コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If we are in ReadOnlySelect mode, intercept the click, and select the appropriate row
        /// without installing a normal selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
            //If XmlBrouseView did not receive a mouse down event then we do not want to
            //do anything on the mouseUp because the mouseUp would have come from clicking
            //somewhere else. LT-8939
            if (!m_fMouseUpEnabled)

                if (m_selectedIndex == -1)
                    return;                     // Can't do much in an empty list, so quit.
                m_fHandlingMouseUp = true;
#pragma warning disable 219
                int oldSelectedIndex = m_selectedIndex;
#pragma warning restore 219

                // Note all the stuff we might want to know about what was clicked that we will
                // use later. We want to get this now before anything changes, because there can
                // be scrolling effects from converting dummy objects to real.
                IVwSelection vwsel            = MakeSelectionAt(e);
                int          newSelectedIndex = GetRowIndexFromSelection(vwsel, true);
                // If we're changing records, we need to do some tricks to keep the selection in the place
                // clicked and the focus here. Save the information we will need.
                SelectionHelper clickSel = null;
                if (newSelectedIndex != SelectedIndex && vwsel != null && SelectionHelper.IsEditable(vwsel))
                    clickSel = SelectionHelper.Create(vwsel, this);
                ITsString tssWord      = null;    // word clicked for click copy
                ITsString tssSource    = null;    // whole source string of clicked cell for click copy
                int       hvoNewSelRow = 0;       // hvo of new selected row (only for click copy)
                int       ichStart     = 0;       // of tssWord in tssSource
                if (ClickCopy != null && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && newSelectedIndex >= 0)
                    if (vwsel != null && vwsel.SelType == VwSelType.kstText)
                        int icol = vwsel.get_BoxIndex(false, 3);
                        if (icol != Vc.OverrideAllowEditColumn + 1)
                            IVwSelection vwSelWord = vwsel.GrowToWord();
                            // GrowToWord() can return a null -- see LT-9163 and LT-9349.
                            if (vwSelWord != null)
                                vwSelWord.GetSelectionString(out tssWord, " ");
                                tssWord      = StripTrailingNewLine(tssWord);
                                hvoNewSelRow = m_sda.get_VecItem(m_hvoRoot, m_fakeFlid,
                                int  hvoObj, tag, ws;
                                bool fAssocPrev;
                                vwSelWord.TextSelInfo(false, out tssSource, out ichStart, out fAssocPrev, out hvoObj,
                                                      out tag, out ws);

                // We need to manually change the index for ReadOnly views.
                // SimpleRootSite delegates RightMouseClickEvent to our RecordBrowseView parent,
                // which also makes the selection for us..
                if (ReadOnlySelect && e.Button != MouseButtons.Right)
                    if (this.m_xbvvc.HasSelectColumn && e.X < m_xbvvc.SelectColumnWidth)
                        base.OnMouseUp(e);                         // allows check box to operate.
                    // If we leave this set, the base method call's side effects like updating the WS combo
                    // don't happen.
                    m_fHandlingMouseUp = false;
                    base.OnMouseUp(e);                     // normal behavior.
                    m_fHandlingMouseUp = true;
                if (tssWord != null)
                    // We're doing click copies; generate an event.
                    // Do this AFTER other actions which may change the current line.
                    ClickCopy(this, new ClickCopyEventArgs(tssWord, hvoNewSelRow, tssSource, ichStart));
                if (clickSel != null)
                    IVwSelection finalSel = null;
                    // There seem to be some cases where the selection helper can't restore the selection.
                    // One that came up in FWR-3666 was clicking on a check box.
                    // If we can't re-establish an editiable selection just let the default behavior continue.
                        finalSel = clickSel.MakeRangeSelection(RootBox, false);
                    catch (Exception)
                    if (finalSel != null && SelectionHelper.IsEditable(finalSel))
                m_fHandlingMouseUp = false;
                m_fMouseUpEnabled  = false;