public static void ResetPassword(BizPortalSessionContext context, MemberUser memberUser) { using (ITransaction tx = context.PersistenceSession.BeginTransaction()) { try { SelfAuthenticatedUser u = ((SelfAuthenticatedUser)memberUser); u.ResetPassword(context.Configuration.Security.PasswordPolicy, "aA=00000"); u.Persist(context); tx.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { tx.Rollback(); throw; } } }
private static void InitAdminUser() { Organization org = context.PersistenceSession.Get <Organization>(1L); OrgUnit orgUnit = org.OrgUnits.Where(x => x.Code == "01007").SingleOrDefault(); SelfAuthenticatedUser admin = new SelfAuthenticatedUser ( SystemEnum.RiskAssessmentAdminSystem, //SessionContext.MySystem.SystemID, org, //org, orgUnit, //orgUnit, "0000000000000", //idCard, "admin", //loginName, "แอดมิน", //firstNameTH, "admin", //firstNameEN, "แอดมิน", //lastNameTH, "admin", //lastNameEN, "", //middleNameTH, "", //middleNameEN, "", //email, "", //mobilePhone, "", //telephone, "", //toNumber, "", //directTelephone "", //Address true ); admin.EffectivePeriod = TimeInterval.EffectiveNow; admin.UserRoles = new List <UserRole> { new UserRole { User = admin, Role = context.PersistenceSession.QueryOver <Role>().Where(x => x.SystemID == SystemEnum.RiskAssessmentAdminSystem).SingleOrDefault(), EffectivePeriod = TimeInterval.EffectiveNow, } }; admin.Persist(context); }
public JsonResult Register(string idcard, string firstNameTH, string lastNameTH, string firstNameEN, string lastNameEN, string address, string telephone, string toNumber, string phoneIn, string smartPhone, string email, string status, long ministry, long departments) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idcard) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstNameTH) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNameTH) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstNameEN) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNameEN) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(address) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(status) && ministry == 0 && departments == 0) { return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "กรุณาตรวจสอบข้อมูล" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (SessionContext.PersistenceSession.QueryOver <iSabaya.User>().List().Any(x => x.Person.OfficialIDNo == idcard)) { return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "เลขบัตรประชาชนนี้ได้ลงทะเบียนแล้ว ไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนซ้ำได้" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } Organization org = Organization.Find(SessionContext, ministry); OrgUnit orgUnit = OrgUnit.Find(SessionContext, departments); SelfAuthenticatedUser user = new SelfAuthenticatedUser( SessionContext.MySystem.SystemID, org, orgUnit, idcard, firstNameEN, firstNameTH, firstNameEN, lastNameTH, lastNameEN, "", "", email, smartPhone, telephone, toNumber, phoneIn, address); user.UserRoles = new List <UserRole> { new UserRole(user, SessionContext.PersistenceSession.QueryOver <iSabaya.Role>().List().SingleOrDefault(x => x.SystemID == SystemEnum.RiskAssessmentProjectOwnerSystem)) }; // user is first register , user is not active and then administrator activate user.IsDisable = true; // set is not finali flag to admin activate and update approve action user.IsNotFinalized = true; using (ITransaction tx = SessionContext.PersistenceSession.BeginTransaction()) { try { user.Persist(SessionContext); tx.Commit(); SessionContext.Log(0, PageID, 0, "User Register : " + user.LoginName, "Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { tx.Rollback(); SessionContext.LogButNotFlush(0, PageID, 0, "User Register : " + user.LoginName, "Fail : " + ex.Message); return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = MessageException.Error }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Json(new { Success = true, Message = "บันทึกเรียบร้อย" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionContext.LogButNotFlush(0, PageID, 0, "User Register", "Fail : " + ex.Message); return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = MessageException.Error }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonResult RegisterStaff(string idCard, string firstNameTH, string lastNameTH, string firstNameEN, string lastNameEN, string address, string telephone, string toNumber, string directTelephone , string mobilePhone, string email, string institute, int roleId, long ministryId, long[] agencies) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idCard) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstNameTH) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNameTH) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstNameEN) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNameEN) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || roleId < 0 || ministryId < 0 || agencies.Length <= 0) { return(Json(new { Success = true, Message = "กรุณาตรวจสอบข้อมูล" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (SessionContext.PersistenceSession.QueryOver <iSabaya.User>().List().Any(x => x.Person.OfficialIDNo == idCard)) { return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "เลขบัตรประชาชนนี้ได้ลงทะเบียนแล้ว ไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนซ้ำได้" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } Organization org = SessionContext.PersistenceSession.QueryOver <Organization>().Where(o => o.Code == "01000").SingleOrDefault(); //กระทรวงสำนักนายกรัฐมนตรี 01000 OrgUnit orgUnit = SessionContext.PersistenceSession.QueryOver <OrgUnit>().Where(o => o.Code == "01007").SingleOrDefault(); //หน่วยงาน สำนักงบประมาณ 01007 SelfAuthenticatedUser user = new SelfAuthenticatedUser( SessionContext.MySystem.SystemID, org, orgUnit, idCard, firstNameEN, firstNameTH, firstNameEN, lastNameTH, lastNameEN, "", "", email, mobilePhone, telephone, toNumber, directTelephone, address); // user is first register , user is not active and then administrator activate user.IsDisable = true; // set is not finali flag to admin activate and update approve action user.IsNotFinalized = true; user.UserRoles = new List <UserRole> { new UserRole(user, SessionContext.PersistenceSession .QueryOver <iSabaya.Role>().List() .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == roleId)) }; IList <UserOrgUnit> userOrgUnits = new List <UserOrgUnit>(); for (int i = 0; i < agencies.Length; i++) { userOrgUnits.Add(new UserOrgUnit(user, OrgUnit.Find(SessionContext, agencies[i]))); } user.ResponsibleOrgUnits = userOrgUnits; using (ITransaction tx = SessionContext.PersistenceSession.BeginTransaction()) { try { user.Persist(SessionContext); tx.Commit(); SessionContext.Log(0, pageID, 0, MessageException.RegisterMessage.StaffRegister, MessageException.Success(user.LoginName)); } catch (Exception ex) { tx.Rollback(); SessionContext.Log(0, pageID, 0, MessageException.RegisterMessage.StaffRegister, MessageException.Fail(ex.Message)); return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = MessageException.Error }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } return(Json(new { Success = true, Message = "บันทึกเรียบร้อย" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionContext.Log(0, pageID, 0, MessageException.RegisterMessage.StaffRegister, MessageException.Fail(ex.Message)); return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = MessageException.Error }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }