コード例 #1
        // *******************************************************************
        // Public methods.
        // *******************************************************************

        #region Public methods

        /// <summary>
        /// This method performs any startup logic required by MongoDb, such as
        /// dropping the underlying database (if needed), or creating the underlying
        /// database (if needed), or adding seed data to an otherwise blank
        /// database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TClient">The type of associated client.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TOptions">The type of associated options.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="applicationBuilder">The application builder to use for
        /// the operation.</param>
        /// <param name="seedDelegate">A delegate for seeding the database with
        /// startup data.</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the <paramref name="applicationBuilder"/>
        /// parameter, for chaining calls together.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">This exception is thrown whenever one
        /// or more arguments are invalid, or missing.</exception>
        public static IApplicationBuilder UseCosmoDb <TClient, TOptions>(
            this IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
            SeedAction <TClient> seedDelegate
            ) where TClient : MongoClient
            where TOptions : MongoDbRepositoryOptions
            // Validate the parameters before attempting to use them.
            Guard.Instance().ThrowIfNull(applicationBuilder, nameof(applicationBuilder))
            .ThrowIfNull(seedDelegate, nameof(seedDelegate));

            // Get the registered options.
            var options = applicationBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <
                IOptions <TOptions>

            var wasDropped = false;
            var wasCreated = false;

            // Should we manipulate the database?
            if (options.Value.EnsureCreated ||
                options.Value.DropDatabase ||
                // Apply any pending migrations.
                using (var scope = applicationBuilder.ApplicationServices.CreateScope())
                    // Get a CosmoDb client.
                    var client = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <TClient>();

                    // Should we drop the database?
                    if (options.Value.DropDatabase)
                        // Drop the database.

                        // Keep track of what we've done.
                        wasDropped = true;

                    // Should we make sure the database exists?
                    if (options.Value.EnsureCreated)
                        // Get the database.
                        var database = client.GetDatabase(

                        // Keep track of what we've done.
                        wasCreated = true;

                    // Should we make sure the database has seed data?
                    if (options.Value.SeedDatabase)
                        // Perform the data seeding operation.

            // Return the application builder.