private StringBuilder GetExceptionDetails(SerializableException exception, string exceptionInfo, string?additionalInfo) { StringBuilder exceptionDetails = new(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptionInfo)) { // Tests may be run on VMs, and AppendLine() could be either \r\n or \n exceptionDetails.Append('\n'); exceptionDetails.Append(exceptionInfo.Trim()); exceptionDetails.Append('\n'); exceptionDetails.Append('\n'); } exceptionDetails.Append("```\n"); exceptionDetails.Append(exception.ToString().Trim()); exceptionDetails.Append('\n'); exceptionDetails.Append("```\n"); exceptionDetails.Append('\n'); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(additionalInfo)) { exceptionDetails.Append(additionalInfo.Trim()); exceptionDetails.Append('\n'); } return(exceptionDetails); }
internal static UIDialogResult ShowDialog(UIMode uiMode, SerializableException exception, Report report) { if (uiMode == UIMode.Minimal) { // Do not interact with the user Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Settings.Resources.UI_Console_Minimal_Message); return(new UIDialogResult(ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution, SendReport.Send)); } else if (uiMode == UIMode.Normal) { // ToDo: Create normal console UI Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Settings.Resources.UI_Console_Normal_Message); return(new UIDialogResult(ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution, SendReport.Send)); } else if (uiMode == UIMode.Full) { // ToDo: Create full console UI Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Settings.Resources.UI_Console_Full_Message); return(new UIDialogResult(ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution, SendReport.Send)); } else { throw NBugConfigurationException.Create(() => Settings.UIMode, "Parameter supplied for settings property is invalid."); } }
public SerializableException(Exception exception) { Type = exception.GetType().Name; if (exception.InnerException != null) { InnerException = new SerializableException(exception.InnerException); } HelpLink = exception.HelpLink; HResult = exception.HResult; Message = exception.Message; Source = exception.Source; StackTrace = exception.StackTrace; var propertiesToExclude = new string[] { nameof(Type), nameof(InnerException), nameof(HelpLink), nameof(HResult), nameof(Message), nameof(Source), nameof(StackTrace), nameof(exception.TargetSite) }; foreach (var propertyInfo in exception.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (propertiesToExclude.Any(p => p == propertyInfo.Name)) { continue; } if (propertyInfo.CanRead) { Data.Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(exception)); } } }
private void WriteException(SerializableException exception, StringBuilder sb) { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerializableException)); TextWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb); serializer.Serialize(writer, exception); }
internal UIDialogResult ShowDialog(SerializableException exception, Report report) { Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", report.GeneralInfo.HostApplication, Settings.Resources.UI_Dialog_Full_Title); _lastException = exception; // Scaling //sendAndQuitButton.Image = DpiUtil.Scale(Resources.Send); //btnCopy.Image = DpiUtil.Scale(Resources.CopyToClipboard); //exceptionTypeLabel.Image = DpiUtil.Scale(Resources.NBug_Icon_PNG_16); //exceptionDetails.InformationColumnWidth = DpiUtil.Scale(350); //exceptionDetails.PropertyColumnWidth = DpiUtil.Scale(101); // Fill in the 'General' tab warningPictureBox.Image = SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap(); exceptionTextBox.Text = exception.Type; exceptionMessageTextBox.Text = exception.Message; targetSiteTextBox.Text = exception.TargetSite; applicationTextBox.Text = $@"{report.GeneralInfo.HostApplication} [{report.GeneralInfo.HostApplicationVersion}]"; nbugTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.NBugVersion; dateTimeTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.DateTime; clrTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.CLRVersion; // Fill in the 'Exception' tab exceptionDetails.Initialize(exception); // ToDo: Fill in the 'Report Contents' tab); ShowDialog(); // Write back the user description (as we passed 'report' as a reference since it is a reference object anyway) report.GeneralInfo.UserDescription = descriptionTextBox.Text; return(_uiDialogResult); }
internal GeneralInfo(SerializableException serializableException) { // this.HostApplication = Settings.EntryAssembly.GetName().Name; // Does not get the extensions of the file! this.HostApplication = Settings.EntryAssembly.GetLoadedModules()[0].Name; // this.HostApplicationVersion = Settings.EntryAssembly.GetName().Version.ToString(); // Gets AssemblyVersion not AssemblyFileVersion this.HostApplicationVersion = this.NBugVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Settings.EntryAssembly.Location).ProductVersion; this.NBugVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); // Gets AssemblyVersion not AssemblyFileVersion this.CLRVersion = Environment.Version.ToString(); this.DateTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(); if (serializableException != null) { this.ExceptionType = serializableException.Type; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serializableException.TargetSite)) { this.TargetSite = serializableException.TargetSite; } else if (serializableException.InnerException != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serializableException.InnerException.TargetSite)) { this.TargetSite = serializableException.InnerException.TargetSite; } this.ExceptionMessage = serializableException.Message; } }
public static bool TryParseSerializableException(this object value, out SerializableException exception) { exception = null; if (value is SerializableException serializableException) { exception = serializableException; } if (value is Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken jTokens) { exception = jTokens.ToObject <SerializableException>(); } #if NETCOREAPP3_0 if (value is System.Text.Json.JsonElement jsonElement) { var str = jsonElement.GetRawText(); var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver { IgnoreSerializableAttribute = true, IgnoreSerializableInterface = true } }; exception = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SerializableException>(str, settings); } #endif return(exception != null); }
public void ExceptionNonSerializableDictionary() { SerializableException sException; System.Exception exception; string message = "test"; Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); Dictionary <object, object> data = new Dictionary <object, object> { { guid, 16 }, { "test", 16 }, { "foo", memoryStream } }; try { throw new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", message, data, null); } catch (CustomException ex) { exception = ex; sException = new SerializableException(exception, false, true); } Assert.Equal(16, (int)(sException.Data[guid])); Assert.Null(sException.Data["foo"]); Assert.Equal(16, (int)(sException.Data["test"])); AssertEqualExceptions(sException, exception, false, true); memoryStream.Dispose(); }
public void SetShowCrashReport(string base64ExceptionString, int attempts) { Attempts = attempts; Base64ExceptionString = base64ExceptionString; SerializedException = SerializableException.FromBase64String(Base64ExceptionString); IsReport = true; }
internal CustomUIEventArgs(UIMode uiMode, SerializableException exception, Report report) { this.UIMode = uiMode; this.Report = report; this.Exception = exception; this.Result = new UIDialogResult(ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution, SendReport.DoNotSend); }
public void ExceptionObjectDictionary() { SerializableException sException; System.Exception exception; string message = "test"; Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); SerializableException serializableException = new SerializableException(new InvalidOperationException(message)); Dictionary <object, object> data = new Dictionary <object, object> { { guid, 16 }, { "foo", serializableException } }; try { throw new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", message, data, null); } catch (CustomException ex) { exception = ex; sException = new SerializableException(exception, false, true); } Assert.Equal(16, (int)(sException.Data[guid])); Assert.Equal((object)serializableException, sException.Data["foo"]); AssertEqualExceptions(sException, exception, false, true); }
internal static UIDialogResult ShowDialog(UIMode uiMode, SerializableException exception, Report report) { if (uiMode == UIMode.Minimal) { // ToDo: Create WPF dialogs return(new Minimal().ShowDialog(report)); } if (uiMode == UIMode.Normal) { // ToDo: Create WPF dialogs using (var ui = new Normal()) { return(ui.ShowDialog(report)); } } if (uiMode == UIMode.Full) { // ToDo: Create WPF dialogs using (var ui = new Full()) { return(ui.ShowDialog(exception, report)); } } throw NBugConfigurationException.Create(() => Settings.UIMode, "Parameter supplied for settings property is invalid."); }
public void ExceptionFullyMixedDictionary() { SerializableException sException; System.Exception exception; string message = "test"; string innerMessage = "inner test"; Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); SerializableException serializableException = new SerializableException(new InvalidOperationException(message)); Dictionary <object, object> data = new Dictionary <object, object> { { guid, 16 }, { "test", serializableException }, { "foo", memoryStream } }; try { throw new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", message, data, new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", innerMessage, null, null)); } catch (CustomException ex) { exception = ex; sException = new SerializableException(exception, true, true); } Assert.Equal(16, (int)(sException.Data[guid])); Assert.Null(sException.Data["foo"]); Assert.Equal((object)serializableException, sException.Data["test"]); AssertEqualExceptions(sException, exception, true, true); memoryStream.Dispose(); }
public void ExceptionPrimativeDictionary() { SerializableException sException; System.Exception exception; string message = "test"; Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "test", 16 }, { "foo", "bar" } }; try { throw new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", message, data, null); } catch (CustomException ex) { exception = ex; sException = new SerializableException(exception, false, true); } Assert.Equal((object)"bar", sException.Data["foo"]); Assert.Equal(16, (int)(sException.Data["test"])); AssertEqualExceptions(sException, exception, false, true); }
internal UIDialogResult ShowDialog(SerializableException exception, Report report) { this.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", report.GeneralInfo.HostApplication, Settings.Resources.UI_Dialog_Full_Title); // Fill in the 'General' tab this.warningPictureBox.Image = SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap(); this.exceptionTextBox.Text = exception.Type; this.exceptionMessageTextBox.Text = exception.Message; this.targetSiteTextBox.Text = exception.TargetSite; this.applicationTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.HostApplication + " [" + report.GeneralInfo.HostApplicationVersion + "]"; this.nbugTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.NBugVersion; this.dateTimeTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.DateTime; this.clrTextBox.Text = report.GeneralInfo.CLRVersion; // Fill in the 'Exception' tab this.exceptionDetails.Initialize(exception); // ToDo: Fill in the 'Report Contents' tab); this.ShowDialog(); this.descriptionTextBox.Focus(); // Write back the user description (as we passed 'report' as a reference since it is a refence object anyway) report.GeneralInfo.UserDescription = this.descriptionTextBox.Text; return(this.uiDialogResult); }
public static bool TryGetExceptionFromCliArgs(string[] args, [NotNullWhen(true)] out SerializableException?exception) { exception = null; try { var commandArgument = args.SingleOrDefault(x => x == "crashreport"); var parameterArgument = args.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Contains("-exception=")); if (commandArgument is not null && parameterArgument is not null) { var exceptionString = parameterArgument.Split("=", count: 2)[1].Trim('"'); exception = SerializableException.FromBase64String(exceptionString); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Report the current exception. exception = ex.ToSerializableException(); Logger.LogCritical($"There was a problem: '{ex}'."); return(true); } return(false); }
private static void GetExceptionDescription(SerializableException itemEx, StringBuilder sbuilder) { while (true) { if (itemEx.Data == null || itemEx.Data.Count == 0) { sbuilder.AppendFormat("\tType: {0}\r\n\tMessage: {1}\r\n\tStack: {2}\r\n\r\n", itemEx.ExceptionType, itemEx.Message.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n"), itemEx.StackTrace); } else { sbuilder.AppendFormat("\tType: {0}\r\n\tMessage: {1}\r\n\tData:\r\n", itemEx.ExceptionType, itemEx.Message.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n")); foreach (var dataItem in itemEx.Data) { sbuilder.AppendFormat("\t\t{0}: {1}\r\n", dataItem.Key, dataItem.Value); } sbuilder.AppendFormat("\tStack: {0}\r\n\r\n", itemEx.StackTrace); } if (itemEx.InnerException is null) { break; } itemEx = itemEx.InnerException; } }
internal ExecutionFlow Report(Exception exception, ExceptionThread exceptionThread) { try { Logger.Trace("Starting to generate a bug report for the exception."); var serializableException = new SerializableException(exception); var report = new Report(serializableException); var handler = ProcessingException; if (handler != null) { Logger.Trace("Notifying the user before handling the exception."); // Allowing user to add any custom information to the report handler(exception, report); } //var uiDialogResult = UISelector.DisplayBugReportUI(exceptionThread, serializableException, report); //if (uiDialogResult.Report == SendReport.Send) //{ // this.CreateReportZip(serializableException, report); //} //return uiDialogResult.Execution; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An exception occurred during bug report generation process. See the inner exception for details.", ex); //return ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution; // Since an internal exception occured } return(default(ExecutionFlow)); // uiDialogResult.Execution; }
public static bool TryGetExceptionFromCliArgs(string[] args, [NotNullWhen(true)] out SerializableException?exception) { exception = null; try { if (args.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (args[0].Contains("crashreport") && args[1].Contains("-exception=")) { var exceptionString = args[1].Split("=", count: 2)[1].Trim('"'); exception = SerializableException.FromBase64String(exceptionString); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Report the current exception. exception = ex.ToSerializableException(); Logger.LogCritical($"There was a problem: '{ex}'."); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a URL to create a new issue on GitHub. /// <see href=""/> /// </summary> /// <param name="url">url to create a new issue for the project.</param> /// <param name="exception">The exception to report.</param> /// <param name="exceptionInfo">Info string for GE specific exceptions (like GitExtUtils.ExternalOperationException) unknown in BugReporter.</param> /// <param name="environmentInfo">Git version, directory etc.</param> /// <param name="additionalInfo">Information from the popup textbox.</param> /// <returns>The URL as a string</returns> public string?Build(string url, SerializableException exception, string exceptionInfo, string?environmentInfo, string?additionalInfo) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) || exception is null) { return(null); } if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri validatedUri) || !(validatedUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || validatedUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps)) { return(null); } string separator = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(validatedUri.Query) ? "&" : "?"; string subject = $"[NBug] {exception.Message}"; if (subject.Length > 69) { // if the subject is longer than 70 characters, trim it subject = subject.Substring(0, 66) + "..."; } string urlEncodedError = _errorReportUrlBuilder.Build(exception, exceptionInfo, environmentInfo, additionalInfo); return($"{validatedUri}{separator}title={Uri.EscapeDataString(subject)}&{urlEncodedError}"); }
public DialogResult ShowDialog(Exception exception, string environmentInfo) { _lastException = new SerializableException(exception); _lastReport = new Report(_lastException); _environmentInfo = environmentInfo; Text = $@"{_lastReport.GeneralInfo.HostApplication} {_title.Text}"; // Fill in the 'General' tab warningPictureBox.Image = SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap(); exceptionTextBox.Text = _lastException.Type; exceptionMessageTextBox.Text = _lastException.Message; targetSiteTextBox.Text = _lastException.TargetSite; applicationTextBox.Text = $@"{_lastReport.GeneralInfo.HostApplication} [{_lastReport.GeneralInfo.HostApplicationVersion}]"; gitTextBox.Text = _lastReport.GeneralInfo.GitVersion; dateTimeTextBox.Text = _lastReport.GeneralInfo.DateTime; clrTextBox.Text = _lastReport.GeneralInfo.ClrVersion; // Fill in the 'Exception' tab exceptionDetails.Initialize(_lastException); DialogResult = DialogResult.None; // ToDo: Fill in the 'Report Contents' tab); var result = ShowDialog(); // Write back the user description (as we passed 'report' as a reference since it is a reference object anyway) _lastReport.GeneralInfo.UserDescription = descriptionTextBox.Text; return(result); }
public void CompleteDeserialization(object _exception) { SerializableException exception = (SerializableException)_exception; exception.SerializeObjectState += HandleSerialization; exception.Data = Data; }
internal CustomSubmissionEventArgs(string fileName, Stream file, Report report, SerializableException exception) { FileName = fileName; File = file; Report = report; Exception = exception; Result = false; }
public override bool Send(string fileName, Stream file, Report report, SerializableException exception) { report.CustomInfo = new BugReportExtraInfo(); var data = string.Concat("<BugReport>", report.ToString(), exception.ToString(), "</BugReport>"); return(_sender.SendData(CompressionTools.ZipString(data))); }
/** <inheritDoc /> */ protected override void CheckError(Exception err) { Assert.IsTrue(err != null); SerializableException err0 = err as SerializableException; Assert.IsTrue(err0 != null); Assert.AreEqual(ErrMsg, err0.Msg); }
private void RunFormTest(Func <BugReportForm, Task> testDriverAsync, SerializableException exception, string environmentInfo, DialogResult expected) { UITest.RunForm( () => { Assert.AreEqual(expected, _form.ShowDialog(owner: null, exception, environmentInfo, canIgnore: true, showIgnore: false, focusDetails: false)); }, testDriverAsync); }
private void FillInnerExceptionTree(SerializableException innerException, TreeNode innerNode) { _exceptionDetailsList.Add(innerNode.Nodes.Add(innerException.Type), innerException); if (innerException.InnerException != null) { FillInnerExceptionTree(innerException.InnerException, innerNode.Nodes[0]); } }
public void TryParseSerializableException_Should_ReturnTrue_ForTypeOfExceptionInfo() { var exception = new SerializableException(new ApplicationException()); var result = exception.TryParseSerializableException(out var parsedException); result.Should().BeTrue(); parsedException.Should().NotBeNull(); }
// This is not static for future performance improvements (like totally eliminating calls to Storer object) private void VerifyIndividualReportItems(Stream reportFile, bool verifyCustomReport) { var zipStorer = ZipStorer.Open(reportFile, FileAccess.Read); using (var zipItemStream = new MemoryStream()) { SerializableException serializableException = null; Report report = null; uint fileSize = 0; var zipDirectory = zipStorer.ReadCentralDir(); foreach (var entry in zipDirectory) { if (Path.GetFileName(entry.FilenameInZip) == StoredItemFile.Exception) { zipItemStream.SetLength(0); zipStorer.ExtractFile(entry, zipItemStream); zipItemStream.Position = 0; var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerializableException)); serializableException = (SerializableException)deserializer.Deserialize(zipItemStream); zipItemStream.Position = 0; Assert.NotNull(XElement.Load(zipItemStream)); } else if (Path.GetFileName(entry.FilenameInZip) == StoredItemFile.Report) { zipItemStream.SetLength(0); zipStorer.ExtractFile(entry, zipItemStream); zipItemStream.Position = 0; var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Report)); report = (Report)deserializer.Deserialize(zipItemStream); zipItemStream.Position = 0; Assert.NotNull(XElement.Load(zipItemStream)); if (verifyCustomReport) { Assert.NotNull(report.CustomInfo); } } else if (Path.GetFileName(entry.FilenameInZip) == StoredItemFile.MiniDump) { fileSize = entry.FileSize; } else { Assert.True(false, "A new file type has been added to the compressed report file. A new validation check for the file should be added."); } } Assert.NotNull(serializableException); Assert.NotNull(report); if (Settings.MiniDumpType != MiniDumpType.None) { Assert.True(fileSize != 0); } } }
public void ExceptionFullyMixedDictionarySerialization() { SerializableException sException; System.Exception exception; string message = "test"; string innerMessage = "inner test"; Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Stream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); SerializableException serializableException = new SerializableException(new InvalidOperationException(message)); Dictionary <object, object> data = new Dictionary <object, object> { { guid, 16 }, { "test", serializableException }, { "foo", memoryStream } }; try { throw new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", message, data, new CustomException(4, "a stack trace", innerMessage, null, null)); } catch (CustomException ex) { exception = ex; sException = new SerializableException(exception, true, true); } Assert.Equal(16, (int)(sException.Data[guid])); Assert.Null(sException.Data["foo"]); Assert.Equal((object)serializableException, sException.Data["test"]); AssertEqualExceptions(sException, exception, true, true); string jsonString = sException.SerializeJson(); Assert.NotNull(jsonString); Assert.NotEmpty(jsonString); SerializableException deserialized = jsonString.DeserializeJson <SerializableException>(); Assert.NotNull(deserialized); // the data can't be verified this way (they are new instances when deserialized) AssertEqualExceptionsSerializable(sException, deserialized, true, false); Assert.Equal(sException.Data.Count, deserialized.Data.Count); string guidKeyString = deserialized.Data.Keys.OfType <string>().FirstOrDefault(k => k == guid.ToString()); Assert.NotNull(guidKeyString); Assert.NotEmpty(guidKeyString); Guid guidKey = Guid.Parse(guidKeyString); Assert.NotNull(deserialized.Data[guidKeyString]); Assert.Equal(sException.Data[guid], deserialized.Data[guidKeyString]); AssertEqualExceptionsSerializable(serializableException, (SerializableException)deserialized.Data["test"], true, true); Assert.Null(deserialized.Data["foo"]); memoryStream.Dispose(); }
public void Exception_SerializeObjectState () { SerializableException exception = new SerializableException ("success"); SerializableException deserializedException; BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter (); using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream ()) { binaryFormatter.Serialize (memoryStream, exception); memoryStream.Flush (); memoryStream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); deserializedException = (SerializableException)binaryFormatter.Deserialize (memoryStream); } Assert.AreEqual ("success", deserializedException.Data); }
public static void Can_Serialize_An_Exception() { var ex1 = new Exception("My Inner Exception 2"); var ex2 = new Exception("My Exception 1", ex1); SerializableException originalException = new SerializableException(ex2); // Save the full ToString() value, including the exception message and stack trace. var rawBytes = originalException.SerializeException(); SerializableException newException = rawBytes.DeSerializeException(); string originalExceptionAsString = originalException.ToString(); string newExceptionAsString = newException.ToString(); // Double-check that the exception message and stack trace (owned by the base Exception) are preserved Assert.AreEqual(originalExceptionAsString, newExceptionAsString); }
/// <summary> /// Report exception and show UI in given thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="exception"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual ExecutionFlow Report(Exception exception) { try { Logger.Trace("Starting to generate a bug report for the exception."); var serializableException = new SerializableException(exception); var report = new Report(serializableException); if (_settings.Plugins != null && _settings.Plugins.Count > 0) { Logger.Trace("Processing plugins."); foreach (IPlugin plugin in _settings.Plugins) { plugin.PreProcess(_settings); } } var handler = ProcessingException; if (handler != null) { Logger.Trace("Notifying the user before handling the exception."); // Allowing user to add any custom information to the report handler(exception, report); } var uiDialogResult = _settings.UserInterface.DisplayBugReportUI(report); if (uiDialogResult.SendReport) { // Test if it has NOT been more than x many days since entry assembly was last modified) if (_settings.StopReportingAfter >= 0 && InstallationDate.AddDays(_settings.StopReportingAfter).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) <= 0) { // TODO: this should be moved to task // clear written reports Logger.Trace("As per setting 'Settings.StopReportingAfter(" + _settings.StopReportingAfter + ")', bug reporting feature was enabled for a certain amount of time which has now expired: Truncating all expired bug reports. Bug reporting is now disabled."); _storage.Clear(); } else { _storage.Write(report); // notify dispatcher to dispatch lock (_backgroundLock) { Monitor.PulseAll(_backgroundLock); } } } if (_settings.Plugins != null && _settings.Plugins.Count > 0) { Logger.Trace("PostProcessing plugins."); foreach (IPlugin plugin in _settings.Plugins) { plugin.PostProcess(_settings); } } return uiDialogResult.Execution; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An exception occurred during bug report generation process. See the inner exception for details.", ex); return ExecutionFlow.BreakExecution; // Since an internal exception occured } }
private void WriteException(ZipStorer zipStorer, SerializableException serializableException) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { // Store the exception as separate file var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerializableException)); serializer.Serialize(stream, serializableException); stream.Position = 0; zipStorer.AddStream(ZipStorer.Compression.Deflate, StoredItemFile.Exception, stream, DateTime.UtcNow, string.Empty); } }
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { long time = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / 10000; if (time < lastclick + 1000) { z("Faking crash"); try { Program.popception(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; // UNCOMMENT for production SerializableException se = new SerializableException(ex); GeneralInfo gi = new GeneralInfo(se, ex); string serialized = gi.ToString(); } Clipboard.Clear(); Application.DoEvents(); Clipboard.SetText(Program.DBGLOG); Application.DoEvents(); MessageBox.Show("Debug information placed on clipboard\n\nGo to pastebin and Ctrl-V"); } lastclick = time; } }