private void BuildHeader() { source_actions_align = new Gtk.Alignment(0f, .5f, 1f, 0f) { RightPadding = 0, LeftPadding = 0, NoShowAll = true }; if (Hyena.PlatformDetection.IsMeeGo) { source_actions_align.RightPadding = 5; source_actions_align.TopPadding = 5; } footer = new VBox(); source_actions_box = new EventBox() { Visible = true }; BuildSearchEntry(); InterfaceActionService uia = ServiceManager.Get <InterfaceActionService> (); if (uia != null) { Gtk.Action action = uia.GlobalActions["WikiSearchHelpAction"]; if (action != null) { MenuItem item = new SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Show(); search_entry.Menu.Append(item); item = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Help, null); item.Activated += delegate { action.Activate(); }; item.Show(); search_entry.Menu.Append(item); } } source_actions_box.ShowAll(); source_actions_align.Add(source_actions_box); source_actions_align.Hide(); search_entry.Show(); context_pane = new Banshee.ContextPane.ContextPane(); context_pane.ExpandHandler = b => { SetChildPacking(content.Widget, !b, true, 0, PackType.Start); SetChildPacking(context_pane, b, b, 0, PackType.End); }; // Top to bottom, their order is reverse of this: PackEnd(footer, false, false, 0); PackEnd(context_pane, false, false, 0); PackEnd(source_actions_align, false, false, 0); PackEnd(new ConnectedMessageBar(), false, true, 0); }
public static void AppendSeparator(this Menu menu) { SeparatorMenuItem smi = new SeparatorMenuItem(); smi.Show(); menu.Append(smi); }
public ImageMenuItem AddCustomColor(Color color) { ImageMenuItem item = CreateImageMenuItem(color, "Custom"); if (!(Menu is Menu)) { Menu = new Menu(); } Menu m = Menu as Menu; if (numCustomItems == 0) { SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); m.Prepend(sep); sep.Show(); } m.Prepend(item); numCustomItems++; if (numCustomItems > 5) { m.Remove(m.Children[5]); numCustomItems--; } item.ShowAll(); return(item); }
void UpdateGlobalWarningLabel() { KeyBindingConflict[] conflicts = currentBindings.CheckKeyBindingConflicts(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommands()); if (conflicts.Length == 0) { globalWarningBox.Hide(); return; } globalWarningBox.Show(); conflicButton.MenuCreator = delegate { Menu menu = new Menu(); foreach (KeyBindingConflict conf in conflicts) { if (menu.Children.Length > 0) { SeparatorMenuItem it = new SeparatorMenuItem(); it.Show(); menu.Insert(it, -1); } foreach (Command cmd in conf.Commands) { string txt = currentBindings.GetBinding(cmd) + " - " + cmd.Text; MenuItem item = new MenuItem(txt); Command localCmd = cmd; item.Activated += delegate { SelectCommand(localCmd); }; item.Show(); menu.Insert(item, -1); } } return(menu); }; }
public ColorToolButton(Color color, string name) : base(new ColorBlockWidget(color), name) { Menu = new Menu(); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); (Menu as Menu).Append(sep); sep.Show(); // TODO: Figure out how to replace "new AccelGroup()" ImageMenuItem colors = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.ColorPicker, new AccelGroup()); if (colors.Child is Label) { (colors.Child as Label).Text = "More Colors..."; } colors.Activated += MoreColorsActivated; (Menu as Menu).Append(colors); colors.Show(); SetMainColor(AddColor(color, name)); numCustomItems = 0; }
public SearchEntry() { BuildSearchEntry(); InterfaceActionService uia = ServiceManager.Get <InterfaceActionService> (); if (uia != null) { Gtk.Action action = uia.GlobalActions["WikiSearchHelpAction"]; if (action != null) { MenuItem item = new SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Show(); Menu.Append(item); item = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Help, null); item.Activated += delegate { action.Activate(); }; item.Show(); Menu.Append(item); } } SearchSensitive = true; Show(); }
public ImageMenuItem AddCustomColor(Color color) { ImageMenuItem item = CreateImageMenuItem(color, "Custom"); if(!(Menu is Menu)) { Menu = new Menu(); } Menu m = Menu as Menu; if(numCustomItems == 0) { SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); m.Prepend(sep); sep.Show(); } m.Prepend(item); numCustomItems++; if(numCustomItems > 5) { m.Remove(m.Children[5]); numCustomItems--; } item.ShowAll(); return item; }
void OnPopulatePopup(object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { Menu menu = args.Menu; MenuItem item; item = new SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Show(); menu.Prepend(item); item = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Redo, null) { Sensitive = UndoManager.CanRedo }; item.Activated += delegate { UndoManager.Redo(); }; item.AddAccelerator("activate", accel_group, (uint)Gdk.Key.z, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask | Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask, AccelFlags.Visible); item.Show(); menu.Prepend(item); item = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Undo, null) { Sensitive = UndoManager.CanUndo }; item.Activated += delegate { UndoManager.Undo(); }; item.AddAccelerator("activate", accel_group, (uint)Gdk.Key.z, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); item.Show(); menu.Prepend(item); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup(object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Clear")); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Activated += ClearActivated; item.Show(); sep.Show(); args.Menu.Add(sep); args.Menu.Add(item); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup (object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clear")); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Activated += ClearActivated; item.Show (); sep.Show (); args.Menu.Add (sep); args.Menu.Add (item); }
private void ConstruirPopupMenu() { popupMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem menuInformacoesDiretorioArquivo = new MenuItem("Informações do Diretório / Arquivo"); menuInformacoesDiretorioArquivo.Activated += new EventHandler(OnInformacoesDiretorioArquivoActivated); menuInformacoesDiretorioArquivo.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuInformacoesDiretorioArquivo); MenuItem menuExcluirDiretorioSelecionado = new MenuItem("Excluir Diretório Selecionado"); menuExcluirDiretorioSelecionado.Activated += new EventHandler(OnExcluirDiretorioSelecionadoActivated); menuExcluirDiretorioSelecionado.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuExcluirDiretorioSelecionado); MenuItem menuExpandirDiretorios2 = new MenuItem("Expandir Diretórios"); menuExpandirDiretorios2.Activated += new EventHandler(OnExpandirDiretorios2Activated); menuExpandirDiretorios2.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuExpandirDiretorios2); MenuItem menuColapsarDiretorios2 = new MenuItem("Colapsar Diretórios"); menuColapsarDiretorios2.Activated += new EventHandler(OnColapsarDiretorios2Activated); menuColapsarDiretorios2.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuColapsarDiretorios2); SeparatorMenuItem separador2 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); separador2.Show(); popupMenu.Append(separador2); MenuItem menuIncluirNovaAba2 = new MenuItem("Incluir nova aba"); menuIncluirNovaAba2.Activated += new EventHandler(OnIncluirNovaAba2Activated); menuIncluirNovaAba2.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuIncluirNovaAba2); MenuItem menuAlterarNomeAbaAtiva2 = new MenuItem("Alterar nome da aba ativa"); menuAlterarNomeAbaAtiva2.Activated += new EventHandler(OnAlterarNomeAbaAtiva2Activated); menuAlterarNomeAbaAtiva2.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuAlterarNomeAbaAtiva2); MenuItem menuExcluirAbaAtiva2 = new MenuItem("Excluir aba ativa"); menuExcluirAbaAtiva2.Activated += new EventHandler(OnExcluirAbaAtiva2Activated); menuExcluirAbaAtiva2.Show(); popupMenu.Append(menuExcluirAbaAtiva2); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup(object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { //ReplaceGtkIconsByOwnOnes(args.Menu); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); sep.Show(); args.Menu.Add(sep); TaggedLocalizedImageMenuItem newitem = new TaggedLocalizedImageMenuItem("Clear"); newitem.Image = new Image(Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("Docking.Framework.Resources.Broom-16.png")); newitem.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Clear(); newitem.ShowAll(); args.Menu.Add(newitem); Localization.LocalizeMenu(args.Menu); }
public ColorToolButton(Color color, string name) : base(new ColorBlockWidget(color), name) { Menu = new Menu(); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); (Menu as Menu).Append(sep); sep.Show(); // TODO: Figure out how to replace "new AccelGroup()" ImageMenuItem colors = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.ColorPicker, new AccelGroup()); if(colors.Child is Label) (colors.Child as Label).Text = "More Colors..."; colors.Activated += MoreColorsActivated; (Menu as Menu).Append(colors); colors.Show(); SetMainColor(AddColor(color, name)); numCustomItems = 0; }
protected override void InsertProxy(Gtk.Action menuAction, Widget parent, Widget afterItem) { int position = 0; Widget item = null; if (parent is MenuItem || parent is Menu) { Menu parent_menu = ((parent is MenuItem) ? (parent as MenuItem).Submenu : parent) as Menu; position = (afterItem != null) ? Array.IndexOf(parent_menu.Children, afterItem as MenuItem) + 1 : 0; item = GetNewMenuItem(); if (item != null) { var separator1 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); var separator2 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); //fix for separators that potentially already exist below the insert position bool alreadyHasSeparator2 = ((parent_menu.Children [position]) as SeparatorMenuItem != null); parent_menu.Insert(separator2, position); parent_menu.Insert(item, position); parent_menu.Insert(separator1, position); item.Shown += (o, e) => { separator1.Show(); if (!alreadyHasSeparator2) { separator2.Show(); } }; item.Hidden += (o, e) => { separator1.Hide(); separator2.Hide(); }; } } var activatable = item as IActivatable; if (activatable != null) { activatable.RelatedAction = action; } }
public SearchEntry () { BuildSearchEntry (); InterfaceActionService uia = ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> (); if (uia != null) { Gtk.Action action = uia.GlobalActions["WikiSearchHelpAction"]; if (action != null) { MenuItem item = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Show (); Menu.Append (item); item = new ImageMenuItem (Stock.Help, null); item.Activated += delegate { action.Activate (); }; item.Show (); Menu.Append (item); } } SearchSensitive = true; Show (); }
public Browser (string basedir, IEnumerable<string> sources, string engine) { #if MACOS try { InitMacAppHandlers(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Installing Mac AppleEvent handlers failed. Skipping.\n" + ex); } #endif this.engine = engine; ui = new Glade.XML (null, "", "window1", null); ui.Autoconnect (this); MainWindow = (Gtk.Window) ui["window1"]; MainWindow.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event_cb); MainWindow.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler (keypress_event_cb); MainWindow.KeyReleaseEvent += new KeyReleaseEventHandler (keyrelease_event_cb); Stream icon = GetResourceImage ("monodoc.png"); if (icon != null) { monodoc_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (icon); MainWindow.Icon = monodoc_pixbuf; } //ellipsizing label for the title title_label = new ELabel (""); title_label.Xalign = 0; Pango.FontDescription fd = new Pango.FontDescription (); fd.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold; title_label.ModifyFont (fd); title_label.Layout.FontDescription = fd; title_label_box.Add (title_label); title_label.Show (); //colour the bar according to the current style bar_style = bar_eb.Style.Copy (); bar_eb.Style = bar_style; MainWindow.StyleSet += new StyleSetHandler (BarStyleSet); BarStyleSet (null, null); help_tree = Driver.LoadTree (basedir, sources); tree_browser = new TreeBrowser (help_tree, reference_tree, this); // Bookmark Manager init; bookmark_manager = new BookmarkManager(this); // // Tab Notebook and first tab // tabs_nb = new Notebook(); //the Notebook that holds tabs tabs_nb.Scrollable = true; tabs_nb.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler(ChangeTab); help_container.Add(tabs_nb); AddTab(); if ((capabilities & Capabilities.Fonts) != 0) { // Add Menu entries for changing the font Menu aux = (Menu) view1.Submenu; MenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); sep.Show (); aux.Append (sep); AccelGroup accel = new AccelGroup (); MainWindow.AddAccelGroup (accel); textLarger = new MenuItem ("_Larger text"); textLarger.Activated += new EventHandler (TextLarger); textLarger.Show (); aux.Append (textLarger); AccelKey ak = new AccelKey (, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textLarger.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); textSmaller = new MenuItem ("_Smaller text"); textSmaller.Activated += new EventHandler (TextSmaller); textSmaller.Show (); aux.Append (textSmaller); ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.minus, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textSmaller.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); textNormal = new MenuItem ("_Original size"); textNormal.Activated += new EventHandler (TextNormal); textNormal.Show (); aux.Append (textNormal); ak = new AccelKey (Gdk.Key.Key_0, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, AccelFlags.Visible); textNormal.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, ak); } // restore the editing setting editing1.Active = SettingsHandler.Settings.EnableEditing; comments1.Active = SettingsHandler.Settings.ShowComments; cut1.Sensitive = false; paste1.Sensitive = false; // // Other bits // search_index = help_tree.GetSearchIndex(); if (search_index == null) { ppanel = new ProgressPanel ("<b>No Search index found</b>", "Generate", RootTree.MakeSearchIndex, CreateSearchPanel); search_vbox.Add (ppanel); search_vbox.Show (); } else { CreateSearchPanel (); } bookList = new ArrayList (); index_browser = IndexBrowser.MakeIndexBrowser (this); MainWindow.ShowAll(); #if MACOS try { InstallMacMainMenu (); ((MenuBar)ui["menubar1"]).Hide (); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Installing Mac IGE Main Menu failed. Skipping.\n" + ex); } #endif }
void DoPopUp() { popup = new Menu(); ImageMenuItem newItem = new ImageMenuItem("New"); Gtk.Image newImage = new Gtk.Image(Stock.New, IconSize.Menu); newItem.Image = newImage; newItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnNewEntryActivate); newItem.Show(); popup.Append(newItem); Gdk.Pixbuf pb = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("document-save.png"); ImageMenuItem exportItem = new ImageMenuItem("Export"); exportItem.Image = new Gtk.Image(pb); exportItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnExportActivate); exportItem.Show(); popup.Append(exportItem); ImageMenuItem deleteItem = new ImageMenuItem("Delete"); Gtk.Image deleteImage = new Gtk.Image(Stock.Delete, IconSize.Menu); deleteItem.Image = deleteImage; deleteItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnDeleteActivate); deleteItem.Show(); popup.Append(deleteItem); ImageMenuItem propItem = new ImageMenuItem("Properties"); Gtk.Image propImage = new Gtk.Image(Stock.Properties, IconSize.Menu); propItem.Image = propImage; propItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnEditActivate); propItem.Show(); popup.Append(propItem); bool users = false; if (viewPlugin.Name.ToLower() == "users") { SeparatorMenuItem sm = new SeparatorMenuItem(); sm.Show(); popup.Append(sm); Gdk.Pixbuf pwdImage = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("locked16x16.png"); ImageMenuItem pwdItem = new ImageMenuItem("Change password"); pwdItem.Image = new Gtk.Image(pwdImage); pwdItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnPwdActivate); pwdItem.Show(); popup.Append(pwdItem); users = true; } if (users || viewPlugin.Name.ToLower() == "contacts") { if (!users) { SeparatorMenuItem sm = new SeparatorMenuItem(); sm.Show(); popup.Append(sm); } pb = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("mail-message-new.png"); ImageMenuItem mailItem = new ImageMenuItem("Send email"); mailItem.Image = new Gtk.Image(pb); mailItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnEmailActivate); mailItem.Show(); popup.Append(mailItem); Gdk.Pixbuf wwwImage = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("go-home.png"); ImageMenuItem wwwItem = new ImageMenuItem("Open home page"); wwwItem.Image = new Gtk.Image(wwwImage); wwwItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnWWWActivate); wwwItem.Show(); popup.Append(wwwItem); } popup.Popup(null, null, null, 3, Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime); }
private void BuildHeader() { header = new HBox(); footer = new VBox(); EventBox title_box = new EventBox(); title_label = new Label(); title_label.Xalign = 0.0f; title_label.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End; title_box.Add(title_label); // Show the source context menu when the title is right clicked title_box.PopupMenu += delegate { ServiceManager.Get <InterfaceActionService> ().SourceActions ["SourceContextMenuAction"].Activate(); }; title_box.ButtonPressEvent += delegate(object o, ButtonPressEventArgs press) { if (press.Event.Button == 3) { ServiceManager.Get <InterfaceActionService> ().SourceActions ["SourceContextMenuAction"].Activate(); } }; header_box = new EventBox(); BuildSearchEntry(); search_label = new Label(Catalog.GetString("_Search:")); search_label.MnemonicWidget = search_entry.InnerEntry; header.PackStart(title_box, true, true, 0); header.PackStart(header_box, false, false, 0); header.PackStart(search_label, false, false, 5); header.PackStart(search_entry, false, false, 0); InterfaceActionService uia = ServiceManager.Get <InterfaceActionService> (); if (uia != null) { Gtk.Action action = uia.GlobalActions["WikiSearchHelpAction"]; if (action != null) { MenuItem item = new SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Show(); search_entry.Menu.Append(item); item = new ImageMenuItem(Stock.Help, null); item.Activated += delegate { action.Activate(); }; item.Show(); search_entry.Menu.Append(item); } } header.ShowAll(); search_entry.Show(); PackStart(header, false, false, 0); PackEnd(footer, false, false, 0); context_pane = new Banshee.ContextPane.ContextPane(); context_pane.ExpandHandler = b => { SetChildPacking(content.Widget, !b, true, 0, PackType.Start); SetChildPacking(context_pane, b, b, 0, PackType.End); }; PackEnd(context_pane, false, false, 0); PackEnd(new ConnectedMessageBar(), false, true, 0); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup(object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Clear")); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Activated += ClearActivated; item.Show (); sep.Show (); args.Menu.Add (sep); args.Menu.Add (item); foreach (var menu_command in menuCommands) { var tmp = new MenuItem(menu_command.Item1); tmp.Activated += menu_command.Item2; tmp.Show(); args.Menu.Add(tmp); } }
void UpdateGlobalWarningLabel () { KeyBindingConflict[] conflicts = currentBindings.CheckKeyBindingConflicts (IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommands ()); if (conflicts.Length == 0) { globalWarningBox.Hide (); return; } globalWarningBox.Show (); conflicButton.MenuCreator = delegate { Menu menu = new Menu (); foreach (KeyBindingConflict conf in conflicts) { if (menu.Children.Length > 0) { SeparatorMenuItem it = new SeparatorMenuItem (); it.Show (); menu.Insert (it, -1); } foreach (Command cmd in conf.Commands) { string txt = currentBindings.GetBinding (cmd) + " - " + cmd.Text; MenuItem item = new MenuItem (txt); Command localCmd = cmd; item.Activated += delegate { SelectCommand (localCmd); }; item.Show (); menu.Insert (item, -1); } } return menu; }; }
public static void AppendSeparator(this Menu menu) { SeparatorMenuItem smi = new SeparatorMenuItem (); smi.Show (); menu.Append (smi); }
void TextViewPopulatePopup(object o, PopulatePopupArgs args) { //ReplaceGtkIconsByOwnOnes(args.Menu); SeparatorMenuItem sep = new SeparatorMenuItem(); sep.Show(); args.Menu.Add(sep); TaggedLocalizedImageMenuItem newitem = new TaggedLocalizedImageMenuItem("Clear"); newitem.Image = Docking.Tools.ResourceLoader_Docking.LoadImage("Broom-16.png"); newitem.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Clear(); newitem.ShowAll(); args.Menu.Add(newitem); Localization.LocalizeMenu(args.Menu); }
void DoPopUp() { popup = new Menu(); ImageMenuItem newItem = new ImageMenuItem ("New"); Gtk.Image newImage = new Gtk.Image (Stock.New, IconSize.Menu); newItem.Image = newImage; newItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnNewEntryActivate); newItem.Show (); popup.Append (newItem); Gdk.Pixbuf pb = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("document-save.png"); ImageMenuItem exportItem = new ImageMenuItem ("Export"); exportItem.Image = new Gtk.Image (pb); exportItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnExportActivate); exportItem.Show (); popup.Append (exportItem); ImageMenuItem deleteItem = new ImageMenuItem ("Delete"); Gtk.Image deleteImage = new Gtk.Image (Stock.Delete, IconSize.Menu); deleteItem.Image = deleteImage; deleteItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnDeleteActivate); deleteItem.Show (); popup.Append (deleteItem); ImageMenuItem propItem = new ImageMenuItem ("Properties"); Gtk.Image propImage = new Gtk.Image (Stock.Properties, IconSize.Menu); propItem.Image = propImage; propItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnEditActivate); propItem.Show (); popup.Append (propItem); bool users = false; if (viewPlugin.Name.ToLower() == "users") { SeparatorMenuItem sm = new SeparatorMenuItem (); sm.Show (); popup.Append (sm); Gdk.Pixbuf pwdImage = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("locked16x16.png"); ImageMenuItem pwdItem = new ImageMenuItem ("Change password"); pwdItem.Image = new Gtk.Image (pwdImage); pwdItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnPwdActivate); pwdItem.Show (); popup.Append (pwdItem); users = true; } if (users || viewPlugin.Name.ToLower() == "contacts") { if (!users) { SeparatorMenuItem sm = new SeparatorMenuItem (); sm.Show (); popup.Append (sm); } pb = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("mail-message-new.png"); ImageMenuItem mailItem = new ImageMenuItem ("Send email"); mailItem.Image = new Gtk.Image (pb); mailItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnEmailActivate); mailItem.Show (); popup.Append (mailItem); Gdk.Pixbuf wwwImage = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("go-home.png"); ImageMenuItem wwwItem = new ImageMenuItem ("Open home page"); wwwItem.Image = new Gtk.Image (wwwImage); wwwItem.Activated += new EventHandler (OnWWWActivate); wwwItem.Show (); popup.Append (wwwItem); } popup.Popup(null, null, null, 3, Gtk.Global.CurrentEventTime); }
public static void Main() { Application.Init(); if (!modFunctions.RunningLock()) { return; } GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException += unhandledException; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(1033); if (CurrentOS.IsMac) { try { string sOldConfig = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), modFunctions.CompanyName); if (Directory.Exists(sOldConfig)) { modFunctions.MoveDirectory(sOldConfig, Path.Combine(modFunctions.LocalAppData, modFunctions.CompanyName)); AppSettings cSettings = new AppSettings(); cSettings.HistoryDir = modFunctions.AppData; cSettings.Save(); Directory.Delete(sOldConfig, true); } } catch (Exception) { } } try { string sUpdatePath = Path.Combine(modFunctions.AppData, "Setup"); if (CurrentOS.IsMac) { sUpdatePath += ".dmg"; } else if (CurrentOS.IsLinux) { sUpdatePath += ""; } if (File.Exists(sUpdatePath)) { File.Delete(sUpdatePath); } } catch (Exception) { } fMain = new frmMain(); if (CurrentOS.IsMac) { try { ApplicationEvents.Quit += delegate(object sender, ApplicationQuitEventArgs e) { Application.Quit(); e.Handled = true; }; ApplicationEvents.Reopen += delegate(object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { fMain.ShowFromTray(); e.Handled = true; }; ApplicationEvents.Prefs += delegate(object sender, ApplicationEventArgs e) { fMain.cmdConfig_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); e.Handled = true; }; } catch (Exception) { } bool bMenu = false; try { IgeMacMenuGroup appGroup = IgeMacMenu.AddAppMenuGroup(); if (appGroup != null) { MenuItem mnuAbout = new MenuItem(); mnuAbout.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { fMain.cmdAbout_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); }; appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuAbout, "About " + modFunctions.ProductName); appGroup.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(), "-"); MenuItem mnuHistory = new MenuItem(); mnuHistory.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { fMain.cmdHistory_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); }; appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuHistory, "Usage History"); MenuItem mnuConfig = new MenuItem(); mnuConfig.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { fMain.cmdConfig_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); }; appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuConfig, "Preferences..."); } MenuBar srtMenu = new MenuBar(); Menu helpMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem helpMenuItem = new MenuItem("Help"); MenuItem mnuFAQ = new MenuItem("Frequently Asked Questions"); mnuFAQ.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuFAQ); mnuFAQ.Show(); MenuItem mnuChanges = new MenuItem("What's New in " + modFunctions.ProductName + " v" + modFunctions.ProductVersion); mnuChanges.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuChanges); mnuChanges.Show(); MenuItem mnuHelpSpace1 = new MenuItem("-"); helpMenu.Append(mnuHelpSpace1); mnuHelpSpace1.Show(); MenuItem mnuWebsite = new MenuItem("Visit the " + modFunctions.ProductName + " Home Page"); mnuWebsite.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuWebsite); mnuWebsite.Show(); MenuItem mnuBug = new MenuItem("Report a Bug"); mnuBug.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuBug); mnuBug.Show(); helpMenuItem.Submenu = helpMenu; helpMenu.Show(); srtMenu.Append(helpMenuItem); helpMenuItem.Show(); IgeMacMenu.MenuBar = srtMenu; srtMenu.Show(); bMenu = true; } catch (Exception) { } if (bMenu == false) { try { MenuBar srtMenu = new MenuBar(); Menu helpMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem helpMenuItem = new MenuItem("Help"); MenuItem mnuFAQ = new MenuItem("Frequently Asked Questions"); mnuFAQ.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuFAQ); mnuFAQ.Show(); MenuItem mnuChanges = new MenuItem("What's New in " + modFunctions.ProductName + " v" + modFunctions.ProductVersion); mnuChanges.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuChanges); mnuChanges.Show(); SeparatorMenuItem mnuHelpSpace1 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); helpMenu.Append(mnuHelpSpace1); mnuHelpSpace1.Show(); MenuItem mnuWebsite = new MenuItem("Visit the " + modFunctions.ProductName + " Home Page"); mnuWebsite.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuWebsite); mnuWebsite.Show(); MenuItem mnuBug = new MenuItem("Report a Bug"); mnuBug.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""); }; helpMenu.Append(mnuBug); mnuBug.Show(); helpMenuItem.Submenu = helpMenu; helpMenu.Show(); srtMenu.Append(helpMenuItem); helpMenuItem.Show(); GtkOSXApplication.MenuBar = srtMenu; srtMenu.Show(); GtkMacMenuGroup appGroup = GtkOSXApplication.AddAppMenuGroup(); if (appGroup != null) { MenuItem mnuAbout = new MenuItem("About " + modFunctions.ProductName); mnuAbout.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { fMain.cmdAbout_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); }; appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuAbout); mnuAbout.Show(); SeparatorMenuItem mnuAppSpace1 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuAppSpace1); mnuAppSpace1.Show(); MenuItem mnuHistory = new MenuItem("Usage History"); mnuHistory.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { fMain.cmdHistory_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); }; appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuHistory); mnuHistory.Show(); MenuItem mnuConfig = new MenuItem("Preferences..."); mnuConfig.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { fMain.cmdConfig_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); }; appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuConfig); mnuConfig.Show(); SeparatorMenuItem mnuAppSpace2 = new SeparatorMenuItem(); appGroup.AddMenuItem(mnuAppSpace2); mnuAppSpace2.Show(); } bMenu = true; } catch (Exception) { } } } fMain.Show(); Application.Run(); }
private void BuildHeader () { source_actions_align = new Gtk.Alignment (0f, .5f, 1f, 0f) { RightPadding = 0, LeftPadding = 0, NoShowAll = true }; if (Hyena.PlatformDetection.IsMeeGo) { source_actions_align.RightPadding = 5; source_actions_align.TopPadding = 5; } footer = new VBox (); source_actions_box = new EventBox () { Visible = true }; BuildSearchEntry (); InterfaceActionService uia = ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> (); if (uia != null) { Gtk.Action action = uia.GlobalActions["WikiSearchHelpAction"]; if (action != null) { MenuItem item = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Show (); search_entry.Menu.Append (item); item = new ImageMenuItem (Stock.Help, null); item.Activated += delegate { action.Activate (); }; item.Show (); search_entry.Menu.Append (item); } } source_actions_box.ShowAll (); source_actions_align.Add (source_actions_box); source_actions_align.Hide (); search_entry.Show (); context_pane = new Banshee.ContextPane.ContextPane (); context_pane.ExpandHandler = b => { SetChildPacking (content.Widget, !b, true, 0, PackType.Start); SetChildPacking (context_pane, b, b, 0, PackType.End); }; // Top to bottom, their order is reverse of this: PackEnd (footer, false, false, 0); PackEnd (context_pane, false, false, 0); PackEnd (source_actions_align, false, false, 0); PackEnd (new ConnectedMessageBar (), false, true, 0); }
private void BuildHeader () { header_align = new Alignment (0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (Hyena.PlatformDetection.IsMeeGo) { header_align.RightPadding = 5; header_align.TopPadding = 5; } header = new HBox (); footer = new VBox (); default_title_box = new EventBox (); title_label = new Label (); title_label.Xalign = 0.0f; title_label.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End; default_title_box.Add (title_label); // Show the source context menu when the title is right clicked default_title_box.PopupMenu += delegate { ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> ().SourceActions ["SourceContextMenuAction"].Activate (); }; default_title_box.ButtonPressEvent += delegate (object o, ButtonPressEventArgs press) { if (press.Event.Button == 3) { ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> ().SourceActions ["SourceContextMenuAction"].Activate (); } }; header_box = new EventBox (); custom_title_box = new HBox () { Visible = false }; BuildSearchEntry (); header.PackStart (default_title_box, true, true, 0); header.PackStart (custom_title_box, true, true, 0); header.PackStart (header_box, false, false, 0); header.PackStart (search_entry, false, false, 0); InterfaceActionService uia = ServiceManager.Get<InterfaceActionService> (); if (uia != null) { Gtk.Action action = uia.GlobalActions["WikiSearchHelpAction"]; if (action != null) { MenuItem item = new SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Show (); search_entry.Menu.Append (item); item = new ImageMenuItem (Stock.Help, null); item.Activated += delegate { action.Activate (); }; item.Show (); search_entry.Menu.Append (item); } } header_align.Add (header); header_align.ShowAll (); search_entry.Show (); PackStart (header_align, false, false, 0); PackEnd (footer, false, false, 0); context_pane = new Banshee.ContextPane.ContextPane (); context_pane.ExpandHandler = b => { SetChildPacking (content.Widget, !b, true, 0, PackType.Start); SetChildPacking (context_pane, b, b, 0, PackType.End); }; PackEnd (context_pane, false, false, 0); PackEnd (new ConnectedMessageBar (), false, true, 0); }