public static string Decrypt(string textToEncrypt) { string temp; #if UNITY_WINRT && !UNITY_EDITOR temp = LegacySystem.IO.Decrypt(textToEncrypt) #else temp = SecurityClass.Decrypt(textToEncrypt); #endif return(temp); }
private void CashRecord() { using (var dbContext = new UnitOfWork()) { var user = dbContext.UserRepository.GetById(UserId); txtUserName.Text = SecurityClass.Decrypt(user.UserName); txtFullName.Text = user.FullName; txtTell.Text = user.Tell; txtMobile.Text = user.Mobile; txtAddress.Text = user.Address; } }
private void LoginPage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var isRemember = Settings.Default.IsRemember; if (isRemember != "true") { chkRemember.Checked = false; } else { var userName = SecurityClass.Decrypt(Settings.Default.UserName); var password = Settings.Default.Password; txtUsername.Text = userName; txtPassword.Text = SecurityClass.Decrypt(password); chkRemember.Checked = true; } }
private void log_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var SkinPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); SkinPath = SkinPath + @"\SkinName.txt"; if (File.Exists(SkinPath)) { string name = File.ReadAllText(SkinPath); UserLookAndFeel.Default.SkinName = name; skinname = name; changeColor(name); } } catch { } ExistDataBase = CheckDatabase("Project_DB"); var CoonctionPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var Coonction = CoonctionPath + "\\POSConnection.txt"; if (File.Exists(Coonction)) { StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(Coonction); string[] Setting = SR.ReadToEnd().Split(new string[] { "#" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Setting[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Setting[1]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Setting[2])) { DataBaseConnection.ISLocal = false; DataBaseConnection.ServerName = Setting[0]; DataBaseConnection.UserName = Setting[1]; DataBaseConnection.Password = Setting[2]; ExistDataBase = true; } else { DataBaseConnection.ISLocal = true; } SR.Close(); } else { DataBaseConnection.ISLocal = true; } bool servicesRun = false; scServices = ServiceController.GetServices(); foreach (ServiceController scTemp in scServices) { if (scTemp.ServiceName == "MSSQLSERVER" || scTemp.ServiceName == "SQLEXPRESS") { if (scTemp.ServiceName == "MSSQLSERVER") { sc = new ServiceController("MSSQLSERVER"); } else if (scTemp.ServiceName == "SQLEXPRESS") { sc = new ServiceController("SQLEXPRESS"); } if (sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { try { sc.Start(); while (sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { Thread.Sleep(1000); sc.Refresh(); } } catch (Exception E) { XtraMessageBox.Show(E.Message + "هناك مشكلة فى الاتصال بقاعدة البيانات يرجى التواصل مع المطور"); Application.Exit(); } } else if (sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running) { servicesRun = true; break; } } } if (servicesRun == true) { Process[] pname = Process.GetProcessesByName("POSProject"); if (pname.Length > 1) { XtraMessageBox.Show("فى نسخة تانى مفتوحة من البرنامج لو مش عارف تقفلها رستر الجهاز "); foreach (Process item in Process.GetProcessesByName("ITI_Project")) { item.Kill(); } } else { Count = 0; try { DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Now.Date; String[] Dates = new string[2]; if (ExistDataBase) { try { Company_Info_Table ob = BussinesObj.SelectCompanyInfo(); PictPath = ob.Company_Logo; if (File.Exists(PictPath)) { pictureEdit1.Image = Image.FromFile(PictPath); } else { pictureEdit1.Image = ITI_Project.Properties.Resources.cashier; } } catch (Exception E) { } var roamingDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var filePath = roamingDirectory + "\\POSProject.txt"; byte[] ascii = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(BIOSserNo); byte[] ascii2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(BoardProductId); foreach (Byte b in ascii) { TotalACAddress = TotalACAddress + int.Parse(b.ToString()); } foreach (Byte b in ascii2) { TotalBoardProductId = TotalBoardProductId + int.Parse(b.ToString()); } var TrialLicence = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var TrialLicencePath = TrialLicence + "\\Trial2.txt"; if (File.Exists(TrialLicencePath)) { simpleButton2.Enabled = false; this.Height = 518; StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(TrialLicencePath); String DataResult = SR.ReadToEnd(); try { DateTime Date = DateTime.Parse(SecurityClass.Decrypt(DataResult, "PosSystemEncraptionKey")); int result = DateTime.Compare(Date, DateTime.Now); if (result <= 0) { txtusername.Enabled = true; txtpassword.Enabled = true; simpleButton1.Enabled = true; checkEdit1.Enabled = true; } else { txtusername.Enabled = false; txtpassword.Enabled = false; simpleButton1.Enabled = false; checkEdit1.Enabled = false; } } catch { } } else { simpleButton2.Enabled = true; this.Height = 600; } } else { /// attach database /// try { string FileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(@"DataBase\")); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Server=.;Data Source=;Integrated Security=SSPI"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", conn); cmd.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE Project_DB ON " + "( FILENAME = '" + FileName + "Project_DB.mdf' )," + "( FILENAME ='" + FileName + "Project_DB_log.ldf')" + "FOR ATTACH"; conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); conn.Close(); if (XtraMessageBox.Show(" تم تهيئة قواعد البيانات الخاصة بالنظام يرجى تشغيل النظام مرة اخرى") == DialogResult.OK) { this.Close(); } } catch (Exception E) { if (E.Message.Contains("DataBase\\Project_DB.mdf\" is compressed but does not reside in a read-only database or filegroup. The file must be decompressed.\r\nCould not open File Control Bank (FCB) for invalid file ID 2 in database 'Project_DB'. Verify the file location. Execute DBCC CHECKDB.\r\nCould not open new database 'Project_DB'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.")) { XtraMessageBox.Show("ملف قواعد البيانات مضغوط يرجا فك الضغط والمحاولة لاحقا"); Application.Exit(); } else { // XtraMessageBox.Show(E.Message);\ } } } } catch (Exception E) { if (E.Message == "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.") { } else if (E.Message == "Salt is not at least eight bytes.") { } else { // XtraMessageBox.Show(E.Message); } } } } }