コード例 #1
ファイル: MyFilmsDetail.cs プロジェクト: drtak34/my-films
    public static Searchtitles GetSearchTitles(DataRow movieRecord, string mediapath, Configuration tmpconf) // returns the first title name of the configured mastertitle field
      var stitles = new Searchtitles();
      stitles.SearchTitle = "";
      stitles.FanartTitle = "";
      stitles.MasterTitle = "";
      stitles.SecondaryTitle = "";
      stitles.SortTitle = "";
      stitles.MovieDirectoryTitle = "";
      stitles.MovieFileTitle = "";
      stitles.OriginalTitle = "";
      stitles.TranslatedTitle = "";
      stitles.FormattedTitle = "";
      stitles.Year = 0;
      stitles.Director = "";

      if (movieRecord["OriginalTitle"] != null && movieRecord["OriginalTitle"].ToString().Length > 0)
        stitles.OriginalTitle = RemoveGroupNames(movieRecord["OriginalTitle"].ToString());
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle1 == "OriginalTitle")
        stitles.MasterTitle = stitles.OriginalTitle;
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle2 == "OriginalTitle")
        stitles.SecondaryTitle = stitles.OriginalTitle;
      if (tmpconf.StrSTitle == "OriginalTitle")
        stitles.SortTitle = stitles.OriginalTitle;

      if (movieRecord["TranslatedTitle"] != null && movieRecord["TranslatedTitle"].ToString().Length > 0)
        stitles.TranslatedTitle = RemoveGroupNames(movieRecord["TranslatedTitle"].ToString());
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle1 == "TranslatedTitle")
        stitles.MasterTitle = stitles.TranslatedTitle;
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle2 == "TranslatedTitle")
        stitles.SecondaryTitle = stitles.TranslatedTitle;
      if (tmpconf.StrSTitle == "TranslatedTitle")
        stitles.SortTitle = stitles.TranslatedTitle;

      if (movieRecord["FormattedTitle"] != null && movieRecord["FormattedTitle"].ToString().Length > 0)
        stitles.FormattedTitle = RemoveGroupNames(movieRecord["FormattedTitle"].ToString());
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle1 == "FormattedTitle")
        stitles.MasterTitle = stitles.FormattedTitle;
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle2 == "FormattedTitle")
        stitles.SecondaryTitle = stitles.FormattedTitle;
      if (tmpconf.StrSTitle == "FormattedTitle")
        stitles.SortTitle = stitles.FormattedTitle;

      if (movieRecord["OriginalTitle"].ToString().Length > 0 && tmpconf.StrFanart)
          stitles.Year = System.Convert.ToInt16(movieRecord["Year"]);
          stitles.Year = 0;
          stitles.Director = (string)movieRecord["Director"];
          stitles.Director = string.Empty;
      if (tmpconf.StrTitle1 == "FormattedTitle") // special setting for formatted title - we don't want to use it, as it is usually too long and causes problems with path length
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stitles.TranslatedTitle))
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.TranslatedTitle;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stitles.OriginalTitle))
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.OriginalTitle;
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.FormattedTitle;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stitles.MasterTitle))
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.MasterTitle;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stitles.OriginalTitle))
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.OriginalTitle;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stitles.TranslatedTitle))
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.TranslatedTitle;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stitles.FormattedTitle))
          stitles.FanartTitle = stitles.FormattedTitle;
        else stitles.FanartTitle = "";

      // if mediapath is given, create mediapath search titles
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediapath) && mediapath.Contains(".") && mediapath.Contains(@"\"))
        string CleanStringFile = "";
        string CleanStringDir = "";
        Regex CutText;
        Match m;

        // filename
        //Strip Path
        CleanStringFile = mediapath.Substring(mediapath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
        //Strip Extension
        CleanStringFile = CleanStringFile.Substring(0, CleanStringFile.LastIndexOf("."));
        CutText = new Regex(@"\(" + "[-|_|.| +][cC][dD][0-9]|[-|_|.| +][dD][iI][sS][kKcC][0-9]|[0-9]of[0-9]" + @"\)");
        m = CutText.Match(CleanStringFile);
        if (m.Success) //Finally remove anything which may be a multi-part indicator (e.g. 1of2)
          CleanStringFile = CutText.Replace(CleanStringFile, "");
        CutText = new Regex("[-|_|.| +][cC][dD][0-9]|[-|_|.| +][dD][iI][sS][kKcC][0-9]|[0-9]of[0-9]");
        m = CutText.Match(CleanStringFile);
        if (m.Success) CleanStringFile = CutText.Replace(CleanStringFile, "");
        stitles.MovieFileTitle = Utility.RemoveNastyCharacters(CleanStringFile.Trim());

        // foldername
        //Strip filename:
        CleanStringDir = mediapath.Substring(0, mediapath.LastIndexOf(@"\"));
        //Strip Path:
        CleanStringDir = CleanStringDir.Substring(CleanStringDir.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
        CutText = new Regex(@"\(" + "[-|_|.| +][cC][dD][0-9]|[-|_|.| +][dD][iI][sS][kKcC][0-9]|[0-9]of[0-9]" + @"\)");
        m = CutText.Match(CleanStringDir);
        if (m.Success) //Finally remove anything which may be a multi-part indicator (e.g. 1of2)
          CleanStringDir = CutText.Replace(CleanStringDir, "");
        CutText = new Regex("[-|_|.| +][cC][dD][0-9]|[-|_|.| +][dD][iI][sS][kKcC][0-9]|[0-9]of[0-9]");
        m = CutText.Match(CleanStringDir);
        if (m.Success) CleanStringDir = CutText.Replace(CleanStringDir, "");
        stitles.MovieDirectoryTitle = Utility.RemoveNastyCharacters(CleanStringDir.Trim());

        // DVD_Folders
        if (mediapath.ToLower().Contains("video_ts"))
          string CleanString = Utility.GetDVDFolderName(mediapath);
          stitles.MovieDirectoryTitle = Utility.RemoveNastyCharacters(CleanString.Trim());
        if (mediapath.ToLower().Contains("index.bdmv"))
          string CleanString = Utility.GetBRFolderName(mediapath);
          stitles.MovieDirectoryTitle = Utility.RemoveNastyCharacters(CleanString.Trim());

      if (MyFilms.conf == tmpconf) // only log if internal operation
        LogMyFilms.Debug("GetSearchTitles: returning Titles: '" + stitles.FanartTitle + "' - mastertitle (" + tmpconf.StrTitle1 + ") =  '" + stitles.MasterTitle + "' - originaltitle: '" + stitles.OriginalTitle + "' - translatedtitle: '" + stitles.TranslatedTitle + "' - formattedtitle: '" + stitles.FormattedTitle + "' - director: '" + stitles.Director + "' - year: '" + stitles.Year.ToString() + "'");
      return stitles;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MyFilmsDetail.cs プロジェクト: drtak34/my-films
    private static void grabb_Internet_Details_Informations_Cover(string[] Result, bool interactive, int GetID, string wscript, GrabType grabtype, Searchtitles sTitles)
      string tmpPicture = "";
      string tmpPicturename = ""; // picturename only
      string newPicture = ""; // full path to new picture
      string newPictureCatalogname = ""; // entry to be stored in catalog
      string oldPicture = MyFilmsDetail.getGUIProperty("picture"); // "save" current picture for later restore...
      string oldPictureCatalogname = MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"].ToString();

      // set defaults...
      switch (grabtype)
        case GrabType.Cover:
        case GrabType.All:
          tmpPicture = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong];
          tmpPicturename = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong].Substring(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong].LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
        case GrabType.MultiCovers:
          // make difference between existing cover and new one
          //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"].ToString()))
          //  string tmp = MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"].ToString();
          //  if (tmp.Contains("\\"))
          //  {
          //    tmp = tmp.Substring(tmp.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
          //    if (tmp.Contains("["))
          //      tmpPicturename = tmp.Substring(0, tmp.LastIndexOf("[") - 1);
          //    else tmpPicturename = tmp;
          //  }
          //  else tmpPicturename = tmp;

          //if (title.EndsWith(".jpg"))
          //  title = title.Substring(0, title.Length - 4);
          //string safeName = CreateFilename(title);
          //string dirname = artFolder;
          //// string directory = "";
          ////if (dirname.Length > dirname.LastIndexOf("\\")) 
          ////  directory = dirname.Substring(dirname.LastIndexOf("\\"));
          ////if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directory))
          ////  System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directory);
          //if (first && !System.IO.File.Exists(dirname + safeName + ".jpg"))
          //  filename = dirname + safeName + ".jpg";
          //  filename = dirname + safeName + " [" + imageUrl.GetHashCode() + "].jpg";
          //FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(filename);
          //bool alreadyInFolder = newFile.Exists;

          if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpPicturename))
            tmpPicturename = sTitles.FanartTitle + ".jpg";

      if (MyFilms.conf.StrPicturePrefix.Length > 0)
        newPicture = MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg + "\\" + MyFilms.conf.StrPicturePrefix + tmpPicturename;
        newPicture = Path.Combine(MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg, tmpPicturename);

      newPictureCatalogname = GetPictureCatalogNameFromFilename(newPicture);

      LogMyFilms.Debug("Cover Image path : '" + MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg + "'");
      LogMyFilms.Debug("Picturehandling  : '" + MyFilms.conf.PictureHandling + "'");
      LogMyFilms.Debug("PicturePrefix    : '" + MyFilms.conf.StrPicturePrefix + "'");
      LogMyFilms.Debug("Temp Cover Image : '" + tmpPicture + "'");
      LogMyFilms.Debug("New  Cover Image : '" + newPicture + "'");
      LogMyFilms.Debug("New Catalog Entry: '" + newPictureCatalogname + "'");

      switch (grabtype)
        case GrabType.MultiCovers:
          #region multiple cover images
          var script = new GrabberScript(wscript);
          var ArtworkImages = new ArtworkInfo(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.MultiPosters], script.URLPrefix);
          var testlist = new List<ArtworkInfoItem>();
          testlist = Grabber.GrabUtil.GetMultiImageList(script.URLPrefix, Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.MultiPosters], "");

          var choiceViewMenu = new List<string>();
          var dlgmenu = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
          dlgmenu.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798764)); // Load Covers ...
          dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798622) + " (" + testlist.Count.ToString() + ")"); //all

          int i = 0;
          foreach (Grabber.ArtworkInfoItem artworkImage in testlist)
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Coverdownload - Add to menu (" + i + ": " + artworkImage.Name + "): '" + artworkImage.URL + "'");
            catch { }
            i = i + 1;

          if (dlgmenu.SelectedLabel == -1) return;
          string strChoice = choiceViewMenu[dlgmenu.SelectedLabel];
          LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabInternetDetails - interactive choice: '" + strChoice + "'");

          //GrabberScript script = new GrabberScript(wscript);
          var dlgPrgrs = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS);
          if (dlgPrgrs != null)
            dlgPrgrs.DisplayProgressBar = true;
            dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;
            dlgPrgrs.SetHeading(string.Format("{0} - {1}", "MyFilms", "Internet Details Grabber"));
            dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Loading Cover(s) [" + script.DBName + "] ...");
            dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 0;

            new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
                string filename = string.Empty;
                string filename1 = string.Empty;
                string filename2 = string.Empty;
                //if (MasterTitle == "OriginalTitle")
                //  wtitle2 = wtitle1;
                bool first = true;
                int a = 0;

                if (strChoice != "all")
                  filename1 = Grabber.GrabUtil.DownloadCovers(MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg + "\\" + MyFilms.conf.StrPicturePrefix, strChoice, tmpPicturename, true, first, out filename);
                  foreach (Grabber.ArtworkInfoItem artworkImage in testlist)
                    filename1 = GrabUtil.DownloadCovers(MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg + "\\" + MyFilms.conf.StrPicturePrefix, artworkImage.URL, tmpPicturename, true, first, out filename);
                    if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, "loading '" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename) + "'");
                    if (dlgPrgrs != null) dlgPrgrs.Percentage = a * 100 / testlist.Count;
                    LogMyFilms.Info("Poster " + filename1.Substring(filename1.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + " downloaded for " + newPictureCatalogname);
                    artworkImage.LocalPath = filename;
                    if (first)
                      newPicture = filename1;
                    if (filename == string.Empty)
                      filename = filename1;
                    if (!(filename == "already" && filename1 == "already"))
                      filename = "added";
                    first = false;
              catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.DebugException("Thread 'MyFilmsCoverLoader' - exception! - ", ex); }
              if (dlgPrgrs != null)
                dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 100; dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false; dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079846)); dlgPrgrs.SetLine(2, ""); Thread.Sleep(50); dlgPrgrs.Close(); // Done...
              GUIWindowManager.SendThreadCallbackAndWait((p1, p2, data) =>
                dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;
                // enter here what to load after background thread has finished !
                if (GetID == MyFilms.ID_MyFilmsCoverManager)
                  if (DetailsUpdated != null) DetailsUpdated(true);
                return 0;
              }, 0, 0, null);
            }) { Name = "MyFilmsCoverLoader", IsBackground = true }.Start();
        case GrabType.Cover:
          #region single cover without confirmation dialog
          if (File.Exists(newPicture)) // if 'base file' already exists, create sub file name Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country]
            newPicture = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(newPicture), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newPicture) + " [" + Result[(int)Grabber.Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL].GetHashCode() + "]" + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(newPicture));
            LogMyFilms.Debug("New Cover File Name = '" + newPicture + "'");
          if (newPicture != tmpPicture)
            if (!Directory.Exists(newPicture.Substring(0, newPicture.LastIndexOf("\\"))))
              try { Directory.CreateDirectory(newPicture.Substring(0, newPicture.LastIndexOf("\\"))); }
              catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Could not create directory '" + newPicture.Substring(0, newPicture.LastIndexOf("\\")) + "' - Exception: " + ex); }
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Copy '" + tmpPicture + "' to '" + newPicture + "'");
              File.Copy(tmpPicture, newPicture, true);
            catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error copy file: '" + tmpPicture + "' - Exception: " + ex); }

          if (newPicture != tmpPicture)
            try { File.Delete(tmpPicture); }
            catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error deleting tmp file: '" + tmpPicture + "' - Exception: " + ex); }
        case GrabType.All:
          #region single cover
          if (interactive)
            setGUIProperty("picture", tmpPicture);
            GUIWindowManager.Process(); // To Update GUI display ...

            var dlgYesNo = (GUIDialogYesNo)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO);
            dlgYesNo.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079870)); // choice
            dlgYesNo.SetLine(1, "");
            dlgYesNo.SetLine(2, GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798733)); // Replace cover with new one
            dlgYesNo.SetLine(3, "");
            if (!(dlgYesNo.IsConfirmed))
              setGUIProperty("picture", oldPicture);
              setGUIProperty("picture", "");
          if (newPicture != tmpPicture)
            if (!Directory.Exists(newPicture.Substring(0, newPicture.LastIndexOf("\\"))))
              try { Directory.CreateDirectory(newPicture.Substring(0, newPicture.LastIndexOf("\\"))); }
              catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Could not create directory '" + newPicture.Substring(0, newPicture.LastIndexOf("\\")) + "' - Exception: " + ex); }
            try { File.Copy(tmpPicture, newPicture, true); }
            catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error copy file: '" + tmpPicture + "' - Exception: " + ex); }

          if (newPicture != tmpPicture)
            try { File.Delete(tmpPicture); }
            catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error deleting tmp file: '" + tmpPicture + "' - Exception: " + ex); }
          #region collection image

          string tmpPictureCollection = Path.GetDirectoryName(tmpPicture) + @"\Collection_" + Path.GetFileName(tmpPicture);
          string newPictureCollection = MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg + "\\" + MyFilms.conf.StrTitleSelect.Replace(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim, ".") + "." + sTitles.MasterTitle + ".jpg";
          if (System.IO.File.Exists(tmpPictureCollection))
              File.Copy(tmpPictureCollection, newPictureCollection, true);
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Created Collection image '" + newPictureCollection + "'");
            catch (Exception ex)
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Error copy file: '" + tmpPictureCollection + "' - Exception: " + ex);
            LogMyFilms.Debug("Collection Cover '" + tmpPictureCollection + "' does not exists - do nothing.");
          if (newPictureCollection != tmpPictureCollection)
            try { File.Delete(tmpPictureCollection); }
            catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error deleting tmp file: '" + tmpPictureCollection + "' - Exception: " + ex); }
      // update catalog entry in memory
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"].ToString()))
        MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"] = newPictureCatalogname;
      else if (interactive)
        MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"] = newPictureCatalogname;
      else if (!oldPicture.Contains(oldPictureCatalogname))
        MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"] = newPictureCatalogname;
      // set picture to new one (full path)
      setGUIProperty("picture", newPicture);
      if (GetID == MyFilms.ID_MyFilmsCoverManager)
        if (DetailsUpdated != null) DetailsUpdated(true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: MyFilmsDetail.cs プロジェクト: drtak34/my-films
    //  Grab URL Internet Movie Informations and update the XML database and refresh screen
    //  -> Search and select matching movie
    public static void grabb_Internet_Informations_Search(string fullMovieName, int GetID, string wscript, string fullMoviePath, GrabType grabtype, Searchtitles sTitles, GUIAnimation searchanimation)
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wscript)) return;
      LogMyFilms.Debug("grabb_Internet_Informations_Search() with title = '" + fullMovieName + "', grabberfile = '" + wscript + "'");
      string movieName = fullMovieName;
      string movieHierarchy = string.Empty;
      string moviePath = fullMoviePath;
      if (MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim.Length > 0)
        movieName = fullMovieName.Substring(fullMovieName.LastIndexOf(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1).Trim();
        movieHierarchy = fullMovieName.Substring(0, fullMovieName.LastIndexOf(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1).Trim();
      var grab = new Grabber.Grabber_URLClass();
      Grabber_URLClass.IMDBUrl wurl;
      var listUrl = new ArrayList();

      new Thread(delegate()
          SetProcessAnimationStatus(true, searchanimation); // GUIWaitCursor.Init(); GUIWaitCursor.Show();
            // listUrl = Grab.ReturnURL(MovieName, wscript, 1, !MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_Always, MoviePath); // MoviePath only when nfo reader used !!!
            listUrl = grab.ReturnURL(movieName, wscript, 1, !MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_Always, "");
          catch (Exception ex)
            LogMyFilms.ErrorException("grabb_Internet_Details_Search() - exception = '" + ex.Message + "'", ex);
          SetProcessAnimationStatus(false, searchanimation); // GUIWaitCursor.Hide();

          int listCount = listUrl.Count;
          if (!MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_Always)
            listCount = 2;
          switch (listCount)
            case 1: // only one match -> grab details without user interaction
              wurl = (Grabber.Grabber_URLClass.IMDBUrl)listUrl[0];
              grabb_Internet_Details_Informations(wurl.URL, movieHierarchy, wscript, GetID, false, grabtype, sTitles, searchanimation);
            case 0:
              #region manual choice
              var dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
              var choiceViewMenu = new List<string>();

              if (dlg == null) return;
              dlg.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(924)); // menu
              dlg.Add("  *****  " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079860) + "  *****  "); //manual selection
              choiceViewMenu.Add("manual selection");

              for (int i = 0; i < listUrl.Count; i++)
                wurl = (Grabber.Grabber_URLClass.IMDBUrl)listUrl[i];
                if (wurl.Director.Contains(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Director"].ToString()) && wurl.Year.Contains(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Year"].ToString()) && !MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_Always)
                  if (dlg.SelectedLabel == -1)
                    dlg.SelectedLabel = i + 1;
                    dlg.SelectedLabel = -2;
                string viewTitle = wurl.Title;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wurl.Year)) viewTitle += " (" + wurl.Year + ")";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wurl.Options)) viewTitle += " - " + wurl.Options + "";
              string[] split = movieName.Trim().Split(new Char[] { ' ', '-' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
              foreach (string s in split.Where(s => s.Length > 2))
                dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(137) + " '" + s + "'"); // add words from title as search items
              if (grabtype != GrabType.Person)
                #region add all titles as alternative search expressions
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTitles.OriginalTitle) && !choiceViewMenu.Contains(sTitles.OriginalTitle))
                  dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(137) + " '" + sTitles.OriginalTitle + "'"); //search
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTitles.TranslatedTitle) && !choiceViewMenu.Contains(sTitles.TranslatedTitle))
                  dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(137) + " '" + sTitles.TranslatedTitle + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTitles.FormattedTitle) && !choiceViewMenu.Contains(sTitles.FormattedTitle))
                  dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(137) + " '" + sTitles.FormattedTitle + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTitles.MovieDirectoryTitle) && !choiceViewMenu.Contains(sTitles.MovieDirectoryTitle))
                  dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(137) + " '" + sTitles.MovieDirectoryTitle + "'");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTitles.MovieFileTitle) && !choiceViewMenu.Contains(sTitles.MovieFileTitle))
                  dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(137) + " '" + sTitles.MovieFileTitle + "'");

              if (!(dlg.SelectedLabel > -1))
                dlg.SelectedLabel = -1;
              if (dlg.SelectedLabel == 0)
                VirtualKeyboard keyboard = (VirtualKeyboard)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD);
                if (null == keyboard) return;
                keyboard.SetLabelAsInitialText(false); // set to false, otherwise our intial text is cleared
                keyboard.Text = movieName;
                if (keyboard.IsConfirmed && keyboard.Text.Length > 0)
                  grabb_Internet_Informations_Search(keyboard.Text, GetID, wscript, moviePath, grabtype, sTitles, searchanimation);
              if (dlg.SelectedLabel > 0 && dlg.SelectedLabel <= listUrl.Count)
                wurl = (Grabber_URLClass.IMDBUrl)listUrl[dlg.SelectedLabel - 1];
                grabb_Internet_Details_Informations(wurl.URL, movieHierarchy, wscript, GetID, true, grabtype, sTitles, searchanimation);
              if (dlg.SelectedLabel > listUrl.Count)
                //VirtualKeyboard keyboard = (VirtualKeyboard)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD);
                //if (null == keyboard) return;
                //keyboard.Text = dlg.SelectedLabelText;
                //// keyboard.Text = choiceViewMenu[dlg.SelectedLabel];
                //if ((keyboard.IsConfirmed) && (keyboard.Text.Length > 0))
                //  grabb_Internet_Informations_Search(keyboard.Text, GetID, wscript, MoviePath, grabtype, sTitles);
                string strChoice = choiceViewMenu[dlg.SelectedLabel];
                LogMyFilms.Debug("grabb_Internet_Informations_Search(): (re)search with new search expression: '" + strChoice + "'");
                grabb_Internet_Informations_Search(strChoice, GetID, wscript, moviePath, grabtype, sTitles, searchanimation);
          GUIWindowManager.SendThreadCallbackAndWait((p1, p2, data) => { return 0; }, 0, 0, null);
        }) { Name = "MyFilmsDetailsLoader", IsBackground = true }.Start();
コード例 #4
ファイル: MyFilmsDetail.cs プロジェクト: drtak34/my-films
    //  Grab Internet Movie Details Informations and update the XML database and refresh screen
    public static void grabb_Internet_Details_Informations(string url, string moviehead, string wscript, int GetID, bool interactive, GrabType grabtype, Searchtitles sTitles, GUIAnimation searchanimation)
      LogMyFilms.Debug("launching (grabb_Internet_Details_Informations) with url = '" + url + "', moviehead = '" + moviehead + "', wscript = '" + wscript + "', GetID = '" + GetID + "', interactive = '" + interactive + "'");

      #region set environment
      var Grab = new Grabber_URLClass();
      var Result = new string[80];
      string title = string.Empty;
      string ttitle = string.Empty;
      string wtitle = string.Empty;
      int year = 0;
      string director = string.Empty;
      // Those settings were used in the past from AMCupdater settings - now they exist in MF config as primary source!
      // XmlConfig XmlConfig = new XmlConfig();
      // string Img_Path = XmlConfig.ReadAMCUXmlConfig(MyFilms.conf.StrAMCUpd_cnf, "Image_Download_Filename_Prefix", "");
      // string Img_Path_Type = XmlConfig.ReadAMCUXmlConfig(MyFilms.conf.StrAMCUpd_cnf, "Store_Image_With_Relative_Path", "false");

      string downLoadPath; //downLoadPath = MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.MyFilmsPath);
      if (interactive)
        downLoadPath = Path.GetTempPath();
        downLoadPath = grabtype == GrabType.Person
                         ? MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist
                         : MyFilms.conf.StrPathImg + "\\" + MyFilms.conf.StrPicturePrefix;
      LogMyFilms.Debug("Grabber - GetDetail: OverrideLanguage = '" + MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverrideLanguage + "', OverridePersonLimit = '" + MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverridePersonLimit + "', OverrideTitleLimit = '" + MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverrideTitleLimit + "', Get Roles = '" + MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverrideGetRoles + "'");
      LogMyFilms.Debug("Grabber - GetDetail: script = '" + wscript + "', url = '" + url + "', download path = '" + downLoadPath + "'");

      new Thread(delegate()
            #region load internet data
            var dlgPrgrs = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS);
            if (interactive)
              if (dlgPrgrs != null)
                dlgPrgrs.DisplayProgressBar = false;
                dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = true;
                dlgPrgrs.SetHeading(string.Format("{0} - {1}", "MyFilms", "Internet Updates"));
                dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Loading Details ...");
                dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 0;

              Result = Grab.GetDetail(url, downLoadPath, wscript, true, MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverrideLanguage, MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverridePersonLimit, MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverrideTitleLimit, MyFilms.conf.GrabberOverrideGetRoles, null);
            catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.ErrorException("grabb_Internet_Details_Information() - exception = '" + ex.Message + "'", ex); }

            if (interactive)
              // SetProcessAnimationStatus(false, searchanimation);
              if (dlgPrgrs != null)
                dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;

            // copy mapped values to original values
            for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Grabber Details: original: '" + i + "' - '" + Result[i] + "'");
              Result[i] = Result[i + 40];
              LogMyFilms.Debug("Grabber Details: mapped  : '" + i + "' - '" + Result[i] + "'");
            LogMyFilms.Debug("Grab Internet Information done for title/ttitle: " + MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["OriginalTitle"] + "/" + MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TranslatedTitle"]);

            // string Title_Group = XmlConfig.ReadAMCUXmlConfig(MyFilms.conf.StrAMCUpd_cnf, "Folder_Name_Is_Group_Name", "false");
            // string Title_Group_Apply = XmlConfig.ReadAMCUXmlConfig(MyFilms.conf.StrAMCUpd_cnf, "Group_Name_Applies_To", "");

            if (grabtype == GrabType.Details || grabtype == GrabType.All) // grabtype "all" includes cover
              #region Movie Details

              string strChoice = "all"; // defaults to "all", if no other choice
              bool onlyselected = false;
              bool onlymissing = false;
              bool onlynonempty = false;
              var choiceViewMenu = new List<string>();
              var updateItems = new List<string>(); // store properties to update for later use ...
              const int iPropertyLengthLimit = 33;
              var PropertyList = new string[] {
                        "OriginalTitle", "TranslatedTitle", "Picture", "Description", "Rating", "Actors", "Director",
                        "Producer", "Year", "Country", "Category", "URL", "ImageURL", "Writer", "Comments", "Languages",
                        "TagLine", "Certification", "IMDB_Id", "IMDB_Rank", "Studio", "Edition", "Fanart", "Generic1",
                        "Generic2", "Generic3", "TranslatedTitleAllNames", "TranslatedTitleAllValues",
                        "CertificationAllNames", "CertificationAllValues", "MultiPosters", "Photos", "PersonImages",
                        "MultiFanart", "Trailer", "TMDB_Id", "Runtime", "Collection", "CollectionImageURL", "PictureURL"

              if (interactive) // Dialog only in interactive mode
                #region interactive selection dialog
                var dlgmenu = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
                bool returnToMainDialog = false; // by default do NOT repeat the dialog - only if returning from sub dialogs
                  #region set main selection dialog for options
                  returnToMainDialog = false;
                  dlgmenu.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798797)); // Choose update option ...
                  dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798734) + " *** ");
                  dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798735) + " *** ");
                  dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798730) + " *** ");
                  // disabled, as we now have the multiselect dialog
                  //dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798798) + " *** "); // Select single field for update ...
                  if (File.Exists(GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\MyFilmsDialogMultiSelect.xml"))
                    dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798799) + " *** "); // Select multiple fields for update ...
                  if (dlgmenu.SelectedLabel == -1) return;
                  strChoice = choiceViewMenu[dlgmenu.SelectedLabel];


                  if (strChoice == "singlefield")
                    #region populate select menu, if user has chosen to ...

                    string strOldValue = "";
                    string strNewValue = "";

                    var dlgSelect = (GUIDialogSelect)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT); // GUIDialogSelect2 dlgmenu = (GUIDialogSelect2)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT2);  
                    if (dlgSelect == null) return;
                    dlgSelect.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798732)); // choose property to update

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string wProperty in PropertyList)
                        strOldValue = MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex][wProperty].ToString() ?? "";
                        strNewValue = Result[i];
                        if (i == 2) strNewValue = Result[12];
                        if (strNewValue == null) strNewValue = "";

                        if ( // make sure, only supported fields are offered to user for update
                          wProperty != "ImageURL" && !wProperty.Contains("Sub") && !wProperty.Contains("All") &&
                          !wProperty.Contains("Generic") && !wProperty.Contains("Empty") &&
                          ((wProperty != "TagLine" && wProperty != "Certification" && wProperty != "Writer" &&
                            wProperty != "Studio" && wProperty != "Edition" && wProperty != "IMDB_Id" &&
                            wProperty != "IMDB_Rank" && wProperty != "TMDB_Id") ||
                           MyFilms.conf.StrFileType == Configuration.CatalogType.AntMovieCatalog4Xtended) &&
                          wProperty != "Fanart" && wProperty != "Aspectratio" && wProperty != "MultiPosters"
                          // set to enabled to get proper selection - WIP
                          && wProperty != "Photos" && wProperty != "PersonImages" && wProperty != "MultiFanart" &&
                          wProperty != "Trailer") //  && wProperty != "Runtime" && wProperty != "Collection"
                          dlgSelect.Add(BaseMesFilms.TranslateColumn(wProperty) + ": '" + Helper.LimitString(strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # "), iPropertyLengthLimit) + "' -> '" + Helper.LimitString(strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # "), iPropertyLengthLimit) + "'");
                          LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add (" + wProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");
                          LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - not added (unsupported) - (" + wProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");
                      catch (Exception ex)
                        LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - cannot add Property '" + wProperty + "' to Selectionmenu - reason: " + ex.Message);
                      i = i + 1;

                    if (dlgSelect.SelectedLabel == -1) returnToMainDialog = true; // Nothing was selected - return to main selection menu
                    strChoice = choiceViewMenu[dlgmenu.SelectedLabel];


                  if (choiceViewMenu[dlgmenu.SelectedLabel] == "multiplefields")
                    #region populate multi selection menu, if user has chosen to ...

                    string strOldValue = "";
                    string strNewValue = "";

                    var dlgMultiSelectOld = (GUIWindow)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow(2100);
                    var dlgMultiSelect = new GUIDialogMultiSelect();
                    if (dlgMultiSelect == null) return;
                    GUIWindowManager.Replace(2100, dlgMultiSelect);
                      dlgMultiSelect.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798732)); // choose property to update

                      int i = 0;
                      foreach (string wProperty in PropertyList)
                          strOldValue = MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex][wProperty].ToString() ?? "";
                          strNewValue = Result[i];
                          if (i == (int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong) strNewValue = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathShort];
                          if (strNewValue == null) strNewValue = "";

                          if ( // make sure, only supported fields are offered to user for update
                            wProperty != "ImageURL" && !wProperty.Contains("Sub") && !wProperty.Contains("All") &&
                            !wProperty.Contains("Generic") && !wProperty.Contains("Empty") &&
                            ((wProperty != "TagLine" && wProperty != "Certification" && wProperty != "Writer" &&
                              wProperty != "Studio" && wProperty != "Edition" && wProperty != "IMDB_Id" &&
                              wProperty != "IMDB_Rank" && wProperty != "TMDB_Id") ||
                             MyFilms.conf.StrFileType == Configuration.CatalogType.AntMovieCatalog4Xtended) &&
                            wProperty != "Fanart" && wProperty != "Aspectratio" && wProperty != "MultiPosters"
                            // set to enabled to get proper selection - WIP
                            && wProperty != "Photos" && wProperty != "PersonImages" && wProperty != "MultiFanart" &&
                            wProperty != "Trailer") //  && wProperty != "Collection" && wProperty != "CollectionImageURL"
                            var pItem = new GUIListItem(wProperty);
                            pItem.TVTag = wProperty;
                            if (i == (int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong) pItem.IconImage = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong];
                            pItem.Selected = false;
                            pItem.Label = BaseMesFilms.TranslateColumn(wProperty) + ": '" + Helper.LimitString(strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # "), iPropertyLengthLimit) + "' -> '" + Helper.LimitString(strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # "), iPropertyLengthLimit) + "'";
                            LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add (" + wProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");
                            LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - not added (unsupported) - (" + wProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                          LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - cannot add Property '" + wProperty + "' to Selectionmenu - reason: " + ex.Message);
                        i = i + 1;

                      updateItems.AddRange(from t in dlgMultiSelect.ListItems where t.Selected select t.TVTag.ToString());
                      LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - '" + updateItems.Count + "' updateItems selected !");
                      if (dlgMultiSelect.DialogModalResult == ModalResult.Cancel) return; // user cancelled
                      if (dlgMultiSelect.DialogModalResult == ModalResult.OK && updateItems.Count == 0) return; // Nothing was selected
                      if (dlgMultiSelect.DialogModalResult != ModalResult.OK) returnToMainDialog = true; // user wants to return to options menu
                      GUIWindowManager.Replace(2100, dlgMultiSelectOld);


                  switch (strChoice) // either an update type - or a single property to update
                    #region switch update options

                    case "all":
                      onlyselected = false;
                      onlymissing = false;
                      onlynonempty = false;
                    case "missing":
                      onlyselected = false;
                      onlymissing = true;
                      onlynonempty = false;
                    case "all-onlynewdata":
                      onlyselected = false;
                      onlymissing = false;
                      onlynonempty = true;
                      onlyselected = true;
                      onlymissing = false;
                      onlynonempty = false;

                while (returnToMainDialog);
                LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabInternetDetails - interactive choice: '" + strChoice + "', onlyselected = '" + onlyselected + "', onlymissing = '" + onlymissing + "', onlynonempty = '" + onlynonempty + "'");

              #region load details data

              // ********************************** now load data, if requested ! ******************************
              if (IsUpdateRequired("OriginalTitle", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["OriginalTitle"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                title = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                wtitle = MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["OriginalTitle"].ToString();
                if (wtitle.Contains(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim)) wtitle = wtitle.Substring(wtitle.LastIndexOf(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim) + 1);
                if (wtitle != title) Remove_Backdrops_Fanart(wtitle, true);

                // Add Collection from internet grabber
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Collection]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(moviehead))
                  moviehead = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Collection] + @"\";
                if (MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1 == "OriginalTitle") MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["OriginalTitle"] = moviehead + title;
                else MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["OriginalTitle"] = title;

              if (IsUpdateRequired("TranslatedTitle", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TranslatedTitle"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.TranslatedTitle], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                ttitle = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.TranslatedTitle];
                if ("TranslatedTitle" == strChoice)
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ttitle) && MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1 == "TranslatedTitle" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TranslatedTitle"].ToString())) // Added to fill ttitle with otitle in case ttitle is empty and mastertitle = ttitle and mastertitle is empty
                    ttitle = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                wtitle = MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TranslatedTitle"].ToString();
                if (wtitle.Contains(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim)) wtitle = wtitle.Substring(wtitle.LastIndexOf(MyFilms.conf.TitleDelim) + 1);
                if (wtitle != ttitle) Remove_Backdrops_Fanart(wtitle, true);
                if (MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1 == "TranslatedTitle")
                  // Add Collection from internet grabber
                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Collection]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(moviehead))
                    moviehead = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Collection] + @"\";
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TranslatedTitle"] = moviehead + ttitle;
                else MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TranslatedTitle"] = ttitle;

              //if (IsUpdateRequired("Collection", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Collection"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Collection], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
              //  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Collection"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Collection];

              if (IsUpdateRequired("Description", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Description"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Description"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description];

              if (IsUpdateRequired("Rating", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Rating"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Rating], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                if (Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Rating].Length > 0)
                  var provider = new NumberFormatInfo();
                  provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
                  provider.NumberDecimalDigits = 1;
                  decimal wnote = Convert.ToDecimal(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Rating], provider);
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Rating"].ToString()) || !onlymissing)
                    MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Rating"] = string.Format("{0:F1}", wnote);
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Actors", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Actors"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Actors], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Actors"].ToString()) || !onlymissing)
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Actors"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Actors];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Director", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Director"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Director], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                director = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Director];
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Director"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Director];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Producer", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Producer"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Producer], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Producer"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Producer];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Year", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Year"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Year], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                try { year = Convert.ToInt16(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Year]); }
                catch { year = 1900; }
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Year"] = year.ToString();

              if (IsUpdateRequired("Country", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Country"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Country"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Category", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Category"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Category], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Category"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Category];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("URL", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["URL"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.URL], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                if (MyFilms.conf.StrStorage != "URL")
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["URL"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.URL];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Comments", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Comments"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Comments"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments];
              if (IsUpdateRequired("Languages", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Languages"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Language], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Languages"] =

              #region AMC4 extended fields
              if (MyFilms.conf.StrFileType == Configuration.CatalogType.AntMovieCatalog4Xtended)
                if (IsUpdateRequired("Writer", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Writer"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Writer], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Writer"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Writer];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("TagLine", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TagLine"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Tagline], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TagLine"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Tagline];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("Certification", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Certification"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Certification], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Certification"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Certification];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("IMDB_Id", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["IMDB_Id"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.IMDB_Id], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["IMDB_Id"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.IMDB_Id];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("IMDB_Rank", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["IMDB_Rank"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.IMDB_Rank], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["IMDB_Rank"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.IMDB_Rank];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("TMDB_Id", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TMDB_Id"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.TMDB_Id], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["TMDB_Id"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.TMDB_Id];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("Studio", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Studio"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Studio], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Studio"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Studio];
                if (IsUpdateRequired("Edition", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Edition"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Edition], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Edition"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Edition];
                //if (IsUpdateRequired("Fanart", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Fanart"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Fanart], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems)) 
                //  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Fanart"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Fanart];
                //if (IsUpdateRequired("Trailer", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Trailer"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Trailer], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems)) 
                //  MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Trailer"] = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Trailer];

              if (grabtype == GrabType.All && IsUpdateRequired("Picture", strChoice, MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]["Picture"].ToString(), Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong], grabtype, onlyselected, onlymissing, onlynonempty, updateItems))
                grabb_Internet_Details_Informations_Cover(Result, interactive, GetID, wscript, grabtype, sTitles);



            if (grabtype == GrabType.Person)
              #region Person

              #region Load existing person info
              IMDBActor person = null;
              var actorList = new ArrayList();
              VideoDatabase.GetActorByName(MyFilms.conf.StrTIndex, actorList);
              LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - found '" + actorList.Count + "' results for '" + MyFilms.conf.StrTIndex + "'");
              if (actorList.Count > 0 && actorList.Count < 5)
                LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB first search result: '" + actorList[0] + "'");
                string[] strActor = actorList[0].ToString().Split(new char[] { '|' });
                // int actorID = (strActor[0].Length > 0 && strActor.Count() > 1) ? Convert.ToInt32(strActor[0]) : 0; // string actorname = strActor[1];
                int actorId;
                int.TryParse(strActor[0], out actorId);
                person = actorId > 0 ? VideoDatabase.GetActorInfo(actorId) : new IMDBActor();

              string strChoice = "all"; // defaults to "all", if no other choice
              var imageUrls = new Dictionary<string, string>();

              if (interactive) // Dialog only in interactive mode
              #region interactive selection dialog
                var choiceViewMenu = new List<string>();
                var dlgmenu = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
                dlgmenu.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798797)); // Choose update option ...
                dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798734) + " *** ");
                dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798735) + " *** ");
                dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798730) + " *** ");

                //if (File.Exists(GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\MyFilmsDialogMultiSelect.xml"))
                //  dlgmenu.Add(" *** " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798799) + " *** "); // Select multiple fields for update ...
                //  choiceViewMenu.Add("multiplefields");
                #region populate selection menu

                string[] PropertyList = new string[]
                        // "TMDB_Id", "IMDB_Id",
                        "OriginalTitle", // Name
                        "TranslatedTitle", // also known as (currently not supported)
                        "Description", // biographie
                        "Rating", // rating (if available)
                        "Actors", // filmographie
                        "Country", // birthplace
                        "URL", // URL to webpage
                        "Generic1", "Generic2", "Generic3", 
                        // "Photos", 
                        "PersonImages", // all images, if available
                        "PictureURL" // webUrl to main picture
                string personProperty;
                string strOldValue = "";
                string strNewValue = "";

                  personProperty = "name";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.Name.Length > 0) ? person.Name : "";
                  strNewValue = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                  dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10799301) + ": '" + strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "' -> '" + strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "'");
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add to menu (" + personProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");

                  personProperty = "dateofbirth";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.DateOfBirth.Length > 0) ? person.DateOfBirth : "";
                  strNewValue = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments];
                  dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10799302) + ": '" + strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "' -> '" + strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "'");
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add to menu (" + personProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");

                  personProperty = "placeofbirth";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.PlaceOfBirth.Length > 0) ? person.PlaceOfBirth : "";
                  strNewValue = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country];
                  dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10799303) + ": '" + strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "' -> '" + strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "'");
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add to menu (" + personProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");

                  personProperty = "biography";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.Biography.Length > 0) ? person.Biography : "";
                  strNewValue = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description];
                  dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10799304) + ": '" + strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "' -> '" + strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "'");
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add to menu (" + personProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");
#if MP13
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.DateOfDeath.Length > 0) ? person.DateOfDeath : "";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.PlaceOfDeath.Length > 0) ? person.PlaceOfDeath : "";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.LastUpdate.Length > 0) ? person.LastUpdate : "";
                  // main image
                  personProperty = "coverimage";
                  strOldValue = (person != null && person.ThumbnailUrl.Length > 0) ? person.ThumbnailUrl : "";
                  strNewValue = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL];
                  dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798682) + ": '" + strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "' -> '" + strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "'");
                  imageUrls.Add(personProperty, strNewValue);
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add to menu (" + personProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");

                  // add additional images, if returned by grabber
                  string multipersonimages = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PersonImages];
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - multipersonimages = '" + multipersonimages + "'");
                  int i = 1;
                  string[] personimagesUrls = multipersonimages.Split(new char[] { ',', '|' });
                  Regex reg = new Regex(@"\(((?!\)).)*\)");
                  foreach (string personimagesUrl in personimagesUrls)
                    personProperty = "coverimage" + i.ToString();
                    strNewValue = reg.Replace(personimagesUrl, "").Trim();
                    if (strNewValue != Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL]) // do not add main image twice!
                      dlgmenu.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798682) + " " + i.ToString() + ": '" + strOldValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "' -> '" + strNewValue.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " # ") + "'");
                      imageUrls.Add(personProperty, strNewValue);
                      LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Add to menu (" + personProperty + "): '" + strOldValue + "' -> '" + strNewValue + "'");
                catch (Exception ex)
                  LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabberUpdate - Error adding Person property to Selectionmenu: " + ex.Message);

                if (dlgmenu.SelectedLabel == -1) return;
                strChoice = choiceViewMenu[dlgmenu.SelectedLabel];
                LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabInternetDetails - interactive choice: '" + strChoice + "'");

              #region load details data for person
              switch (strChoice)
                case "name":
                  person.Name = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                case "dateofbirth":
                  person.DateOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments];
                case "placeofbirth":
                  person.PlaceOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country];
                case "biography":
                  person.Biography = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description];
                case "coverimage":
                  person.ThumbnailUrl = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL];
                  // ToDo: Download Image

                case "all":
                  person.Name = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                  person.DateOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments];
                  person.PlaceOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country];
                  person.Biography = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description];
                  person.ThumbnailUrl = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL];
                  // ToDo: Download Image

                case "missing":
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.Name)) person.Name = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.DateOfBirth)) person.DateOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.PlaceOfBirth)) person.PlaceOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.Biography)) person.Biography = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.ThumbnailUrl)) person.ThumbnailUrl = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL];
                  // ToDo: Download Image

                case "all-onlynewdata":
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle])) person.Name = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.OriginalTitle];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments])) person.DateOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Comments];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country])) person.PlaceOfBirth = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Country];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description])) person.Biography = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.Description];
                  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL]) && Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL].ToLower().StartsWith("http")) person.ThumbnailUrl = Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PictureURL];
                  // ToDo: Download Image

                  if (strChoice.StartsWith("coverimage"))
                    person.ThumbnailUrl = imageUrls[strChoice];
                    LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabInternetDetails - set person URL to: " + person.ThumbnailUrl);

              LogMyFilms.Debug("GrabInternetDetails - downloadimage: '" + Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong]);

              #region Add or update actor to video database
                //#if MP1X
                //                  int actorId = VideoDatabase.AddActor(person.Name);
                //                  int actorId = VideoDatabase.AddActor(null, person.Name);
                int actorId = GUIUtils.AddActor(null, person.Name);
                if (actorId > 0)
                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.Biography)) // clean up before saving ...
                    if (person.Biography.StartsWith("From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia")) person.Biography = person.Biography.Replace("From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", "").TrimStart(new char[] { '.' }).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' });
                  VideoDatabase.SetActorInfo(actorId, person);
                  //VideoDatabase.AddActorToMovie(_movieDetails.ID, actorId);
              catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error adding person to VDB: " + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); }

              #region load missing images ...
              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.ThumbnailUrl))
                string filename = MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist + "\\" + person.Name + ".jpg";  // string filename = Path.Combine(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, personname); //File.Exists(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist + "\\" + personsname + ".jpg")))
                if (person.ThumbnailUrl.Contains("http:") && (strChoice == "all" || strChoice == "all-onlynewdata" || (!File.Exists(filename) && strChoice == "missing") || strChoice.StartsWith("coverimage")))
                  #region MP Thumb download deactivated, as downloading not yet working !!!
                  //if (person.ThumbnailUrl != string.Empty) // to update MP person thumb dir
                  //  string largeCoverArt = Utils.GetLargeCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieActors, person.Name);
                  //  string coverArt = Utils.GetCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieActors, person.Name);
                  //  Utils.FileDelete(largeCoverArt);
                  //  Utils.FileDelete(coverArt);
                  //  IMDBFetcher.DownloadCoverArt(Thumbs.MovieActors, person.ThumbnailUrl, person.Name);
                  //  //DownloadCoverArt(Thumbs.MovieActors, imdbActor.ThumbnailUrl, imdbActor.Name);
                  string filename1person = GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, person.ThumbnailUrl, person.Name, false, true, out filename);
              // grabb_Internet_Details_Informations_Cover(Result, interactive, GetID, wscript, grabtype, sTitles);



            if (grabtype == GrabType.Cover)
              #region Cover

              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.PicturePathLong]))
                if (interactive)
                  GUIUtils.ShowOKDialog(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798625));  // no results found
                  // grabb_Internet_Informations(FullMovieName, GetID, true, wscript, FullMoviePath, grabtype, showAll);
              grabb_Internet_Details_Informations_Cover(Result, interactive, GetID, wscript, grabtype, sTitles);


            if (grabtype == GrabType.MultiCovers)
              #region MultiCovers

              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[(int)Grabber_URLClass.Grabber_Output.MultiPosters]))
                // no data found
                if (interactive)
                  GUIUtils.ShowOKDialog(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798625));  // no results found
                  // grabb_Internet_Informations(FullMovieName, GetID, true, wscript, FullMoviePath, grabtype, showAll);
              grabb_Internet_Details_Informations_Cover(Result, interactive, GetID, wscript, grabtype, sTitles);


            LogMyFilms.Info("Database Updated for title/ttitle: " + title + "/" + ttitle);

            if (GetID != MyFilms.ID_MyFilmsCoverManager)
              if (title.Length > 0 && MyFilms.conf.StrFanart && grabtype != GrabType.Person) // Get Fanart
                #region fanart

                // GUIDialogProgress dlgPrgrs = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); // already defined above !
                if (dlgPrgrs != null)
                  dlgPrgrs.DisplayProgressBar = false;
                  dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = true;
                  dlgPrgrs.SetHeading(string.Format("{0} - {1}", "MyFilms", "Artwork Updater"));
                  dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Loading Artwork ...");
                  dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 0;

                  new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
                        string imdbid = GetIMDB_Id(MyFilms.r[MyFilms.conf.StrIndex]);
                        GrabArtwork(title, ttitle, (int)year, director, imdbid, MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1, dlgPrgrs);
                        //  dlgPrgrs.Percentage = 100;
                        //  dlgPrgrs.SetLine(1, "Finished loading Movie Details ...");
                        //  dlgPrgrs.NeedRefresh();
                        //  dlgPrgrs.ShouldRenderLayer();
                        //  Thread.Sleep(500);
                        //  dlgPrgrs.ShowWaitCursor = false;
                        //  dlgPrgrs.Close();

                        //GrabArtwork(title, ttitle, (int)year, director, MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1.ToString(), r => 
                        //  dlgPrgrs.Percentage = r;
                        //  return dlgPrgrs.ShouldRenderLayer();
                        GUIWindowManager.SendThreadCallbackAndWait((p1, p2, data) =>
                            { return 0; }, 0, 0, null);
                      }) { Name = "MyFilmsArtworkLoader", IsBackground = true }.Start();
                // System.Collections.Generic.List<grabber.DBMovieInfo> listemovies = Grab.GetFanart(title, ttitle, (int)year, director, MyFilms.conf.StrPathFanart, true, false, MyFilms.conf.StrTitle1.ToString());

            GUIWindowManager.SendThreadCallbackAndWait((p1, p2, data) =>
                  if (GetID != MyFilms.ID_MyFilmsCoverManager)
                    if (DetailsUpdated != null) DetailsUpdated(true); // will launch screen update with new data, if handler registered
                  return 0;
                }, 0, 0, null);
          }) { Name = "MyFilmsDetailsLoader", IsBackground = true }.Start();
コード例 #5
ファイル: MyFilmsDetail.cs プロジェクト: drtak34/my-films
    //  Grab URL Internet Movie Informations and update the XML database and refresh screen
    //  -> Selection of grabber script
    public static void grabb_Internet_Informations(string fullMovieName, int GetID, bool choosescript, string wscript, string fullMoviePath, GrabType grabtype, bool showAll, Searchtitles sTitles, GUIAnimation searchanimation)
      LogMyFilms.Debug("(grabb_Internet_Informations) with grabtype = '" + grabtype + "', title = '" + fullMovieName + "', choosescript = '" + choosescript + "', grabberfile = '" + wscript + "'");
      if (choosescript)
        if (!Directory.Exists(MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.GrabberScripts)))
          GUIUtils.ShowOKDialog(string.Format(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079876), MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.GrabberScripts)), GUILocalizeStrings.Get(1079877), "", "");
          LogMyFilms.Info("My Films : The Directory grabber config files doesn't exists. Verify your Configuration !");

        if (!Directory.Exists(MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.GrabberScripts) + @"\user"))
          try { Directory.CreateDirectory(MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.GrabberScripts) + @"\user"); }
          catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Error creating user script directory: '" + ex.Message + "'"); }

        // Grabber Directory filled, search for XML scripts files
        var dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU);
        dlg.SetHeading(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798706)); // "Choose internet grabber script"
        if (dlg == null) return;
        var scriptfile = new ArrayList();

        if (MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_cnf.Length > 0 && (grabtype == GrabType.Details || grabtype == GrabType.All))
            var defaultScript = new GrabberScript(MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_cnf);
            dlg.Add(MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_cnf.Substring(MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_cnf.LastIndexOf("\\", System.StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + " (default)");
            dlg.SelectedLabel = 0;
          catch (Exception)
            LogMyFilms.Error("The default script is not compatible with current MyFilms version - please change your settings !");
        var dirsInf = new DirectoryInfo(MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.GrabberScripts));
        FileSystemInfo[] sfiles = dirsInf.GetFileSystemInfos();

        foreach (FileSystemInfo sfi in sfiles)
          if ((sfi.Extension.ToLower() == ".xml") && (sfi.FullName != MyFilms.conf.StrGrabber_cnf))
            var script = new GrabberScript(sfi.FullName);
            string displayName = "";
            string displayNamePost = "";
            switch (grabtype)
              case GrabType.MultiCovers:
                displayNamePost = script.Type.ToLower().Contains("multicovers") ? " - (Multi Cover)" : " - (Single Cover)";
            if (ShouldGrabberBeAdded(script, grabtype, showAll))
              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(script.DBName))
                displayName += script.DBName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(script.Language)) displayName += " (" + script.Language + ")";
                displayName += displayNamePost;
              else displayName += sfi.Name;
        // add choice to show all languages
        if (!showAll && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyFilms.conf.ItemSearchGrabberScriptsFilter))
          dlg.Add(GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798765)); // Show all

        if (scriptfile.Count > 0)
          if (dlg.SelectedLabel == -1)
          if (dlg.SelectedLabelText == GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10798765))
            grabb_Internet_Informations(fullMovieName, GetID, true, wscript, fullMoviePath, grabtype, true, sTitles, searchanimation);
          if (dlg.SelectedLabel > -1)
            wscript = scriptfile[dlg.SelectedLabel].ToString();
      grabb_Internet_Informations_Search(fullMovieName, GetID, wscript, fullMoviePath, grabtype, sTitles, searchanimation);