/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="mf"></param> /// <param name="accountId"></param> /// <param name="Close"></param> public frmSearchFund(frmMain mf, SearchFund searchFund, FormClosedEventHandler Close = null) { frmSplashScreen ss = new frmSplashScreen(); ss.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); InitializeComponent(); frmMain_Parent = mf; this.MaximumSize = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size; Application.AddMessageFilter(this); controlsToMove.Add(this.pnlSummaryTabHeader); controlsToMove.Add(this.panel16); controlsToMove.Add(this.label1); controlsToMove.Add(this.label23); FormClosed += Close; CurrentSearchFund = searchFund; txtTicker.Text = CurrentSearchFund.Ticker; txtFundName.Text = CurrentSearchFund.FundName; CurrentTabLabel = label46; // Summary tab label highlightSelectedTabLabel(CurrentTabLabel); ss.Close(); this.Show(); }
private void dgvFunds_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int index = dgvFunds.CurrentRow.Index; Guid searchFundId = new Guid(dgvFunds.Rows[index].Cells["SearchFundId"].Value.ToString()); SearchFund searchFund = new SearchFund(searchFundId); frmSearchFund frmSearchFund = new frmSearchFund(frmMain_Parent, searchFund); frmSearchFund.FormClosed += frmSearchFund_FormClosed; }
private void LoadSearchFunds(Search search) { DataTable dataTable = SearchFund.GetAssociated(search); foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { var searchFundId = new Guid(dr["SearchFundId"].ToString()); var searchFund = new SearchFund(searchFundId); SearchFunds.Add(searchFund); } }
public IActionResult Export(SearchFund searchFund) { try { var fileContent = _fundService.ExportFund(searchFund); return(File(fileContent?.Result, "application/ms-excel", $"Funds.xlsx")); } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void btnDeleteFund_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = dgvFunds.CurrentRow.Index; Guid searchFundId = new Guid(dgvFunds.Rows[index].Cells["SearchFundId"].Value.ToString()); SearchFund searchFund = new SearchFund(searchFundId); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to delete " + searchFund.FundName + "?", "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { searchFund.DeleteRecordFromDatabase(); LoadDgvFunds(); } }
private void LoadDgvFunds() { DataTable dataTable = SearchFund.GetAssociated(CurrentSearch); var dataTableEnum = dataTable.AsEnumerable(); /// Set the datatable based on the SelectedIndex of <see cref="cboResultsView"/>. switch (cboFundViews.SelectedIndex) { case 0: dataTableEnum = dataTableEnum.Where(x => x.Field <int>("StateCode") == 0); break; case 1: dataTableEnum = dataTableEnum.Where(x => x.Field <int>("StateCode") == 1); break; default: return; } if (dataTableEnum.Any()) { dataTable = dataTableEnum.CopyToDataTable(); } else { dataTable.Rows.Clear(); } dgvFunds.DataSource = dataTable; // Display/order the columns. dgvFunds.Columns["SearchFundId"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["SearchId"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["ModifiedBy"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["ModifiedOn"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["CreatedBy"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["CreatedOn"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["StateCode"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["Ticker"].DisplayIndex = 0; dgvFunds.Columns["FundName"].DisplayIndex = 1; }
public async Task <byte[]> ExportFund(SearchFund searchFund = null) { return(await _fundManager.ExportFund(searchFund)); }
private void LoadDgvFunds() { int currentCellRow = 0; int currentCellCol = 0; if (dgvFunds.CurrentCell != null) { currentCellRow = dgvFunds.CurrentCell.RowIndex; currentCellCol = dgvFunds.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex; } DataTable dataTable = SearchFund.GetAssociated(CurrentSearch); var dataTableEnum = dataTable.AsEnumerable(); /// Set the datatable based on the SelectedIndex of <see cref="cboResultsView"/>. switch (cboFundViews.SelectedIndex) { case 0: dataTableEnum = dataTableEnum.Where(x => x.Field <int>("StateCode") == 0); break; case 1: dataTableEnum = dataTableEnum.Where(x => x.Field <int>("StateCode") == 1); break; default: return; } if (dataTableEnum.Any()) { dataTable = dataTableEnum.CopyToDataTable(); } else { dataTable.Rows.Clear(); } dgvFunds.DataSource = dataTable; // Display/order the columns. dgvFunds.Columns["SearchFundId"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["SearchId"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["ModifiedBy"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["ModifiedOn"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["CreatedBy"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["CreatedOn"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["StateCode"].Visible = false; dgvFunds.Columns["Ticker"].DisplayIndex = 0; dgvFunds.Columns["FundName"].DisplayIndex = 1; if (dgvFunds.RowCount > 0 && dgvFunds.ColumnCount > 0) { DataGridViewCell selectedCell = dgvFunds.Rows[currentCellRow].Cells[currentCellCol]; if (selectedCell != null && selectedCell.Visible) { dgvFunds.CurrentCell = selectedCell; } else { dgvFunds.CurrentCell = dgvFunds.FirstDisplayedCell; } } }
public async Task <byte[]> ExportFund(SearchFund searchFund = null) { try { var comlumHeadrs = new string[] { Model.Resources.Common.FundName, Model.Resources.Common.FundCode, Model.Resources.Common.NAV, Model.Resources.Common.FundContent, Model.Resources.Common.FundUseBy, Model.Resources.Common.LastUpdatedDate }; var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New <Fund>(true); if (searchFund != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchFund.FundName)) { predicate = predicate.And(u => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.Title) && u.Title.Contains(searchFund.FundName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchFund.FundCode)) { predicate = predicate.And(u => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.Code) && u.Title.Contains(searchFund.FundCode)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchFund.FundContent)) { predicate = predicate.And(u => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.Content) && u.Content.Contains(searchFund.FundContent)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchFund.PortfolioName)) { predicate = predicate.And(u => u.PortfolioFunds != null && u.PortfolioFunds.Any() && u.PortfolioFunds.First().Portfolio != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.PortfolioFunds.First().Portfolio.Title) && u.PortfolioFunds.First().Portfolio.Title.Contains(searchFund.PortfolioName)); } } var listFund = _unitOfWork.FundRepository.GetAllFund().Where(predicate).ToList(); using (var package = new ExcelPackage()) { var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Funds"); using (var cells = worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 6]) { cells.Style.Font.Bold = true; } for (var i = 0; i < comlumHeadrs.Count(); i++) { worksheet.Cells[1, i + 1].Value = comlumHeadrs[i]; } var j = 2; foreach (var fund in listFund) { worksheet.Cells["A" + j].Value = fund.Title; worksheet.Cells["B" + j].Value = fund.Code; worksheet.Cells["C" + j].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00"; worksheet.Cells["C" + j].Value = fund.NAV; worksheet.Cells["D" + j].Value = fund.Content; var portfolio = string.Empty; if (fund.PortfolioFunds != null && fund.PortfolioFunds.Any()) { foreach (var portfolioFund in fund.PortfolioFunds) { portfolio += portfolioFund.Portfolio.Title + ", "; } portfolio = portfolio.Substring(0, portfolio.Length - 2); } worksheet.Cells["E" + j].Value = portfolio; worksheet.Cells["F" + j].Value = fund.DateLastApproved.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); j++; } return(package.GetAsByteArray()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Export Fund: " + ex.Message); } }