コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the timing info in the provided dictionary if the latency on the existing entry is bigger than on the new one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionary">The <see cref="IReadOnlyDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/> to modify</param>
        /// <param name="interest">The <see cref="MessageInterest"/> associated with the session which received the message</param>
        /// <param name="message">The received <see cref="FeedMessage"/></param>
        private static void UpdateTimingInfoIfLatencyLower(IReadOnlyDictionary <MessageInterest, MessageTimingInfo> dictionary, MessageInterest interest, FeedMessage message)
            Guard.Argument(dictionary, nameof(dictionary)).NotNull();
            Guard.Argument(interest, nameof(interest)).NotNull();
            Guard.Argument(message, nameof(message)).NotNull();

            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(interest, out var timingInfo))
                var messageDateTime = SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(message.GeneratedAt);
                var newLatency      = TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now <= messageDateTime
                    ? TimeSpan.Zero
                    : TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now - messageDateTime;
                if (timingInfo.Latency > newLatency)
                if (!(message is alive))
                    ExecutionLog.LogError($"Message timing info for message type:{message.GetType().Name}, interest:{interest.Name} does not exist.");
コード例 #2
        public void correct_timestamp_is_used_when_recovery_is_interrupted_do_to_unsubscribed_alive()
            var recoveryOperationMock = new Mock <IRecoveryOperation>();

            recoveryOperationMock.Setup(x => x.Start()).Returns(true);
            _producerRecoveryManager = new ProducerRecoveryManager(_producer, recoveryOperationMock.Object, _timestampTracker);

            //start the recovery
            Assert.AreEqual(_producerRecoveryManager.Status, ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started);
            //make sure that after the the recoveryOperationMock IsRunning returns true
            recoveryOperationMock.Setup(x => x.IsRunning).Returns(true);

            //let's go over few normal cycles without user messages
            var lastAlive = _messageBuilder.BuildAlive();


            // let's feed the recovery manager with unsubscribed alive
            var unsubscribedAlive = _messageBuilder.BuildAlive();

            unsubscribedAlive.subscribed = 0;
            recoveryOperationMock.Verify(x => x.Interrupt(SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(lastAlive.timestamp)), Times.Once);
            Assert.AreEqual(ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started, _producerRecoveryManager.Status);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the timing info in the provided dictionary if the latency on the existing entry is bigger than on the new one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionary">The <see cref="IReadOnlyDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/> to modify</param>
        /// <param name="interest">The <see cref="MessageInterest"/> associated with the session which received the message</param>
        /// <param name="message">The received <see cref="FeedMessage"/></param>
        private static void UpdateTimingInfoIfLatencyLower(IReadOnlyDictionary <MessageInterest, MessageTimingInfo> dictionary, MessageInterest interest, FeedMessage message)
            Contract.Requires(dictionary != null);
            Contract.Requires(interest != null);
            Contract.Requires(message != null);

            MessageTimingInfo timingInfo;

            if (dictionary.TryGetValue(interest, out timingInfo))
                var messageDateTime = SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(message.GeneratedAt);
                var newLatency      = TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now <= messageDateTime
                    ? TimeSpan.Zero
                    : TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now - messageDateTime;
                if (timingInfo.Latency > newLatency)
                if (!(message is alive))
                    ExecutionLog.Error($"Message timing info for message type:{message.GetType().Name}, interest:{interest.Name} does not exist.");
コード例 #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Updates the information held by the current instance
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="generatedAt">Epoch time of the message generation</param>
            public void Update(long generatedAt)
                var currentTime = TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now;

                GeneratedAt = SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(generatedAt);
                Latency     = GeneratedAt >= currentTime
                    ? TimeSpan.Zero
                    : currentTime - GeneratedAt;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes <see cref="IMessage" /> received on the user's session(s)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does:
        /// - collect timing info on odds_change(s), bet_stop(s) and alive(s)
        /// - attempt to complete running recoveries with snapshot_complete(s)
        /// This method does not:
        /// - determine if the user is behind (or not) with message processing - this is done in CheckStatus(..) method
        /// - attempt to determine whether the recovery has timed-out - this is done in CheckStatus(..) method
        /// - determine weather is alive violated. This should be only done based on system alive(s) and is done in ProcessSystemMessage(...) method
        /// - start recoveries - This should only be done based on system alive(s) and is done in ProcessSystemMessage(...) method
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="message">The <see cref="IMessage" /> message to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="interest">The <see cref="MessageInterest"/> describing the session from which the message originates </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The Producer.Id of the message and the Producer associated with this manager do not match</exception>
        public void ProcessUserMessage(FeedMessage message, MessageInterest interest)
            Guard.Argument(message, nameof(message)).NotNull();
            Guard.Argument(interest, nameof(interest)).NotNull();

            if (message.ProducerId != Producer.Id)
                ExecutionLog.LogError($"The producer ({message.ProducerId}) of the message and the Producer {Producer.Name} ({Producer.Id}) associated with this manager do not match.");

            if (!Producer.IsAvailable || Producer.IsDisabled)
                ExecutionLog.LogDebug($"{Producer.Name} Producer is not available or user disabled, however we still receive {message.GetType()} message. Can be ignored.");

            lock (_syncLock)
                ProducerRecoveryStatus?newStatus = null;

                    if (message is odds_change || message is bet_stop)
                        _timestampTracker.ProcessUserMessage(interest, message);

                    var alive = message as alive;
                    if (alive != null && alive.subscribed != 0)
                        // the alive message from user's session should only be used for tracking of processing delay
                        _timestampTracker.ProcessUserMessage(interest, message);
                        if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed || Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed)

                    var snapshotComplete = message as snapshot_complete;
                    if (snapshotComplete != null)
                        newStatus = ProcessSnapshotCompleteMessage(snapshotComplete, interest);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExecutionLog.LogError($"An unexpected exception occurred while processing user message. Producer={_producer.Id}, Session={interest.Name}, Message={message}, Exception:", ex);

                if (newStatus != null && newStatus.Value != Status)
                    SetStatusAndRaiseEvent(null, newStatus.Value);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <see cref="snapshot_complete"/> message. Only snapshot_complete(s) from user's sessions should be processed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotCompleted">The <see cref="snapshot_complete"/> message received on the system user's session</param>
        /// <param name="interest">The <see cref="MessageInterest"/> associated with the session which received the message</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="ProducerRecoveryStatus"/> specifying the new status of the manager or null reference if no change is needed</returns>
        private ProducerRecoveryStatus?ProcessSnapshotCompleteMessage(snapshot_complete snapshotCompleted, MessageInterest interest)
            URN eventId;

            if (_producer.EventRecoveries.TryRemove(snapshotCompleted.request_id, out eventId))
                ExecutionLog.Info($"Recovery with requestId={snapshotCompleted.request_id} for producer={Producer.Id}, eventId={eventId} completed.");
                EventRecoveryCompleted?.Invoke(this, new EventRecoveryCompletedEventArgs(snapshotCompleted.request_id, eventId));

            //The snapshot message not for us
            if (!_recoveryOperation.IsRunning || !_recoveryOperation.RequestId.HasValue || _recoveryOperation.RequestId.Value != snapshotCompleted.RequestId)

            //Debug.Assert(Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started);

            RecoveryResult recoveryResult;

            ExecutionLog.Debug($"SnapshotComplete[{"requestId" + snapshotCompleted.request_id}] for producer=[{"id=" + Producer.Id}] on session {interest.Name} received");
            if (!_recoveryOperation.TryComplete(interest, out recoveryResult))
                //The recovery is not complete, nothing to do.
                ExecutionLog.Debug($"Recovery with requestId={snapshotCompleted.request_id} for producer={Producer.Id} is not yet completed. Waiting for snapshots from other sessions");

            // The recovery operation completed. Check the result and act accordingly
            if (recoveryResult.Success)
                // the recovery was interrupted
                if (recoveryResult.InterruptedAt.HasValue)
                    ExecutionLog.Warn($"Recovery with requestId={snapshotCompleted.request_id} for producer={Producer.Id} completed with interruption at:{recoveryResult.InterruptedAt.Value}");
                // the recovery was not interrupted
                var recoveryDuration = TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now - recoveryResult.StartTime;
                ExecutionLog.Info($"Recovery with requestId={snapshotCompleted.request_id} for producer={Producer.Id} completed in {recoveryDuration.TotalSeconds} sec.");
                           ? ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed
                           : ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed);

            // The recovery operation timed-out
            var timeOutDuration = TimeProviderAccessor.Current.Now - recoveryResult.StartTime;

            ExecutionLog.Warn($"Recovery with requestId={snapshotCompleted.RequestId} timed out after:{timeOutDuration}");
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the <see cref="IFeedMessageProcessor.MessageProcessed"/> event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">A <see cref="object"/> representation of the instance raising the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">A <see cref="FeedMessageReceivedEventArgs"/> instance containing event information</param>
        private void OnMessageProcessed(object sender, FeedMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
            var processingTook    = string.Empty;
            var sdkProcessingTime = DateTime.Now - SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(e.Message.ReceivedAt);

            if (sdkProcessingTime.TotalMilliseconds > 500)
                processingTook = $" Sdk processing took {(int)sdkProcessingTime.TotalMilliseconds}ms";
            ExecutionLog.LogDebug($"Dispatching {e.Message.GetType().Name} for {e.Message.EventId} ({e.Message.GeneratedAt}).{processingTook}");
            var dispatcher = SelectDispatcher(e.Message);

            dispatcher.Dispatch(e.Message, e.RawMessage);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the status of the current recovery manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The method must:
        /// - Check whether current recovery is running and has expired
        /// - Whether there is an alive violation
        /// - Whether the user is behind with processing
        /// The method should not:
        /// - Update the processing delay - this is done on a message from a user's session
        /// - Start the recovery - this is done on alive from the system session
        /// - Complete non timed-out recovery - this is done on the snapshot_complete from user's session
        /// </remarks>
        public void CheckStatus()
            //if the producer is disabled in SDK or not available for current user - nothing to do
            if (!Producer.IsAvailable || Producer.IsDisabled)

            // recovery must not be done (replay server)
            if (_producer.IgnoreRecovery)

            // multiple class fields can be accessed from multiple threads (messages from user session(s), system session, here, ...)
            lock (_syncLock)
                ProducerRecoveryStatus?newStatus = null;

                    // check whether the user is falling behind with processing
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed && _timestampTracker.IsBehind)
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed;

                    // check whether the user was behind with processing but is no longer
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed && !_timestampTracker.IsBehind)
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed;

                    // Check whether there is an alive violation during normal processing
                    if ((Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed || Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed) && _timestampTracker.IsAliveViolated)
                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: alive violation detected. Recovery will be done on next system alive.");
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;
                        //TODO: do we need new recovery here - or just Delayed status

                    // Check whether there is an alive violation during recovery
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _timestampTracker.IsAliveViolated)
                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: alive violation detected during recovery. Additional recovery from {_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp} will be done once the current is completed.");

                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && !_recoveryOperation.IsRunning ||
                        Status != ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _recoveryOperation.IsRunning)
                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: internal recovery status problem ({Status}-{_recoveryOperation.IsRunning}). Recovery will be done on next system alive.");
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;

                    // Check whether the recovery is running and has timed-out
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _recoveryOperation.HasTimedOut())
                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: recovery timeout. New recovery from {_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp} will be done.");
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;

                    // check if any message arrived for this producer in the last X seconds; if not, start recovery
                    if ((Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.NotStarted || Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error) &&
                        newStatus != ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started &&
                        DateTime.Now - SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60) &&
                        SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp) > _connectionDownTimestamp)
                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: no alive messages arrived since {SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp)}. New recovery will be done.");
                        var recoveryStarted = StartRecovery();
                        if (recoveryStarted.HasValue && recoveryStarted.Value)
                            newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started;

                    // recovery is called and we check if any recovery message arrived in last X time; or restart recovery
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _recoveryOperation.IsRunning && DateTime.Now - _lastRecoveryMessage > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300))
                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: no recovery message arrived since {_lastRecoveryMessage}. New recovery will be done.");
                        var recoveryStarted = StartRecovery();
                        if (recoveryStarted.HasValue && recoveryStarted.Value)
                            newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started;

                    ExecutionLog.LogInformation($"Status check: Producer={_producer}({Enum.GetName(typeof(ProducerRecoveryStatus), Status)}), Timing Info={_timestampTracker}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExecutionLog.LogError(ex, $"An unexpected exception occurred while checking status. Producer={_producer.Id}. Status={Status}, IsRunning={_recoveryOperation.IsRunning}");

                if (newStatus != null && newStatus.Value != Status)
                    SetStatusAndRaiseEvent(null, newStatus.Value);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a message received on the system's session
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does:
        /// - starts recovery operations if needed
        /// - interrupt running recoveries on non-subscribed alive(s) and alive violation(s)
        /// - set LastTimestampBeforeDisconnect property on the producer.
        /// This method does not:
        /// - determine if the user is behind (or not) with message processing - this is done in CheckStatus(..) method
        /// - attempt to determine whether the recovery has timed-out - this is done in CheckStatus(..) method
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="message">A <see cref="FeedMessage"/> received on the system session</param>
        public void ProcessSystemMessage(FeedMessage message)
            Guard.Argument(message, nameof(message)).NotNull();

            var alive = message as alive;

            if (alive?.ProducerId != Producer.Id)

            if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.FatalError || _producer.IgnoreRecovery)

            lock (_syncLock)
                ProducerRecoveryStatus?newStatus = null;

                    // store the timestamp of most recent system alive before it is overridden by
                    // _timestampTracker.ProcessSystemAlive(alive); in case the current alive
                    // is not subscribed and ongoing recovery operation must be interrupted
                    var previousAliveTimestamp = _timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp;

                    // if current status is NotStarted or Error just start the recovery
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.NotStarted || Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error)
                            var started = StartRecovery();
                            if (started.HasValue && started.Value)
                                ExecutionLog.LogInformation($"Producer={_producer.Id}: Recovery operation started. Current status={Enum.GetName(typeof(ProducerRecoveryStatus), Status)}, After={SdkInfo.ToEpochTime(_producer.LastTimestampBeforeDisconnect)}.");
                                newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started;
                            else if (started.HasValue)
                                ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer={_producer.Id}: An error occurred while starting recovery operation with after={SdkInfo.ToEpochTime(_producer.LastTimestampBeforeDisconnect)}. Retry will be made at next system alive.");
                        catch (RecoveryInitiationException ex)
                            ExecutionLog.LogCritical($"Producer id={Producer.Id} failed to execute recovery because 'after' is to much in the past. After={ex.After}. Stopping the feed.");
                            newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.FatalError;
                        Debug.Assert(Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started ||
                                     Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed ||
                                     Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed);

                        // we are no longer in sync with the feed
                        if (alive.subscribed == 0)
                            if (_recoveryOperation.IsRunning)
                                Debug.Assert(Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started);
                                var timestamp = SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(previousAliveTimestamp);
                                ExecutionLog.LogInformation($"Producer={_producer.Id}: Recovery operation interrupted. Current status={Enum.GetName(typeof(ProducerRecoveryStatus), Status)}, Timestamp={timestamp}.");
                                Debug.Assert(Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed || Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed);
                                    var started = StartRecovery();
                                    if (started.HasValue && started.Value)
                                        ExecutionLog.LogInformation($"Producer={_producer.Id}: Recovery operation started due to unsubscribed alive. Current status={Enum.GetName(typeof(ProducerRecoveryStatus), Status)}, After={SdkInfo.ToEpochTime(_producer.LastTimestampBeforeDisconnect)}.");
                                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started;
                                    else if (started.HasValue)
                                        ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"Producer={_producer.Id}: An error occurred while starting recovery operation with after={SdkInfo.ToEpochTime(_producer.LastTimestampBeforeDisconnect)}. Retry will be made at next system alive.");
                                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;
                                catch (RecoveryInitiationException ex)
                                    ExecutionLog.LogCritical($"Producer id={Producer.Id} failed to execute recovery because 'after' is to much in the past. After={ex.After}. Stopping the feed.");
                                    newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.FatalError;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExecutionLog.LogError(ex, $"An unexpected exception occurred while processing system message. Producer={_producer.Id}, message={message}");

                if (newStatus != null && newStatus.Value != Status)
                    SetStatusAndRaiseEvent(null, newStatus.Value);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the status of the current recovery manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The method must:
        /// - Check whether current recovery is running and has expired
        /// - Whether there is an alive violation
        /// - Whether the user is behind with processing
        /// The method should not:
        /// - Update the processing delay - this is done on a message from a user's session
        /// - Start the recovery - this is done on alive from the system session
        /// - Complete non timed-out recovery - this is done on the snapshot_complete from user's session
        /// </remarks>
        public void CheckStatus()
            //if the producer is disabled in SDK or not available for current user - nothing to do
            if (!Producer.IsAvailable || Producer.IsDisabled)

            // recovery must not be done (replay server)
            if (_producer.IgnoreRecovery)

            // multiple class fields can be accessed from multiple threads(messages from user session(s), system session, here, ...)
            lock (_syncLock)
                var newStatus = Status;

                    // check whether the user is falling behind with processing
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed && _timestampTracker.IsBehind)
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed;

                    // check whether the user was behind with processing but is no longer
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed && !_timestampTracker.IsBehind)
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed;

                    // Check whether there is an alive violation during normal processing
                    if ((Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Completed || Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Delayed) && _timestampTracker.IsAliveViolated)
                        ExecutionLog.Warn($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: alive violation detected. Recovery will be done on next system alive.");
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;

                    // Check whether there is an alive violation during recovery
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _timestampTracker.IsAliveViolated)
                        ExecutionLog.Warn($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: alive violation detected during recovery. Additional recovery from {_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp} will be done once the current is completed.");

                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && !_recoveryOperation.IsRunning ||
                        Status != ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _recoveryOperation.IsRunning)
                        ExecutionLog.Warn($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: internal recovery status problem ({Status}-{_recoveryOperation.IsRunning}). Recovery will be done on next system alive.");
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;

                    // Check whether the recovery is running and has timed-out
                    if (Status == ProducerRecoveryStatus.Started && _recoveryOperation.HasTimedOut())
                        ExecutionLog.Warn($"Producer id={Producer.Id}: recovery timeout. New recovery from {_timestampTracker.SystemAliveTimestamp} will be done.");
                        newStatus = ProducerRecoveryStatus.Error;
                    ExecutionLog.Info($"Status check: Producer={_producer}({Enum.GetName(typeof(ProducerRecoveryStatus), Status)}), Timing Info={_timestampTracker}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExecutionLog.Error($"An unexpected exception occurred while checking status. Producer={_producer.Id}. Status={Status}, IsRunning={_recoveryOperation.IsRunning}", ex);
                if (newStatus != Status)
                    SetStatusAndRaiseEvent(null, newStatus);
コード例 #11
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override string ToString()
     return($"After={After}/{SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(After)}, NodeId={NodeId}, Timestamp={Timestamp}/{SdkInfo.FromEpochTime(Timestamp)}, RequestId={RequestId}, Response={ResponseCode}-{ResponseMessage}");