protected void But_Register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string CompName = Text_CompName.Text.Trim(); string CompMail = Text_CompMail.Text.Trim(); string CompPwd = Text_CompPwd.Text.Trim(); string CompPhone = Text_CompPhone.Text.Trim(); CompPwd = PublicClass.getMd5Hash(CompPwd);//md5加密处理 sqlString = "insert into TB_Company(CompName,CompMail,CompPwd,CompPhone,CompDate,CompState) values('" + CompName + "','" + CompMail + "','" + CompPwd + "','" + CompPhone + "'," + "getdate()" + "," + 1 + ")"; if (db.ExecuteSQL(sqlString) > 0) { SendMail sm = new SendMail(); string to = Text_CompMail.Text.Trim(); string title = "邮箱确认邮件"; string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //内容链接直接给的本地运行的路径,如在运行的端口号不一致时,得修改这个端中号(1142) string content = @"<a href='http://localhost:1142/Confirm.aspx?user="******"'>http://localhost:1142/Confirm.aspx?user="******"</a>"; if (sm.Send(sm.MakeMail(to, title, content))) { sqlString = "update TB_Company set MailActive='" + guid + "' where CompMail='" + to + "'"; db.ExecuteSQL(sqlString); Response.Write("<script>alert('邮箱确认邮件已经发送到您的邮箱请注意确认,系统将返回登录页面');location.href='CompLogin.aspx';</script>"); } else { Response.Write("用户注册失败!"); } } }
protected void But_SendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SendMail sm = new SendMail(); string to = CompMail; string title = "邮箱确认邮件"; string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //内容链接直接给的本地运行的路径,如在运行的端口号不一致时,得修改这个端中号(1142) string content = @"<a href='http://localhost:1142/Confirm.aspx?user="******"'>http://localhost:1142/Confirm.aspx?user="******"</a>"; if (sm.Send(sm.MakeMail(to, title, content))) { sqlString = "update TB_Company set MailActive='" + guid + "' where CompMail='" + to + "'"; db.ExecuteSQL(sqlString); Response.Write("<script>alert('邮箱确认邮件已经发送到您的邮箱请注意确认,请点击确认链接后刷新此界面');</script>"); } }
protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEmail.Text.Trim() == "") { Response.Write("Email地址不能为空!"); return; } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() == "") { Response.Write("密码不能为空!"); return; } if (txtPwd.Text.Trim() != txtConfirm.Text.Trim()) { Response.Write("二次输入的密码不一致!"); return; } string sql = "insert into mail(email,pwd) values ('" + txtEmail.Text.Trim() + "','" + txtPwd.Text.Trim() + "')"; ExecuteSQl es = new ExecuteSQl(); if (es.ExcuteSql(sql) != 0) { SendMail sm = new SendMail(); string to = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); string title = "TestEmail"; string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //内容链接直接给的本地运行的路径,如在运行的端口号不一致时,得修改这个端中号(1142) string content = @"<a href='http://localhost:1142/Confirm.aspx?user="******"'>http://localhost:1142/Confirm.aspx?user="******"</a>"; if (sm.Send(sm.MakeMail(to, title, content))) { string strSql = "update mail set active='" + guid + "' where email='" + to + "'"; es.ExcuteSql(strSql); Response.Write("用户注册成功!请注意查收邮件!"); } else { Response.Write("用户注册失败!"); } } }