コード例 #1
 public void Start()
     Debug.Assert(Form1.GUIthreadHashcode == Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); // should ONLY be called from GUI thread
     Debug.Assert(!timer.Enabled);                                                // successive Start or Stop calls are BAD
     Debug.WriteLine("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Start");
     if (runningTimer != null)
         Debug.Assert(false);     // Lets have a look in the debugger NOW
         throw new System.Exception("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Attempted 'Start' while " + runningTimer.name + " is still running");
     // Start background processing
     // Release GUI thread's lock on the serial port, so background thread can grab it
     runningTimer  = this;
     timer.Enabled = true;
コード例 #2
    public void Stop()
        Debug.Assert(Form1.GUIthreadHashcode == Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); // should ONLY be called from GUI thread
        Debug.Assert(timer.Enabled);                                                 // successive Start or Stop calls are BAD
        Debug.WriteLine("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Stop");
        if (runningTimer != this)
            Debug.Assert(false);     // Lets have a look in the debugger NOW
            throw new System.Exception("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Attempted 'Stop' while not running");
        // Stop further background processing from being initiated,
        timer.Enabled = false;     // but, background processing may still be in progress from the last timer tick...
        runningTimer  = null;
        // Purge serial input and output buffers. Clearing input buf causes any blocking read in progress in background thread to throw
        //   System.IO.IOException "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.\r\n"
        if (Form1.xxConnection.PortIsOpen)
        bool lockTaken = false;

        // Now, GUI thread needs the lock back.
        // 3 sec REALLY should be enough time for background thread to cleanup and release the lock:
        Monitor.TryEnter(XXX_Conn.SerialPortLockObject, 3000, ref lockTaken);
        if (!lockTaken)
            throw new Exception("Serial port lock not yet released by background timer thread " + name);
        if (Form1.xxConnection.PortIsOpen)
            // Its possible there's still stuff in transit from device (for example, background thread just completed
            // sending an ACQ command as it was stopped). So, sync up with the device...
            int r = Form1.xxConnection.CiSync();
            Debug.Assert(r == XXX_Conn.CI_OK);
            if (r != XXX_Conn.CI_OK)
                throw new Exception("Cannot re-sync with device after disabling timer thread " + name);