コード例 #1
 void Expandir(SearchVertex vertice)
コード例 #2
 void TacarFogo(SearchVertex vertice)
     if (vertice && vertice.areaState == AreaState.normal)
         vertice.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
         vertice.areaState = AreaState.fire;
コード例 #3
 bool Check(SearchVertex vertice)
     if (vertice && vertice.areaState == AreaState.normal)
コード例 #4
    IEnumerator DFS(SearchVertex vertex)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

        vertex.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
        vertex.areaState = AreaState.fire;
        if (Check(vertex.down))
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DFS(vertex.down)));
        if (Check(vertex.left))
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DFS(vertex.left)));
        if (Check(vertex.up))
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DFS(vertex.up)));
        if (Check(vertex.right))
            yield return(StartCoroutine(DFS(vertex.right)));
コード例 #5
    protected override void updatePathToTarget()


        SearchVertex startVertex = new SearchVertex();

        startVertex.parent        = null;
        startVertex.numHops       = 0;
        startVertex.gridPos       = _targetGridPos;
        startVertex.costFromStart = 0;

        Vector2 targetPos = toGridCoord(_tileWereChasing.transform.position);

        startVertex.estimatedCostToTarget = estimatePathDistance(startVertex.gridPos, targetPos);


        // We have a max hops so that we don't spend too long searching in vain.
        int maxHops = maxSearchDepth;

        while (_agenda.Count > 0)
            float        minCost       = _agenda[0].estimatedCostToTarget;
            SearchVertex currentVertex = _agenda[0];
            foreach (SearchVertex vertex in _agenda)
                if (vertex.estimatedCostToTarget < minCost)
                    minCost       = vertex.estimatedCostToTarget;
                    currentVertex = vertex;

            if (currentVertex.gridPos == targetPos)
                // If we made it to our target, reconstruct the path by going back up the parents.
                    currentVertex = currentVertex.parent;
                } while (currentVertex != null);
                // Need to reverse the path before we return it.

            // First, check to see if we've gone too far.
            if (currentVertex.numHops >= maxHops)
                continue;                 // Don't expand if we're already too far.
            for (int x = (int)currentVertex.gridPos.x - 1; x <= (int)currentVertex.gridPos.x + 1; x++)
                for (int y = (int)currentVertex.gridPos.y - 1; y <= (int)currentVertex.gridPos.y + 1; y++)
                    if (x == (int)currentVertex.gridPos.x && y == (int)currentVertex.gridPos.y)
                        continue;                         // Ignore our own coordinate.

                    Vector2 neighborPos = new Vector2(x, y);
                    // We ignore the neighbor if it's in the closed set
                    if (listContainsPosition(_closedSet, neighborPos))

                    // Now check if we can even move onto that spot.
                    if (!canMoveBetweenPoints(currentVertex.gridPos, neighborPos, pathColliderRadius))

                    // Now we have to see if the vertex is aleady in the agenda.

                    float tentativeCostFromStart = currentVertex.costFromStart + Vector2.Distance(currentVertex.gridPos, neighborPos);

                    SearchVertex neighborVertex = null;
                    foreach (SearchVertex vertex in _agenda)
                        if (vertex.gridPos == neighborPos)
                            neighborVertex = vertex;
                    if (neighborVertex == null)
                        neighborVertex                       = new SearchVertex();
                        neighborVertex.gridPos               = neighborPos;
                        neighborVertex.costFromStart         = tentativeCostFromStart;
                        neighborVertex.estimatedCostToTarget = tentativeCostFromStart + estimatePathDistance(neighborPos, targetPos);
                        neighborVertex.parent                = currentVertex;
                        neighborVertex.numHops               = currentVertex.numHops + 1;
                        if (tentativeCostFromStart < neighborVertex.costFromStart)
                            neighborVertex.costFromStart         = tentativeCostFromStart;
                            neighborVertex.estimatedCostToTarget = tentativeCostFromStart + estimatePathDistance(neighborPos, targetPos);
                            neighborVertex.parent  = currentVertex;
                            neighborVertex.numHops = currentVertex.numHops + 1;

        // If we never reached the target, use the node from the closed set with the smallest estimated distance to target.
        if (_closedSet.Count == 0)

        SearchVertex closestVertex         = _closedSet[0];
        float        closestVertexDistance = Vector2.Distance(closestVertex.gridPos, targetPos);

        foreach (SearchVertex vertex in _closedSet)
            float vertexDistance = Vector2.Distance(vertex.gridPos, targetPos);
            if (vertexDistance < closestVertexDistance)
                closestVertex         = vertex;
                closestVertexDistance = vertexDistance;

            closestVertex = closestVertex.parent;
        } while (closestVertex != null);
コード例 #6
    protected virtual void updatePathToTarget()


        SearchVertex startVertex = new SearchVertex();

        startVertex.parent  = null;
        startVertex.numHops = 0;
        startVertex.gridPos = _targetGridPos;

        Vector2 targetPos = toGridCoord(_tileWereChasing.transform.position);


        // We have a max hops so that we don't spend too long searching in vain.
        int maxHops = maxSearchDepth;

        while (_agenda.Count > 0)
            SearchVertex currentVertex = _agenda[0];
            if (currentVertex.gridPos == targetPos)
                // If we made it to our target, reconstruct the path by going back up the parents.
                    currentVertex = currentVertex.parent;
                } while (currentVertex != null);
                // Need to reverse the path before we return it.

            // Otherwise, time to expand all the neighbors of the vertex.

            // First, check to see if we've gone too far.
            if (currentVertex.numHops >= maxHops)
                continue;                 // Don't expand if we're already too far.

            // We can use a loop to iterate through the neighbor points.
            for (int x = (int)currentVertex.gridPos.x - 1; x <= (int)currentVertex.gridPos.x + 1; x++)
                for (int y = (int)currentVertex.gridPos.y - 1; y <= (int)currentVertex.gridPos.y + 1; y++)
                    if (x == (int)currentVertex.gridPos.x && y == (int)currentVertex.gridPos.y)
                        continue;                         // Ignore our own coordinate.

                    Vector2 neighborPos = new Vector2(x, y);
                    // We ignore the neighbor if it's in the closed set or Already in the agenda.
                    if (listContainsPosition(_agenda, neighborPos) ||
                        listContainsPosition(_closedSet, neighborPos))

                    // Now check if we can even move onto that spot.
                    if (!canMoveBetweenPoints(currentVertex.gridPos, neighborPos, pathColliderRadius))

                    // Otherwise, the neighbor can go in the agenda!
                    SearchVertex neighborVertex = new SearchVertex();
                    neighborVertex.gridPos = neighborPos;
                    neighborVertex.parent  = currentVertex;
                    neighborVertex.numHops = currentVertex.numHops + 1;
コード例 #7
        private IEnumerable <IEdge> Backtrack(Dictionary <int, SearchVertex> vertices, SearchVertex end)
            if (end.ShortestDistance == 0)
                yield break;

            var lastLeg = end.Connections
                          .Select(edge => new
                Other = vertices[edge.Vertex1ID == end.ID ? edge.Vertex2ID : edge.Vertex1ID],
                Edge  = edge
                          .Where(edge => edge.Other.ShortestDistance == end.ShortestDistance - edge.Edge.Weight)

            foreach (var edge in Backtrack(vertices, lastLeg.Other))
                yield return(edge);

            yield return(lastLeg.Edge);
コード例 #8
    public override void fillRoom(LevelGenerator ourGenerator, ExitConstraint requiredExits)
        bool[,] wallMap = new bool[LevelGenerator.ROOM_WIDTH, LevelGenerator.ROOM_HEIGHT];

        // Start completely filled with walls.
        for (int x = 0; x < LevelGenerator.ROOM_WIDTH; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < LevelGenerator.ROOM_HEIGHT; y++)
                wallMap[x, y] = true;

        bool    foundStartPos = false;
        Vector2 startPos      = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, LevelGenerator.ROOM_WIDTH), Random.Range(0, LevelGenerator.ROOM_HEIGHT));

        foreach (Vector2Int exitLocation in requiredExits.requiredExitLocations())
            wallMap[exitLocation.x, exitLocation.y] = false;
            if (!foundStartPos)
                startPos      = exitLocation;
                foundStartPos = true;


        SearchVertex startVertex = new SearchVertex();

        startVertex.gridPos = startPos;
        startVertex.parent  = null;


        while (_agenda.Count > 0)
            SearchVertex currentVertex = _agenda[_agenda.Count - 1];
            _agenda.RemoveAt(_agenda.Count - 1);
            if (listContainsVertex(_closed, currentVertex.gridPos))



            Vector2 neighborPos = currentVertex.gridPos + Vector2.up * 2;
            if (inGrid(neighborPos) &&
                !listContainsVertex(_closed, neighborPos))
            neighborPos = currentVertex.gridPos + Vector2.right * 2;
            if (inGrid(neighborPos) &&
                !listContainsVertex(_closed, neighborPos))
            neighborPos = currentVertex.gridPos - Vector2.up * 2;
            if (inGrid(neighborPos) &&
                !listContainsVertex(_closed, neighborPos))
            neighborPos = currentVertex.gridPos - Vector2.right * 2;
            if (inGrid(neighborPos) &&
                !listContainsVertex(_closed, neighborPos))

            if (_neighbors.Count > 0)
                currentVertex.isDeadEnd = true;
            foreach (Vector2 neighbor in _neighbors)
                SearchVertex neighborVertex = new SearchVertex();
                neighborVertex.gridPos = neighbor;
                neighborVertex.parent  = currentVertex;

        // Now go through the closed set and carve out space for all of the neighbors.
        foreach (SearchVertex vertex in _closed)
            if (vertex.parent == null)
                wallMap[(int)vertex.gridPos.x, (int)vertex.gridPos.y] = false;

            int currentX = (int)vertex.gridPos.x;
            int currentY = (int)vertex.gridPos.y;
            wallMap[currentX, currentY] = false;

            Vector2 endPos  = vertex.parent.gridPos;
            int     targetX = (int)endPos.x;
            int     targetY = (int)endPos.y;

            while (currentX != targetX || currentY != targetY)
                if (currentX < targetX)
                else if (currentX > targetX)

                if (currentY < targetY)
                else if (currentY > targetY)

                wallMap[currentX, currentY] = false;

        // Now we remove some extra walls
        List <Vector2> wallLocations = new List <Vector2>();

        for (int i = 0; i < extraWallsToRemove; i++)
            for (int x = 0; x < LevelGenerator.ROOM_WIDTH; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < LevelGenerator.ROOM_HEIGHT; y++)
                    if (wallMap[x, y])
                        wallLocations.Add(new Vector2(x, y));

            if (wallLocations.Count > 1)
                Vector2 wallToRemove = GlobalFuncs.randElem(wallLocations);
                wallMap[(int)wallToRemove.x, (int)wallToRemove.y] = false;

        for (int x = 0; x < LevelGenerator.ROOM_WIDTH; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < LevelGenerator.ROOM_HEIGHT; y++)
                if (wallMap[x, y])
                    Tile.spawnTile(ourGenerator.normalWallPrefab, transform, x, y);