コード例 #1
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CoffeeShopPreview> > GetSupplyShops(SearchSupplyShopModel query)
            PropertyInfo[] possibleProperties = typeof(SearchSupplyShopModel).GetProperties();
            var            builder            = new SqlBuilder();

            var additionalStatements = "";
            var innerjoin            = "";
            var mapping = MappingM2DB.CoffeShopMap;

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in possibleProperties)
                var properties = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                mapping.TryGetValue(property.Name.ToLower(), out string propertyName);

                if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName == "bus_station_name")
                    innerjoin += " inner join reachable_by_bus r on r.coffee_shop_id = id ";
                    properties.Add(propertyName, query.BusStation);
                    builder.Where("r." + propertyName + " = ANY" + "(@bus_station_name)", properties);
                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName == "poi_name")
                    innerjoin += " inner join near_by n on n.coffee_shop_id = id ";

                    properties.Add("poi", query.Poi);
                    builder.Where("n.poi_name" + " = ANY" + "(@poi)", properties);

                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName == "equipment_category_name")
                    innerjoin += " inner join supplies s on s.coffee_shop_id = id ";

                    properties.Add(propertyName, query.EquipmentCategories);
                    builder.Where("s.equipment_category_name::text" + " = ANY" + "(@equipment_category_name)", properties);

                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName.Contains("bean_name"))
                    innerjoin += " inner join provides p on p.coffee_shop_id = id ";

                    properties.Add("beans", query.Beans);
                    builder.Where("p.bean_name" + " = ANY" + "(@beans)", properties);

                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName.Contains("blend_name"))
                    innerjoin += " inner join offers o on o.coffee_shop_id = id ";

                    properties.Add("blends", query.Blends);
                    builder.Where("o.blend_name" + " = ANY" + "(@blends)", properties);
                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && (propertyName == "name" || propertyName.Contains("address")))
                    properties.Add(property.Name, "%" + property.GetValue(query) + "%");
                    builder.Where(propertyName + "::citext" + " LIKE " + "@" + property.Name, properties);
                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName == "roast")
                    innerjoin += "inner join provides pr on pr.coffee_shop_id = id " +
                                 "inner join (select provenance, roast, name as bname from bean) br on pr.bean_name = bname and br.provenance = pr.bean_provenance ";

                    properties.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(query));
                    builder.Where(propertyName + " = " + "@" + property.Name, properties);
                else if (property.GetValue(query) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
                    properties.Add(propertyName, "%" + property.GetValue(query) + "%");
                    builder.Where(propertyName + "::text" + " LIKE " + "@" + propertyName, properties);

            additionalStatements += " inner join coffee_shop_image ci on ci.coffee_shop_id = c.id ";
            additionalStatements += " inner join image i on ci.image_file_name = i.file_name and i.content_type = 'preview'";
            additionalStatements += " inner join rated_by_user rbu on rbu.coffee_shop_id = c.id ";
            additionalStatements += " inner join user_rating ur on rbu.user_rating_id = ur.rating_id ";
            // builder.Where("i.content_type = 'preview'");

            using (IDbConnection dbConnection = Connection)
                var sql = "Select distinct on (id) id, * from (Select distinct c.*, i.file_name, to_char(AVG (ur.total),'9D9') as average_total from coffee_shop c " + additionalStatements + "  group by c.id, i.file_name" +
                          " union select c1.*, null as file_name, null as average_total from coffee_shop c1) as t " + innerjoin + " /**where**/ order by id, file_name";

                var filterCoffeeShops = builder.AddTemplate(sql);
                if (possibleProperties.Length == 0)
                    return(await GetAll());
                var result = await dbConnection.QueryAsync <CoffeeShopPreview>(filterCoffeeShops.RawSql, filterCoffeeShops.Parameters);

コード例 #2
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CoffeeShopPreview> > GetSupplyShops([FromQuery] SearchSupplyShopModel searchQuery)
            var coffeeShops = await _coffeeShopRepo.GetSupplyShops(searchQuery);
