public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { result = ""; Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated && tok.GetCurrentUser().Registered) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); List <Security.ComputableWorkflowReference> computableWf = user.GetComputableWorkflows(); List <Security.WorkflowReference> editableWf = user.GetEditableWorkflows(); if (computableWf.Count == 0 && editableWf.Count == 0) { result = "You didn't create or publish any form."; } else { if (computableWf.Count == 0) { result += "You didn't publish any form"; } else { int i = 0; foreach (Security.ComputableWorkflowReference w in computableWf) { result += w.GetWorkflowName() + "\\|)//" + w.GetWorkflowDescription() + "\\|)//" + i + "\\|)//" + w.GetWorkflowExpirationDate().ToString("d") + "\\|//"; i++; } } result += "\\||//"; if (editableWf.Count == 0) { result += "You didn't create any models"; } else { int i = 0; foreach (Security.WorkflowReference w in editableWf) { result += w.GetWorkflowName() + "\\|)//" + w.GetWorkflowDescription() + "\\|)//" + i + "\\|//"; i++; } } Page.Session["ComputableWorkflowReferenceList"] = computableWf; Page.Session["WorkflowReferenceList"] = editableWf; } } else { result = "You haven't authenticated yet."; } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { Security.Contact tempcontact; string newgroupname = ""; List <Security.Contact> contacts = new List <Security.Contact>(); Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; Dictionary <string, string> services = (Dictionary <string, string>)Page.Session["services"]; if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated && tok.GetCurrentUser().Registered) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); if (user.Registered) { string contactsadded = ""; if (eventArgument != null && !eventArgument.Equals("")) { string[] args = eventArgument.Split('β'); string[] argcontact; newgroupname = args[0]; if (args.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { argcontact = args[i].Split('γ'); contactsadded += "β" + args[i]; string servicename = services[argcontact[2]]; tempcontact = new Security.Contact(argcontact[0], argcontact[1], new Security.Service(servicename, Convert.ToInt32(argcontact[2]))); contacts.Add(tempcontact); } if (user.CreateGroup(newgroupname, contacts)) { result = "trueβ" + newgroupname + contactsadded; } } else if (user.CreateGroup(newgroupname)) { result = "trueβ" + newgroupname; } } } else { result = "unrβ"; } } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { string ingroupname = ""; string outgroupname = ""; List <Security.Contact> contacts = new List <Security.Contact>(); Security.Contact tempcontact; Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; Dictionary <string, string> services = (Dictionary <string, string>)Page.Session["services"]; string groupandcontacts = ""; if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); if (user.Registered) { if (eventArgument != null && !eventArgument.Equals("")) { string[] args = eventArgument.Split('β'); string[] argcontact; if (args.Length > 2) { ingroupname = args[0]; outgroupname = args[1]; groupandcontacts = "β" + ingroupname + "β" + outgroupname; for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; i++) { argcontact = args[i].Split('γ'); string servicename = services[argcontact[2]]; tempcontact = new Security.Contact(argcontact[0], argcontact[1], new Security.Service(servicename, Convert.ToInt32(argcontact[2]))); contacts.Add(tempcontact); groupandcontacts += "β" + args[i]; } if (user.MoveContacts(outgroupname, ingroupname, contacts)) { result = "true" + groupandcontacts; } } } } else { result = "unrβ"; } } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { result = ""; Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated && tok.GetCurrentUser().Registered) { List <Security.WorkflowReference> editableWf = Page.Session["WorkflowReferenceList"] as List <Security.WorkflowReference>; Security.WorkflowReference model = editableWf[Int32.Parse(eventArgument)]; if (model != null) { //TOCHANGE: now can edit only ONE workflow alla volta string wfID = "workflow_1"; //model.GetWorkflowName(); result = wfID; Workflow wf = model.GetWorkflow(); Page.Session[wfID] = wf; //To can publish Page.Session["WFE_CurrentWorkflowReference"] = model; //Recovering wf's nodes int i = 1; foreach (WFnode n in wf.GetNodes()) { Page.Session[wfID + "_node_" + i++] = n; } } else { result = "Model" + model.GetWorkflowName() + " not found"; } } else { result = "User not logged in"; } result = result + "\\//"; List <Security.Service> service_list = Security.ExternalService.List(); int count = 0; foreach (Security.Service s in service_list) { result += s.ServiceName + "\\|//" + s.ServiceId; count++; if (count < service_list.Count) { result += "\\||//"; } } }
protected void okButt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkTandCs.Checked) { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Session["Token"]; if (tok != null) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); string errorReg; Security.User.RegisterMeResult registration = user.RegisterMe(TextBoxNick.Text, TextBoxMail.Text, out errorReg); if (registration == Security.User.RegisterMeResult.OK) { Session["LoginPhase"] = null; Session["LoginService"] = null; string url = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)Session["OriginalURL"])) { url = (string)Session["ReturnURL"]; } else { url = (string)Session["OriginalURL"]; } Session["OriginalURL"] = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { url = "http://" + Security.EnvironmentManagement.getEnvValue("webServerAddress") + "/FormFillier/index.aspx"; } Response.Redirect(url); } else { //Gestisci no reg Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<script>alert('" + errorReg + "');</script>")); } } else { //Gestione errore token } } else { //check non marcata Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<script>alert('Accept term & condition before submitting');</script>")); } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { string[] array = eventArgument.Split('|'); Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; Security.User usr = tok.GetCurrentUser(); Security.ComputableWorkflowReference wf = null; if (array[0].Equals("-200")) { wf = (Security.ComputableWorkflowReference)Page.Session["WFE_CurrentWorkflow"]; } else { wf = ((List <Security.ComputableWorkflowReference>)Page.Session["ComputableWorkflowReferenceList"])[Int32.Parse(array[0])]; } string gruppo = ""; List <Security.Contact> contUsr = new List <Security.Contact>(); bool flag = false; List <Security.Contact> contSend = new List <Security.Contact>(); string[] array2 = merge(array).ToArray(); for (int i = 1; i < array2.Length - 1; i++) { string[] grp = array2[i].Split('/'); if (grp[1] != gruppo) { if (i > 1) { flag = flag || wf.PermitContacts(contSend); } gruppo = grp[1]; contUsr = usr.GetContactsByGroup(gruppo); contSend = new List <Security.Contact>(); } contSend.Add(contUsr[Int32.Parse(grp[0])]); } flag = flag || wf.PermitContacts(contSend); if (flag) { result = "OK"; } else { result = "ERROR"; } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; Security.User usr = tok.GetCurrentUser(); List <string> gruppi = usr.GetGroups(); if (gruppi.Count == 0) { result = "You did not create any group of contacts"; } else { result = eventArgument; foreach (string gruppo in gruppi) { result += "\\|/" + gruppo; } } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { List <Security.Contact> contacts = new List <Security.Contact>(); Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); if (user.Registered) { if (eventArgument != null && !eventArgument.Equals("")) { foreach (Security.Service serv in user.GetSubscribedServices()) { if (eventArgument.Equals(serv.ServiceName)) { contacts = user.ImportContacts(serv.ServiceId); result = "true"; break; } } } if (contacts != null && contacts.Count > 0) { foreach (Security.Contact contact in contacts) { result += "β" + contact.Name + "γ" + contact.Email + "γ" + contact.Service.ServiceId; } } else { result = "false"; } } else { result = "unr"; } } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; List <string> listgroup = new List <string>(); List <Security.Contact> contacts = new List <Security.Contact>(); if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated && tok.GetCurrentUser().Registered) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); if (user.Registered) { listgroup = user.GetGroups(); if (listgroup != null || listgroup.Count > 0) { result = "true"; foreach (string s in listgroup) { result += "α" + s; contacts = user.GetContactsByGroup(s); foreach (Security.Contact con in contacts) { result += "β" + con.Name + "γ" + con.Email + "γ" + con.Service.ServiceId; } } if (result.Equals("trueαOtherContacts")) { result = "falseα"; } } else { result = "falseα"; } } else { result = "unrα"; } } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); if (user.Registered) { string[] args = eventArgument.Split('β'); if (args != null) { if (user.ModifyGroupName(args[0], args[1])) { result = "trueβ" + args[0] + "β" + args[1]; } } } } }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; if (tok != null) { tok.Logout(); if (((Page.Session["firstAuth"]) == null) || ((bool)Page.Session["firstAuth"])) { Page.Session["firstAuth"] = false; } } //Logout.Visible = false; //labelUser.Visible = false; //ManageContacts.Visible = false; //ManageFiles.Visible = false; /* Clean the session for security */ Page.Session["LoginPhase"] = null; Page.Session["LoginService"] = null; Page.Session["ServiceID"] = null; Page.Session["ReturnURL"] = null; Page.Session["LoginContact"] = null; Page.Session["LoginError"] = null; result = "http://" + Security.EnvironmentManagement.getEnvValue("webServerAddress") + "/FormFillier/index.aspx"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Callback function registration listControl = new List <Control>(); listControl.Add(new WorkflowRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new ContactsRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new UserWorkflowSend()); listControl.Add(new WorkflowSelection()); listControl.Add(new PublicWFRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new GroupSelectionToSend()); listControl.Add(new ResultRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new ExportResult()); listControl.Add(new EditModel()); listControl.Add(new EditTheme()); listControl.Add(new CommInformation()); listControl.Add(new ServiceFieldRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new IdMOdelAuthServiceRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new PublishWf()); listControl.Add(new CommInformationPW()); listControl.Add(new ServiceFieldPWRetrieve()); listControl.Add(new CreateUriPW()); listControl.Add(new CreateUri()); listControl.Add(new RemovePublication()); listControl.Add(new RemoveModel()); listControl.Add(new Logout()); String cbReference; String callbackScript; List <Control> .Enumerator it = listControl.GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { call.Controls.Add(it.Current); IControlFormFiller t = (IControlFormFiller)it.Current; cbReference = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(it.Current, "arg", t.getNameFunctionServerResponse(), "context"); callbackScript = "function " + t.getNameFunctionServerCall() + "(arg, context)" + "{ " + cbReference + ";}"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(it.Current.GetType(), t.getNameFunctionServerCall(), callbackScript, true); } #endregion string reg = Request.Params.Get("reg"); Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Session["Token"]; if (reg != null) { if (tok != null) { if (!tok.GetCurrentUser().Registered) { string url = "http://" + Security.EnvironmentManagement.getEnvValue("webServerAddress") + Request.Url.PathAndQuery;//.AbsolutePath; Session["ReturnURL"] = url; Response.Redirect("http://" + Security.EnvironmentManagement.getEnvValue("webServerAddress") + "/FormFillier/Registration.aspx"); } } else { Response.Redirect("http://" + Security.EnvironmentManagement.getEnvValue("webServerAddress") + "/FormFillier/index.aspx"); } } if (!IsPostBack) { List <Security.Service> listTemp = new List <Security.Service>(); if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); listTemp = user.LoggedServices; } List <Security.Service> listaServizi = Security.ExternalService.List(); foreach (Security.Service s in listaServizi) { ServiceList.Items.Add(s.ServiceName); } foreach (Security.Service s in listTemp) { ServiceList.Items.Remove(s.ServiceName); } } if (tok != null && tok.Authenticated) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); // if (user.Registered) //{ labelUser.Text = "Welcome, " + user.GetNickname(); if (ServiceList.Items.Count != 0) { LoginService.ImageUrl = "~/lib/image/AddLogin.png"; LoginService.ToolTip = "Add Login"; LoginService.Style.Add("margin-top", "-2px"); } else if (ServiceList.Items.Count == 0) { LoginService.Visible = false; } Logout.Visible = true; ManageContacts.Visible = true; //ManageFiles.Visible = true; //} //else //{ // labelUser.Text = "Welcome, " + user.ToString(); //} } else { Logout.Visible = false; ManageContacts.Visible = false; labelUser.Visible = false; } //Login error management if (Session["LoginError"] != null) { string message = (string)Session["LoginError"]; string returnUrl = (string)Session["ReturnUrl"]; String script = "ShowLoginError(\" " + message + " \", \" " + returnUrl + " \");"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "LoginErrorScript", script, true); Session["LoginError"] = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Session["Token"]; //if (!IsPostBack) //{ if (tok != null) { Security.User user = tok.GetCurrentUser(); if (user.Registered) { TextBoxNick.Text = user.GetNickname(); TextBoxMail.Text = user.GetEmail(); TextBoxNick.Enabled = false; TextBoxMail.Enabled = false; } List <Security.Service> listaServizi = Security.ExternalService.List(); List <Security.Service> listaServiziUsati = user.LoggedServices; if (listaServiziUsati.Count > 0) { chkTandCs.Enabled = true; //valTandCs.Enabled = true; foreach (Security.Service s in listaServizi) { DropDownList1.Items.Add(s.ServiceName); foreach (Security.Service su in listaServiziUsati) { if (su.ServiceName == s.ServiceName) { Session["ServiceID"] = s.ServiceId; Label lab = new Label(); lab.Text = s.ServiceName; Panel p = new Panel(); p.Controls.Add(lab); PanelServReg.Controls.Add(p); PanelServReg.Style.Add("margin-left", "40px"); DropDownList1.Items.Remove(s.ServiceName); } } } } //else if (listaServiziUsati.Count == listaServizi.Count) { DropDownList1.Visible = false; register.Visible = false; } //else //{ // foreach (Security.Service s in listaServizi) // { // DropDownList1.Items.Add(s.ServiceName); // } //} } else { List <Security.Service> listaServizi = Security.ExternalService.List(); foreach (Security.Service s in listaServizi) { DropDownList1.Items.Add(s.ServiceName); } } if (!IsPostBack) { TextBoxNick.Text = ((string)Session["Nick"] != null) ? (string)Session["Nick"] : ""; TextBoxMail.Text = ((string)Session["Mail"] != null) ? (string)Session["Mail"] : ""; } //}else{} }
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { result = ""; try { Security.Token tok = (Security.Token)Page.Session["Token"]; Security.User usr = tok.GetCurrentUser(); List <Security.FilledWorkflowReference> list = usr.GetCompiledForms(); Security.FilledWorkflowReference work = list[Int32.Parse(eventArgument)]; XmlSchemaSet bh = work.GetWorkflow().GetCollectedDocumentSchemas(); XmlSchema schemaTemp = new XmlSchema(); foreach (XmlSchemaObject tp in bh.GlobalAttributes.Values) { schemaTemp.Items.Add(tp); } foreach (XmlSchemaObject s in bh.GlobalElements.Values) { schemaTemp.Items.Add(s); } foreach (XmlSchemaObject tp in bh.GlobalTypes.Values) { schemaTemp.Items.Add(tp); } string schemaContent = Utils.WriteSchema(schemaTemp); List <Storage.StorageManager.Pair <Security.Contact, XmlDocument> > doc2 = work.getFilledDocument(); XmlDocument finaldoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration dec = finaldoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null); XmlNode firstNode = finaldoc.CreateElement("ExportResults"); finaldoc.InsertBefore(dec, finaldoc.DocumentElement); finaldoc.AppendChild(firstNode); XmlNode schema = finaldoc.CreateElement("Schema"); XmlDocument fi = new XmlDocument(); fi.LoadXml(schemaContent); fi.RemoveChild(fi.FirstChild); schema.InnerXml = fi.FirstChild.InnerXml; firstNode.AppendChild(schema); XmlNode data = finaldoc.CreateElement("Data"); firstNode.AppendChild(data); int i = 0; string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "FormFillier\\result.xml"; foreach (Storage.StorageManager.Pair <Security.Contact, XmlDocument> coppia in doc2) { i++; Security.Contact c = coppia.First; if (c != null) { XmlNode compiler = finaldoc.CreateElement("Compiler"); XmlNode mail = finaldoc.CreateElement("Mail"); XmlNode name = finaldoc.CreateElement("Name"); mail.InnerText = c.Email; name.InnerText = c.Name; compiler.AppendChild(name); compiler.AppendChild(mail); data.AppendChild(compiler); } XmlDocument doc = coppia.Second; XmlNode nodeData = doc.DocumentElement; data.AppendChild(finaldoc.ImportNode(nodeData, true)); } Page.Session["resultXml"] = finaldoc; } catch (Exception e) { result = "no"; } }