public async void _ScanDeviceLibrary() { var dlg = new Dialogs.YesNo("Rescan Library", "Your Kindle will be scanned for books which will then be organized and renamed according to your Kindle's settings."); await MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.DialogHost.Show(dlg); if (dlg.DialogResult == false) { return; } var prgDlg = new Dialogs.Progress("Scanning Library", true); OpenBottomDrawer(prgDlg.Content); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { foreach (BookBase book in SelectedDevice.Rescan()) { prgDlg.Current = $"Processed {book.Title}"; } } catch (Exception e) { prgDlg.ShowError(e); } finally { prgDlg.Finish($"{SelectedDevice.Name} library scan complete."); } }); }