コード例 #1
        public SemanticOperationHandler(SemanticsGlobalScope semanticsScope, DocumentParser documentParser,
                                        Scope <Object> semanticOperationVariableMap)
            this.semanticsScope = semanticsScope;
            this.documentParser = documentParser;
//		    semanticOperationVariableMap.Add(
//				    SemanticOperationKeyWords.PURLCONNECTION_MIME,
//				    documentParser.purlConnection().mimeType());
            this.semanticOperationVariableMap = semanticOperationVariableMap;
コード例 #2
        public void HandleIf(IfSemanticOperation operation, DocumentParser parser, SemanticsGlobalScope infoCollector)
            // conditions have been checked in handleSemanticAction()

                SetOperationState(operation, "state", SemanticOperation.INTER);
                List <SemanticOperation> nestedSemanticActions = operation.NestedSemanticActionList;
                foreach (SemanticOperation nestedSemanticAction in nestedSemanticActions)
                    HandleSemanticOperation(nestedSemanticAction, parser, infoCollector);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IfOperationException(e, operation, semanticOperationVariableMap);
コード例 #3
 public SemanticOperationHandler(SemanticsGlobalScope semanticsScope, DocumentParser documentParser)
     : this(semanticsScope, documentParser, new Scope <Object>(BuiltInScope))
コード例 #4
        public void HandleForLoop(ForEachSemanticOperation operation, DocumentParser parser,
                                  SemanticsGlobalScope infoCollector)
                // get all the action which have to be performed in loop
                List <SemanticOperation> nestedSemanticActions = operation.NestedSemanticActionList;

                // get the collection object name on which we have to loop
                String collectionObjectName = operation.Collection;
                // if(checkPreConditionFlagsIfAny(action))
                    Object collectionObject = semanticOperationVariableMap.Get(collectionObjectName);

                    if (collectionObject == null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Can't execute loop because collection is null: " + SimplTypesScope.Serialize(operation, StringFormat.Xml));

                    // get the objects from the collection object

                    /*                    List<Object> collection = new List<Object>();
                     *                  foreach (Object value in (IEnumerable)collectionObject)
                     *                  {
                     *                      collection.Add(value);
                     *                  }
                    int collectionSize = ((IList)collectionObject).Count;

                    // set the size of collection in the for loop action.
                    if (operation.Size != null)
                        // we have the size value. so we add it in parameters
                        semanticOperationVariableMap.Put(operation.Size, collectionSize);

                    int start = 0;
                    int end   = collectionSize;

                    if (operation.Start != null)
                        start = Int32.Parse(operation.Start);
                    if (operation.End != null)
                        end = Int32.Parse(operation.End);

                    if (GetOperationState(operation, "state", SemanticOperation.INIT) == SemanticOperation.INTER)
                        start = GetOperationState(operation, "current_index", 0);

                    SetOperationState(operation, "state", SemanticOperation.INTER);

                    // start the loop over each object
                    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                        SetOperationState(operation, "current_index", i);
                        Object item = ((IList)collectionObject)[i];
                        // put it in semantic action return value map
                        semanticOperationVariableMap.Put(operation.AsStr, item);

                        // see if current index is needed
                        if (operation.CurrentIndex != null)
                            // set the value of this variable in parameters
                            semanticOperationVariableMap.Put(operation.CurrentIndex, i);

                        // now take all the actions nested inside for loop
                        foreach (SemanticOperation nestedSemanticAction in nestedSemanticActions)
                            HandleSemanticOperation(nestedSemanticAction, parser, infoCollector);

                        if (requestWaiting)

                        // at the end of each iteration clear flags so that we can do the next iteration
                        operation.SetNestedOperationState("state", SemanticOperation.INIT);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ForLoopException(e, operation, semanticOperationVariableMap);
コード例 #5
         * main entry to handle semantic operations. FOR loops and IFs are handled directly (they have built-
         * in semantics and are not overridable). otherwise it will can the perform() method on the operation
         * object.
         * @param action
         * @param parser
         * @param infoCollector
        public void HandleSemanticOperation(SemanticOperation operation, DocumentParser parser, SemanticsGlobalScope infoCollector)
            int state = GetOperationState(operation, "state", SemanticOperation.INIT);

            if (state == SemanticOperation.FIN || requestWaiting)
            //		debug("["+parser+"] semantic operation: " + action.getActionName() + ", SA class: " + action.getClassSimpleName() + "\n");

            operation.SemanticOperationHandler = this;

            // here state must be INTER or INIT

            // if state == INIT, we check pre-conditions
            // if state == INTER, because this must have been started, we skip checking pre-conditions
            if (state == SemanticOperation.INIT)
                if (!CheckConditionsIfAny(operation))
                    if (!(operation is IfSemanticOperation))
                        Debug.WriteLine("Semantic operation {0} not taken since (some) pre-requisite conditions are not met", operation);
                Debug.WriteLine("re-entering operations with pre-conditions; checking pre-conditions skipped: " + operation.GetOperationName());

            operation.SessionScope             = infoCollector;
            operation.SemanticOperationHandler = this;
            operation.DocumentParser           = parser;

            String operationName = operation.GetOperationName();

                if (SemanticOperationStandardMethods.ForEach.Equals(operationName))
                    HandleForLoop((ForEachSemanticOperation)operation, parser, infoCollector);
                else if (SemanticOperationStandardMethods.If.Equals(operationName))
                    HandleIf((IfSemanticOperation)operation, parser, infoCollector);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("The action " + operationName
                                + " could not be executed. Please see the stack trace for errors.");
                if (!requestWaiting)
                    SetOperationState(operation, "state", SemanticOperation.FIN);