コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a slider at the specified position, assign it to a parent <c>Component</c> and return it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Uses <c>STANDARD_UI_ELEMENT_HEIGHT</c> to determine the
        /// width and height of this object. Using other values might lead to weird results.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="parent">The sliders's supposed parent.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The Unity name of the slider.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The default value of the slider.</param>
        /// <param name="min">The minimum value the slider can be set to.</param>
        /// <param name="min">The maximum value the slider can be set to.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The x-position of the slider, relative to the container's upper left corner.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y-position of the slider, relative to the container's upper left corner.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the slider. Note that this includes the label at the side.</param>
        /// <returns>The created slider.</returns>
        public static SelectableSliderHelper AddSliderToComponent(Component parent, string name, int value, int min, int max, float x, float y, float width)
            SelectableSliderHelper slider = GameObject.Instantiate(sliderTemplate, parent.transform);

            slider.Set(value, min, max);
            (slider.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 1);
            (slider.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax = new Vector2(0, 1);
            (slider.transform as RectTransform).offsetMin = new Vector2(x, -y - 50);
            (slider.transform as RectTransform).offsetMax = new Vector2(x + width, -y);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initalize a bunch of UI element templates: a dialog, a button, a dropdown menu, a slider, a toggle button and
 /// a label.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method needs to be called before trying to instantiate any UI elements with <c>CreateCustomXXX</c>
 /// methods, otherwise those will throw unchecked NullPointerExceptions (I should probably handle those better).
 /// Currently, this is achieved by the <see cref="InitCustomUIElementsPatch"/>. Also, once it has been called,
 /// another call to this method has no effect.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="settingsScreen">The settings screen. Using this to store the dialog template so that it doesn't
 /// get unloaded. There's probably a less hacky way to do this.</param>
 /// <param name="dialog">The dialog to be used as a template.</param>
 /// <param name="settingsDialog">The Settings Dialog, used to get a variety of UI elements.</param>
 public static void InitalizeTemplates(SettingsScreen settingsScreen,
                                       ScreenDialog dialog,
                                       SettingsDialog settingsDialog)
     // This only needs to run once.
     if (!AreTemplatesInitalized())
         initalized = true;
         // Just store a bunch of UI elements from the settings screen as templates. They will always be loaded,
         // so we don't have to care about manipulating them in any way yet.
         buttonTemplate   = Traverse.Create(settingsDialog).Field("keyMappingButton").GetValue <GameUISelectableButton>();
         dropdownTemplate = Traverse.Create(settingsDialog).Field("gameSpeedDropdown").GetValue <GameUISelectableDropdown>();;
         toggleTemplate   = Traverse.Create(settingsDialog).Field("googlyEyesToggle").GetValue <GameUISelectableToggle>();
         sliderTemplate   = Traverse.Create(Traverse.Create(settingsDialog).Field("scrollSensitivityControl").GetValue <ScrollSensitivityControl>()).Field("slider").GetValue <SelectableSliderHelper>();
         // There don't seem to be any labels that are assigned to explicit fields, which kinda makes sense, so we'll have to search for one.
         // This unfortunately breaks pretty easily as shown by the latest update of the game, so I guess we need a long term solution.
         labelTemplate = settingsDialog.transform.Find("Content/Content/Audio Section/Global volume control").GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();
         // Print warnings if any initalization has been unsuccessful.
         if (buttonTemplate == null)
             AdvancedRunHistory.Log("Button template is null.", LogLevel.Warning);
         if (dropdownTemplate == null)
             AdvancedRunHistory.Log("Dropdown template is null.", LogLevel.Warning);
         if (toggleTemplate == null)
             AdvancedRunHistory.Log("Toggle template is null.", LogLevel.Warning);
         if (sliderTemplate == null)
             AdvancedRunHistory.Log("Slider template is null.", LogLevel.Warning);
         if (labelTemplate == null)
             AdvancedRunHistory.Log("Label template is null.", LogLevel.Warning);
         // We actually neeed to instantiate a copy of the dialog template right now, as the Patch Notes dialog will
         // unload as soon as you leave the Main Menu screen. Also, we can remove its contents while we're at it.
         dialogTemplate = GameObject.Instantiate(dialog, settingsScreen.transform);
         foreach (Transform child in dialogTemplate.transform.Find("Content"))
         if (dialogTemplate == null)
             AdvancedRunHistory.Log("Dialog template is null.", LogLevel.Warning);
コード例 #3
 private void MakeProgressFilter(float xOffset, float yOffset)
     if (progressFilter == null)
         progressFilter = new RunDataFilterProgress();
     CustomUIManager.AddLabelToComponent(content, "Min Ring:", xOffset, yOffset, 240, 50);
     CustomUIManager.AddLabelToComponent(content, "Max Ring:", xOffset, yOffset + 70, 240, 50);
     progressMinSlider = CustomUIManager.AddSliderToComponent(content, "MinProgressSlider", 0, 0, 25, xOffset + columnWidth, yOffset, 240);
     progressMaxSlider = CustomUIManager.AddSliderToComponent(content, "MaxProgressSlider", 25, 0, 25, xOffset + columnWidth, yOffset + lineHeight, 240);
コード例 #4
 private void MakeCovenantFilter(float xOffset, float yOffset)
     if (covenantFilter == null)
         covenantFilter = new RunDataFilterCovenant();
     CustomUIManager.AddLabelToComponent(content, "Min Covenant:", xOffset, yOffset, 240, 50);
     CustomUIManager.AddLabelToComponent(content, "Max Covenant:", xOffset, yOffset + 70, 240, 50);
     covenantMinSlider = CustomUIManager.AddSliderToComponent(content, "MinCovenantSlider", 0, 0, 25, xOffset + columnWidth, yOffset, 240);
     covenantMaxSlider = CustomUIManager.AddSliderToComponent(content, "MaxCovenantSlider", 25, 0, 25, xOffset + columnWidth, yOffset + lineHeight, 240);