コード例 #1
        private void FindPotentialRoomMatch(SeenRoom seenRoom, Player player)
            seenRoom.PotentialMatches = (from room in player.Model.Rooms
                                         where room.Name == seenRoom.Name
                                         select room).ToList();
            if (seenRoom.PotentialMatches.Count <= 1)

            // check descriptions if available
            seenRoom.PotentialMatches = (from room in seenRoom.PotentialMatches
                                         where DoesRoomDescriptionMatch(room, seenRoom)
                                         select room).ToList();
            if (seenRoom.PotentialMatches.Count <= 1)

            // check exits
            seenRoom.PotentialMatches = (from room in seenRoom.PotentialMatches
                                         where room.DoExitsMatch(player, seenRoom.Exits)
                                         select room).ToList();

            // check NPC's, maybe bosses

            // check placed objects
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateRoomState(Player player, SeenRoom room)
            RoomDisplayCommand command;
            Direction?         direction;

            // parse the users last command to see if we can tell which direction the user is moving.
            ParseUserCommand(player, out command, out direction);
            if (followingDirection != null)
                command   = RoomDisplayCommand.Move;
                direction = followingDirection;

            //if (command != RoomDisplayCommand.Look)
            //    player.UpdateItems(

            if (command == RoomDisplayCommand.Look)
                Looking(player, room, direction);
            else if (command == RoomDisplayCommand.Move || command == RoomDisplayCommand.Refresh || command == RoomDisplayCommand.Unknown)
                MovedOrRefresh(player, room, command, direction);
コード例 #3
        private void ParseRoomInfo(Player player)
            player.Interface.DebugText("Room Parsed: " + roomName + ", Last Command: " + player.LastConfirmedCommand);

            SeenRoom room = new SeenRoom();

            room.Name = roomName.Trim();

            if (description != null)
                room.Description = description.Trim();

            if (items != null)
                var itemMatches = player.Model.RoomItemRegex.Matches(items);
                room.PopulateInventory(itemMatches, null, player.Model);
            if (people != null)
                var playerMatches = player.Model.RoomPeopleRegex.Matches(people);
                room.People.AddRange(playerMatches.Cast <Match>().Select(x => x.Groups["name"].Value));

            var exitMatches = player.Model.RoomExitRegex.Matches(exits);

            room.Exits.AddRange(exitMatches.Cast <Match>().Select(x => x.Groups["name"].Value));

            UpdateRoomState(player, room);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Eliminates potential rooms from a web of rooms. Returns true if potentials were eliminated, false otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool EliminatePotentials(SeenRoom room)
            bool eliminated = false;

            // eliminate potentials on the current room first.
            foreach (Direction direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)))
                var adjacent = room.AdjacentRooms[(int)direction];
                if (adjacent != null)
                    var potentials = (from x in room.PotentialMatches
                                      let x1 = x.GetExit(direction).AdjacentRoomNumber
                                               where adjacent.PotentialMatches.Any(y => y.RoomNumber == x1)
                                               select x).ToList();

                    if (potentials.Count < room.PotentialMatches.Count)
                        eliminated = true;
                    room.PotentialMatches = potentials;

            // once the current room's potentials have been minimized according to local data, reduce the potentials
            // on all adjacent rooms based on what we already know.
            foreach (Direction direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)))
                var adjacent = room.AdjacentRooms[(int)direction];
                if (adjacent != null)
                    var adjacentPotentials = (from x in room.PotentialMatches
                                              let x1 = x.GetExit(direction).AdjacentRoomNumber
                                                       let y = adjacent.PotentialMatches.Single(z => z.RoomNumber == x1)
                                                               select y).ToList();

                    if (adjacentPotentials.Count < adjacent.PotentialMatches.Count)
                        eliminated = true;
                    adjacent.PotentialMatches = adjacentPotentials;

            // Lastly, recurse through the adjacent rooms to repeat the process.
            foreach (Direction direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)))
                var adjacent = room.AdjacentRooms[(int)direction];
                if (adjacent != null)
                    if (EliminatePotentials(adjacent))
                        eliminated = true;

コード例 #5
        private void MovedOrRefresh(Player player, SeenRoom room, RoomDisplayCommand command, Direction?direction)
            if (player.RoomDetectionState == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch && command == RoomDisplayCommand.Move && direction != null)
                // user is moving, verify that the new room we are in is in fact what we think it is.
                VerifyNewRoom(player.LastSeenRoom, direction.Value, room, player);
                // first find a potential match for the room.
                FindPotentialRoomMatch(room, player);

                if (room.PotentialMatches.Count == 1)
                    // we found a definite match, simply set the current room and be done with it.
                    SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch, room, player);
                else if (room.PotentialMatches.Count == 0)
                    // found a room that we have no idea where it is, so we're officially lost.
                    SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.NoClue, null, player);
                    if (player.RoomDetectionState == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches && direction != null)
                        player.LastSeenRoom.AdjacentRooms[(int)direction] = room;
                        SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches, room, player);
                    else if (command == RoomDisplayCommand.Refresh && player.RoomDetectionState == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch && room.HasMatch(player.LastSeenRoom.Match.RoomNumber))
                        // player refreshed, so if we had a match don't overwrite it with an ambiguity.
                    else if (player.RoomDetectionState == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch && command == RoomDisplayCommand.Move && direction == null)
                        // We couldn't tell what direction the user moved, so look at the adjacent rooms and see if there's a single match.
                        var adjacentRooms = player.LastSeenRoom.Match.GetAdjacentRoomNumbers();

                        var narrowedList = room.PotentialMatches.Where(p => adjacentRooms.Any(a => p.RoomNumber == a));
                        if (narrowedList.Count() == 1)
                            room.PotentialMatches.RemoveAll(x => x.RoomNumber != narrowedList.First().RoomNumber);
                            // found a definite match, let's assume the user moved there.
                            SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch, room, player);
                        SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches, room, player);
コード例 #6
        private bool DoesRoomDescriptionMatch(Room candidate, SeenRoom seenRoom)
            // no description, simply return all candidates as the user likely just has short mode on
            if (seenRoom.Description == null)

            return(Utilities.AssembleDescriptionString(candidate.Desc_0, candidate.Desc_1, candidate.Desc_2, candidate.Desc_3, candidate.Desc_4, candidate.Desc_5, candidate.Desc_6) ==
コード例 #7
        private void Looking(Player player, SeenRoom room, Direction?direction)
            if (player.RoomDetectionState == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches && direction != null)
                // user is looking through an exit, and they aren't entirely sure where they are.
                // So we'll try to use this information to come up with an idea, hopefully narrow down the choices.
                FindPotentialRoomMatch(room, player);

                // we're looking and we have a hazy idea of where we are, so add the room to the current web of data
                // and recalculate.
                player.LastSeenRoom.AdjacentRooms[(int)direction] = room;
コード例 #8
        private static bool IsInWeb(SeenRoom start, SeenRoom toCheck)
            foreach (Direction direction in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)))
                var adjacent = start.AdjacentRooms[(int)direction];
                if (adjacent == toCheck)
                if (adjacent != null && IsInWeb(adjacent, toCheck))

コード例 #9
        private static void SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState state, SeenRoom room, Player player)
            if (state == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches)
                if (player.SeenRoomAnchor == null)
                    // we had a hazy idea before, and the new room has done nothing to correct that notion.
                    // set the anchor point so a web can be calculated.
                    player.SeenRoomAnchor = room;
                else if (!IsInWeb(player.SeenRoomAnchor, room))
                    // The newly seen room isn't in the web, so we might have teleported or some other accident happened. Clear
                    // the anchor so we don't try running a calculation on old data.
                    player.SeenRoomAnchor = room;

            player.LastSeenRoom       = room;
            player.RoomDetectionState = state;

            switch (state)
            case RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch:
                player.SeenRoomAnchor = null;
                player.Interface.DebugText("Room detected: " + room.PotentialMatches[0].Map_Number.ToString() + ":" + room.PotentialMatches[0].Room_Number.ToString());

            case RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches:
                player.Interface.DebugText("Potential Room Matches: " + room.PotentialMatches.Count().ToString());

            case RoomDetectionState.NoClue:
                player.SeenRoomAnchor = null;
                player.Interface.DebugText("No room matches found!");
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user moves from one room to another. This simply verifies that the new room
        /// is what we expect it to be.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lastSeenRoom"></param>
        /// <param name="movingDirection"></param>
        /// <param name="room"></param>
        private void VerifyNewRoom(SeenRoom lastSeenRoom, Direction movingDirection, SeenRoom room, Player player)
            FindPotentialRoomMatch(room, player);
            if (room.PotentialMatches.Count == 1)
                // only one match for the current room. Go ahead and set it.
                SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch, room, player);
            if (room.PotentialMatches.Count == 0)
                // no matches, not sure what to do.
                SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.NoClue, null, player);

            // ambiguous match found, so attempt to figure out what room we're in by following the
            // exit that the user used.
            var  exitData    = lastSeenRoom.Match.GetExits().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Direction == movingDirection);
            Room matchedRoom = null;

            if (exitData != null)
                matchedRoom = room.GetMatch(exitData.AdjacentRoomNumber);

            if (matchedRoom == null)
                // no match. Dunno what happened. User possibly teleported into an ambiguous room.
                SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatches, room, player);
                // we have a match. Remove all candidates that aren't the matched room
                room.PotentialMatches.RemoveAll(x => x != matchedRoom);
                SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch, room, player);
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// No light in the room, figure out if we're moving and in which direction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        public static void HandleDarkMovement(Player player)
            RoomDisplayCommand command;
            Direction?         direction;

            // parse the users last command to see if we can tell which direction the user is moving.
            ParseUserCommand(player, out command, out direction);

            if (command == RoomDisplayCommand.Move && direction != null && player.RoomDetectionState == RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch)
                var exitData = player.LastSeenRoom.Match.GetExits().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Direction == direction);
                if (exitData != null)
                    var      roomNumber = exitData.AdjacentRoomNumber;
                    var      room       = player.Model.GetRoom(roomNumber);
                    SeenRoom seen       = new SeenRoom();
                    seen.PotentialMatches = new List <Room>()
                    SetCurrentRoom(RoomDetectionState.HaveMatch, seen, player);