public void RunJobShopScheduling(String solverType) { Solver solver = new Solver(solverType); if (solver == null) { Console.WriteLine("JobShop failed to create a solver " + solverType); return; } // All tasks Dictionary <string, IntervalVar> allTasks = new Dictionary <string, IntervalVar>(); // Creates jobs for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < machines.ElementAt(i).Count; j++) { IntervalVar oneTask = solver.MakeFixedDurationIntervalVar(0, horizon, processingTimes.ElementAt(i).ElementAt(j), false, "Job_" + i + "_" + j); //Console.WriteLine("Job_" + i + "_" + j); allTasks.Add("Job_" + i + "_" + j, oneTask); } } // Create sequence variables and add disjuctive constraints List <SequenceVar> allSequences = new List <SequenceVar>(); foreach (var machine in allMachines) { List <IntervalVar> machinesJobs = new List <IntervalVar>(); for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < machines.ElementAt(i).Count; k++) { if (machines.ElementAt(i).ElementAt(k) == machine) { machinesJobs.Add(allTasks["Job_" + i + "_" + k]); } } } DisjunctiveConstraint disj = solver.MakeDisjunctiveConstraint(machinesJobs.ToArray(), "machine " + machine); allSequences.Add(disj.SequenceVar()); solver.Add(disj); } // Add conjunctive constraints foreach (var job in allJobs) { for (int j = 0; j < machines.ElementAt(job).Count - 1; j++) { solver.Add(allTasks["Job_" + job + "_" + (j + 1)].StartsAfterEnd(allTasks["Job_" + job + "_" + j])); } } // Set the objective IntVar[] allEnds = new IntVar[jobsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++) { allEnds[i] = allTasks["Job_" + i + "_" + (machines.ElementAt(i).Count - 1)].EndExpr().Var(); } // Objective: minimize the makespan (maximum end times of all tasks) // of the problem. IntVar objectiveVar = solver.MakeMax(allEnds).Var(); OptimizeVar objectiveMonitor = solver.MakeMinimize(objectiveVar, 1); // Create search phases DecisionBuilder sequencePhase = solver.MakePhase(allSequences.ToArray(), Solver.SEQUENCE_DEFAULT); DecisionBuilder varsPhase = solver.MakePhase(objectiveVar, Solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE); // The main decision builder (ranks all tasks, then fixes the // objectiveVariable). DecisionBuilder mainPhase = solver.Compose(sequencePhase, varsPhase); SolutionCollector collector = solver.MakeLastSolutionCollector(); collector.Add(allSequences.ToArray()); collector.Add(objectiveVar); foreach (var i in allMachines) { SequenceVar sequence = allSequences.ElementAt(i); long sequenceCount = sequence.Size(); for (int j = 0; j < sequenceCount; j++) { IntervalVar t = sequence.Interval(j); collector.Add(t.StartExpr().Var()); collector.Add(t.EndExpr().Var()); } } // Search. bool solutionFound = solver.Solve(mainPhase, null, objectiveMonitor, null, collector); if (solutionFound) { //The index of the solution from the collector const int SOLUTION_INDEX = 0; Assignment solution = collector.Solution(SOLUTION_INDEX); string solLine = ""; string solLineTasks = ""; Console.WriteLine("Time Intervals for Tasks\n"); List <List <TimeSpan> > tuplesSolution = new List <List <TimeSpan> >(); for (int m = 0; m < this.machinesCount; m++) { //Console.WriteLine("MachineCount: " + this.machinesCount); solLine = "Machine " + m + " :"; solLineTasks = "Machine " + m + ": "; SequenceVar seq = allSequences.ElementAt(m); int[] storedSequence = collector.ForwardSequence(SOLUTION_INDEX, seq); foreach (int taskIndex in storedSequence) { //Console.WriteLine("taskIndex: " + taskIndex); IntervalVar task = seq.Interval(taskIndex); solLineTasks += task.Name() + " "; //Console.WriteLine("Len: " + storedSequence.Length); } // First GreenTime //TimeSpan timeToAdd = tuplesSolution.First().Last(); TimeSpan timeEndBucket = this.bucketInfo.EndBucket; TimeSpan timeStartBucket = this.bucketInfo.StartBucket; int solutionSize = tuplesSolution.Count; bool isEnd = false; List <int> list_id = jobIds.ElementAt(m); // Adding GreenTime to Solution while (timeStartBucket.CompareTo(timeEndBucket) < 0) { foreach (int taskIndex in storedSequence) { IntervalVar task = seq.Interval(taskIndex); var startValue = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(collector.Value(0, task.StartExpr().Var())); var endValue = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(collector.Value(0, task.EndExpr().Var())); TimeSpan greenTime = endValue.Subtract(startValue); TimeSpan timeEnd; timeEnd = timeStartBucket.Add(greenTime); List <TimeSpan> tuple = new List <TimeSpan>(); tuple.Add(timeStartBucket); if (timeEndBucket.CompareTo(timeEnd) < 0) { timeEnd = timeEndBucket; isEnd = true; } tuple.Add(timeEnd); tuplesSolution.Add(tuple); if (taskIndex + 1 < list_id.Count() && list_id.ElementAt(taskIndex) == list_id.ElementAt(taskIndex + 1)) { timeStartBucket = timeStartBucket.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(this.cycleTime)); } else { timeStartBucket = timeEnd; } if (isEnd) { break; } } } // // Saving the Solution to a XML file //, tuplesSolution); //solLine += "\n"; //solLineTasks += "\n"; //Console.WriteLine(solLineTasks); //Console.WriteLine(solLine); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No solution found!"); } }
private void PostTransitionTimeConstraints(int t, bool postTransitionsConstraint = true) { Tool tool = factoryData.Tools[t]; // if it is a inspection, we make sure there are no transitiontimes if (tool.CanPerformTaskType(factoryData.Inspection)) { tool2TransitionTimes[t].Add(null); } else { int[,] tt = tool.TravellingTime; SequenceVar seq = allToolSequences[t]; long s = seq.Size(); IntVar[] nextLocation = new IntVar[s + 1]; // The seq.Next(i) represents the task performed after the i-th // task in the sequence seq.Next(0) represents the first task // performed for extracting travelling times we need to get the // related location In case a task is not performed (seq.Next(i) // == i), i.e. it's pointing to itself The last performed task // (or pre-start task, if no tasks are performed) will have // seq.Next(i) == s + 1 therefore we add a virtual location // whose travelling time is equal to 0 // // NOTE: The index of a SequenceVar are 0..n, but the domain // range is 1..(n+1), this is due to that the start node = 0 is // a dummy node, and the node where seq.Next(i) == n+1 is the // end node // Extra elements for the unreachable start node (0), and the // end node whose next task takes place in a virtual location int[] taskIndex2locationId = new int[s + 2]; taskIndex2locationId[0] = -10; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { taskIndex2locationId[i + 1] = tasks[toolIntervalVar2TaskId[t][i]].LocationId; } // this is the virtual location for unperformed tasks taskIndex2locationId[s + 1] = factoryData.NbWorkLocations; // Build the travelling time matrix with the additional virtual location int[][] ttWithVirtualLocation = new int [factoryData.NbWorkLocations + 1][]; for (int d1 = 0; d1 < ttWithVirtualLocation.Length; d1++) { ttWithVirtualLocation[d1] = new int[factoryData.NbWorkLocations + 1]; for (int d2 = 0; d2 < ttWithVirtualLocation.Length; d2++) { if (d1 == factoryData.NbWorkLocations) { ttWithVirtualLocation[d1][d2] = 0; } else { ttWithVirtualLocation[d1][d2] = (d2 == factoryData.NbWorkLocations) ? 0 : tt[d1, d2]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < nextLocation.Length; i++) { // this is the next-location associated with the i-th task nextLocation[i] = solver.MakeElement(taskIndex2locationId, seq.Next(i)).Var(); int d = (i == 0) ? tool.InitialLocationId : tasks[toolIntervalVar2TaskId[t][i - 1]].LocationId; if (i == 0) { // To be changed - right now we don't have meaningful indata // of previous location Ugly way of setting initial travel // time to = 0, as this is how we find common grounds // between benchmark algorithm and this tool2TransitionTimes[t].Add( solver.MakeElement(new int[ttWithVirtualLocation[d].Length], nextLocation[i]) .Var()); } else { tool2TransitionTimes[t].Add( solver.MakeElement(ttWithVirtualLocation[d], nextLocation[i]).Var()); } } // Extra elements for the unreachable start node (0), and the // end node whose next task takes place in a virtual location startingTimes[t] = new IntVar[s + 2]; endTimes[t] = new IntVar[s + 2]; startingTimes[t][0] = solver.MakeIntConst(0); // Tbd: Set this endtime to the estimated time of finishing // previous task for the current tool endTimes[t][0] = solver.MakeIntConst(0); for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { startingTimes[t][i + 1] = tool2Task[t][i].SafeStartExpr(-1).Var(); endTimes[t][i + 1] = tool2Task[t][i].SafeEndExpr(-1).Var(); } startingTimes[t][s + 1] = solver.MakeIntConst(factoryData.Horizon); endTimes[t][s + 1] = solver.MakeIntConst(factoryData.Horizon); // Enforce (or not) that each task is separated by the // transition time to the next task for (int i = 0; i < nextLocation.Length; i++) { IntVar nextStart = solver.MakeElement(startingTimes[t], seq.Next(i).Var()).Var(); if (postTransitionsConstraint) { solver.Add(endTimes[t][i] + tool2TransitionTimes[t][i] <= nextStart); } } } }
public void RunJobShopScheduling(String solverType) { Solver solver = new Solver(solverType); if (solver == null) { Console.WriteLine("JobShop failed to create a solver " + solverType); return; } // All tasks Dictionary <string, IntervalVar> allTasks = new Dictionary <string, IntervalVar>(); // Creates jobs for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < machines.ElementAt(i).Count; j++) { IntervalVar oneTask = solver.MakeFixedDurationIntervalVar(0, horizon, processingTimes.ElementAt(i).ElementAt(j), false, "Job_" + i + "_" + j); allTasks.Add("Job_" + i + "_" + j, oneTask); } } // Create sequence variables and add disjuctive constraints List <SequenceVar> allSequences = new List <SequenceVar>(); foreach (var machine in allMachines) { List <IntervalVar> machinesJobs = new List <IntervalVar>(); for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < machines.ElementAt(i).Count; k++) { if (machines.ElementAt(i).ElementAt(k) == machine) { machinesJobs.Add(allTasks["Job_" + i + "_" + k]); } } } DisjunctiveConstraint disj = solver.MakeDisjunctiveConstraint(machinesJobs.ToArray(), "machine " + machine); allSequences.Add(disj.SequenceVar()); solver.Add(disj); } // Add conjunctive constraints foreach (var job in allJobs) { for (int j = 0; j < machines.ElementAt(job).Count - 1; j++) { solver.Add(allTasks["Job_" + job + "_" + (j + 1)].StartsAfterEnd(allTasks["Job_" + job + "_" + j])); } } // Set the objective IntVar[] allEnds = new IntVar[jobsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++) { allEnds[i] = allTasks["Job_" + i + "_" + (machines.ElementAt(i).Count - 1)].EndExpr().Var(); } // Objective: minimize the makespan (maximum end times of all tasks) // of the problem. IntVar objectiveVar = solver.MakeMax(allEnds).Var(); OptimizeVar objectiveMonitor = solver.MakeMinimize(objectiveVar, 1); // Create search phases DecisionBuilder sequencePhase = solver.MakePhase(allSequences.ToArray(), Solver.SEQUENCE_DEFAULT); DecisionBuilder varsPhase = solver.MakePhase(objectiveVar, Solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE); // The main decision builder (ranks all tasks, then fixes the // objectiveVariable). DecisionBuilder mainPhase = solver.Compose(sequencePhase, varsPhase); SolutionCollector collector = solver.MakeLastSolutionCollector(); collector.Add(allSequences.ToArray()); collector.Add(objectiveVar); foreach (var i in allMachines) { SequenceVar sequence = allSequences.ElementAt(i); long sequenceCount = sequence.Size(); for (int j = 0; j < sequenceCount; j++) { IntervalVar t = sequence.Interval(j); collector.Add(t.StartExpr().Var()); collector.Add(t.EndExpr().Var()); } } // Search. bool solutionFound = solver.Solve(mainPhase, null, objectiveMonitor, null, collector); if (solutionFound) { //The index of the solution from the collector const int SOLUTION_INDEX = 0; Assignment solution = collector.Solution(SOLUTION_INDEX); string solLine = ""; string solLineTasks = ""; Console.WriteLine("Time Intervals for Tasks\n"); for (int m = 0; m < this.machinesCount; m++) { //Console.WriteLine("MachineCount: " + this.machinesCount); solLine = "Machine " + m + " :"; solLineTasks = "Machine " + m + ": "; SequenceVar seq = allSequences.ElementAt(m); int[] storedSequence = collector.ForwardSequence(SOLUTION_INDEX, seq); foreach (int taskIndex in storedSequence) { //Console.WriteLine("taskIndex: " + taskIndex); IntervalVar task = seq.Interval(taskIndex); solLineTasks += task.Name() + " "; //Console.WriteLine("Len: " + storedSequence.Length); } foreach (int taskIndex in storedSequence) { IntervalVar task = seq.Interval(taskIndex); string solTemp = "[" + collector.Value(0, task.StartExpr().Var()) + ","; solTemp += collector.Value(0, task.EndExpr().Var()) + "] "; solLine += solTemp; } //solLine += "\n"; solLineTasks += "\n"; //Console.WriteLine(solLineTasks); Console.WriteLine(solLine); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No solution found!"); } }