(nodeIdInfo); } } if (!publisher.PublishNodes(configurationNodeIdInfos, ct, uniqueEndpoint.AbsoluteUri)) { Logger.Error($"Not able to send the new node configuration to OPC Publisher."); } } } // done Logger.Information($"Done. Exiting...."); return; }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app. /// </summary> public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { Mono.Options.OptionSet options = InitCommandLineOptions(); InitAppLocation(); InitLogging(); List <string> extraArgs; try { // parse the command line extraArgs = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // show message Logger.Fatal(e, "Error in command line options"); Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {string.Join(" ", args)}"); // show usage Usage(options); return; } // show usage if requested if (ShowHelp) { Usage(options); return; } // validate and parse extra arguments if (extraArgs.Count > 0) { Logger.Error("Error in command line options"); Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {string.Join(" ", args)}"); Usage(options); return; } //show version var fileVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Logger.Information($"{ProgramName} V{fileVersion.ProductMajorPart}.{fileVersion.ProductMinorPart}.{fileVersion.ProductBuildPart} starting up..."); Logger.Debug($"Informational version: V{(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(), typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)?.InformationalVersion}"); using var host = CreateHostBuilder(args); if (ShowPublisherConfigJsonIp || ShowPublisherConfigJsonPh) { StartWebServer(host); } try { await ConsoleServerAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex, "OPC UA server failed unexpectedly."); } Logger.Information("OPC UA server exiting..."); }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app. /// </summary> public async static Task MainAsync(string[] args) { var shouldShowHelp = false; // command line options Mono.Options.OptionSet options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet { // opc server configuration options { "lf|logfile=", $"the filename of the logfile to use.\nDefault: '{_logFileName}'", (string l) => _logFileName = l }, { "ll|loglevel=", "the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose).\nDefault: info", (string l) => { List <string> logLevels = new List <string> { "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "verbose" }; if (logLevels.Contains(l.ToLowerInvariant())) { _logLevel = l.ToLowerInvariant(); } else { throw new OptionException("The loglevel must be one of: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose", "loglevel"); } } }, { "pn|portnum=", $"the server port of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: {ServerPort}", (ushort p) => ServerPort = p }, { "op|path=", $"the enpoint URL path part of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: '{ServerPath}'", (string a) => ServerPath = a }, { "ga|generatealerts", $"the station should generate alerts.\nDefault: {GenerateAlerts}", g => GenerateAlerts = g != null }, { "pc|powerconsumption=", $"the stations average power consumption in kW\nDefault: {PowerConsumption} kW", (double d) => PowerConsumption = d }, { "ct|cycletime=", $"the stations cycle time in seconds\nDefault: {IdealCycleTimeDefault} sec", (ulong ul) => IdealCycleTimeDefault = ul * 1000 }, { "lr|ldsreginterval=", $"the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0, then the registration is disabled.\nDefault: {LdsRegistrationInterval}", (int i) => { if (i >= 0) { LdsRegistrationInterval = i; } else { throw new OptionException("The ldsreginterval must be larger or equal 0.", "ldsreginterval"); } } }, { "aa|autoacceptcerts", $"all certs are trusted when a connection is established.\nDefault: {AutoAcceptCerts}", a => AutoAcceptCerts = a != null }, { "to|trustowncert", $"the cfstation certificate is put into the trusted certificate store automatically.\nDefault: {TrustMyself}", t => TrustMyself = t != null }, // cert store options { "at|appcertstoretype=", $"the own application cert store type. \n(allowed values: Directory, X509Store)\nDefault: '{OpcOwnCertStoreType}'", (string s) => { if (s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.Directory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { OpcOwnCertStoreType = s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? X509Store : CertificateStoreType.Directory; OpcOwnCertStorePath = s.Equals(X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault : OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault; } else { throw new OptionException(); } } }, { "ap|appcertstorepath=", "the path where the own application cert should be stored\nDefault (depends on store type):\n" + $"X509Store: '{OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault}'\n" + $"Directory: '{OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcOwnCertStorePath = s }, { "tp|trustedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted cert store\nDefault: '{OpcTrustedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcTrustedCertStorePath = s }, { "rp|rejectedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the rejected cert store\nDefault '{OpcRejectedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcRejectedCertStorePath = s }, { "ip|issuercertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted issuer cert store\nDefault '{OpcIssuerCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcIssuerCertStorePath = s }, { "csr", $"show data to create a certificate signing request\nDefault '{ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo}'", c => ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo = c != null }, { "ab|applicationcertbase64=", "update/set this applications certificate with the certificate passed in as bas64 string", (string s) => NewCertificateBase64String = s }, { "af|applicationcertfile=", "update/set this applications certificate with the certificate file specified", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { NewCertificateFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "applicationcertfile"); } } }, { "pb|privatekeybase64=", "initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as base64 string", (string s) => PrivateKeyBase64String = s }, { "pk|privatekeyfile=", "initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as file", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { PrivateKeyFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "privatekeyfile"); } } }, { "cp|certpassword="******"the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the installed application certificate", (string s) => CertificatePassword = s }, { "tb|addtrustedcertbase64=", "adds the certificate to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) => TrustedCertificateBase64Strings.AddRange(ParseListOfStrings(s)) }, { "tf|addtrustedcertfile=", "adds the certificate file(s) to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) => TrustedCertificateFileNames.AddRange(ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addtrustedcertfile")) }, { "ib|addissuercertbase64=", "adds the specified issuer certificate to the applications trusted issuer cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) => IssuerCertificateBase64Strings.AddRange(ParseListOfStrings(s)) }, { "if|addissuercertfile=", "adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to the applications trusted issuer cert store (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) => IssuerCertificateFileNames.AddRange(ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addissuercertfile")) }, { "rb|updatecrlbase64=", "update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) => CrlBase64String = s }, { "uc|updatecrlfile=", "update the CRL passed in as file to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { CrlFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "updatecrlfile"); } } }, { "rc|removecert=", "remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (multiple thumbprints supported)", (string s) => ThumbprintsToRemove.AddRange(ParseListOfStrings(s)) }, // misc { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = h != null }, }; List <string> extraArgs = new List <string>(); try { // parse the command line extraArgs = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // initialize logging InitLogging(); // show message Logger.Fatal(e, "Error in command line options"); // show usage Usage(options); return; } // initialize logging InitLogging(); // check args if (extraArgs.Count != 0 || shouldShowHelp) { // show usage Usage(options); return; } try { await ConsoleServerAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex, "OPC UA server failed unexpectedly."); } Logger.Information("OPC UA server exiting..."); }
public void Exception(Exception exception) { log.Fatal(exception, $"DEADBEAF: an exception was thrown. Current WindowsIdentity: {Environment.UserName}"); }
public static void Fatal(string message) { _logger.Fatal(message); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Fatal(string messageTemplate) { _log.Fatal(messageTemplate); }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app. /// </summary> public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { bool shouldShowHelp = false; // command line options var options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet { // log configuration { "lf|logfile=", $"the filename of the logfile to use.\nDefault: './{_logFileName}'", (string l) => _logFileName = l }, { "lt|logflushtimespan=", $"the timespan in seconds when the logfile should be flushed.\nDefault: {_logFileFlushTimeSpanSec} sec", (int s) => { if (s > 0) { _logFileFlushTimeSpanSec = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(s); } else { throw new OptionException("The logflushtimespan must be a positive number.", "logflushtimespan"); } } }, { "ll|loglevel=", "the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose).\nDefault: info", (string l) => { var logLevels = new List <string> { "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "verbose" }; if (logLevels.Contains(l.ToLowerInvariant())) { _logLevel = l.ToLowerInvariant(); } else { throw new OptionException("The loglevel must be one of: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose", "loglevel"); } } }, // simulation configuration { "sc|simulationcyclecount=", $"count of cycles in one simulation phase\nDefault: {SimulationCycleCount} cycles", (int i) => SimulationCycleCount = i }, { "ct|cycletime=", $"length of one cycle time in milliseconds\nDefault: {SimulationCycleLength} msec", (int i) => SimulationCycleLength = i }, { "ns|nospikes", $"do not generate spike data\nDefault: {!GenerateSpikes}", a => GenerateSpikes = a == null }, { "nd|nodips", $"do not generate dip data\nDefault: {!GenerateDips}", a => GenerateDips = a == null }, { "np|nopostrend", $"do not generate positive trend data\nDefault: {!GeneratePosTrend}", a => GeneratePosTrend = a == null }, { "nn|nonegtrend", $"do not generate negative trend data\nDefault: {!GenerateNegTrend}", a => GenerateNegTrend = a == null }, { "nv|nodatavalues", $"do not generate data values\nDefault: {!GenerateData}", a => GenerateData = a == null }, // Slow and fast nodes. { "sn|slownodes=", $"number of slow nodes\nDefault: {SlowNodeCount}", (uint i) => SlowNodeCount = i }, { "sr|slowrate=", $"rate in seconds to change slow nodes\nDefault: {SlowNodeRate}", (uint i) => SlowNodeRate = i }, { "st|slowtype=", $"data type of slow nodes ({string.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(NodeType)))})\nDefault: {SlowNodeType}", a => SlowNodeType = ParseNodeType(a) }, { "ssi|slownodesamplinginterval=", $"rate in milliseconds to sample slow nodes\nDefault: {SlowNodeSamplingInterval}", (uint i) => SlowNodeSamplingInterval = i }, { "fn|fastnodes=", $"number of fast nodes\nDefault: {FastNodeCount}", (uint i) => FastNodeCount = i }, { "fr|fastrate=", $"rate in seconds to change fast nodes\nDefault: {FastNodeRate}", (uint i) => FastNodeRate = i }, { "ft|fasttype=", $"data type of fast nodes ({string.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(NodeType)))})\nDefault: {FastNodeType}", a => FastNodeType = ParseNodeType(a) }, { "fsi|fastnodesamplinginterval=", $"rate in milliseconds to sample fast nodes\nDefault: {FastNodeSamplingInterval}", (uint i) => FastNodeSamplingInterval = i }, // user defined nodes configuration { "nf|nodesfile=", "the filename which contains the list of nodes to be created in the OPC UA address space.", (string l) => NodesFileName = l }, // opc configuration { "pn|portnum=", $"the server port of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: {ServerPort}", (ushort p) => ServerPort = p }, { "op|path=", $"the enpoint URL path part of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: '{ServerPath}'", (string a) => ServerPath = a }, { "ph|plchostname=", $"the fullqualified hostname of the plc.\nDefault: {Hostname}", (string a) => Hostname = a }, { "ol|opcmaxstringlen=", $"the max length of a string opc can transmit/receive.\nDefault: {OpcMaxStringLength}", (int i) => { if (i > 0) { OpcMaxStringLength = i; } else { throw new OptionException("The max opc string length must be larger than 0.", "opcmaxstringlen"); } } }, { "lr|ldsreginterval=", $"the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0, then the registration is disabled.\nDefault: {LdsRegistrationInterval}", (int i) => { if (i >= 0) { LdsRegistrationInterval = i; } else { throw new OptionException("The ldsreginterval must be larger or equal 0.", "ldsreginterval"); } } }, { "aa|autoaccept", $"all certs are trusted when a connection is established.\nDefault: {AutoAcceptCerts}", a => AutoAcceptCerts = a != null }, { "ut|unsecuretransport", $"enables the unsecured transport.\nDefault: {EnableUnsecureTransport}", u => EnableUnsecureTransport = u != null }, { "to|trustowncert", $"the own certificate is put into the trusted certificate store automatically.\nDefault: {TrustMyself}", t => TrustMyself = t != null }, // cert store options { "at|appcertstoretype=", $"the own application cert store type. \n(allowed values: Directory, X509Store)\nDefault: '{OpcOwnCertStoreType}'", (string s) => { if (s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.Directory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { OpcOwnCertStoreType = s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? CertificateStoreType.X509Store : CertificateStoreType.Directory; OpcOwnCertStorePath = s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault : OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault; } else { throw new OptionException(); } } }, { "ap|appcertstorepath=", "the path where the own application cert should be stored\nDefault (depends on store type):\n" + $"X509Store: '{OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault}'\n" + $"Directory: '{OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcOwnCertStorePath = s }, { "tp|trustedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted cert store\nDefault '{OpcTrustedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcTrustedCertStorePath = s }, { "rp|rejectedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the rejected cert store\nDefault '{OpcRejectedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcRejectedCertStorePath = s }, { "ip|issuercertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted issuer cert store\nDefault '{OpcIssuerCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcIssuerCertStorePath = s }, { "csr", $"show data to create a certificate signing request\nDefault '{ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo}'", c => ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo = c != null }, { "ab|applicationcertbase64=", "update/set this applications certificate with the certificate passed in as bas64 string", (string s) => NewCertificateBase64String = s }, { "af|applicationcertfile=", "update/set this applications certificate with the certificate file specified", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { NewCertificateFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "applicationcertfile"); } } }, { "pb|privatekeybase64=", "initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as base64 string", (string s) => PrivateKeyBase64String = s }, { "pk|privatekeyfile=", "initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as file", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { PrivateKeyFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "privatekeyfile"); } } }, { "cp|certpassword="******"the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the installed application certificate", (string s) => CertificatePassword = s }, { "tb|addtrustedcertbase64=", "adds the certificate to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) => TrustedCertificateBase64Strings = ParseListOfStrings(s) }, { "tf|addtrustedcertfile=", "adds the certificate file(s) to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) => TrustedCertificateFileNames = ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addtrustedcertfile") }, { "ib|addissuercertbase64=", "adds the specified issuer certificate to the applications trusted issuer cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) => IssuerCertificateBase64Strings = ParseListOfStrings(s) }, { "if|addissuercertfile=", "adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to the applications trusted issuer cert store (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) => IssuerCertificateFileNames = ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addissuercertfile") }, { "rb|updatecrlbase64=", "update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) => CrlBase64String = s }, { "uc|updatecrlfile=", "update the CRL passed in as file to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { CrlFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "updatecrlfile"); } } }, { "rc|removecert=", "remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (multiple thumbprints supported)", (string s) => ThumbprintsToRemove = ParseListOfStrings(s) }, { "daa|disableanonymousauth", $"flag to disable anonymous authentication. \nDefault: {DisableAnonymousAuth}", d => DisableAnonymousAuth = d != null }, { "dua|disableusernamepasswordauth", $"flag to disable username/password authentication. \nDefault: {DisableUsernamePasswordAuth}", d => DisableUsernamePasswordAuth = d != null }, { "dca|disablecertauth", $"flag to disable certificate authentication. \nDefault: {DisableCertAuth}", d => DisableCertAuth = d != null }, // user management { "au|adminuser="******"the username of the admin user.\nDefault: {AdminUser}", (string p) => AdminUser = p ?? AdminUser }, { "ac|adminpassword="******"the password of the administrator.\nDefault: {AdminPassword}", (string p) => AdminPassword = p ?? AdminPassword }, { "du|defaultuser="******"the username of the default user.\nDefault: {DefaultUser}", (string p) => DefaultUser = p ?? DefaultUser }, { "dc|defaultpassword="******"the password of the default user.\nDefault: {DefaultPassword}", (string p) => DefaultPassword = p ?? DefaultPassword }, // misc { "sp|showpnjson", $"show OPC Publisher configuration file using IP address as EndpointUrl.\nDefault: {ShowPublisherConfigJsonIp}", h => ShowPublisherConfigJsonIp = h != null }, { "sph|showpnjsonph", $"show OPC Publisher configuration file using plchostname as EndpointUrl.\nDefault: {ShowPublisherConfigJsonPh}", h => ShowPublisherConfigJsonPh = h != null }, { "spf|showpnfname=", $"filename of the OPC Publisher configuration file to write when using options sp/sph.\nDefault: {PnJson}", (string f) => PnJson = f }, { "ctb|complextypeboiler", $"add complex type (boiler) to address space.\nDefault: {AddComplexTypeBoiler}", h => AddComplexTypeBoiler = h != null }, { "wp|webport=", $"web server port for hosting OPC Publisher configuration file.\nDefault: {WebServerPort}", (uint i) => WebServerPort = i }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = h != null }, }; // Init app location InitAppFolder(); // Init logging InitLogging(); var extraArgs = new List <string>(); try { // parse the command line extraArgs = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // show message Logger.Fatal(e, "Error in command line options"); Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {string.Join(" ", args)}"); // show usage Usage(options); return; } // show usage if requested if (shouldShowHelp) { Usage(options); return; } // validate and parse extra arguments if (extraArgs.Count > 0) { Logger.Error("Error in command line options"); Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {string.Join(" ", args)}"); Usage(options); return; } //show version var fileVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Logger.Information($"{ProgramName} V{fileVersion.ProductMajorPart}.{fileVersion.ProductMinorPart}.{fileVersion.ProductBuildPart} starting up..."); Logger.Debug($"Informational version: V{(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(), typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)?.InformationalVersion}"); using var host = CreateHostBuilder(args); if (ShowPublisherConfigJsonIp || ShowPublisherConfigJsonPh) { StartWebServer(host); } try { await ConsoleServerAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex, "OPC UA server failed unexpectedly."); } Logger.Information("OPC UA server exiting..."); }
public void Fatal(string message, params object[] propertyValues) { Log.Fatal(message, propertyValues); }
public void Fatal() { internalLogger.Fatal(string.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app. /// </summary> public async static Task MainAsync(string[] args) { var shouldShowHelp = false; // command line options Mono.Options.OptionSet options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet { // opc server configuration options { "lf|logfile=", $"the filename of the logfile to use.\nDefault: '{_logFileName}'", (string l) => _logFileName = l }, { "ll|loglevel=", $"the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose).\nDefault: info", (string l) => { List <string> logLevels = new List <string> { "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "verbose" }; if (logLevels.Contains(l.ToLowerInvariant())) { _logLevel = l.ToLowerInvariant(); } else { throw new OptionException("The loglevel must be one of: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose", "loglevel"); } } }, { "pn|portnum=", $"the server port of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: {ServerPort}", (ushort p) => ServerPort = p }, { "op|path=", $"the enpoint URL path part of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: '{ServerPath}'", (string a) => ServerPath = a }, { "sh|stationhostname=", $"the fullqualified hostname of the station.\nDefault: {StationHostname}", (string a) => StationHostname = a }, { "ga|generatealerts", $"the station should generate alerts.\nDefault: {GenerateAlerts}", g => GenerateAlerts = g != null }, { "pc|powerconsumption=", $"the stations average power consumption in kW\nDefault: {PowerConsumption} kW", (double d) => PowerConsumption = d }, { "ct|cycletime=", $"the stations cycle time in seconds\nDefault: {IdealCycleTimeDefault} sec", (ulong ul) => IdealCycleTimeDefault = ul * 1000 }, { "lr|ldsreginterval=", $"the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0, then the registration is disabled.\nDefault: {LdsRegistrationInterval}", (int i) => { if (i >= 0) { LdsRegistrationInterval = i; } else { throw new OptionException("The ldsreginterval must be larger or equal 0.", "ldsreginterval"); } } }, { "aa|autoacceptcerts", $"all certs are trusted when a connection is established.\nDefault: {AutoAcceptCerts}", a => AutoAcceptCerts = a != null }, { "to|trustowncert", $"the cfstation certificate is put into the trusted certificate store automatically.\nDefault: {TrustMyself}", t => TrustMyself = t != null }, { "ap|appcertstorepath=", $"the path where the own application cert should be stored\nDefault '{OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcOwnCertStorePath = s }, { "tp|trustedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted cert store\nDefault '{OpcTrustedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcTrustedCertStorePath = s }, { "rp|rejectedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the rejected cert store\nDefault '{OpcRejectedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcRejectedCertStorePath = s }, { "ip|issuercertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted issuer cert store\nDefault '{OpcIssuerCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcIssuerCertStorePath = s }, // misc { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = h != null }, }; List <string> extraArgs = new List <string>(); try { // parse the command line extraArgs = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // initialize logging InitLogging(); // show message Logger.Fatal(e, "Error in command line options"); // show usage Usage(options); return; } // initialize logging InitLogging(); // check args if (extraArgs.Count != 0 || shouldShowHelp) { // show usage Usage(options); return; } try { await ConsoleServerAsync(args); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex, "OPC UA server failed unexpectedly."); } Logger.Information("OPC UA server exiting..."); }
public void Fatal(LogModel logModel) { _serilogLogger.Fatal(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logModel)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int nsecs = 1000; try { var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json") .Build(); config = configuration; //var configuration = builder.Build(); // config = new ConfigurationBuilder() // .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true) // .Build(); //Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(msg => Debug.WriteLine(msg)); //Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(Console.Error); // File logger /* * var Log = new LoggerConfiguration() * //.MinimumLevel.Information() * //.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Warning) * .Enrich.FromLogContext() * //.WriteTo.Console() * //.WriteTo.RollingFile("log-{Date}.txt") //, fileSizeLimitBytes: 123) * .ReadFrom.Configuration(configuration) * //.ReadFrom.Configuration(config) * //.Enrich.FromLogContext() * .CreateLogger(); */ /* * var Log = new LoggerConfiguration() * .WriteTo.SumoLogic("") * //.WriteTo.SumoLogic("http://localhost", textFormatter: new MessageTemplateTextFormatter("FOOBAR", null)) * .WriteTo.MongoDBCapped() * .CreateLogger(); */ // From appsettings.json Log = new LoggerConfiguration() .ReadFrom.Configuration(configuration) .CreateLogger(); /** * var Log = new LoggerConfiguration() * //.WriteTo.MongoDB("mongodb://mymongodb/logs") * .WriteTo.MongoDB("mongodb://localhost:27017/logs") * //.WriteTo.MongoDBCapped("mongodb://localhost:27017/logs", cappedMaxSizeMb: 50, cappedMaxDocuments: 7) * .MinimumLevel.Verbose() * //.MinimumLevel.Fatal() * .CreateLogger(); **/ //Console.WriteLine("The current time is " + DateTime.Now); showVitals(); listStudents(); ListCollectionAsync().Wait(); //Console.ReadLine(); Log.Verbose("VVVVVVVV Verbose"); Console.WriteLine($"'waiting {nsecs} milli secs."); Task.Delay(nsecs).Wait(); // Wait 2 seconds with blocking Log.Debug("DDDDDDDD Debug"); Console.WriteLine($"'waiting {nsecs} milli secs."); Task.Delay(nsecs).Wait(); // Wait 2 seconds with blocking Log.Information("IIIIIIII Information"); Console.WriteLine($"'waiting {nsecs} milli secs."); Task.Delay(nsecs).Wait(); // Wait 2 seconds with blocking Log.Warning("WWWWWWWW Warning"); Log.Fatal("FFFFFFFF Fatal terminated unexpectedly"); Log.Error("EEEEEEEE Error"); Log.Verbose("VVVVVVVV Error"); Log.Information("Host IIIIIIIIIIII"); nsecs = 6000; Console.WriteLine($"'waiting {nsecs} milli secs. The end is near."); Task.Delay(nsecs).Wait(); // Wait 2 seconds with blocking } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\n catch catch\n{ex}"); if (Log != null) { Log.Fatal($"catch catch\n {ex}"); } //return; } finally { if (Log != null) { Log.Information("Fulsh"); } //Log.Information("Fulsh"); //Log.CloseAndFlush(); } Console.WriteLine($"'waiting {nsecs} milli secs. The end is near."); Task.Delay(nsecs).Wait(); // Wait 2 seconds with blocking }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronous part of the main method of the app. /// </summary> public async static Task MainAsync(string[] args) { var shouldShowHelp = false; // command line options Mono.Options.OptionSet options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet { // log configuration { "lf|logfile=", $"the filename of the logfile to use.\nDefault: './{_logFileName}'", (string l) => _logFileName = l }, { "lt|logflushtimespan=", $"the timespan in seconds when the logfile should be flushed.\nDefault: {_logFileFlushTimeSpanSec} sec", (int s) => { if (s > 0) { _logFileFlushTimeSpanSec = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(s); } else { throw new Mono.Options.OptionException("The logflushtimespan must be a positive number.", "logflushtimespan"); } } }, { "ll|loglevel=", $"the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose).\nDefault: info", (string l) => { List <string> logLevels = new List <string> { "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "verbose" }; if (logLevels.Contains(l.ToLowerInvariant())) { _logLevel = l.ToLowerInvariant(); } else { throw new OptionException("The loglevel must be one of: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose", "loglevel"); } } }, // simulation configuration { "sc|simulationcyclecount=", $"count of cycles in one simulation phase\nDefault: {SimulationCycleCount} cycles", (int i) => SimulationCycleCount = i }, { "ct|cycletime=", $"length of one cycle time in milliseconds\nDefault: {SimulationCycleLength} msec", (int i) => SimulationCycleLength = i }, { "ns|nospikes", $"do not generate spike data\nDefault: {!GenerateSpikes}", a => GenerateSpikes = a == null }, { "nd|nodips", $"do not generate dip data\nDefault: {!GenerateDips}", a => GenerateDips = a == null }, { "np|nopostrend", $"do not generate positive trend data\nDefault: {!GeneratePosTrend}", a => GeneratePosTrend = a == null }, { "nn|nonegtrend", $"do not generate negative trend data\nDefault: {!GenerateNegTrend}", a => GenerateNegTrend = a == null }, { "nv|nodatavalues", $"do not generate data values\nDefault: {!GenerateData}", a => GenerateData = a == null }, // opc configuration { "pn|portnum=", $"the server port of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: {ServerPort}", (ushort p) => ServerPort = p }, { "op|path=", $"the enpoint URL path part of the OPC server endpoint.\nDefault: '{ServerPath}'", (string a) => ServerPath = a }, { "ph|plchostname=", $"the fullqualified hostname of the plc.\nDefault: {Hostname}", (string a) => Hostname = a }, { "ol|opcmaxstringlen=", $"the max length of a string opc can transmit/receive.\nDefault: {OpcMaxStringLength}", (int i) => { if (i > 0) { OpcMaxStringLength = i; } else { throw new OptionException("The max opc string length must be larger than 0.", "opcmaxstringlen"); } } }, { "lr|ldsreginterval=", $"the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0, then the registration is disabled.\nDefault: {LdsRegistrationInterval}", (int i) => { if (i >= 0) { LdsRegistrationInterval = i; } else { throw new OptionException("The ldsreginterval must be larger or equal 0.", "ldsreginterval"); } } }, { "aa|autoaccept", $"all certs are trusted when a connection is established.\nDefault: {AutoAcceptCerts}", a => AutoAcceptCerts = a != null }, { "ut|unsecuretransport", $"enables the unsecured transport.\nDefault: {EnableUnsecureTransport}", u => EnableUnsecureTransport = u != null }, { "to|trustowncert", $"the own certificate is put into the trusted certificate store automatically.\nDefault: {TrustMyself}", t => TrustMyself = t != null }, // cert store options { "at|appcertstoretype=", $"the own application cert store type. \n(allowed values: Directory, X509Store)\nDefault: '{OpcOwnCertStoreType}'", (string s) => { if (s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.Directory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { OpcOwnCertStoreType = s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? CertificateStoreType.X509Store : CertificateStoreType.Directory; OpcOwnCertStorePath = s.Equals(CertificateStoreType.X509Store, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault : OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault; } else { throw new OptionException(); } } }, { "ap|appcertstorepath=", $"the path where the own application cert should be stored\nDefault (depends on store type):\n" + $"X509Store: '{OpcOwnCertX509StorePathDefault}'\n" + $"Directory: '{OpcOwnCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcOwnCertStorePath = s }, { "tp|trustedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted cert store\nDefault '{OpcTrustedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcTrustedCertStorePath = s }, { "rp|rejectedcertstorepath=", $"the path of the rejected cert store\nDefault '{OpcRejectedCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcRejectedCertStorePath = s }, { "ip|issuercertstorepath=", $"the path of the trusted issuer cert store\nDefault '{OpcIssuerCertDirectoryStorePathDefault}'", (string s) => OpcIssuerCertStorePath = s }, { "csr", $"show data to create a certificate signing request\nDefault '{ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo}'", c => ShowCreateSigningRequestInfo = c != null }, { "ab|applicationcertbase64=", $"update/set this applications certificate with the certificate passed in as bas64 string", (string s) => { NewCertificateBase64String = s; } }, { "af|applicationcertfile=", $"update/set this applications certificate with the certificate file specified", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { NewCertificateFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "applicationcertfile"); } } }, { "pb|privatekeybase64=", $"initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as base64 string", (string s) => { PrivateKeyBase64String = s; } }, { "pk|privatekeyfile=", $"initial provisioning of the application certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a private key passed in as file", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { PrivateKeyFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "privatekeyfile"); } } }, { "cp|certpassword="******"the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the installed application certificate", (string s) => { CertificatePassword = s; } }, { "tb|addtrustedcertbase64=", $"adds the certificate to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) => { TrustedCertificateBase64Strings = ParseListOfStrings(s); } }, { "tf|addtrustedcertfile=", $"adds the certificate file(s) to the applications trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) => { TrustedCertificateFileNames = ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addtrustedcertfile"); } }, { "ib|addissuercertbase64=", $"adds the specified issuer certificate to the applications trusted issuer cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple strings supported)", (string s) => { IssuerCertificateBase64Strings = ParseListOfStrings(s); } }, { "if|addissuercertfile=", $"adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to the applications trusted issuer cert store (multiple filenames supported)", (string s) => { IssuerCertificateFileNames = ParseListOfFileNames(s, "addissuercertfile"); } }, { "rb|updatecrlbase64=", $"update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) => { CrlBase64String = s; } }, { "uc|updatecrlfile=", $"update the CRL passed in as file to the corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted issuer)", (string s) => { if (File.Exists(s)) { CrlFileName = s; } else { throw new OptionException("The file '{s}' does not exist.", "updatecrlfile"); } } }, { "rc|removecert=", $"remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (multiple thumbprints supported)", (string s) => { ThumbprintsToRemove = ParseListOfStrings(s); } }, // misc { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = h != null }, }; List <string> extraArgs = new List <string>(); try { // parse the command line extraArgs = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // initialize logging InitLogging(); // show message Logger.Fatal(e, "Error in command line options"); Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {String.Join(" ", args)}"); // show usage Usage(options); return; } // initialize logging InitLogging(); // show usage if requested if (shouldShowHelp) { Usage(options); return; } // validate and parse extra arguments if (extraArgs.Count > 0) { Logger.Error("Error in command line options"); Logger.Error($"Command line arguments: {String.Join(" ", args)}"); Usage(options); return; } //show version Logger.Information($"{ProgramName} V{FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion} starting up..."); Logger.Debug($"Informational version: V{(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(), typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute).InformationalVersion}"); try { await ConsoleServerAsync(args); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex, "OPC UA server failed unexpectedly."); } Logger.Information("OPC UA server exiting..."); }
public void Fatal(string message) { log.Fatal(message); }
public void Fatal(string log) { Logger.Fatal(log); }