コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Index(string filter, int pageIndex)
            #region 控制搜索引擎访问频率(目前设置的十秒钟内最多可以访问10次)
            string SearchEngines = Public.IsSearchEnginesGet();
            if (SearchEngines != null)
                SOSOshop.BLL.SearchEngines blls = new SearchEngines();
                if (!blls.isPower(SearchEngines))
                    Response.StatusCode = 503;
                blls.created = DateTime.Now;
                blls.Engines = SearchEngines;
                blls.ip      = Request.UserHostAddress;

            ViewBag.Title       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Title"];
            ViewBag.description = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Description"];
            ViewBag.keywords    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Key"];

            ViewBag.ActuationValue = "查看所有商品";
            SOSOshop.BLL.Db db      = new Db();
            int             showpic = 0;//用户对列表状态无选择则为0,大图为1,列表为2.
            string          isshow  = Request["show"];
            isshow = Library.Lang.Input.Filter(isshow);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isshow))
                if (int.Parse(isshow) == 1)
                    showpic = 1;
                    showpic = 2;
            ViewBag.Show = showpic;

            string sort = Request["sort"];
            sort         = Library.Lang.Input.Filter(sort);
            ViewBag.Sort = 0;
            string order = " order by Product_ID desc";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort))
                switch (int.Parse(sort))
                case 1:
                    order        = " order by Product_ClickNum desc";
                    ViewBag.Sort = 1;

                case 2:
                    ViewBag.Sort = 2;
                    order        = " order by Price_01 asc";
                    #region 买家类型判断
                    int UID = BaseController.GetUserId();
                    if (UID > 0)
                        int    Member_Class = 0; //批发
                        object objMC        = db.ExecuteScalarForCache("SELECT Member_Class FROM memberinfo WHERE UID=" + UID);
                        if (objMC != null)
                            Member_Class = int.Parse(objMC.ToString());
                        if (Member_Class == 1)
                            order = " order by Price_02 desc";                       //OTC

                case 3:
                    ViewBag.Sort = 3;
                    order        = " order by Product_SaleNum desc";

                case 4:
                    ViewBag.Sort = 4;
                    order        = " order by price_03 asc";

            PageInfo pg = new PageInfo();
            pg.pageSize = 24;
            if (pageIndex == 0)
                pageIndex = 1;

            string SearchUrl = HomeController.SearchUrl(0, 0);
            int[]  keyIds    = new int[filter.Split('-').Length];
            if (keyIds.Length < 10)
                return(Redirect(HomeController.SearchUrl(0, 0)));

            int[] akeyIds = (from a in filter.Split('-') select int.Parse(a)).ToArray();
            for (int x = 0; x < akeyIds.Length && akeyIds.Length <= keyIds.Length; x++)
                keyIds[x] = akeyIds[x];

            // url_filter = string.Join("-", keyIds);//filter;

            List <string> keywords = new List <string>(); //选择的条件
            List <int>    keyposit = new List <int>();    //选择条件的位置
            #region 拼接sql条件
            StringBuilder filterExpression = new StringBuilder(177);
            filterExpression.Append(" 1=1");
            int    index = 0;
            string type  = null;

            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                filterExpression.Append(" and DrugsBase_ID in (select DrugsBase_ID from [DrugsBase_PharmMediNameLink] where [Pharm_ID] in (select [Pharm_ID] from [DrugsBase_Pharm] where [Pharm_ID_Path] like '%\\" + keyIds[index].ToString() + "%'))");
                if (keyIds[index] == 1)
                else if (keyIds[index] == 583)
                    if (SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.药理二级).Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).Count() > 0)
                        keywords.Add(SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.药理二级).Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First().name);
                type = "药理药效";

            index = 1;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                //filterExpression.AppendFormat(" and DrugsBase_id in(SELECT product_id FROM Tag_PharmProduct WHERE product_key='d' and Tag_PharmAttribute_id={0})", keyIds[index]);
                string sql_syz = string.Format(" and DrugsBase_id in(SELECT product_id FROM Tag_PharmProduct WHERE Tag_PharmAttribute_id in (select id from Tag_PharmAttribute where fullPath like '%/{0}/%'))", keyIds[index]);
                var    blltag = new SOSOshop.BLL.DrugsBase.Tag_PharmAttribute();
                string syz    = blltag.GetTagName(keyIds[index]);
                type = "适应症";
                string syzsql = string.Format("select id,name from Tag_PharmAttribute where fullPath like '%/'+convert(varchar,(select case when ParentId=0 then id else ParentId end  from Tag_PharmAttribute where id={0}))+'/%' order by ParentId", keyIds[index]);
                ViewBag.SyzList      = db.ExecuteTableForCache(syzsql);
                ViewBag.SelectMenuId = keyIds[index];
                SelectSYZById(keyIds[index], syz, sql_syz);
            index = 2;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.厂家数量);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    type = "厂家数量";
            index = 3;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.价格区间);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    type = "价格区间";
            index = 4;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.剂型二级);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    filterExpression.AppendFormat(model.condition == null ? " and DrugsBase_DrugName like('%{0}%')" : model.condition, model.name);
                    type = "剂型";
            index = 5;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.热门标签);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    type = "热门标签";
            index = 6;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.品牌厂家);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    type = "品牌厂家";

            index = 8;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.中药饮片);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    type = "中药饮片";
            index = 9;
            if (keyIds[index] != 0)
                var list = SearchModel.GetList(SearchModelEnum.进口药品);
                if (list.Exists(x => x.id == keyIds[index]))
                    var model = list.Where(x => x.id == keyIds[index]).First();
                    type = "进口药品";

            if ("1".Equals(Request.QueryString["new"]))
                filterExpression.Append(" and Product_ID in (SELECT a.Product_ID FROM dbo.Product  a LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Stock_Lock b ON a.Product_ID = b.Product_ID WHERE a.Stock-ISNULL(b.Stock,0)>0)");
            if ("2".Equals(Request.QueryString["new"]))
                filterExpression.Append(" and Product_ID in (SELECT a.Product_ID FROM dbo.Product a where Discount>0 AND Discount<>1 AND GETDATE() BETWEEN BeginDate AND EndDate )");
            if ("3".Equals(Request.QueryString["new"]))
                filterExpression.Append(" and Product_ID in (SELECT a.Product_ID FROM dbo.Product a where (CuPrice>0 or (discount>0 and discount<>1)) AND GETDATE() BETWEEN BeginDate AND EndDate )");

            string search = Request["q"];
            if (search != null)
                search = search.Trim().Trim('+');
            search = Library.Lang.Input.Filter(search);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search))
                filterExpression.Append(string.Format(" and ([Product_Name] like '%{0}%' or DrugsBase_SimpeCode like '%{0}%'  or [DrugsBase_DrugName] like '%{0}%' or [DrugsBase_ProName] like '%{0}%' or [DrugsBase_Manufacturer] like '%{0}%'  or [DrugsBase_ApprovalNumber] like '%{0}%' )", search));
                type = "搜索";
                ViewBag.ActuationValue = string.Format("搜索:" + search);
                ViewBag.Search         = search;
                ViewBag.Title          = search + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Search_Title"];
                ViewBag.description    = search + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Search_Description"];
                ViewBag.keywords       = search + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Search_Key"];

            string ypmc = Request["ypmc"];
            if (ypmc != null)
                ypmc = ypmc.Trim().Trim('+');
            ypmc = Library.Lang.Input.Filter(ypmc);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ypmc))
                filterExpression.Append(string.Format(" and ([Product_Name] like '%{0}%' or DrugsBase_SimpeCode like '%{0}%'  or [DrugsBase_DrugName] like '%{0}%' or [DrugsBase_ProName] like '%{0}%' or [DrugsBase_Manufacturer] like '%{0}%'  or [DrugsBase_ApprovalNumber] like '%{0}%' )", ypmc));
                type           = "搜索";
                ViewBag.Search = search + " " + ypmc;

            string sccj = Request["sccj"];
            if (sccj != null)
                sccj = sccj.Trim().Trim('+');
            sccj = Library.Lang.Input.Filter(sccj);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sccj))
                filterExpression.Append(string.Format(" and ([DrugsBase_Manufacturer] like '%{0}%')", sccj));
                type           = "搜索";
                ViewBag.Search = search + " " + ypmc + " " + sccj;

            string stop = "[Product_bShelves] =1"; //and [DrugsBase_bStop]=0 and [Product_bStop]=0";
            filterExpression.Append(" and " + stop);

            string fields = SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns + "[Product_ID],[Product_Name],[Product_ClickNum],[Product_SaleNum] ,[Product_State] ,"
                            + "DrugsBase_ProName,DrugsBase_Manufacturer,DrugsBase_Specification,"
                            + "Goods_ID,Goods_Pcs,Goods_Pcs_Small,Goods_ConveRatio,Goods_Unit,Image,drug_sensitive,"
                            + "Goods_ConveRatio_Unit,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit_Name,is_cl,"
                            + "stock-ISNULL((select stock from stock_lock where [Product_ID]=pt.[Product_ID]),0) stock_lock,"
                            + @"ISNULL(( SELECT ISNULL(BagCapacity, 1.00) AS BagCapacity
                 FROM   dbo.DrugsBase_ZYC
                 WHERE  DrugsBase_ID = pt.DrugsBase_ID
               ), 1) AS BagCapacity";
            string stock = "case when Stock<=0 or (sellType=2 and Stock<Goods_Pcs_Small) or (sellType=3 and Stock<Goods_Pcs) then '可预订' else '现货' end as stock1";
            fields = string.Format("{0},{1} ", fields, stock);

            string sql = "SELECT TOP " + pg.pageSize + " " + fields + " FROM product_online_v pt WHERE ([Product_ID] NOT IN(SELECT TOP (" + pg.pageSize + " * " + (pageIndex - 1) + ") [Product_ID] FROM product_online_v where " + filterExpression + " " + order + ")) and " + filterExpression + " " + order;
            ViewBag.List = db.ExecuteTableForCache(string.Format(sql, filter), DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)).GetPriceTable();
            ViewBag.url  = filter;
            string countsql = "select count(Product_ID) as pagecount from product_online_v where " + filterExpression;
            DataTable page = db.ExecuteTableForCache(countsql, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1));
            double    cs   = ((int)page.Rows[0]["pagecount"]) / pg.pageSize;
                //Response.Write(((int)page.Rows[0]["pagecount"]) / pg.pageSize +" "+ Math.Ceiling((double)(((int)page.Rows[0][0]) / pg.pageSize)) + " " + cs + " " + page.Rows[0]["pagecount"] + " " + pg.pageSize);
                ViewBag.PageCount = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(cs).ToString());
                ViewBag.PageCount = 1;
            ViewBag.CurrentPage = pageIndex;
            ViewBag.RecordSize = (int)page.Rows[0]["pagecount"];

            ViewBag.PageURL  = filter;
            ViewBag.Selected = keywords;
            ViewBag.Posit    = keyposit;
            ViewBag.Type     = type;
            PagedList <DataRow> pl = null;
            if (ViewBag.List != null)
                ViewBag.List = ViewBag.List;
                pl           = new PagedList <DataRow>(ViewBag.List.Select(), pageIndex, pg.pageSize, (int)page.Rows[0]["pagecount"]);
            //SEO 复合条件选择
            if (keywords.Count > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(search))
                ViewBag.ActuationValue = string.Format("筛选条件:{0}", string.Join("-", keywords));
                ViewBag.Title          = string.Join("-", keywords) + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Search2_Title"];
                string[] descriptions = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Search2_Description"].Split('|');
                ViewBag.description = string.Format("{0}为您找到 " + string.Join(",", keywords) + " 的药品信息" + page.Rows[0]["pagecount"] + "条;更多网上药品批发,药品采购,药品价格信息登录{1},随时查询,方便快捷,采购就这么简单!", descriptions[0], descriptions[0]);
                ViewBag.keywords    = string.Join(",", keywords) + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["List_Search2_Key"];

            MemberInfo member       = new MemberInfo();
            int        uid          = BaseController.GetUserId();
            int        member_Class = -1;//客户未登录
            if (uid > 0)
                member_Class = member.GetModel(uid).Member_Class;//用户类型 0 批发客户,1 OTC批零客户
            ViewBag.Memberclass = member_Class;
            ViewBag.UID         = uid;

            SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product bll = new SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product();
            if (uid != 0)
                ViewBag.History_Of_ProductList = bll.Get_History_Of_ProductList(10, uid).GetPriceTable();

            string sqlhot = string.Empty;

            if (member_Class == 1)
                sqlhot = "SELECT TOP 9  " + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns + "Product_SellingPoint,Product_Advertisement,maid1,ggy1,drug_sensitive,Product_ID,DrugsBase_Specification,DrugsBase_Manufacturer,Product_Name,Product_Advertisement,Image," +
                         "Product_SaleNum as SaleNum,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit_Name,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit,Goods_ConveRatio,Goods_Unit,Goods_Unit Goods_Unit1, DrugsBase_ID " +
                         "FROM product_online_v p " +
                         "ORDER BY SaleNum DESC";
                sqlhot = "SELECT TOP 9  " + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns + "Product_SellingPoint,Product_Advertisement,maid1,ggy1,Product_ID,DrugsBase_Specification,DrugsBase_Manufacturer,Product_Advertisement,Product_Name, Image, " +
                         "( " +
                         "SELECT SUM(Product_SaleNum/Goods_pcs) " +
                         "FROM product_online_v " +
                         "WHERE DrugsBase_ID=p.DrugsBase_ID " +
                         ")SaleNum,'件' Goods_Unit1,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit_Name,Goods_ConveRatio_Unit,Goods_ConveRatio,Goods_Unit,drug_sensitive,Product_SaleNum " +
                         "FROM product_online_v p " +
                         "where (Price_01  is not null and Price_01!=0.000000) " +
                         "AND p.Goods_Pcs != 1 " +
                         "ORDER BY SaleNum DESC";
                ViewBag.Hot = db.ExecuteTableForCache(sqlhot).GetPriceTable();
            catch (Exception)
                ViewBag.Hot = new DataTable();

            string sqltj = "select top 2 " + SOSOshop.BLL.Product.Product._PriceTableColumns + "Product_SellingPoint,Product_Advertisement,maid1,ggy1,Product_ID,product_name,DrugsBase_Specification as gg,DrugsBase_Manufacturer,Product_SaleNum/Goods_Pcs as jian,Image,[Goods_ConveRatio] ,[Goods_ConveRatio_Unit] ,[Goods_ConveRatio_Unit_Name],[Goods_Pcs],[Goods_Unit],drug_sensitive,minsell,maxsell from product_online_v where product_id=24 or product_id=37 order by Product_SaleNum desc";
            ViewBag.HotTj           = db.ExecuteTableForCache(sqltj).GetPriceTable();
            ViewBag.ActuationValue += ":pageIndex-" + pageIndex;