コード例 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Sample for each device separately
            // LedMatrix.Run();
            // Joystick.Run();
            // AccelerometerAndGyroscope.Run();
            // Magnetometer.Run();
            // TemperatureAndHumidity.Run();
            // PressureAndTemperature.Run();

            using (var sh = new SenseHat())
                int n = 0;
                int x = 3, y = 3;

                while (true)

                    (int dx, int dy, bool holding) = JoystickState(sh);

                    if (holding)

                    x = (x + 8 + dx) % 8;
                    y = (y + 8 + dy) % 8;

                    sh.Fill(n % 2 == 0 ? Color.DarkBlue : Color.DarkRed);
                    sh.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Yellow);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: Sensor1: {sh.Temperature} C   Sensor2: {sh.Temperature2} C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Humidity: {sh.Humidity} %rH");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {sh.Pressure} hPa");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Acceleration: {sh.Acceleration} g");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Angular rate: {sh.AngularRate} DPS");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Magnetic induction: {sh.MagneticInduction} gauss");

コード例 #2
ファイル: SenseHat.Sample.cs プロジェクト: gLes/iot
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Sample for each device separately
            // LedMatrix.Run();
            // Joystick.Run();
            // AccelerometerAndGyroscope.Run();
            // Magnetometer.Run();
            // TemperatureAndHumidity.Run();
            // PressureAndTemperature.Run();

            // set this to the current sea level pressure in the area for correct altitude readings
            var defaultSeaLevelPressure = Pressure.MeanSeaLevel;

            using (var sh = new SenseHat())
                int n = 0;
                int x = 3, y = 3;

                while (true)

                    (int dx, int dy, bool holding) = JoystickState(sh);

                    if (holding)

                    x = (x + 8 + dx) % 8;
                    y = (y + 8 + dy) % 8;

                    sh.Fill(n % 2 == 0 ? Color.DarkBlue : Color.DarkRed);
                    sh.SetPixel(x, y, Color.Yellow);

                    var tempValue  = sh.Temperature;
                    var temp2Value = sh.Temperature2;
                    var preValue   = sh.Pressure;
                    var humValue   = sh.Humidity;
                    var accValue   = sh.Acceleration;
                    var angValue   = sh.AngularRate;
                    var magValue   = sh.MagneticInduction;
                    var altValue   = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature Sensor 1: {tempValue.Celsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature Sensor 2: {temp2Value.Celsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue:0.##}hPa");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Altitude: {altValue:0.##}m");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Acceleration: {sh.Acceleration}g");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Angular rate: {sh.AngularRate}DPS");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Magnetic induction: {sh.MagneticInduction}gauss");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humValue:0.#}%");

                    // WeatherHelper supports more calculations, such as saturated vapor pressure, actual vapor pressure and absolute humidity.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Heat index: {WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(tempValue, humValue).Celsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Dew point: {WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).Celsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
