コード例 #1
        private async Task <string> OpenSelectableInputAlertDialog()
            // create the TextInputView
            var inputView = new SelectableInputView(
                "How's your day mate?",
                new List <string>()
                "Awesome!", "Great!", "Cool!", "Good!", "Not Bad!", "Meh!"
                "Save", "Cancel", "Ops! You can't leave without a selection!");

            // create the Transparent Popup Page
            // of type string since we need a string return
            var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <string>(inputView);

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.SaveButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((SelectableInputView)sender).SelectionResult))
                    ((SelectableInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false;
                    ((SelectableInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true;

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.CancelButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>

            // Push the page to Navigation Stack
            await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(popup);

            // await for the user to enter the text input
            var result = await popup.PageClosedTask;

            // Pop the page from Navigation Stack
            await PopupNavigation.PopAsync();

            // return user inserted text value
コード例 #2
        public async Task <string> OpenSelectableInputAlertDialog(string titleText, IList <string> selectiondataSource, string saveButtonText,
                                                                  string cancelButtonText, string validationText)
            // create the TextInputView
            var inputView = new SelectableInputView(
                "How's your day mate?",
                new List <string>()
                "Awesome!", "Great!", "Cool!", "Good!", "Not Bad!", "Meh!"
                "Save", "Cancel", "Ops! You can't leave without a selection!");

            // create the Transparent Popup Page
            // of type string since we need a string return
            var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <string>(inputView);

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.SaveButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((SelectableInputView)sender).SelectionResult))
                    ((SelectableInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false;
                    ((SelectableInputView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true;

            // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event
            inputView.CancelButtonEventHandler +=
                (sender, obj) =>

            // return user inserted text value
            return(await Navigate(popup));