コード例 #1
ファイル: SearchController.cs プロジェクト: philwang1990/Src
        public SearchProductModel GetProd([FromBody] SearchRQModel list_rq)
            Website.Instance.logger.Info($"WMS GetProd Start! B2D Xid:{list_rq.company_xid}");

            var prods = new SearchProductModel();

            prods = SearchRepository.GetProdList(list_rq);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the prod list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The prod list.</returns>
        /// <param name="rq">Rq.</param>

        // 取得商品列表
        public static JObject GetProdList(SearchRQModel rq)
            JObject jsonObj = new JObject();

            var _uri = Website.Instance.Configuration["URL:KK_SEARCH"];

            try {
                using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler()) {
                    // Ignore Certificate Error!!
                    handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback =
                        (message, cert, chain, errors) => true;

                    string jsonResult;

                    using (var client = new HttpClient(handler)) {
                        #region RQ

                        string today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

                        var query = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            ["lang"]                = rq.lang ?? "",
                            ["currency"]            = rq.currency ?? "",
                            ["start"]               = rq.start ?? "0",
                            ["count"]               = rq.count ?? "10",
                            ["q"]                   = rq.q ?? "",
                            ["price_from"]          = rq.price_from ?? "0",
                            ["price_to"]            = rq.price_to ?? "999999",
                            ["date_from"]           = rq.date_from ?? today,
                            ["date_to"]             = rq.date_to ?? "21000101",
                            ["locale"]              = rq.locale ?? "",
                            ["sort"]                = rq.sort ?? "",
                            ["source"]              = rq.source ?? "",
                            ["member_uuid"]         = rq.member_uuid ?? "",
                            ["footprint_id"]        = rq.footprint_id ?? "",
                            ["ip"]                  = rq.ip ?? "",
                            ["multiprice_platform"] = rq.multiprice_platform ?? "01",

                            ["company_xid"] = rq.company_xid ?? ""

                        // ===> using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities;
                        _uri = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(_uri, query);

                        //非空值才能當作搜尋條件 空值的話都不帶入
                        if (rq.prod_ids != null)
                            _uri += "&prod_ids[]=" + string.Join("&prod_ids[]=", rq.prod_ids);

                        if (rq.country_keys != null)
                            _uri += "&country_keys[]=" + string.Join("&country_keys[]=", rq.country_keys);

                        if (rq.city_keys != null)
                            _uri += "&city_keys[]=" + string.Join("&city_keys[]=", rq.city_keys);

                        if (rq.cat_main_keys != null)
                            _uri += "&cat_main_keys[]=" + string.Join("&cat_main_keys[]=", rq.cat_main_keys);

                        if (rq.cat_keys != null)
                            _uri += "&cat_keys[]=" + string.Join("&cat_keys[]=", rq.cat_keys);

                        if (rq.durations != null)
                            _uri += "&durations[]=" + string.Join("&durations[]=", rq.durations);

                        if (rq.stats != null)
                            _uri += "&stats[]=" + string.Join("&stats[]=", rq.stats);

                        if (rq.facets != null)
                            _uri += "&facets[]=" + string.Join("&facets[]=", rq.facets);

                        #endregion RQ

                        using (HttpRequestMessage request =
                                   new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, _uri)) {
                            request.Headers.Add("x-auth-key", Website.Instance.Configuration["KEY:SEARCH_API"]);

                            var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result;

                            if (response.StatusCode.ToString() != "OK")
                                throw new Exception(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

                            jsonResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

                    jsonObj = JObject.Parse(jsonResult);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Website.Instance.logger.FatalFormat($"getPkg  Error :{ex.Message},{ex.StackTrace}");

                throw ex;

コード例 #3
ファイル: SearchRepository.cs プロジェクト: philwang1990/Src
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the prod list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The prod list.</returns>
        /// <param name="rq">Rq.</param>
        public static SearchProductModel GetProdList(SearchRQModel rq)
            SearchProductModel      prod = new SearchProductModel();
            List <ProductBaseModel> pLst = new List <ProductBaseModel>();

            try {
                JObject obj = SearchProxy.GetProdList(rq);

                Metadata md = new Metadata();

                DataModel.Discount.DiscountRuleModel disc = null;

                #region --1.取回傳資料是否成功的訊息、統計用資訊--

                md.result     = obj["metadata"]["status"].ToString();
                md.result_msg = obj["metadata"]["desc"].ToString();

                prod.metadata = md;

                //如果狀態為0000  表示搜尋沒問題  才繼續滿足商品欄位
                if (md.result == "0000")
                    #region --2.從傑森物件取『商品列表』--
                    JArray jsonPlst = (JArray)obj["data"]["prods"];

                    int countBlackProd = 0;//計算黑名單筆數

                    for (int i = 0; i < jsonPlst.Count; i++)
                        var model = new ProductBaseModel();

                        string prod_no = jsonPlst[i]["id"].ToString();

                        bool isBlack = DiscountRepository.GetProdBlackWhite(prod_no);

                        //表示該商品為白名單 需要綁入列表中 (黑名單的就不綁了)
                        if (isBlack != true)
                            model.prod_no           = Convert.ToInt32(prod_no);
                            model.prod_name         = jsonPlst[i]["name"].ToString();
                            model.b2d_price         = DiscountRepository.GetCompanyDiscPrice(Int64.Parse(rq.company_xid), (double)jsonPlst[i]["price"], prod_no, jsonPlst[i]["main_cat_key"].ToString(), ref disc); //分銷價
                            model.b2c_price         = (double)jsonPlst[i]["sale_price"];                                                                                                                            //直客價
                            model.display_ref_price = jsonPlst[i]["display_price"].ToString();

                            model.prod_currency   = jsonPlst[i]["currency"].ToString();
                            model.prod_img_url    = jsonPlst[i]["img_url"].ToString();
                            model.rating_count    = (int)jsonPlst[i]["rating_count"];
                            model.avg_rating_star = (double)jsonPlst[i]["rating_star"];
                            model.instant_booking = (bool)jsonPlst[i]["instant_booking"];
                            model.order_count     = (int)jsonPlst[i]["order_count"];
                            model.days            = (int)jsonPlst[i]["days"];
                            model.hours           = (int)jsonPlst[i]["hours"];
                            model.introduction    = jsonPlst[i]["introduction"].ToString();
                            model.duration        = (int)jsonPlst[i]["duration"];
                            //model.display_price_usd = jsonPlst[i]["display_price_usd"].ToString();
                            //model.price_usd = (double)jsonPlst[i]["price_usd"];
                            model.prod_type = jsonPlst[i]["main_cat_key"].ToString();
                            model.tag       = jsonPlst[i]["cat_key"].ToObject <string[]>();//把傑森物件轉成字串陣列

                            List <Country> country =
                                .Select(x => new Country {
                                id     = (string)x["id"],
                                name   = (string)x["name"],
                                cities = x["cities"].ToObject <List <City> >()

                            model.countries = country;


                        md.total_count = (int)obj["metadata"]["pagination"]["total_count"] - countBlackProd; //商品總筆數 扣掉黑名單筆數
                        md.start       = (int)obj["metadata"]["pagination"]["start"];                        //從第?筆開始
                        md.count       = (int)obj["metadata"]["pagination"]["count"];                        //一頁?筆商品

                        prod.metadata = md;

                        //stats 金額統計
                        if (rq.stats != null)
                            Stats s = new Stats();
                            s.price = new Price()
                                min      = (int)obj["data"]["stats"]["price"]["min"],
                                max      = (int)obj["data"]["stats"]["price"]["max"],
                                count    = (int)obj["data"]["stats"]["price"]["count"],
                                currency = obj["data"]["stats"]["price"]["currency"].ToString()
                            prod.stats = s;

                        //facets 大分類 小分類 ...的統計
                        if (rq.facets != null)
                            Facets f = new Facets();

                            if (rq.facets.Where(x => x.Equals("cat_main")).Count() == 1)
                                List <CatMain> cm =
                                    .Select(x => new CatMain {
                                    id    = (string)x["id"],
                                    name  = (string)x["name"],
                                    sort  = (string)x["sort"],
                                    count = (int)x["count"]

                                f.cat_main = cm;

                            if (rq.facets.Where(x => x.Equals("cat")).Count() == 1)
                                List <Cat> ca =
                                    .Select(x => new Cat {
                                    id    = (string)x["id"],
                                    name  = (string)x["name"],
                                    sort  = (string)x["sort"],
                                    count = (int)x["count"]

                                f.cat = ca;

                            if (rq.facets.Where(x => x.Equals("total_time")).Count() == 1)
                                List <TotalTime> tt =
                                    .Select(x => new TotalTime {
                                    time  = (int)x["time"],
                                    count = (int)x["count"]

                                f.total_time = tt;

                            if (rq.facets.Where(x => x.Equals("guide_lang")).Count() == 1)
                                List <GuideLang> gl =
                                    .Select(x => new GuideLang {
                                    id    = (string)x["id"],
                                    name  = (string)x["name"],
                                    count = (int)x["count"]

                                f.guide_lang = gl;

                            if (rq.facets.Where(x => x.Equals("sale_dt")).Count() == 1)
                                List <SaleDt> sd =
                                    .Select(x => new SaleDt {
                                    id    = (int)x["id"],
                                    count = (int)x["count"]

                                f.sale_dt = sd;

                            prod.facets = f;

                    prod.prods = pLst;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Website.Instance.logger.FatalFormat($"getProdLst  Error :{ex.Message},{ex.StackTrace}");

                throw ex;
