コード例 #1
 private string SearchSingleTeachCondition(SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure, int type)
     string ConditionReturn = "";
     string DateBase = "1900-01-01";
     if (SearchStructure.txtstudentName != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND StudentName like (@StudentName) ";
     if (SearchStructure.txtteacherName != null)
         ConditionReturn += " AND TeacherName like (@TeacherName) ";
     if (SearchStructure.txtConventionDatestart != null && SearchStructure.txtConventionDateend != null && SearchStructure.txtConventionDatestart != DateBase && SearchStructure.txtConventionDateend != DateBase)
         ConditionReturn += " AND ( PlanDateStart BETWEEN (@ConventionDatestart) AND (@ConventionDaterend) or  PlanDateEnd BETWEEN (@ConventionDatestart) AND (@ConventionDaterend) ) ";
     StaffDataBase sDB = new StaffDataBase();
     List<string> UserFile = sDB.getStaffDataName(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
     if (int.Parse(_StaffhaveRoles[4]) == 0 && UserFile[1].Length > 0)
         ConditionReturn += " AND b.Unit =" + UserFile[2] + " ";
     if (type == 0)
         ConditionReturn += " AND b.CaseStatu2 =" + type + " ";
     return ConditionReturn;
コード例 #2
    public List<SingleClassShortTerm> SearchSingleTeach(int indexpage, SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure, int type)
        List<SingleClassShortTerm> returnValue = new List<SingleClassShortTerm>();
        DataBase Base = new DataBase();
        string ConditionReturn = this.SearchCaseISPRecordCondition(SearchStructure, type);
        using (SqlConnection Sqlconn = new SqlConnection(Base.GetConnString()))
                string sql = " SELECT * from (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY isnull( a.id,'') DESC) as RowNum,a.ID , PlanDateStart ,PlanDateEnd  , b.studentName , c.TeacherName  ";
                sql += "  FROM SingleClassShortTerm a ";
                sql += " left join studentDatabase b on a.studentid = b.studentid ";
                sql += " left join ( select staffid as cid , StaffName as TeacherName from staffDatabase ) c on a.teacherid = c.cid";
                sql += " WHERE isnull(a.isDeleted,0) = 0 " + ConditionReturn + ") AS NewTable ";

                sql += " where  RowNum >= (@indexpage-" + PageMinNumFunction() + ") AND RowNum <= (@indexpage) ";

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Sqlconn);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@indexpage", SqlDbType.Int).Value = indexpage;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@StudentName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(SearchStructure.txtstudentName) + "%";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeacherName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(SearchStructure.txtteacherName) + "%";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ConventionDatestart", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(SearchStructure.txtConventionDatestart);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ConventionDaterend", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(SearchStructure.txtConventionDateend);

                SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (dr.Read())
                    SingleClassShortTerm addValue = new SingleClassShortTerm();
                    addValue.RowNum = dr["rownum"].ToString();

                    addValue.ID = dr["ID"].ToString();
                    addValue.studentName = dr["studentName"].ToString();
                    addValue.teacherName = dr["teacherName"].ToString();
                    addValue.PlanDateStart = DateTime.Parse(dr["PlanDateStart"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    addValue.PlanDateEnd = DateTime.Parse(dr["PlanDateEnd"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            catch (Exception e)
                //ShowCaseISPRecord addValue = new ShowCaseISPRecord();
                //addValue.checkNo = "-1";
                //addValue.errorMsg = e.Message.ToString();
        return returnValue;
コード例 #3
    public string[] SearchSingleTeachCount(SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure, int type)
        string[] returnValue = new string[2];
        returnValue[0] = "0";
        returnValue[1] = "0";
        DataBase Base = new DataBase();
        string ConditionReturn = this.SearchSingleTeachCondition(SearchStructure, type);
        using (SqlConnection Sqlconn = new SqlConnection(Base.GetConnString()))
                string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS QCOUNT FROM SingleClassShortTerm a left join studentDatabase b on a.studentid = b.id left join ( select staffid as cid , StaffName as TeacherName from staffDatabase ) c on a.teacherid = c.cid  WHERE isnull(a.isDeleted,0) = 0 " + ConditionReturn;
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Sqlconn);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@StudentName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(SearchStructure.txtstudentName) + "%";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeacherName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(SearchStructure.txtteacherName) + "%";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ConventionDatestart", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(SearchStructure.txtConventionDatestart);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ConventionDaterend", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(SearchStructure.txtConventionDateend);

                returnValue[0] = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            catch (Exception e)
                returnValue[0] = "-1";
                returnValue[1] = e.Message.ToString();
        return returnValue;
コード例 #4
    public List<ShowCaseISPRecord> SearchCaseISPRecord(int indexpage, SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure, int type)
        List<ShowCaseISPRecord> returnValue = new List<ShowCaseISPRecord>();
        DataBase Base = new DataBase();
        string ConditionReturn = this.SearchCaseISPRecordCondition(SearchStructure, type);
        using (SqlConnection Sqlconn = new SqlConnection(Base.GetConnString()))
                string sql = " SELECT * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY isnull( a.ConventionDate,'') DESC) as RowNum , a.ID ,a.ConventionName, convert(varchar, isnull(convert(date,a.ConventionDate,1),'1912'), 111) as  ConventionDate, b.StudentName ";
                sql += "     , TeacherName,  ParticipantTeacheName,ParticipantSocialWorkerName,ParticipantAudiologistName,ParticipantHeadName   ";
                sql += "     , a.ParticipantParent,  a.ParticipantProfessionals  ";
                sql += " FROM CaseISPRecord a left join studentDatabase b on a.studentid = b.id  ";
                sql += " left join ( select staffid as cid , StaffName as TeacherName from staffDatabase ) c on a.teacherid = c.cid ";
                sql += " left join (select staffid as did , StaffName as ParticipantTeacheName from staffDatabase) d on a.ParticipantTeache = d.did ";
                sql += " left join (select staffid as eid , StaffName as ParticipantSocialWorkerName from staffDatabase) e on a.ParticipantSocialWorker = e.eid ";
                sql += " left join (select staffid as fid , StaffName as ParticipantAudiologistName from staffDatabase) f on a.ParticipantAudiologist = f.fid ";
                sql += " left join (select staffid as gid , StaffName as ParticipantHeadName from staffDatabase) g on a. ParticipantHead = g.gid ";
                sql += " WHERE isnull(a.isDeleted,0) = 0 " + ConditionReturn + ") AS NewTable ";

                sql += " where  RowNum >= (@indexpage-" + PageMinNumFunction() + ") AND RowNum <= (@indexpage) ";

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, Sqlconn);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@indexpage", SqlDbType.Int).Value = indexpage;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@StudentName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(SearchStructure.txtstudentName) + "%";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeacherName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "%" + Chk.CheckStringFunction(SearchStructure.txtteacherName) + "%";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ConventionDatestart", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(SearchStructure.txtConventionDatestart);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@ConventionDaterend", SqlDbType.Date).Value = Chk.CheckStringtoDateFunction(SearchStructure.txtConventionDateend);

                SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (dr.Read())
                    ShowCaseISPRecord addValue = new ShowCaseISPRecord();
                    addValue.RowNum = dr["rownum"].ToString();

                    addValue.ID = dr["ID"].ToString();
                    addValue.ConventionName = dr["ConventionName"].ToString();
                    addValue.ConventionDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ConventionDate"].ToString()).AddYears(-1911).ToShortDateString().Remove(0, 1);
                    addValue.StudentName = dr["StudentName"].ToString();
                    addValue.TeacherName = dr["TeacherName"].ToString();
                    addValue.ParticipantTeacheName = dr["ParticipantTeacheName"].ToString();
                    addValue.ParticipantSocialWorkerName = dr["ParticipantSocialWorkerName"].ToString();
                    addValue.ParticipantAudiologistName = dr["ParticipantAudiologistName"].ToString();
                    addValue.ParticipantHeadName = dr["ParticipantHeadName"].ToString();
                    addValue.ParticipantParent = dr["ParticipantParent"].ToString();
                    addValue.ParticipantProfessionals = dr["ParticipantProfessionals"].ToString();
            catch (Exception e)
                ShowCaseISPRecord addValue = new ShowCaseISPRecord();
                addValue.checkNo = "-1";
                addValue.errorMsg = e.Message.ToString();
        return returnValue;
コード例 #5
 public string[] SearchSingleTeachCount(SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure)
     AdministrationDataBase aDB = new AdministrationDataBase();
     return aDB.SearchSingleTeachCount(SearchStructure, 1);
コード例 #6
 public List<SingleClassShortTerm> SearchSingleTeach(int index, SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure)
     AdministrationDataBase aDB = new AdministrationDataBase();
     return aDB.SearchSingleTeach(index, SearchStructure, 0);
コード例 #7
    public string[] SearchCaseISPRecordCount(SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure)
        AdministrationDataBase aDB = new AdministrationDataBase();
        //if (int.Parse(aDB._StaffhaveRoles[2]) == 1)

            return aDB.SearchCaseISPRecordCount(SearchStructure, 1);
        //    return new string[2] { _noRole, _errorMsg };
コード例 #8
 public List<ShowCaseISPRecord> SearchCaseISPRecord(int index, SearchCaseISPRecord SearchStructure)
     AdministrationDataBase aDB = new AdministrationDataBase();
     return aDB.SearchCaseISPRecord(index, SearchStructure, 0);