コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to add a review to a list within a ApplicationUser
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id"></param>
        /// <param name="review"></param>
        /// <param name="sp"></param>
        public async void AddDriverReview(string Id, DriverReview review, IServiceProvider sp)
            var _db = sp.GetService <ApplicationDbContext>();

            var result = await Get(review.Message);

            //Adds sentiment info flattened data to a driver review
            review.SentimentEntities = new List <SentimentInfo>();
            foreach (var r in result)
                var sent = new SentimentInfo()
                    SentimentScore = r.sentiment.score,
                    SentimentType  = r.sentiment.type

            review.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now;

            var user = _db.Users.Where(u => u.Id == Id).Include(u => u.Reviews).FirstOrDefault();

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to add a car review
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id"></param>
        /// <param name="review"></param>
        /// <param name="sp"></param>
        public async void AddCarReview(int Id, CarReview review, IServiceProvider sp)
            var _db    = sp.GetService <ApplicationDbContext>();
            var result = await Get(review.Message);

            //Section to add sentiment entity/score to a car review
            review.SentimentEntities = new List <SentimentInfo>();
            foreach (var r in result)
                var sentiment = new SentimentInfo()
                    SentimentScore = r.sentiment.score,
                    EntityType     = r.sentiment.type

            review.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now;

            var car = _db.Cars.Where(c => c.Id == Id).Include(u => u.Reviews).FirstOrDefault();

コード例 #3
ファイル: SentimentUtils.cs プロジェクト: beerye432/noise
        private static SentimentInfo ProcessText(string text, Dictionary <string, int> valences)
            // Remove <a> anchor tags
            Regex anchorTagRemove = new Regex("<a[*]a>");

            text = anchorTagRemove.Replace(text, "");

            // Replace non-alphanumeric characters (except periods) with spaces, to preserve ability to split
            Regex removeNonAlphaNumeric = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9. ]");

            text = removeNonAlphaNumeric.Replace(text, " ");

            // Replace any instance with 2 or more spaces with 1 space
            text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\s+", " ");

            // Split the scrubbed text into tokens
            List <string> tokens = new List <string>(text.Split(" ").Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)));

            // Get proper nouns from list of tokens
            Dictionary <string, int> properNounTokens = GetProperNouns(tokens);

            // Fully strip all non-alphanumeric characters
            Regex fullScrub = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]");

            text = fullScrub.Replace(text, " ");
            text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\s+", " ");

            // Create a new list of tokens, free of any non-alphanumeric characters, ready for rudimentary sentiment analysis
            tokens = new List <string>(text.Split(" "));

            // Go through tokens one by one, seeing if they land in AFINN-en-165 dictionary
            // TODO: refactor this into one of more methods to increase testability
            int valenceTotal = 0;
            int numTokens    = 0;
            Dictionary <string, int> positiveTokens = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> negativeTokens = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (string token in tokens.Select(t => t.ToLower()))
                // current token appears in valence dictionary
                if (valences.ContainsKey(token))
                    int valence = valences[token];

                    if (valence > 0) // token is positive
                        if (positiveTokens.ContainsKey(token))
                            positiveTokens[token] = 1;
                    else // token is negative
                        if (negativeTokens.ContainsKey(token))
                            negativeTokens[token] = 1;

                    // Add token's valence to valence total
                    valenceTotal += valences[token];

                    // Increment number of identified tokens

            SentimentInfo info = new SentimentInfo(valenceTotal, numTokens)
                PositiveTokens   = positiveTokens,
                NegativeTokens   = negativeTokens,
                ProperNounTokens = properNounTokens

コード例 #4
ファイル: SentimentUtils.cs プロジェクト: beerye432/noise
        public static async Task <SentimentInfo> MakeRequest(string linkURL, HttpClient client, string outFileName)
            // See if we have information about how to extract information from the domain of the current article
            DomainSettings domain = NoiseConfigurations.KnownDomains.Where(d => linkURL.Contains(d.Domain)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (domain == null)

            // Make a GET request for the current article
            var article = await client.GetAsync(linkURL);

            var articleResponse = await article.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // Create HTML document from HTTP response
            var articleHTML = new HtmlDocument();


            // Select nodes that conform to the domain's relevant element type and class
            HtmlNodeCollection newsSnippets = articleHTML.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($"//{domain.RelevantElementType}[contains(@class, '{domain.RelevantClassName}')]");

            // No nodes that conform to domain's relevant elemnt type and class? skip
            if (newsSnippets == null || newsSnippets.Count == 0)

            // Smush all the relevant nodes' inner text into 1 big string (adding spaces between nodes)
            string nodeConcat = string.Concat(newsSnippets.Select(n => n.InnerText + " "));

            // Feed concatenated article into processor
            SentimentInfo info = ProcessText(nodeConcat, NoiseConfigurations.Valences);

            using (NpgsqlConnection connection = new NpgsqlConnection(NoiseConfigurations.PostgresConnectionString))
                await connection.OpenAsync();

                using (NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand())
                    command.Connection  = connection;
                    command.CommandText = @"
                        INSERT INTO articles (name, published_on, valence)
                        VALUES (@name, @published_on, @valence)";

                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", linkURL);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("published_on", DateTime.UtcNow);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("valence", info.ValenceAverage);

                        await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                    catch (PostgresException ex)
                        if (ex.SqlState != "23505")
                            throw ex;

            await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFileName, $"Article {linkURL} has total valence of {info.Valence}, number of tokens {info.NumTokens}, and average valence of {info.ValenceAverage}\n");

コード例 #5
        private static async Task CollectSentiments()
            // For each scraper configuration (aka TOPIC)
            foreach (RSSScraperConfiguration topicScraper in NoiseConfigurations.ScraperTopics)
                List <string> rssFeedLinks      = new List <string>();
                var           rssResponseString = "";

                // Make a request to the RSS feed specified in the scraper
                NoiseHttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(topicScraper.RSSURL);
                var rssResponseMessage = await NoiseHttpClient.GetAsync(topicScraper.RSSURL);

                rssResponseString = await rssResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                // Get a list of article links from the RSS feed response
                XDocument rssFeedResponseXML = XDocument.Parse(rssResponseString);
                foreach (var item in rssFeedResponseXML.Root.Descendants().First(i => i.Name.LocalName == "channel").Elements().Where(i => i.Name.LocalName == "item"))
                    rssFeedLinks.Add(item.Elements().First(i => i.Name.LocalName == topicScraper.LinkLocalName).Value);

                // List of sentiment analysis results from all articles
                List <SentimentInfo> analyzedArticles = new List <SentimentInfo>();

                TimeZoneInfo tz         = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
                DateTime     currentPST = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.UtcNow, tz);
                string       outFile    = $"{topicScraper.Topic.ToString()}_{topicScraper.Name}_{currentPST.Year}-{currentPST.Month}-{currentPST.Day}.txt";

                // For each article link
                foreach (var linkURL in rssFeedLinks)
                    SentimentInfo info = await SentimentUtils.MakeRequest(linkURL, NoiseHttpClient, outFile);

                    if (info != null)

                SentimentInfo consolidatedSentimentInfo = SentimentUtils.ConsolidateSentimentInfo(analyzedArticles);

                // Write sentiments to database
                using (NpgsqlConnection connection = new NpgsqlConnection(NoiseConfigurations.PostgresConnectionString))
                    await connection.OpenAsync();

                    using (NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand())
                        command.Connection  = connection;
                        command.CommandText = @"
                            INSERT INTO sentiments (type, date, valence, domain)
                            VALUES (@type, @date, @valence, @domain)";

                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("type", (int)topicScraper.Topic);
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("date", currentPST);
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("valence", consolidatedSentimentInfo.ValenceAverage);
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("domain", topicScraper.Name);

                            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                        catch (PostgresException ex)
                            if (ex.SqlState != "23505")
                                throw ex;
                                Console.WriteLine($"A sentiment has already been collected for {topicScraper.Topic.ToString()} on {currentPST}");

                // Write sentiment info to file
                                        $"\n{topicScraper.Topic.ToString()} topic for {currentPST} yielded total valence of {consolidatedSentimentInfo.Valence}, " +
                                        $"number of tokens {consolidatedSentimentInfo.NumTokens}, " +
                                        $"and average valence of {consolidatedSentimentInfo.ValenceAverage}\n\n").Wait();

                // Write the top 10 proper nouns
                List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > propers = consolidatedSentimentInfo.ProperNounTokens.ToList();
                propers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.Value.CompareTo(p1.Value));
                await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFile, "Proper nouns:\n");

                await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(outFile, propers.Take(10).Select(s => $"{s.Key} {s.Value}"));

                await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFile, "\n");

                // Write the top 10 positive tokens
                List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > positives = consolidatedSentimentInfo.PositiveTokens.ToList();
                positives.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.Value.CompareTo(p1.Value));
                await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFile, "Positive tokens:\n");

                await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(outFile, positives.Take(10).Select(s => $"{s.Key} {s.Value}"));

                await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFile, "\n");

                // Write the top 10 negative tokens
                List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > negatives = consolidatedSentimentInfo.NegativeTokens.ToList();
                negatives.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.Value.CompareTo(p1.Value));
                await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFile, "Negative tokens:\n");

                await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(outFile, negatives.Take(10).Select(s => $"{s.Key} {s.Value}"));

                await File.AppendAllTextAsync(outFile, "\n");