コード例 #1
 // <summary>This method is applicable only to objects represnting types and 
 // checks if this type is the same or subtype of specified type</summary>
 /// <param name="superType">version history representing object type</param>
 /// <param name="kind">search kind</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">timestamp used to locate version</param>
 /// <returns>true if this type is the same or is subtype of specified type</returns>
 public bool IsSubTypeOf(VersionHistory superType, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
     if (vh == superType) 
         return true;
     foreach (VersionHistory subtype in this[Symbols.Subtype]) 
         if (kind == SearchKind.AllVersions) 
             foreach (Thing type in subtype.versions) 
                 if (type.IsSubTypeOf(superType, kind, timestamp)) 
                     return true;
             Thing type = subtype.GetVersion(kind, timestamp);
             if (type != null && type.IsSubTypeOf(superType, kind, timestamp)) 
                 return true;
     return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ContactSearchArguments.cs プロジェクト: nrag/yapper
 public ContactSearchArguments(string filter, SearchKind searchKind, FilterKind filterKind, object state)
     this.Filter = filter;
     this.FilterKind = filterKind;
     this.SearchKind = searchKind;
     this.State = state;
コード例 #3
        private SearchQuery(string name, SearchKind kind)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            Name = name;
            Kind = kind;

            switch (kind)
                case SearchKind.Exact:
                    _predicate = s => StringComparer.Ordinal.Equals(name, s);
                case SearchKind.ExactIgnoreCase:
                    _predicate = s => CaseInsensitiveComparison.Comparer.Equals(name, s);
                case SearchKind.Fuzzy:
                    // Create a single WordSimilarityChecker and capture a delegate reference to 
                    // its 'AreSimilar' method. That way we only create the WordSimilarityChecker
                    // once and it can cache all the information it needs while it does the AreSimilar
                    // check against all the possible candidates.
                    var editDistance = new WordSimilarityChecker(name);
                    _predicate = editDistance.AreSimilar;
コード例 #4
 private FindOptions CreateFindOptions(string pattern, SearchKind kind, SearchOptions options)
     var searchData = new SearchData(pattern, SearchOffsetData.None, kind, options);
     var serviceSearchData = _searchRaw.GetServiceSearchData(searchData, _wordNavigator);
     var findData = SearchService.ConvertToFindDataCore(serviceSearchData, _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
     return findData.AsResult().FindOptions;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Get version correponding to the specified search kind and timestamp
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="kind">One of SearchKind.LAtestVersion, SearchKind.LatestBefore and SearchKind.OldestAfter</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp"></param>
 /// <returns>Version natching time criteria or null if not found</returns>
 public Thing GetVersion(SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
     switch (kind) 
         case SearchKind.LatestVersion:
             return Latest;
         case SearchKind.LatestBefore:
             return GetLatestBefore(timestamp);
         case SearchKind.OldestAfter:
             return GetOldestAfter(timestamp);
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid search kind " + kind + " for VersionHistory.GetVersion");
コード例 #6
 public SearchResult(DatabaseRoot root, VersionHistory type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp, IEnumerator iterator) 
     this.root = root;
     this.type = type;    
     this.uri = uri;    
     this.patterns = patterns;    
     this.kind = kind;    
     this.timestamp = timestamp;    
     this.iterator = iterator;    
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>Check if object belongs to the partiular type</summary>
 /// <param name="superType">version history representing object type</param>
 /// <param name="kind">search kind</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">timestamp used to locate version</param>
 /// <returns>true if type of the object is the same or is subtype of specified type</returns>
 public bool IsInstanceOf(VersionHistory superType, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
     return type.IsSubTypeOf(superType, kind, timestamp);
コード例 #8
 public ReferenceIterator(DatabaseRoot root, PropDef[] defs, IEnumerator iterator, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp)
     this.root      = root;
     this.defs      = defs;
     this.kind      = kind;
     this.timestamp = timestamp;
     iterators      = new IEnumerator[defs.Length + 1];
     iterators[iterators.Length - 1] = iterator;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SearchService.cs プロジェクト: manojdjoshi/dnSpy
		FindOptions GetFindOptions(SearchKind searchKind, bool? forward) {
			Debug.Assert(searchKind != SearchKind.None);
			var options = FindOptions.None;
			switch (searchKind) {
			case SearchKind.Find:
			case SearchKind.Replace:
				if (MatchCase)
					options |= FindOptions.MatchCase;
				if (UseRegularExpressions)
					options |= FindOptions.UseRegularExpressions;
				if (MatchWholeWords)
					options |= FindOptions.WholeWord;

			case SearchKind.IncrementalSearchBackward:
			case SearchKind.IncrementalSearchForward:
				if (SearchString.Any(c => char.IsUpper(c)))
					options |= FindOptions.MatchCase;
				if (forward == null)
					forward = searchKind == SearchKind.IncrementalSearchForward;

				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(searchKind));
			if (forward == false)
				options |= FindOptions.SearchReverse;
			if ((options & FindOptions.UseRegularExpressions) != 0) {
				if (IsMultiLineRegexPattern(SearchString))
					options |= FindOptions.Multiline;
					options |= FindOptions.SingleLine;
			options |= FindOptions.Wrap | FindOptions.OrdinalComparison;
			return options;
コード例 #10
ファイル: SearchService.cs プロジェクト: manojdjoshi/dnSpy
		void SetSearchKind(SearchKind value) {
			Debug.Assert(value != SearchKind.None);
			if (IsSearchControlVisible && searchKind == value)
			searchKind = value;
			if (searchKind == SearchKind.IncrementalSearchForward || searchKind == SearchKind.IncrementalSearchBackward) {
				if (!inIncrementalSearch)
					wpfTextView.Caret.PositionChanged += Caret_PositionChanged;
				inIncrementalSearch = true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: SearchServiceTest.cs プロジェクト: wmchristie/VsVim
 private FindOptions CreateFindOptions(string pattern, SearchKind kind, SearchOptions options)
     var searchData = new SearchData(pattern, kind, options);
     var findData = _searchRaw.ConvertToFindData(searchData, _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, _wordNavigator);
     return findData.Value.FindOptions;
コード例 #12
        private IEnumerable SearchReferenceProperty(VersionHistory type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp, NameVal prop, bool compound, PropDef def, ArrayList refs)

            NameVal[] restOfPatterns = compound ? patterns : SubArray(patterns);

            object val = prop.val;
            switch (prop.name) 
                case Symbols.Timestamp: 
                    if (val is Range) 
                        Range range = (Range)val;
                        if (range.from is DateTime) 
                            Key fromKey = new Key((DateTime)range.from, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key((DateTime)range.till, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                                root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
                    else if (val is DateTime) 
                        Key key = new Key((DateTime)val);
                        return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                            root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));                            
                    return new object[0]; // empty selection
                case Symbols.Rectangle:
                    if (val is NameVal[]) 
                        NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (coord.Length == 4) 
                            RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val, 
                            return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                                root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r).GetEnumerator(), kind, timestamp));
                case Symbols.Point:
                    if (val is NameVal[]) 
                        NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (coord.Length == 2) 
                            double x = (double)coord[0].val;
                            double y = (double)coord[1].val;
                            RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                            return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                                root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r).GetEnumerator(), kind, timestamp));
                case Symbols.Keyword:
                    if (val is string) 
                        ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList();
                        foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                            if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword))
                        IEnumerator[] occurences = new IEnumerator[keywords.Count];
                        for (int i = 0; i < occurences.Length; i++) 
                            Key key = new Key((string)keywords[i]);
                            occurences[i] = root.inverseIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key);
                        return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                            db.Merge(occurences), kind, timestamp));

            def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
            if (def == null) 
                return new object[0]; // empty selection
            if (val is Range) 
                Range range = (Range)val;
                if (range.from is double) 
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
                else if (range.from is DateTime) 
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
            if (val is string) 
                string str = (string)prop.val;
                int wc = str.IndexOf('*');
                if (wc < 0) 
                    Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, str});
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));
                else if (wc > 0) 
                    string prefix = str.Substring(0, wc);
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix});
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix + Char.MaxValue}, false);                        
                    return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, wc == str.Length-1 ? restOfPatterns : patterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                        root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp));
            else if (val is double) 
                Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
                return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                    new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                    root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));
            else if (val is DateTime) 
                Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, (DateTime)val});
                return new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                    new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)), 
                    root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp));
            else if (val is NameVal) 
                return SearchReferenceProperty(type, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, (NameVal)val, compound, def, refs);
            else if (val is NameVal[]) 
                NameVal[] props = (NameVal[])val;
                if (props.Length > 0) 
                    return SearchReferenceProperty(type, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, props[0], true, def, refs);
            return null;
コード例 #13
 public ReferenceIterator(DatabaseRoot root, PropDef[] defs, IEnumerator iterator, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
     this.root = root;
     this.defs = defs;
     this.kind = kind;
     this.timestamp = timestamp;
     iterators = new IEnumerator[defs.Length+1];
     iterators[iterators.Length-1] = iterator;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>Get iterator through object matching specified search parameters</summary>
        /// <param name="type">String representing type of the object (direct or indirect - IsInstanceOf
        /// method will be used to check if object belongs to the specified type). It may be null, 
        /// in this case type criteria is skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="uri">Object URI pattern. It may be null, in this case URI is not inspected.</param>
        /// <param name="patterns">array of name:value pairs specifying search condition for object properties</param>
        /// <param name="kind">search kind used to select inspected versions</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">timestamp used to select versions, if kind is SearchKind.LatestVersion
        /// or SearchKind.AllVersions this parameter is ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Enumerator through object meet search criteria.</returns>
        public IEnumerable Search(string type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
            VersionHistory typeVh = null;
                if (type != null) 
                    typeVh = GetObject(type);
                    if (typeVh == null) 
                        return new object[0]; // empty selection
                if (uri != null) 
                    int wc = uri.IndexOf('*');
                    if (wc < 0) 
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, null, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.prefixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(uri, uri));
                    else if (wc > 0) 
                        String prefix = uri.Substring(0, wc);
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.prefixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(prefix));
                    else if ((wc = uri.LastIndexOf('*')) < uri.Length-1) 
                        String suffix = ReverseString(uri.Substring(wc+1, uri.Length-wc-1));
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.suffixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(suffix));
                if (patterns.Length > 0) 
                    NameVal prop = patterns[0];
                    object val = prop.val;
                    NameVal[] restOfPatterns = SubArray(patterns);

                    switch (prop.name) 
                        case Symbols.Timestamp: 
                            if (val is Range) 
                                Range range = (Range)val;
                                if (range.from is DateTime) 
                                    Key fromKey = new Key((DateTime)range.from, range.fromInclusive);
                                    Key tillKey = new Key((DateTime)range.till, range.tillInclusive);
                                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                        root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                            else if (val is DateTime) 
                                Key key = new Key((DateTime)val);
                                return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                    root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));                            
                            return new object[0]; // empty selection
                        case Symbols.Rectangle:
                            if (val is NameVal[]) 
                                NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                                if (coord.Length == 4) 
                                    RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val, 
                                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        case Symbols.Point:
                            if (val is NameVal[]) 
                                NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                                if (coord.Length == 2) 
                                    double x = (double)coord[0].val;
                                    double y = (double)coord[1].val;
                                    RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                        case Symbols.Keyword:
                            if (val is string) 
                                ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList();
                                foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators)) 
                                    if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword))
                                IEnumerator[] occurences = new IEnumerator[keywords.Count];
                                for (int i = 0; i < occurences.Length; i++) 
                                    Key key = new Key((string)keywords[i]);
                                    occurences[i] = root.inverseIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key);
                                return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, db.Merge(occurences));

                    PropDef def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
                    if (def == null) 
                        return new object[0]; // empty selection
                    if (val is Range) 
                        Range range = (Range)val;
                        if (range.from is double) 
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                        else if (range.from is DateTime) 
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.from}, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, range.till}, range.tillInclusive);
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                    else if (val is string) 
                        string str = (string)val;
                        int wc = str.IndexOf('*');
                        if (wc < 0) 
                            Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, str});
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));
                        else if (wc > 0) 
                            string prefix = str.Substring(0, wc);
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix});
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[]{def, prefix + Char.MaxValue}, false);                        
                            return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, wc == str.Length-1 ? restOfPatterns : patterns, kind, timestamp, 
                                root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey));
                    else if (val is double)
                        Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));
                    else if (val is DateTime) 
                        Key key = new Key(new object[]{def, val});
                        return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, 
                            root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key));
                    else if (val is NameVal) 
                        IEnumerable iterator = SearchReferenceProperty(typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, (NameVal)val, false, def, new ArrayList());
                        if (iterator != null) 
                            return iterator;
                    else if (val is NameVal[]) 
                        NameVal[] props = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (props.Length > 0) 
                            IEnumerable iterator = SearchReferenceProperty(typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, props[0], props.Length > 1, def, new ArrayList());
                            if (iterator != null) 
                                return iterator;
                if (kind == SearchKind.LatestVersion) 
                    return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.latest.GetEnumerator());   
                return new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator());           
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>Get verion history by URI and timestamp</summary>
 /// <param name="uri">object URI</param>
 /// <param name="kind">search kind, should be object SearchKind.LatestVersion, SearchKind.LatestBefore or 
 /// SearchKind.OldestAfter</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">timestamp used to locate version</param>
 /// <returns>version of the object or null if no such version is found</returns>
 public Thing GetVersion(string uri, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp) 
     VersionHistory vh = (VersionHistory)root.prefixUriIndex[uri];
     if (vh != null) 
         return vh.GetVersion(kind, timestamp);
     return null;
コード例 #16
 public SearchResult(DatabaseRoot root, VersionHistory type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp, IEnumerator iterator)
     this.root      = root;
     this.type      = type;
     this.uri       = uri;
     this.patterns  = patterns;
     this.kind      = kind;
     this.timestamp = timestamp;
     this.iterator  = iterator;
コード例 #17
        private IEnumerable SearchReferenceProperty(VersionHistory type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp, NameVal prop, bool compound, PropDef def, ArrayList refs)

            NameVal[] restOfPatterns = compound ? patterns : SubArray(patterns);

            object val = prop.val;

            switch (prop.name)
            case Symbols.Timestamp:

                if (val is Range)
                    Range range = (Range)val;
                    if (range.from is DateTime)
                        Key fromKey = new Key((DateTime)range.from, range.fromInclusive);
                        Key tillKey = new Key((DateTime)range.till, range.tillInclusive);
                        return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                      root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp)));
                else if (val is DateTime)
                    Key key = new Key((DateTime)val);
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp)));
                return(new object[0]);    // empty selection

            case Symbols.Rectangle:
                if (val is NameVal[])
                    NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                    if (coord.Length == 4)
                        RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val,
                        return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                      root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r).GetEnumerator(), kind, timestamp)));

            case Symbols.Point:
                if (val is NameVal[])
                    NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                    if (coord.Length == 2)
                        double      x = (double)coord[0].val;
                        double      y = (double)coord[1].val;
                        RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                        return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                      root.spatialIndex.Overlaps(r).GetEnumerator(), kind, timestamp)));

            case Symbols.Keyword:
                if (val is string)
                    ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators))
                        if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword))
                    IEnumerator[] occurences = new IEnumerator[keywords.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < occurences.Length; i++)
                        Key key = new Key((string)keywords[i]);
                        occurences[i] = root.inverseIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key);
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  db.Merge(occurences), kind, timestamp)));

            def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
            if (def == null)
                return(new object[0]); // empty selection
            if (val is Range)
                Range range = (Range)val;
                if (range.from is double)
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.from }, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.till }, range.tillInclusive);
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp)));
                else if (range.from is DateTime)
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.from }, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.till }, range.tillInclusive);
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp)));
                    Key fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.from }, range.fromInclusive);
                    Key tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.till }, range.tillInclusive);
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp)));
            if (val is string)
                string str = (string)prop.val;
                int    wc  = str.IndexOf('*');
                if (wc < 0)
                    Key key = new Key(new object[] { def, str });
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp)));
                else if (wc > 0)
                    string prefix  = str.Substring(0, wc);
                    Key    fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, prefix });
                    Key    tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, prefix + Char.MaxValue }, false);
                    return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, wc == str.Length - 1 ? restOfPatterns : patterns, kind, timestamp,
                                            new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                                  root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey), kind, timestamp)));
            else if (val is double)
                Key key = new Key(new object[] { def, val });
                return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                              root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp)));
            else if (val is DateTime)
                Key key = new Key(new object[] { def, (DateTime)val });
                return(new SearchResult(root, type, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                        new ReferenceIterator(root, (PropDef[])refs.ToArray(typeof(PropDef)),
                                                              root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key), kind, timestamp)));
            else if (val is NameVal)
                return(SearchReferenceProperty(type, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, (NameVal)val, compound, def, refs));
            else if (val is NameVal[])
                NameVal[] props = (NameVal[])val;
                if (props.Length > 0)
                    return(SearchReferenceProperty(type, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, props[0], true, def, refs));
コード例 #18
 private SearchQuery(Func<string, bool> predicate)
     Kind = SearchKind.Custom;
     _predicate = predicate ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(predicate));
コード例 #19
ファイル: VimUtil.cs プロジェクト: rride/VsVim
 internal static SearchData CreateSearchData(
     string pattern,
     SearchKind kind = SearchKind.Forward,
     SearchOptions options = SearchOptions.None)
     return new SearchData(SearchText.NewPattern(pattern), kind, options);
コード例 #20
            private void SimulateSearch(string pattern, SearchKind searchKind = null, SearchOptions searchOptions = SearchOptions.None)
                searchKind = searchKind ?? SearchKind.Forward;

                var data = new SearchData(pattern, SearchOffsetData.None, searchKind, searchOptions);
                var text = (searchKind.IsAnyForward ? "/" : "?") + pattern;
                _search.SetupGet(x => x.InSearch).Returns(true).Verifiable();
                _search.SetupGet(x => x.CurrentSearchData).Returns(data).Verifiable();
                _search.SetupGet(x => x.CurrentSearchText).Returns(text).Verifiable();
コード例 #21
ファイル: VimUtil.cs プロジェクト: rride/VsVim
 internal static SearchData CreateSearchData(
     SearchText text,
     SearchKind kind = SearchKind.Forward,
     SearchOptions options = SearchOptions.None)
     return new SearchData(text, kind, options);
コード例 #22
ファイル: SearchService.cs プロジェクト: manojdjoshi/dnSpy
		void ShowSearchControl(SearchKind searchKind, bool canOverwriteSearchString) {
			bool wasShown = IsSearchControlVisible;
			if (searchControl == null) {
				searchControl = new SearchControl { DataContext = this };
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => CloseSearchControl()), new KeyGesture(Key.Escape, ModifierKeys.None)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => ShowFind()), new KeyGesture(Key.F, ModifierKeys.Control)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => ShowReplace()), new KeyGesture(Key.H, ModifierKeys.Control)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNext(true)), new KeyGesture(Key.F, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNext(true)), new KeyGesture(Key.Enter, ModifierKeys.None)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNext(false)), new KeyGesture(Key.Enter, ModifierKeys.Shift)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNext(true)), new KeyGesture(Key.F3, ModifierKeys.None)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNext(false)), new KeyGesture(Key.F3, ModifierKeys.Shift)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNextSelected(true)), new KeyGesture(Key.F3, ModifierKeys.Control)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FindNextSelected(false)), new KeyGesture(Key.F3, ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FocusSearchStringTextBox()), new KeyGesture(Key.N, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => FocusReplaceStringTextBox(), a => IsReplaceMode), new KeyGesture(Key.P, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => MatchCase = !MatchCase), new KeyGesture(Key.C, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => MatchWholeWords = !MatchWholeWords), new KeyGesture(Key.W, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(new RelayCommand(a => UseRegularExpressions = !UseRegularExpressions), new KeyGesture(Key.E, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(ReplaceNextCommand, new KeyGesture(Key.R, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(ReplaceAllCommand, new KeyGesture(Key.A, ModifierKeys.Alt)));
				searchControl.AddHandler(UIElement.GotKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(SearchControl_GotKeyboardFocus), true);
				searchControl.AddHandler(UIElement.LostKeyboardFocusEvent, new KeyboardFocusChangedEventHandler(SearchControl_LostKeyboardFocus), true);
				searchControl.AddHandler(UIElement.MouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(SearchControl_MouseDown), true);
				searchControl.SizeChanged += SearchControl_SizeChanged;
				searchControl.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
			if (layer == null)
				layer = wpfTextView.GetAdornmentLayer(PredefinedDsAdornmentLayers.Search);
			if (layer.IsEmpty) {
				layer.AddAdornment(AdornmentPositioningBehavior.OwnerControlled, null, null, searchControl, null);
				wpfTextView.LayoutChanged += WpfTextView_LayoutChanged;


			if (!wasShown)
コード例 #23
ファイル: HexViewSearchService.cs プロジェクト: 0xd4d/dnSpy
		void CloseSearchControl() {
			if (layer == null || layer.IsEmpty) {
				Debug.Assert(searchKind == SearchKind.None && searchControlPosition == SearchControlPosition.Default);
			wpfHexView.LayoutChanged -= WpfHexView_LayoutChanged;
			wpfHexView.BufferLinesChanged -= WpfHexView_BufferLinesChanged;
			wpfHexView.Buffer.BufferSpanInvalidated -= Buffer_BufferSpanInvalidated;
			hexMarkerSearchService = null;
			searchKind = SearchKind.None;
			searchControlPosition = SearchControlPosition.Default;
コード例 #24
ファイル: SearchService.cs プロジェクト: manojdjoshi/dnSpy
		void CloseSearchControl() {
			if (layer == null || layer.IsEmpty) {
				Debug.Assert(searchKind == SearchKind.None && searchControlPosition == SearchControlPosition.Default);
			wpfTextView.LayoutChanged -= WpfTextView_LayoutChanged;
			findResultCollection = null;
			searchKind = SearchKind.None;
			searchControlPosition = SearchControlPosition.Default;
コード例 #25
ファイル: HexViewSearchService.cs プロジェクト: 0xd4d/dnSpy
		OurFindOptions GetFindOptions(SearchKind searchKind, bool? forward) {
			Debug.Assert(searchKind != SearchKind.None);
			var options = OurFindOptions.None;
			switch (searchKind) {
			case SearchKind.Find:
			case SearchKind.Replace:
				if (MatchCase)
					options |= OurFindOptions.MatchCase;

			case SearchKind.IncrementalSearchBackward:
			case SearchKind.IncrementalSearchForward:
				if (SearchString.Any(c => char.IsUpper(c)))
					options |= OurFindOptions.MatchCase;
				if (forward == null)
					forward = searchKind == SearchKind.IncrementalSearchForward;

				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(searchKind));
			if (forward == false)
				options |= OurFindOptions.SearchReverse;
			options |= OurFindOptions.Wrap;
			return options;
コード例 #26
ファイル: SearchService.cs プロジェクト: manojdjoshi/dnSpy
		SnapshotPoint? GetStartingPosition(SearchKind searchKind, FindOptions options, bool restart) {
			Debug.Assert(searchKind != SearchKind.None);
			switch (searchKind) {
			case SearchKind.Find:
			case SearchKind.Replace:
				return GetStartingPosition(options, restart);

			case SearchKind.IncrementalSearchBackward:
			case SearchKind.IncrementalSearchForward:
				return incrementalStartPosition;

				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(searchKind));
コード例 #27
 static void DumpObject(Thing thing, TextWriter writer, int indent, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp, int depth) 
     WriteTab(writer, indent);
     string typeName = GetQualifiedName(thing.type.vh.uri, writer);  
     writer.WriteLine(" rdf:about=\"" + thing.vh.uri + "\" vr:timestamp=\"" + thing.timestamp + "\">");
     foreach (PropVal pv in thing.props) 
         object val = pv.val;
         if (val is VersionHistory) 
             VersionHistory ptr = (VersionHistory)val;
             if (kind != SearchKind.AllVersions) 
                 if (depth > 0 || ptr.uri.StartsWith(thing.vh.uri))
                     Thing t = ptr.GetVersion(kind, timestamp);
                     if (t != null) 
                         DumpObject(t, writer, indent+1, kind, timestamp, depth-1);
             WriteTab(writer, indent+1);
             GetQualifiedName(pv.def.name, writer);
             writer.WriteLine(" rdf:resource=\"" + ptr.uri + "\"/>");
             WriteTab(writer, indent+1);
             string propName = GetQualifiedName(pv.def.name, writer);
             writer.WriteLine(">" + val + "</" + propName + ">");
     WriteTab(writer, indent);
     writer.WriteLine("</" + typeName + ">");
コード例 #28
        private void SimulateSearch(string pattern, SearchKind searchKind = null, SearchOptions searchOptions = SearchOptions.None)
            searchKind = searchKind ?? SearchKind.Forward;

            var data = new SearchData(pattern, searchKind, searchOptions);
            _search.SetupGet(x => x.InSearch).Returns(true).Verifiable();
            _search.SetupGet(x => x.CurrentSearchData).Returns(FSharpOption.Create(data)).Verifiable();
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>Get iterator through object matching specified search parameters</summary>
        /// <param name="type">String representing type of the object (direct or indirect - IsInstanceOf
        /// method will be used to check if object belongs to the specified type). It may be null,
        /// in this case type criteria is skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="uri">Object URI pattern. It may be null, in this case URI is not inspected.</param>
        /// <param name="patterns">array of name:value pairs specifying search condition for object properties</param>
        /// <param name="kind">search kind used to select inspected versions</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">timestamp used to select versions, if kind is SearchKind.LatestVersion
        /// or SearchKind.AllVersions this parameter is ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Enumerator through object meet search criteria.</returns>
        public IEnumerable Search(string type, string uri, NameVal[] patterns, SearchKind kind, DateTime timestamp)
            VersionHistory typeVh = null;

                if (type != null)
                    typeVh = GetObject(type);
                    if (typeVh == null)
                        return(new object[0]); // empty selection
                if (uri != null)
                    int wc = uri.IndexOf('*');
                    if (wc < 0)
                        return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, null, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.prefixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(uri, uri)));
                    else if (wc > 0)
                        String prefix = uri.Substring(0, wc);
                        return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.prefixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(prefix)));
                    else if ((wc = uri.LastIndexOf('*')) < uri.Length - 1)
                        String suffix = ReverseString(uri.Substring(wc + 1, uri.Length - wc - 1));
                        return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.suffixUriIndex.GetEnumerator(suffix)));
                if (patterns.Length > 0)
                    NameVal   prop           = patterns[0];
                    object    val            = prop.val;
                    NameVal[] restOfPatterns = SubArray(patterns);

                    switch (prop.name)
                    case Symbols.Timestamp:

                        if (val is Range)
                            Range range = (Range)val;
                            if (range.from is DateTime)
                                Key fromKey = new Key((DateTime)range.from, range.fromInclusive);
                                Key tillKey = new Key((DateTime)range.till, range.tillInclusive);
                                return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                        root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey)));
                        else if (val is DateTime)
                            Key key = new Key((DateTime)val);
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                    root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key)));
                        return(new object[0]);    // empty selection

                    case Symbols.Rectangle:
                        if (val is NameVal[])
                            NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                            if (coord.Length == 4)
                                RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2((double)coord[0].val,
                                return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,

                    case Symbols.Point:
                        if (val is NameVal[])
                            NameVal[] coord = (NameVal[])val;
                            if (coord.Length == 2)
                                double      x = (double)coord[0].val;
                                double      y = (double)coord[1].val;
                                RectangleR2 r = new RectangleR2(x, y, x, y);
                                return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,

                    case Symbols.Keyword:
                        if (val is string)
                            ArrayList keywords = new ArrayList();
                            foreach (string keyword in ((string)val).ToLower().Split(keywordSeparators))
                                if (keyword.Length > 0 && !keywordStopList.ContainsKey(keyword))
                            IEnumerator[] occurences = new IEnumerator[keywords.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < occurences.Length; i++)
                                Key key = new Key((string)keywords[i]);
                                occurences[i] = root.inverseIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key);
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp, db.Merge(occurences)));

                    PropDef def = (PropDef)root.propDefIndex[prop.name];
                    if (def == null)
                        return(new object[0]); // empty selection
                    if (val is Range)
                        Range range = (Range)val;
                        if (range.from is double)
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.from }, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.till }, range.tillInclusive);
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                    root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey)));
                        else if (range.from is DateTime)
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.from }, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.till }, range.tillInclusive);
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                    root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey)));
                            Key fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.from }, range.fromInclusive);
                            Key tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, range.till }, range.tillInclusive);
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                    root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey)));
                    else if (val is string)
                        string str = (string)val;
                        int    wc  = str.IndexOf('*');
                        if (wc < 0)
                            Key key = new Key(new object[] { def, str });
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                    root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key)));
                        else if (wc > 0)
                            string prefix  = str.Substring(0, wc);
                            Key    fromKey = new Key(new object[] { def, prefix });
                            Key    tillKey = new Key(new object[] { def, prefix + Char.MaxValue }, false);
                            return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, wc == str.Length - 1 ? restOfPatterns : patterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                    root.strPropIndex.GetEnumerator(fromKey, tillKey)));
                    else if (val is double)
                        Key key = new Key(new object[] { def, val });
                        return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                root.numPropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key)));
                    else if (val is DateTime)
                        Key key = new Key(new object[] { def, val });
                        return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, restOfPatterns, kind, timestamp,
                                                root.timePropIndex.GetEnumerator(key, key)));
                    else if (val is NameVal)
                        IEnumerable iterator = SearchReferenceProperty(typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, (NameVal)val, false, def, new ArrayList());
                        if (iterator != null)
                    else if (val is NameVal[])
                        NameVal[] props = (NameVal[])val;
                        if (props.Length > 0)
                            IEnumerable iterator = SearchReferenceProperty(typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, props[0], props.Length > 1, def, new ArrayList());
                            if (iterator != null)
                if (kind == SearchKind.LatestVersion)
                    return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.latest.GetEnumerator()));
                return(new SearchResult(root, typeVh, uri, patterns, kind, timestamp, root.timeIndex.GetEnumerator()));