コード例 #1
 public override void MakePlanRequest(SenseEventType EventType)
     if (EventType != SenseEventType.yWall)
         newPlanRequest = true;
コード例 #2
 public ModuleState Start()
     currentActionDirective.Action = AHEntities.Action.LEAVE;
     currentEvent = SenseEventType.NoEvent;
     currentActionDirective.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
     Scheduler = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PlanningScheduler.PlanningScheduler));
     if (internalState == ModuleState.Inactive)
         internalState = ModuleState.Active;
コード例 #3
        public override AHEntities.ActionDirective SelectAction(SenseEventType planReason)
            Dictionary <string, double> physicalState = WM.GetPhysicalState();

            double[] crossParamsGoal, crossParamsAttack, crossParamsDefense;
            bool     isThreat     = false;
            double   time2goal    = 0;
            double   time2attack  = 0;
            double   time2defense = 0;

            AHEntities.ActionDirective action = new ActionDirective();
            action.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

            #region stuck events handling
            if (planReason == SenseEventType.StuckPlayer)
                action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.PREPARE;
                action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            if (planReason == SenseEventType.StuckAgent)
                action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.STUCK_ATTACK;
                action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3);

            #endregion stuck events handling

            #region Crossing calculations
            Point puckP = new Point(physicalState["PuckX"], physicalState["PuckY"]);
            Point puckV = new Point(physicalState["PuckVx"], physicalState["PuckVy"]);
                // (y, T)
                crossParamsGoal = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, 32,
                                                                           AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.goalLine, (int)global["Tablewidth"], (int)global["Tableheight"]);

                crossParamsDefense = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, 32,
                                                                              AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.defenseAttackLine, (int)global["Tablewidth"], (int)global["Tableheight"]);

                crossParamsAttack = AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.Estimate(puckP, puckV, 32,
                                                                             AHEntities.EstimateLineCrossing.attackLine, (int)global["Tablewidth"], (int)global["Tableheight"]);
            catch (Exception)
                action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.LEAVE;
                action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
            #endregion Crossing calculations

            // not directed to the goal
            if (crossParamsGoal == null)
                action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.PREPARE;
                action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            // is directed to the goal
            if ((crossParamsGoal[0] < 220) && (crossParamsGoal[0] > -220))
                isThreat = true;

            // time to reach the goal and attack lines
            time2goal    = crossParamsGoal[1];
            time2defense = crossParamsDefense[1];
            time2attack  = crossParamsAttack[1];

            #region emergency Block/Leave
            // puck is too fast, immidiate BLOCK or LEAVE
            if (time2goal < 0.2)
                if (isThreat)
                    action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.BLOCK;
                    action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time2goal);
                    action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.LEAVE;
                    action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
            #endregion emergency Block/Leave

            if (time2attack < 0.5)      // defense attack (no time to calcualte elaborated attack
                action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.DEFENSE_ATTACK;
                action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time2defense);
            else // Directed attack
                int    height = (int)global["Tableheight"] / 2;
                double rim    = height * 0.95;
                action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time2attack);

                // puck is crossing on the rim of the table
                if (Math.Abs(crossParamsAttack[0]) > rim)
                    action.Action   = AHEntities.Action.DEFENSE_ATTACK;
                    action.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time2defense);
                else // crossing on the inside of the table
                    Random random = new Random();
                    AHEntities.Action[] attacks;
                    double outerTable = height * 0.65;
                    if (Math.Abs(crossParamsAttack[0]) > outerTable)    // outer part
                        if (crossParamsAttack[2] > height - outerTable) // Agent's left part
                            attacks = new AHEntities.Action[] { AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_RIGHT,
                                                                AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_MIDDLE };
                        else // Agent's right part
                            attacks = new AHEntities.Action[] { AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_LEFT,
                                                                AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_MIDDLE };
                    else // inner part
                        attacks = new AHEntities.Action[] { AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_LEFT,
                                                            AHEntities.Action.ATTACK_RIGHT };
                    action.Action = attacks[random.Next(attacks.Length)];
コード例 #4
 public abstract void MakePlanRequest(SenseEventType EventType);
コード例 #5
        public void StartNewPlan(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActionDirective             tempA;
            SenseEventArgs              senseE    = (SenseEventArgs)e;
            Dictionary <string, double> gameState = WM.GetPhysicalState();
            Point puckV = new Point(gameState["PuckVx"], gameState["PuckVy"]);

            if ((senseE.EventType == SenseEventType.yWall) && (puckV.X > 0))
                // no replan (prepare action)
                currentEvent = senseE.EventType;
                mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: No New Action Required: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
                //new plan
                if ((currentEvent == senseE.EventType) &&
                    ((currentEvent == SenseEventType.StuckPlayer) || (currentEvent == SenseEventType.StuckAgent)))
                    // no replan
                    mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: No New Action Required: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
                else if ((senseE.EventType == SenseEventType.yWall) && (puckV.X < 0))
                    // need to replan current action
                    currentEvent = senseE.EventType;
                    mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: Refining Old Action: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
                    currentEvent = senseE.EventType;
                    tempA        = actionSelectionStrategy.SelectAction(senseE.EventType);
                    //if (tempA.Action != currentActionDirective.Action)
                    lock (currentActionDirective.ActionDirectiveLock)
                        currentActionDirective.Action    = tempA.Action;
                        currentActionDirective.TimeStamp = senseE.TimeStamp;
                        currentActionDirective.Duration  = tempA.Duration - (DateTime.Now - senseE.TimeStamp);
                    // log action - new action
                    mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: New Action Selected: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());

                     * else
                     * {
                     *  mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: Old Action Selected: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
                     *  PlanningScheduler.MakePlanRequest(senseE.EventType);
                     * }*/

             * // new plan required
             * if ((senseE.EventType == SenseEventType.AgentCollision) || (senseE.EventType == SenseEventType.OpponentCollision) ||
             *  (senseE.EventType == SenseEventType.xWall) || (senseE.EventType == SenseEventType.yWall) && (puckV.X < 0))
             * {
             *  tempA = actionSelectionStrategy.SelectAction(senseE.EventType);
             *  if (tempA.Action != currentActionDirective.Action)
             *  {
             *      lock (currentActionDirective.ActionDirectiveLock)
             *      {
             *          currentActionDirective.Action = tempA.Action;
             *          currentActionDirective.TimeStamp = senseE.TimeStamp;
             *          currentActionDirective.Duration = tempA.Duration - (DateTime.Now - senseE.TimeStamp);
             *      }
             *      // log action - new action
             *      mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: New Action Selected: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
             *      PlanningScheduler.MakePlanRequest(senseE.EventType);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: Old Action Selected: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
             *      PlanningScheduler.MakePlanRequest(senseE.EventType);
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // log action
             *  mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: Refinement Of Active Action: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
             *  PlanningScheduler.MakePlanRequest(senseE.EventType);
             * }*/

             * if (senseE.PlanType == SensePlanArg.Plan)
             * {
             *  tempA = actionSelectionStrategy.SelectAction(senseE.EventType);
             *  // construct the action directive object
             *  if (tempA.Action != currentActionDirective.Action)
             *  {
             *      lock (currentActionDirective.ActionDirectiveLock)
             *      {
             *          currentActionDirective.Action = tempA.Action;
             *          currentActionDirective.TimeStamp = senseE.TimeStamp;
             *          currentActionDirective.Duration = tempA.Duration - (DateTime.Now - senseE.TimeStamp);
             *      }
             *      // log action - new action
             *      mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: New Action Selected: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      if ((currentActionDirective.Action != AHEntities.Action.PREPARE))
             *      {
             *          // log action - refinement of current action.
             *          mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: New (reselection) Action Selected: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
             *      }
             *  }
             *  PlanningScheduler.MakePlanRequest(senseE.EventType);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // current directive is still valid, need to schedule replanning
             *  // log action
             *  mLogger.AddLogMessage("Tactics: Refinement Of Active Action: " + currentActionDirective.Action.ToString());
             *  PlanningScheduler.MakePlanRequest(senseE.EventType);
             * }*/
コード例 #6
 public override void MakePlanRequest(SenseEventType EventType)
     newPlanRequest = true;
コード例 #7
 public abstract AHEntities.ActionDirective SelectAction(SenseEventType planReason);
コード例 #8
 public SenseEventArgs(SensePlanArg plan, SenseEventType type)
     PlanType  = plan;
     EventType = type;
     timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #9
        public override SenseEventType Estimate(double agentX, double agentY, double agentVx, double agentVy,
                                                double puckX, double puckY, double puckVx, double puckVy, double PuckR,
                                                double oppX, double oppY, double oppVx, double oppVy, WorldModel worldModel)
            Dictionary <string, double> oldState = worldModel.GetPhysicalState();

            SenseEventType event2return = SenseEventType.NoEvent;

            Point puckPold = new Point(oldState["PuckX"], oldState["PuckY"]);
            Point puckPnew = new Point(puckX, puckY);
            Point puckVold = new Point(oldState["PuckVx"], oldState["PuckVy"]);
            Point puckVnew = new Point(puckVx, puckVy);

            Point oppPold   = new Point(oldState["OpponentX"], oldState["OpponentY"]);
            Point oppPnew   = new Point(oppX, oppY);
            Point agentPold = new Point(oldState["AgentX"], oldState["AgentY"]);
            Point agentPnew = new Point(agentX, agentY);

            worldModel.UpdatePhysicalState(agentX, agentY, agentVx, agentVy, puckX, puckY, puckVx, puckVy, PuckR,
                                           oppX, oppY, oppVx, oppVy);

            if (VelocityChanged(puckVold, puckVnew))
                if ((puckPold.Dist(agentPold) < 80 + eps) || (puckPnew.Dist(agentPnew) < 80 + eps))
                    event2return = SenseEventType.AgentCollision;       // agent gave a hit
                else if ((puckPold.Dist(oppPold) < 80 + eps) || (puckPnew.Dist(oppPnew) < 80 + eps))
                    event2return = SenseEventType.OpponentCollision;      // player gave a hit
                else if (Math.Sign(puckVold.Y) == -Math.Sign(puckVnew.Y)) // Vy_old == -Vy_new
                    if (IsZero(puckVnew.X))                               // puck is stuck on a line (bouncing from side to side)
                        if (puckPnew.X < -eps)
                            event2return = SenseEventType.StuckAgent;   // stuck on the agent's side
                            event2return = SenseEventType.StuckPlayer;  // stuck on the player's side
                        event2return = SenseEventType.yWall;            // hit one of the side walls
                else if ((IsZero(puckVnew.X)) && (IsZero(puckVnew.Y)))  // stuck (standing still) somewhere
                    if (puckPnew.X < -eps)
                        event2return = SenseEventType.StuckAgent;       // standing still on the agent's side
                        event2return = SenseEventType.StuckPlayer;      // stading still on the player's side
                else if (Math.Sign(puckVold.X) != Math.Sign(puckVnew.X))
                    event2return = SenseEventType.xWall;                // hit one of the back/front walls
                    event2return = SenseEventType.Disturbance;
                event2return = SenseEventType.NoEvent;

            TrajectoryQueue puckTrajectory = EstimateLineCrossing.EstimatePuckTrajectory(puckPnew, puckVnew, (double)global["PuckRadius"],
                                                                                         (int)global["Tablewidth"], (int)global["Tableheight"], (double)global["TimeStep"], (double)global["TimeScale"]);

