コード例 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (GetComponents <LocalizableText>().Length > 1)
            Debug.LogError("Multiple instances of LocalizableText script attached to " + name);
        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localizedStringName))
            Debug.LogError("Localizable text is attached to text field \"" + name +
                           "\" but no Localized String Name is set.");
        //else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(STRING_FILENAME)) {
        //    Debug.LogError("No string filename set for " + name);
            text = GetComponent <Text>();

            // Get current language from file
            string languageFile = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, LANG_FILENAME);
            if (!File.Exists(languageFile))
                Debug.LogError("No selected language was found. Select a language in Localizer > Language");
            string language = File.ReadAllText(languageFile);
            //Debug.Log("The current language is " + language);

            string stringFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, STRING_FILENAME);
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > dict = SerializableStringDictionary
                                                                     .read <SerializableStringDictionary>(stringFilePath)

            // load the dictionary which maps languages to their translated versions
            Dictionary <string, string> thisStringDict;
            if (!dict.TryGetValue(localizedStringName, out thisStringDict))
                Debug.LogError("No localizable string named: \"" + localizedStringName +
                               "\". Add it in the Localizer Strings editor.");
            //Debug.Log("textName=" + text.name + " localizedStringName=" + localizedStringName);

            string thisLanguageString;
            if (!thisStringDict.TryGetValue(language, out thisLanguageString))
                Debug.LogError("No entry for string " + localizedStringName + " in language " + language);

            //Debug.Log(localizedStringName + " in " + language + " is " + thisLanguageString);
            text.text = thisLanguageString;
コード例 #2
ファイル: StringEditor.cs プロジェクト: tetchel/gamedev-tools
    void OnEnable()
        position = new Rect(position.position, _size);

        _stringsFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, STRINGS_FILENAME);
        // load the dictionary from the xml
        _strings = SerializableStringDictionary.read <SerializableStringDictionary>(_stringsFilePath);

        //Debug.Log("Loaded strings from " + _stringsFilePath);

        if (_strings == null || _strings.dict() == null)
            _strings = new SerializableStringDictionary();