コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// convert server side encrypted value to client side encrypted value
        /// - first decrypt value by server key , and then encrypt by client's key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">encrypted value(server)</param>
        /// <param name="key">client key</param>
        /// <returns>encrypted value(client)</returns>
        public static string EncryptFromSeverToClient(string value, string key)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            string val = value;

            if (SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(value))
                val = SecureEngine.Decrypt(value);
            return(SecureEngineH5.Encrypt(val, key, key));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// return is credential provide by user is right or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">login model class</param>
        /// <param name="roles">out roles , has role list of user</param>
        /// <param name="ctx" ></param>
        /// <returns>true if athenicated</returns>
        public static bool Login(LoginModel model, out List <KeyNamePair> roles)
            roles = null;
            // loginModel = null;
            //bool isMatch = false;

            SecureEngine.Encrypt("t"); //Initialize

            //	Cannot use encrypted password
            if (model.Login1Model.Password != null && SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(model.Login1Model.Password))
                //log.warning("Cannot use Encrypted Password");
            //	Authentification
            bool    authenticated = false;
            bool    isLDAP        = false;
            MSystem system        = MSystem.Get(new Ctx());

            if (system != null && system.IsLDAP())
                authenticated = system.IsLDAP(model.Login1Model.UserName, model.Login1Model.Password);
                if (authenticated)
                    model.Login1Model.Password = null;
                isLDAP = true;
                // if not authenticated, use AD_User as backup

            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT u.AD_User_ID, r.AD_Role_ID,r.Name,")
                                .Append(" u.ConnectionProfile, u.Password ") //	4,5
                                .Append("FROM AD_User u")
                                .Append(" INNER JOIN AD_User_Roles ur ON (u.AD_User_ID=ur.AD_User_ID AND ur.IsActive='Y')")
                                .Append(" INNER JOIN AD_Role r ON (ur.AD_Role_ID=r.AD_Role_ID AND r.IsActive='Y') ");

            //.Append("WHERE COALESCE(u.LDAPUser,u.Name)=@username")		//	#1
            if (isLDAP && authenticated)
                sql.Append(" WHERE (COALESCE(u.LDAPUser,u.Value)=@username)");
            else if (isLDAP && !authenticated && model.Login1Model.Password == null)// If user not authenicated using LDAP, then if LDAP user is available
                sql.Append(" WHERE (u.LDAPUser=@username OR u.Name=@username OR u.Value=@username)");
                sql.Append(" WHERE (u.Name=@username OR u.Value=@username)");

            sql.Append(" AND u.IsActive='Y' ")
            .Append(" AND u.IsLoginUser='******' ")
            .Append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Client c WHERE u.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID AND c.IsActive='Y')")
            .Append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Client c WHERE r.AD_Client_ID=c.AD_Client_ID AND c.IsActive='Y')");
            string sqlEnc      = "select isencrypted from ad_column where ad_table_id=(select ad_table_id from ad_table where tablename='AD_User') and columnname='Password'";
            char   isEncrypted = Convert.ToChar(DB.ExecuteScalar(sqlEnc));

            if (model.Login1Model.Password != null)
                if (isEncrypted == 'Y')
                    sql.Append(" AND (u.Password='******')"); //  #2/3
                    sql.Append(" AND (u.Password='******')");       //  #2/3
            sql.Append(" ORDER BY r.Name");
            IDataReader dr = null;

            SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[1];
            param[0] = new SqlParameter("@username", model.Login1Model.UserName);
            //	execute a query
            dr = DB.ExecuteReader(sql.ToString(), param);

            if (!dr.Read())             //	no record found

            int AD_User_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0].ToString()); //User Id

            roles = new List <KeyNamePair>();                      //roles

            List <int> usersRoles = new List <int>();

            do  //	read all roles
                AD_User_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0].ToString());
                int AD_Role_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[1].ToString());

                String      Name = dr[2].ToString();
                KeyNamePair p    = new KeyNamePair(AD_Role_ID, Name);


            }while (dr.Read());

            model.Login1Model.AD_User_ID = AD_User_ID;

            IDataReader drLogin = null;

            if (model.Login2Model == null)
                    //* Change sub query into ineer join */

                    drLogin = DB.ExecuteReader(" SELECT l.AD_Role_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT r.Name FROM AD_ROLE r WHERE r.AD_Role_ID=l.AD_ROLE_ID) as RoleName," +

                                               " l.AD_Org_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT o.Name FROM AD_Org o WHERE o.AD_Org_ID=l.AD_Org_ID) as OrgName," +
                                               " l.AD_Client_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT c.Name FROM AD_Client c WHERE c.AD_Client_ID=l.AD_Client_ID) as ClientName," +
                                               " l.M_Warehouse_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT m.Name FROM M_Warehouse m WHERE m.M_Warehouse_Id = l.M_Warehouse_ID) as WarehouseName" +
                                               " FROM AD_LoginSetting l WHERE l.IsActive = 'Y' AND l.AD_User_ID=" + AD_User_ID);
                    if (drLogin.Read())
                        bool deleteRecord = false;
                        //1 firt check  - Check role exist
                        //if (usersRoles.Contains(Util.GetValueOfInt(drLogin[0])))
                        //    //check for Org Access Setting
                        //    bool isUseUserOrgAccess = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsUseUserOrgAccess FROM AD_ROLE WHERE AD_ROLE_ID = " + drLogin[0].ToString())) == "Y";
                        //    if (isUseUserOrgAccess) //User User Org
                        //    {
                        //        if (Convert.ToInt32(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Count(1) FROM AD_User_OrgAccess WHERE AD_User_ID = " + AD_User_ID + " AND AD_ORG_ID= " + drLogin[2].ToString() + " AND IsActive='Y'")) < 1)
                        //        {
                        //            deleteRecord = true;
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    else //User Role Org Access
                        //    {
                        //        if (Convert.ToInt32(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Count(1) FROM AD_Role_OrgAccess WHERE AD_Role_ID = " + drLogin[0] + " AND AD_ORG_ID= " + drLogin[2].ToString() + " AND IsActive='Y'")) < 1)
                        //        {
                        //            deleteRecord = true;
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    deleteRecord = true;

                        //Delete Login Setting
                        if (deleteRecord)
                            DB.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM AD_LoginSetting WHERE AD_User_ID = " + AD_User_ID);
                            model.Login2Model               = new Login2Model();
                            model.Login2Model.Role          = drLogin[0].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.RoleName      = drLogin[1].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Org           = drLogin[2].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.OrgName       = drLogin[3].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Client        = drLogin[4].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.ClientName    = drLogin[5].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Warehouse     = drLogin[6].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.WarehouseName = drLogin[7].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Date          = System.DateTime.Now.Date;
                    if (drLogin != null)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Roles for the user with email in client with the web store.
        /// If the user does not have roles and the web store has a default role, it will return that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eMail">email add</param>
        /// <param name="password">password</param>
        /// <param name="W_Store_ID">web store</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private KeyNamePair[] GetRolesByEmail(String eMail, String password, int W_Store_ID)
            long start = CommonFunctions.CurrentTimeMillis();

            if (eMail == null || eMail.Length == 0 ||
                password == null || password.Length == 0 ||
                W_Store_ID == 0)
            //	Cannot use encrypted password
            if (SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(password))

            KeyNamePair[]      retValue = null;
            List <KeyNamePair> list     = new List <KeyNamePair>();
            String sql = "SELECT u.AD_User_ID, r.AD_Role_ID, u.Name "
                         + "FROM AD_User u"
                         + " INNER JOIN W_Store ws ON (u.AD_Client_ID=ws.AD_Client_ID) "
                         + " INNER JOIN AD_Role r ON (ws.AD_Role_ID=r.AD_Role_ID) "
                         + "WHERE u.EMail='" + eMail + "'"
                         + " AND (u.Password='******' OR u.Password='******')"
                         + " AND ws.W_Store_ID='" + W_Store_ID + "'"
                         + " AND (r.IsActive='Y' OR r.IsActive IS NULL)"
                         + " AND u.isActive='Y' AND ws.IsActive='Y'"
                         + " AND u.AD_Client_ID=ws.AD_Client_ID "
                         + "ORDER BY r.Name";

            IDataReader dr = null;

                //	execute a query
                dr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql);

                if (!dr.Read())

                int AD_User_ID = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0].ToString());
                m_user = new KeyNamePair(AD_User_ID, eMail);
                m_users.Add(AD_User_ID);        //	for role
                int AD_Role_ID = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[1].ToString());
                String Name = dr[2].ToString();
                m_ctx.SetContext("##AD_User_Name", Name);
                if (AD_Role_ID == 0)    //	User is a Sys Admin
                    m_ctx.SetContext("#SysAdmin", "Y");
                KeyNamePair p = new KeyNamePair(AD_Role_ID, Name);

                retValue = new KeyNamePair[list.Count];
                retValue = list.ToArray();
                if (dr != null)
                retValue = null;
                m_ctx.SetContext("##AD_User_Name", eMail);

コード例 #4
        }       //	prepare

         *  Process
         *	@return info
         *	@throws Exception
        protected override String DoIt()// throws Exception
            log.Info("AD_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID
                     + ", IsEncrypted=" + p_IsEncrypted
                     + ", ChangeSetting=" + p_ChangeSetting
                     + ", MaxLength=" + p_MaxLength);
            MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx());

            if (column.Get_ID() == 0 || column.Get_ID() != p_AD_Column_ID)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@ - " + p_AD_Column_ID);
            String columnName = column.GetColumnName();
            int    dt         = column.GetAD_Reference_ID();

            //	Can it be enabled?
            if (column.IsKey() ||
                column.IsParent() ||
                column.IsStandardColumn() ||
                column.IsVirtualColumn() ||
                column.IsIdentifier() ||
                column.IsTranslated() ||
                DisplayType.IsLookup(dt) ||
                DisplayType.IsLOB(dt) ||
                "DocumentNo".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                "Value".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                "Name".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (column.IsEncrypted())
                return(columnName + ": cannot be encrypted");

            //	Start
            AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption Class = " + SecureEngine.GetClassName());
            bool error = false;

            //	Test Value
            if (p_TestValue != null && p_TestValue.Length > 0)
                String encString = SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_TestValue);
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Test Value=" + encString);
                String clearString = SecureEngine.Decrypt(encString);
                if (p_TestValue.Equals(clearString))
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString
                           + " (same as test value)");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString
                           + " (NOT the same as test value - check algorithm)");
                    error = true;
                int encLength = encString.Length;
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Length=" + p_TestValue.Length + " -> " + encLength);
                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength
                           + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength
                           + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field");
                    error = true;

            //	Length Test
            if (p_MaxLength != 0)
                String testClear = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                while (testClear.Length < p_MaxLength)
                    testClear += testClear;
                testClear = testClear.Substring(0, p_MaxLength);
                log.Config("Test=" + testClear + " (" + p_MaxLength + ")");
                String encString = SecureEngine.Encrypt(testClear);
                int    encLength = encString.Length;
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Max Length=" + testClear.Length + " -> " + encLength);
                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength
                           + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength
                           + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field");
                    error = true;

            if (p_IsEncrypted != column.IsEncrypted())
                if (error || !p_ChangeSetting)
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption NOT changed - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
                    if (column.Save(Get_Trx()))
                        AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption CHANGED - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
                        AddLog(0, null, null, "Save Error");

            if (p_IsEncrypted == column.IsEncrypted() && !error)      // Done By Karan on 10-nov-2016, to encrypt/decrypt passwords according to settings.
                //object colID = DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID =(SELECT AD_Table_ID From AD_Table WHERE TableName='AD_User') AND ColumnName='Password'", null, Get_Trx());

                // if (colID != null && colID != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToInt32(colID) == column.GetAD_Column_ID())

                string tableName = MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID());

                DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT " + column.GetColumnName() + "," + tableName
                                               + "_ID FROM " + tableName, null, Get_Trx());
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (p_IsEncrypted)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != DBNull.Value &&
                                //MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()) + "_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                int encLength = SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()).Length;

                                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                                    //PO tab = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), tableName,
                                    //    Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                    //tab.Set_Value(column.GetColumnName(), (SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())));
                                    //if (!tab.Save(Get_Trx()))
                                    //    Rollback();
                                    //    return "Encryption=" + false;
                                    string p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString());
                                    String sql           = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword))
                                        sql += ", " + column.GetColumnName() + "=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewPassword);
                                    sql += " WHERE " + tableName + "_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]);
                                    int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx());
                                    if (iRes <= 0)
                                        return("Encryption=" + false);
                                    return("After Encryption some values may exceed the value of column length. Please exceed column Length.");
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != DBNull.Value &&
                                // MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID())+"_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                //PO tab = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), tableName,
                                //   Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                //tab.Set_Value(column.GetColumnName(), (SecureEngine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())));
                                //if (!tab.Save(Get_Trx()))
                                //    Rollback();
                                //    return "Encryption=" + false;

                                string p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString());
                                String sql           = "UPDATE " + tableName + "  SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword))
                                    sql += ", " + column.GetColumnName() + "=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewPassword);
                                sql += " WHERE " + tableName + "_ID  =" + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]);
                                int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx());
                                if (iRes <= 0)
                                    return("Encryption=" + false);
            return("Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// return is credential provide by user is right or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">login model class</param>
        /// <param name="roles">out roles , has role list of user</param>
        /// <param name="ctx" ></param>
        /// <returns>true if athenicated</returns>
        public static bool Login(LoginModel model, out List <KeyNamePair> roles)
            // loginModel = null;
            //bool isMatch = false;
            roles = null;
            SecureEngine.Encrypt("t"); //Initialize

            //	Cannot use encrypted password
            //if ())
            //    //log.warning("Cannot use Encrypted Password");
            //    return false;
            //	Authentification
            bool    authenticated = false;
            bool    isLDAP        = false;
            MSystem system        = MSystem.Get(new Ctx());
            string  output        = "";

            if (system != null && system.IsLDAP())
                authenticated = system.IsLDAP(model.Login1Model.UserValue, model.Login1Model.Password, out output);

                isLDAP = true;
            //Save Failed Login Count and Password validty in cache

            int fCount            = Util.GetValueOfInt(cache[Common.Failed_Login_Count_Key]);
            int passwordValidUpto = Util.GetValueOfInt(cache[Common.Password_Valid_Upto_Key]);

            SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[1];
            param[0] = new SqlParameter("@username", model.Login1Model.UserValue);

            DataSet dsUserInfo = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT AD_User_ID, Value, Password,IsLoginUser,FailedLoginCount, IsOnlyLDAP FROM AD_User WHERE Value=@username", param);

            if (dsUserInfo != null && dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                // skipped Login user check for SuperUser (100)
                if (!cache["SuperUserVal"].Equals(model.Login1Model.UserValue) &&
                    throw new Exception("NotLoginUser");

                // output length will be greater than 0 if there is any error while ldap auth.
                //output check is applied to becuase after first login, when user redriect to home page, this functioexecutes again and password is null on that time.
                // so ldap reject auth , but user is actually authenticated. so to avoid error, this check is used.
                if (!cache["SuperUserVal"].Equals(model.Login1Model.UserValue) && dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IsOnlyLDAP"].ToString().Equals("Y") &&
                    isLDAP && !authenticated)
                    throw new Exception(output);
                throw new Exception("UserNotFound");

            //if authenticated by LDAP or password is null(Means request from home page)
            if (!authenticated && model.Login1Model.Password != null)
                string sqlEnc      = "SELECT isencrypted FROM ad_column WHERE ad_table_id=(SELECT ad_table_id FROM ad_table WHERE tablename='AD_User') AND columnname='Password'";
                char   isEncrypted = Convert.ToChar(DB.ExecuteScalar(sqlEnc));
                string originalpwd = model.Login1Model.Password;
                if (isEncrypted == 'Y' && model.Login1Model.Password != null)
                    model.Login1Model.Password = SecureEngine.Encrypt(model.Login1Model.Password);

                //  DataSet dsUserInfo = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT AD_User_ID, Value, Password,IsLoginUser,FailedLoginCount FROM AD_User WHERE Value=@username", param);
                if (dsUserInfo != null && dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    //if username or password is not matching
                    if ((!dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Value"].Equals(model.Login1Model.UserValue) ||
                         !dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Password"].Equals(model.Login1Model.Password)) ||
                        (originalpwd != null && SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(originalpwd)))
                        //if current user is Not superuser, then increase failed login count
                        if (!cache["SuperUserVal"].Equals(model.Login1Model.UserValue))
                            param[0] = new SqlParameter("@username", model.Login1Model.UserValue);
                            int count = DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE AD_User Set FAILEDLOGINCOUNT=FAILEDLOGINCOUNT+1 WHERE Value=@username ", param);

                            if (fCount > 0 && fCount <= Util.GetValueOfInt(dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FailedLoginCount"]) + 1)
                                throw new Exception("MaxFailedLoginAttempts");

                        throw new Exception("UserPwdError");
                    else// if username and password matched, then check if account is locked or not
                        if (fCount > 0 && fCount <= Util.GetValueOfInt(dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FailedLoginCount"]))
                            throw new Exception("MaxFailedLoginAttempts");

            IDataReader dr = GetRoles(model.Login1Model.UserValue, authenticated, isLDAP);

            if (!dr.Read())             //	no record found, then return msaage that role not found.
                throw new Exception("RoleNotDefined");

            // if user logged in successfully, then set failed login count to 0
            DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE AD_User SET FailedLoginCount=0 WHERE Value=@username", param);

            int AD_User_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0].ToString()); //User Id

            if (!cache["SuperUserVal"].Equals(model.Login1Model.UserValue))
                String Token2FAKey = Util.GetValueOfString(dr["TokenKey2FA"]);
                bool   enable2FA   = Util.GetValueOfString(dr["Is2FAEnabled"]) == "Y";
                if (enable2FA)
                    model.Login1Model.QRFirstTime = false;
                    TwoFactorAuthenticator tfa = new TwoFactorAuthenticator();
                    SetupCode setupInfo        = null;
                    string    userSKey         = Util.GetValueOfString(dr["Value"]);
                    int       ADUserID         = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr["AD_User_ID"]);
                    // if token key don't exist for user, then create new
                    if (Token2FAKey.Trim() == "")
                        model.Login1Model.QRFirstTime = true;
                        Token2FAKey = userSKey;
                        // get Random Number
                        model.Login1Model.TokenKey2FA = GetRndNum();
                        // create Token key based on Value, UserID and Random Number
                        Token2FAKey = userSKey + ADUserID.ToString() + model.Login1Model.TokenKey2FA;
                        // Decrypt token key saved in database
                        string decKey = SecureEngine.Decrypt(Token2FAKey);
                        Token2FAKey = userSKey + ADUserID.ToString() + decKey;

                    string url = Util.GetValueOfString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri).Replace("VIS/Account/JsonLogin", "").Replace("https://", "").Replace("http://", "");

                    setupInfo = tfa.GenerateSetupCode("VA ", url + " " + userSKey, Token2FAKey, 150, 150);
                    model.Login1Model.QRCodeURL = setupInfo.QrCodeSetupImageUrl;

                model.Login1Model.Is2FAEnabled = enable2FA;

            if (!authenticated)
                DateTime?pwdExpireDate = Util.GetValueOfDateTime(dr["PasswordExpireOn"]);
                if (pwdExpireDate == null || (passwordValidUpto > 0 && (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, Convert.ToDateTime(pwdExpireDate)) > 0)))
                    model.Login1Model.ResetPwd = true;
                    //if (SecureEngine.IsEncrypted(model.Login1Model.Password))
                    //    model.Login1Model.Password = SecureEngine.Decrypt(model.Login1Model.Password);

            roles = new List <KeyNamePair>(); //roles

            List <int> usersRoles = new List <int>();
            string     username   = "";

            do  //	read all roles
                AD_User_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0].ToString());
                int AD_Role_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[1].ToString());

                String      Name = dr[2].ToString();
                KeyNamePair p    = new KeyNamePair(AD_Role_ID, Name);
                username = Util.GetValueOfString(dr["username"].ToString());

            }while (dr.Read());

            model.Login1Model.AD_User_ID  = AD_User_ID;
            model.Login1Model.DisplayName = username;

            IDataReader drLogin = null;

            if (model.Login2Model == null)
                    //* Change sub query into ineer join */

                    drLogin = DB.ExecuteReader(" SELECT l.AD_Role_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT r.Name FROM AD_ROLE r WHERE r.AD_Role_ID=l.AD_ROLE_ID) as RoleName," +

                                               " l.AD_Org_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT o.Name FROM AD_Org o WHERE o.AD_Org_ID=l.AD_Org_ID) as OrgName," +
                                               " l.AD_Client_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT c.Name FROM AD_Client c WHERE c.AD_Client_ID=l.AD_Client_ID) as ClientName," +
                                               " l.M_Warehouse_ID," +
                                               " (SELECT m.Name FROM M_Warehouse m WHERE m.M_Warehouse_Id = l.M_Warehouse_ID) as WarehouseName" +
                                               " FROM AD_LoginSetting l WHERE l.IsActive = 'Y' AND l.AD_User_ID=" + AD_User_ID);
                    if (drLogin.Read())
                        bool deleteRecord = false;

                        //Delete Login Setting
                        if (deleteRecord)
                            DB.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM AD_LoginSetting WHERE AD_User_ID = " + AD_User_ID);
                            model.Login2Model               = new Login2Model();
                            model.Login2Model.Role          = drLogin[0].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.RoleName      = drLogin[1].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Org           = drLogin[2].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.OrgName       = drLogin[3].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Client        = drLogin[4].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.ClientName    = drLogin[5].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Warehouse     = drLogin[6].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.WarehouseName = drLogin[7].ToString();
                            model.Login2Model.Date          = System.DateTime.Now.Date;
                    if (drLogin != null)