private void HandleDataContextChanged() { ChemistryModel chemistryModel = null; if (Chemistry is string) { var data = Chemistry as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { if (data.StartsWith("<")) { var conv = new CMLConverter(); chemistryModel = conv.Import(data); } if (data.Contains("M END")) { var conv = new SdFileConverter(); chemistryModel = conv.Import(data); } } } else { if (Chemistry != null && !(Chemistry is ChemistryModel)) { throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type 'Chem4Word.Model.Model'."); } chemistryModel = Chemistry as ChemistryModel; } if (chemistryModel != null) { if (chemistryModel.AllAtoms.Count > 0) { chemistryModel.RescaleForXaml(Constants.StandardBondLength * 2); Debug.WriteLine($"Ring count == {chemistryModel.Molecules.SelectMany(m => m.Rings).Count()}"); if (ShowCarbonLabels) { foreach (var atom in chemistryModel.AllAtoms) { if (atom.Element.Equals(Globals.PeriodicTable.C)) { atom.ShowSymbol = true; } } } Placeholder.DataContext = chemistryModel; } else { Placeholder.DataContext = null; } } else { Placeholder.DataContext = null; } }
public void SdfImportBasicParafuchsin() { SdFileConverter mc = new SdFileConverter(); Model m = mc.Import(ResourceHelper.GetStringResource("BasicParafuchsin.txt")); // Basic sanity checks Assert.True(m.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {m.Molecules.Count}"); var mol = m.Molecules.Values.First(); Assert.True(mol.Molecules.Count == 2, $"Expected 2 Child Molecules; Got {mol.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(m.TotalAtomsCount == 41, $"Expected 41 Atoms; Got {m.TotalAtomsCount}"); Assert.True(m.TotalBondsCount == 42, $"Expected 42 Bonds; Got {m.TotalBondsCount}"); // Check that we got three rings var mol2 = mol.Molecules.Values.Skip(1).First(); Assert.True(mol2.Rings.Count == 3, $"Expected 3 Rings; Got {mol2.Rings.Count}"); string molstring = mc.Export(m); mc = new SdFileConverter(); Model m2 = mc.Import(molstring); }
private void UpdateDisplay() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = ""; using (new WaitCursor()) { var tag = ResultsListView.SelectedItems[0]?.Tag; if (tag is LiteEntity le && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(le.chebiId)) { ChebiId = le.chebiId; var chemStructure = GetChemStructure(le); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chemStructure)) { _lastMolfile = ConvertToWindows(chemStructure); SdFileConverter sdConverter = new SdFileConverter(); _lastModel = sdConverter.Import(chemStructure); if (_lastModel.AllWarnings.Count > 0 || _lastModel.AllErrors.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", chemStructure); List <string> lines = new List <string>(); if (_lastModel.AllErrors.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _lastModel.AllErrors)); lines.Add("Errors(s)"); lines.AddRange(_lastModel.AllErrors); } if (_lastModel.AllWarnings.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _lastModel.AllWarnings)); lines.Add("Warnings(s)"); lines.AddRange(_lastModel.AllWarnings); } ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines); } if (_lastModel.MeanBondLength < Core.Helpers.Constants.MinimumBondLength - Core.Helpers.Constants.BondLengthTolerance || _lastModel.MeanBondLength > Core.Helpers.Constants.MaximumBondLength + Core.Helpers.Constants.BondLengthTolerance) { _lastModel.ScaleToAverageBondLength(Core.Helpers.Constants.StandardBondLength); } display1.Chemistry = _lastModel; } else { _lastModel = null; _lastMolfile = String.Empty; display1.Chemistry = null; ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = "No structure available."; } EnableImport(); } } }
private void HandleDataContextChanged() { Model chemistryModel = null; if (Chemistry is string) { var data = Chemistry as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { if (data.StartsWith("<")) { var conv = new CMLConverter(); chemistryModel = conv.Import(data); chemistryModel.EnsureBondLength(20, false); } if (data.Contains("M END")) { var conv = new SdFileConverter(); chemistryModel = conv.Import(data); chemistryModel.EnsureBondLength(20, false); } } } else { if (Chemistry != null && !(Chemistry is Model)) { Debugger.Break(); throw new ArgumentException($"Object must be of type {nameof(Model)}."); } chemistryModel = Chemistry as Model; if (chemistryModel != null) { chemistryModel.EnsureBondLength(20, false); } } //assuming we've got this far, we should have something we can draw if (chemistryModel != null) { if (chemistryModel.TotalAtomsCount > 0) { chemistryModel.RescaleForXaml(true, Constants.StandardBondLength); CurrentViewModel = new ViewModel(chemistryModel); CurrentViewModel.SetTextParams(chemistryModel.XamlBondLength); DrawChemistry(CurrentViewModel); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("All molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf, *.cml)|*.mol;*.sdf;*.cml"); sb.Append("|CML molecule files (*.cml)|*.cml"); sb.Append("|MDL molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf)|*.mol;*.sdf"); openFileDialog1.FileName = "*.*"; openFileDialog1.Filter = sb.ToString(); DialogResult dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { string fileType = Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower(); string filename = Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog1.FileName); string mol = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog1.FileName); string cml = ""; CMLConverter cmlConvertor = new CMLConverter(); SdFileConverter sdFileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); Model model = null; switch (fileType) { case ".mol": case ".sdf": model = sdFileConverter.Import(mol); model.RefreshMolecules(); model.Relabel(); cml = cmlConvertor.Export(model); //model.DumpModel("After Import"); break; case ".cml": case ".xml": model = cmlConvertor.Import(mol); model.RefreshMolecules(); model.Relabel(); cml = cmlConvertor.Export(model); break; } this.Text = filename; this.display1.Chemistry = cml; } }
public override void Execute(object parameter) { CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); SdFileConverter sdfConverter = new SdFileConverter(); if (Clipboard.ContainsData(Globals.FormatCML)) { string pastedCML = (string)Clipboard.GetData(Globals.FormatCML); EditViewModel.PasteCML(pastedCML); } else if (Clipboard.ContainsText()) { bool failedCML = false; bool failedSDF = false; string pastedText = Clipboard.GetText(); Model buffer = null; //try to convert the pasted text with the CML converter first try { buffer = cmlConverter.Import(pastedText); } catch { failedCML = true; } if (failedCML) { buffer = sdfConverter.Import(pastedText); failedSDF = buffer.GeneralErrors.Any(); } if (failedCML & failedSDF) { if (buffer.GeneralErrors.Any()) { Chem4Word.Core.UserInteractions.InformUser("Unable to paste text as chemistry: " + buffer.GeneralErrors[0]); } else { Chem4Word.Core.UserInteractions.InformUser("Unable to paste text as chemistry: unknown error."); } } else { EditViewModel.PasteModel(buffer); } } }
private void UpdateDisplay() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = ""; using (new WaitCursor()) { var tag = ResultsListView.SelectedItems[0]?.Tag; LiteEntity le = (LiteEntity)tag; var chemStructure = GetChemStructure(le); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chemStructure)) { _lastMolfile = ConvertToWindows(chemStructure); SdFileConverter sdConverter = new SdFileConverter(); _lastModel = sdConverter.Import(chemStructure); if (_lastModel.AllWarnings.Count > 0 || _lastModel.AllErrors.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", chemStructure); List <string> lines = new List <string>(); if (_lastModel.AllErrors.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _lastModel.AllErrors)); lines.Add("Errors(s)"); lines.AddRange(_lastModel.AllErrors); } if (_lastModel.AllWarnings.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _lastModel.AllWarnings)); lines.Add("Warnings(s)"); lines.AddRange(_lastModel.AllWarnings); } ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines); } ChebiId = le.chebiId; flexDisplayControl1.Chemistry = _lastModel; } else { flexDisplayControl1.Chemistry = null; ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = "No structure available."; } EnableImport(); } }
public void SdfImportBenzene() { SdFileConverter mc = new SdFileConverter(); Model m = mc.Import(ResourceHelper.GetStringResource("Benzene.txt")); // Basic sanity checks Assert.True(m.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {m.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.True(m.TotalAtomsCount == 6, $"Expected 6 Atoms; Got {m.TotalAtomsCount}"); Assert.True(m.TotalBondsCount == 6, $"Expected 6 Bonds; Got {m.TotalBondsCount}"); // Check that names and formulae have not been trashed Assert.True(m.Molecules.Values.First().Names.Count == 2, $"Expected 2 Chemical Names; Got {m.Molecules.Values.First().Names.Count}"); Assert.True(m.Molecules.Values.First().Formulas.Count == 2, $"Expected 2 Formulae; Got {m.Molecules.Values.First().Formulas.Count }"); // Check that we have one ring Assert.True(m.Molecules.Values.First().Rings.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Ring; Got {m.Molecules.Values.First().Rings.Count}"); }
public void SdfImportBenzene() { SdFileConverter mc = new SdFileConverter(); Model m = mc.Import(ResourceHelper.GetStringResource("Benzene.txt")); // Basic sanity checks Assert.IsTrue(m.Molecules.Count == 1, $"Expected 1 Molecule; Got {m.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.IsTrue(m.AllAtoms.Count == 6, $"Expected 6 Atoms; Got {m.AllAtoms.Count}"); Assert.IsTrue(m.AllBonds.Count == 6, $"Expected 6 Bonds; Got {m.AllBonds.Count}"); // Check that names and formulae have not been trashed Assert.IsTrue(m.Molecules[0].ChemicalNames.Count == 2, $"Expected 2 Chemical Names; Got {m.Molecules[0].ChemicalNames.Count}"); Assert.IsTrue(m.Molecules[0].Formulas.Count == 2, $"Expected 2 Formulae; Got {m.Molecules[0].Formulas.Count }"); // Check that we have one ring Assert.IsTrue(m.Molecules.SelectMany(m1 => m1.Rings).Count() == 1, $"Expected 1 Ring; Got {m.Molecules.SelectMany(m1 => m1.Rings).Count()}"); }
public void SdfImportBasicParafuchsin() { SdFileConverter mc = new SdFileConverter(); Model m = mc.Import(ResourceHelper.GetStringResource("BasicParafuchsin.txt")); // Basic sanity checks Assert.IsTrue(m.Molecules.Count == 2, $"Expected 2 Molecules; Got {m.Molecules.Count}"); Assert.IsTrue(m.AllAtoms.Count == 41, $"Expected 41 Atoms; Got {m.AllAtoms.Count}"); Assert.IsTrue(m.AllBonds.Count == 42, $"Expected 42 Bonds; Got {m.AllBonds.Count}"); // Check that we got two rings Assert.IsTrue(m.Molecules.SelectMany(m1 => m1.Rings).Count() == 3, $"Expected 2 Rings; Got {m.Molecules.SelectMany(m1 => m1.Rings).Count()}"); string molstring = mc.Export(m); mc = new SdFileConverter(); Model m2 = mc.Import(molstring); }
private void btnConvertModel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBoxFormat format = GetTextBoxFormat(txtStructure); switch (format) { case TextBoxFormat.Json: JSONConverter converter1 = new JSONConverter(); Model model1 = converter1.Import((object)txtStructure.Text); model1.RebuildMolecules(); model1.Relabel(); model1.CustomXmlPartGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); CMLConverter converter2 = new CMLConverter(); txtStructure.Text = converter2.Export(model1); break; case TextBoxFormat.Cml: CMLConverter converter3 = new CMLConverter(); Model model2 = converter3.Import((object)txtStructure.Text); model2.RebuildMolecules(); model2.Relabel(); JSONConverter converter4 = new JSONConverter(); txtStructure.Text = converter4.Export(model2); break; case TextBoxFormat.MolFile: SdFileConverter converter5 = new SdFileConverter(); Model model3 = converter5.Import((object)txtStructure.Text); model3.RebuildMolecules(); model3.Relabel(); CMLConverter converter6 = new CMLConverter(); txtStructure.Text = converter6.Export(model3); break; } EnableButtons(); }
private void LoadStructure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; try { Model model = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("All molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf, *.cml)|*.mol;*.sdf;*.cml"); sb.Append("|CML molecule files (*.cml)|*.cml"); sb.Append("|MDL molecule files (*.mol, *.sdf)|*.mol;*.sdf"); openFileDialog1.Title = "Open Structure"; openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments.ToString(); openFileDialog1.Filter = sb.ToString(); openFileDialog1.FileName = ""; openFileDialog1.ShowHelp = false; DialogResult dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { string fileType = Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower(); string filename = Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog1.FileName); string mol = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog1.FileName); CMLConverter cmlConvertor = new CMLConverter(); SdFileConverter sdFileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); switch (fileType) { case ".mol": case ".sdf": model = sdFileConverter.Import(mol); break; case ".cml": case ".xml": model = cmlConvertor.Import(mol); break; } if (model != null) { model.EnsureBondLength(20, false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomXmlPartGuid)) { model.CustomXmlPartGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_lastCml)) { var clone = cmlConvertor.Import(_lastCml); Debug.WriteLine( $"Pushing F: {clone.ConciseFormula} BL: {clone.MeanBondLength.ToString("#,##0.00")} onto Stack"); _undoStack.Push(clone); } _lastCml = cmlConvertor.Export(model); _telemetry.Write(module, "Information", $"File: {filename}"); ShowChemistry(filename, model); } } } catch (Exception exception) { _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", $"Exception: {exception.Message}"); _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", $"Exception: {exception}"); MessageBox.Show(exception.StackTrace, exception.Message); } }
private void LoadModel(string fileName) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) && File.Exists(fileName)) { try { string contents = string.Empty; using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { using (var textReader = new StreamReader(fileStream)) { contents = textReader.ReadToEnd(); } } Model model = null; string fileType = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); switch (fileType) { case ".cml": var cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); model = cmlConverter.Import(contents); break; case ".sdf": case ".mol": var sdFileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); model = sdFileConverter.Import(contents); break; case ".json": var jsonConverter = new JSONConverter(); model = jsonConverter.Import(contents); break; } if (model != null) { lastModel = model; // Load model into TreeView foreach (var modelMolecule in model.Molecules.Values) { LoadTreeNode(modelMolecule); } model.AtomsChanged += Model_AtomsChanged; model.BondsChanged += Model_BondsChanged; model.MoleculesChanged += Model_MoleculesChanged; model.PropertyChanged += Model_PropertyChanged; int atoms = model.TotalAtomsCount; int bonds = model.TotalBondsCount; textBox1.AppendText($"Total Atoms Count is {atoms}, Total Bonds Count is {bonds}\n"); var list = new List <string>(); list.AddRange(model.GeneralErrors); list.AddRange(model.AllErrors); list.AddRange(model.AllWarnings); textBox1.AppendText(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, list) + "\n"); } } catch (Exception exception) { _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", $"Exception: {exception.Message}"); _telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", $"Exception: {exception}"); MessageBox.Show(exception.StackTrace, exception.Message); } } // Local function to allow recursive calling void LoadTreeNode(Molecule modelMolecule, TreeNode root = null) { TreeNode parentNode; if (root == null) { //FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName); //parentNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path, fi.Name + ": " + modelMolecule.ToString()); parentNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path, modelMolecule.ToString()); textBox1.AppendText($"Molecule {modelMolecule.Path} added.\n"); } else { parentNode = root.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path, modelMolecule.ToString()); textBox1.AppendText($"Molecule {modelMolecule.Path} added.\n"); } parentNode.Tag = modelMolecule; if (modelMolecule.Atoms.Any()) { var atomsNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path + "/Atoms", $"Atoms: count {modelMolecule.Atoms.Count}"); foreach (Atom atom in modelMolecule.Atoms.Values) { var res = atomsNode.Nodes.Add(atom.Path, atom.ToString()); res.Tag = atom; textBox1.AppendText($"Atom {atom.Path} added.\n"); } } if (modelMolecule.Bonds.Any()) { var bondsNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path + "/Bonds", $"Bonds: count {modelMolecule.Bonds.Count}"); foreach (Bond bond in modelMolecule.Bonds) { var res = bondsNode.Nodes.Add(bond.Path, bond.ToString()); res.Tag = bond; textBox1.AppendText($"Bond {bond.Path} added.\n"); } } if (modelMolecule.Formulas.Any()) { var formulasNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path + "/Formulas", $"Formulas: count {modelMolecule.Formulas.Count}"); foreach (var formula in modelMolecule.Formulas) { formulasNode.Nodes.Add(formula.Id, $"Formula {formula.Id} {formula.Convention} {formula.Inline}"); } } if (modelMolecule.Names.Any()) { var namesNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path + "/Names", $"Names: count {modelMolecule.Names.Count}"); foreach (var name in modelMolecule.Names) { namesNode.Nodes.Add(name.Id, $"Name {name.Id} {name.DictRef} {name.Name}"); } } if (modelMolecule.Rings.Any()) { var ringsNode = parentNode.Nodes.Add(modelMolecule.Path + "/Rings", $"Rings: count {modelMolecule.Rings.Count}"); int ringCounter = 1; foreach (Ring r in modelMolecule.Rings) { var ringnode = ringsNode.Nodes.Add(r.GetHashCode().ToString(), $"Ring {ringCounter++} - Priority {r.Priority} with {r.Atoms.Count} Atoms"); ringnode.Tag = r; foreach (Atom a in r.Atoms) { ringnode.Nodes.Add(r.GetHashCode() + a.Id, $"{a.Id} - {a.Path}"); } } } foreach (var childMol in modelMolecule.Molecules.Values) { LoadTreeNode(childMol, parentNode); } } }
private string FetchStructure() { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; string result = lastSelected; ImportButton.Enabled = false; ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selected = Results.SelectedItems; if (selected.Count > 0) { ListViewItem item = selected[0]; string pubchemId = item.Text; PubChemId = pubchemId; if (!pubchemId.Equals(lastSelected)) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // var securityProtocol = ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = securityProtocol | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; try { var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}rest/pug/compound/cid/{1}/record/SDF", UserOptions.PubChemRestApiUri, pubchemId)); request.Timeout = 30000; request.UserAgent = "Chem4Word"; HttpWebResponse response; response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); if (HttpStatusCode.OK.Equals(response.StatusCode)) { // we will read data via the response stream using (var resStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { lastMolfile = new StreamReader(resStream).ReadToEnd(); SdFileConverter sdFileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); Model.Model model = sdFileConverter.Import(lastMolfile); if (model.MeanBondLength < Core.Helpers.Constants.MinimumBondLength - Core.Helpers.Constants.BondLengthTolerance || model.MeanBondLength > Core.Helpers.Constants.MaximumBondLength + Core.Helpers.Constants.BondLengthTolerance) { model.ScaleToAverageBondLength(Core.Helpers.Constants.StandardBondLength); } this.display1.Chemistry = model; if (model.AllWarnings.Count > 0 || model.AllErrors.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", lastMolfile); List <string> lines = new List <string>(); if (model.AllErrors.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, model.AllErrors)); lines.Add("Errors(s)"); lines.AddRange(model.AllErrors); } if (model.AllWarnings.Count > 0) { Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, model.AllWarnings)); lines.Add("Warnings(s)"); lines.AddRange(model.AllWarnings); } ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines); } else { CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); Cml = cmlConverter.Export(model); ImportButton.Enabled = true; } } result = pubchemId; } else { result = string.Empty; lastMolfile = string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"Bad request. Status code: {response.StatusCode}"); UserInteractions.AlertUser(sb.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Equals("The operation has timed out")) { ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = "Please try again later - the service has timed out"; } else { ErrorsAndWarnings.Text = ex.Message; Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", ex.Message); Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", ex.StackTrace); } } finally { ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = securityProtocol; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } } return(result); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("All molecule files (*.mol, *.cml)|*.mol;*.cml"); sb.Append("|CML molecule files (*.cml)|*.cml"); sb.Append("|MDL molecule files (*.mol)|*.mol"); openFileDialog1.Filter = sb.ToString(); DialogResult dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { string fileType = Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower(); string filename = Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog1.FileName); string mol = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog1.FileName); Model model = null; switch (fileType) { case ".cml": CMLConverter cmlConverter = new CMLConverter(); model = cmlConverter.Import(mol); break; case ".mol": SdFileConverter molfileConverter = new SdFileConverter(); model = molfileConverter.Import(mol); break; } string fCml = ""; string fCalc = ""; if (model != null) { this.Text = filename; foreach (var molecule in model.Molecules) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(molecule.ConciseFormula)) { fCml += $"{molecule.ConciseFormula} . "; } fCalc += $"{molecule.CalculatedFormula()} . "; } if (fCalc.EndsWith(" . ")) { fCalc = fCalc.Substring(0, fCalc.Length - 3); } if (fCml.EndsWith(" . ")) { fCml = fCml.Substring(0, fCml.Length - 3); } lblCalculated.Text = $"{fCalc}"; lblFromCml.Text = $"{fCml}"; lblOverall.Text = $"{model.ConciseFormula}"; display1.Chemistry = mol; } } }
public bool ImportCml(string cmlFile, SQLiteTransaction transaction, bool calculateProperties = false) { string module = $"{_product}.{_class}.{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}()"; bool result = false; try { Model model = null; if (cmlFile.StartsWith("<")) { model = _cmlConverter.Import(cmlFile); } if (cmlFile.Contains("M END")) { model = _sdFileConverter.Import(cmlFile); } if (model != null) { var outcome = model.EnsureBondLength(Globals.Chem4WordV3.SystemOptions.BondLength, Globals.Chem4WordV3.SystemOptions.SetBondLengthOnImportFromLibrary); if (Globals.Chem4WordV3.SystemOptions.RemoveExplicitHydrogensOnImportFromLibrary) { model.RemoveExplicitHydrogens(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outcome)) { Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry.Write(module, "Information", outcome); } if (model.TotalAtomsCount > 0 || model.TotalBondsCount > 0 && model.MeanBondLength > 0) { if (calculateProperties) { var newMolecules = model.GetAllMolecules(); ChemistryHelper.CalculateProperties(newMolecules); } model.CustomXmlPartGuid = ""; string chemicalName = model.ConciseFormula; var mol = model.Molecules.Values.First(); if (mol.Names.Count > 0) { foreach (var name in mol.Names) { long temp; if (!long.TryParse(name.Value, out temp)) { chemicalName = name.Value; break; } } } var conn = transaction.Connection; var id = AddChemistry(conn, model, chemicalName, model.ConciseFormula); foreach (var name in mol.Names) { AddChemicalName(conn, id, name.Value, name.FullType); } result = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { using (var form = new ReportError(Globals.Chem4WordV3.Telemetry, Globals.Chem4WordV3.WordTopLeft, module, ex)) { form.ShowDialog(); } } return(result); }
private void LayoutStructure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var data = new LayoutResult(); var cc = new CMLConverter(); var sc = new SdFileConverter(); string molfile = sc.Export(cc.Import(_lastCml)); try { using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { var formData = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); formData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("mol", molfile)); formData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("machine", SystemHelper.GetMachineId())); formData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("version", "")); #if DEBUG formData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("debug", "true")); #endif var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(formData); httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("user-agent", "Chem4Word"); try { var response = httpClient.PostAsync("", content).Result; if (response.Content != null) { var responseContent = response.Content; var jsonContent = responseContent.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; try { data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LayoutResult>(jsonContent); } catch (Exception e3) { //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", e3.Message); //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", jsonContent); Debug.WriteLine(e3.Message); } if (data != null) { if (data.Messages.Any()) { //Telemetry.Write(module, "Timing", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, data.Messages)); } if (data.Errors.Any()) { //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception(Data)", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, data.Errors)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Molecule)) { var model = sc.Import(data.Molecule); model.EnsureBondLength(20, false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomXmlPartGuid)) { model.CustomXmlPartGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); } var clone = cc.Import(_lastCml); _undoStack.Push(clone); _lastCml = cc.Export(model); ShowChemistry("", model); } } } } catch (Exception e2) { //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", e2.Message); //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", e2.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine(e2.Message); } } } catch (Exception e1) { //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", e1.Message); //Telemetry.Write(module, "Exception", e1.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine(e1.Message); } }