public async Task <UserPaper> GetUserPaper(String document, string phone) { string url = String.Format(String.Concat(DataConstants.Endpoint, DataConstants.SecurityManualURL), document); if (phone != null && phone.Length > 0) { url = String.Concat(url, "&telefonoEmpleado=", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(phone)); } var response = await MakeApiKeyHttpCall <BaseResponse <UserPaperData>, string>(url, HttpVerbMethod.Get, null) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (response.HasError) { if ( != null && > 0) { response.Message = String.Join("\n", => x.message)); } throw new ApiException() { Code = response.status, Error = response.Message }; } return(SecurityMapper.MapUser(; }
public SecurityService(ISecurityRepository repository, IConfiguration config, IList <Token> tokens) { this.Repository = repository; this.TokenStore = tokens; this.Configuration = config; SecurityMapper.Map(); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Location> > GetLocations() { string url = String.Concat(DataConstants.Endpoint, DataConstants.SecurityLocationsURL); var response = await MakeApiKeyHttpCall <BaseResponse <LocationData>, string>(url, HttpVerbMethod.Get, null) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (response.HasError) { if ( != null && > 0) { response.Message = String.Join("\n", => x.message)); } throw new ApiException() { Code = response.status, Error = response.Message }; } return(SecurityMapper.MapLocationList(; }
public ICollection <GeneratedFile> FromStream(Stream stream, GeneratorSettings settings, out OpenApiDiagnostic diagnostic) { var reader = new OpenApiStreamReader(); var openApiDocument = reader.Read(stream, out diagnostic); var models = new ModelsMapper(settings, diagnostic.SpecificationVersion).Map(openApiDocument.Components.Schemas).ToList(); var @interface = new InterfaceMapper(settings).Map(openApiDocument); var security = new SecurityMapper(settings).Map(openApiDocument); var files = new List <GeneratedFile> { // Add Interface new GeneratedFile { Path = settings.ApiNamespace, Name = $"{@interface.Name}.cs", Content = new InterfaceBuilder(settings).Build(@interface, security, models.Any()) } }; var extensions = new ExtensionMethodsBuilder(settings).Build(@interface, @interface.Name); if (extensions != null) { // Add ApiExtension files.Add(new GeneratedFile { Path = settings.ApiNamespace, Name = $"{new string(@interface.Name.Skip(1).ToArray())}Extensions.cs", Content = extensions }); } // Add Models var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(settings); files.AddRange(models.Select(model => new GeneratedFile { Path = settings.ModelsNamespace, Name = $"{model.ClassName}.cs", Content = modelBuilder.Build(model) })); // Add Inline Models files.AddRange(@interface.InlineModels.Select(model => new GeneratedFile { Path = settings.ModelsNamespace, Name = $"{model.ClassName}.cs", Content = modelBuilder.Build(model) })); if (settings.SingleFile) { return(new[] { new GeneratedFile { Path = string.Empty, Name = $"{@interface.Name}.cs", Content = string.Join("\r\n", files.Select(f => f.Content)) } }); } return(files); }
//private static TextWriterTraceListener listener; /// <summary> /// Performs login operation using specified credentials and reads user's permission. /// </summary> /// <param name="username">Username.</param> /// <param name="password">Password (SHA 256 hash).</param> /// <param name="language">User's language version.</param> /// <param name="hostAddress">Client's ip address or host name.</param> /// <returns> /// Created sessionId if successful; otherwise, <see cref="ClientException"/> is thrown. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="ClientException">InvalidLanguageVersion if supplied language is not supported.</exception> /// <exception cref="ClientException">AuthenticationError if supplied username or password is incorrect.</exception> public Guid LogOn(string username, string password, string language, string hostAddress) { /*if (listener != null) * { * listener.Flush(); * listener.Close(); * listener = null; * } * listener = new TextWriterTraceListener("C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\KernelServices\\Log\\Debug.xml"); * Debug.Listeners.Add(listener);*/ if (!this.allowedLanguages.Contains(language)) { throw new ClientException(ClientExceptionId.InvalidLanguageVersion); } SqlConnectionManager.Instance.InitializeConnection(); try { SecurityMapper mapper = DependencyContainerManager.Container.Get <SecurityMapper>(); XDocument doc = mapper.GetApplicationUserData(username); XElement userElement = doc.Root.Element("applicationUser").Element("entry"); if (userElement == null || userElement.Element("password") == null || userElement.Element("password").Value.ToUpperInvariant() != password.ToUpperInvariant()) //incorrect username { throw new ClientException(ClientExceptionId.AuthenticationError); } User user = new User(new Guid(userElement.Element("contractorId").Value)); //generate SessionID Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid(); //set sessionId SessionManager.SessionId = sessionId; //create a new session SessionManager.CreateSession(); //store User object in session SessionManager.User = user; //set user's language SessionManager.Language = language; if (hostAddress == null) { hostAddress = String.Empty; } this.LoadUserData(user, userElement); var permissions = auth.CreatePrincipal(user.UserId.ToUpperString(), username, AuthenticationMethods.Password); user.Principal = permissions; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = permissions; XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<root><host>{0}</host><sessionId>{1}</sessionId></root>", hostAddress, sessionId.ToUpperString())); //log the operation JournalManager.Instance.LogToJournal(JournalAction.User_LogOn, null, null, null, xml); return(sessionId); } finally { SqlConnectionManager.Instance.ReleaseConnection(); } }