コード例 #1
        // Search
        private void Search_In_Script()
            int index       = -1;
            int selectStart = Script_richTextBox.SelectionStart;  // The Index of the Typer

            // Reset Back Color
            Script_richTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Script_richTextBox.BackColor;
            Script_richTextBox.Select(selectStart, 0);

            // Search
            if (Search_Script_textBox.Text.Length > 0) // IF SearxhTexbox is not empty
                while ((index = Script_richTextBox.Text.IndexOf(Search_Script_textBox.Text, (index + 1), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != -1)
                    Script_richTextBox.Select((index), Search_Script_textBox.Text.Length); // Select the word
                    Script_richTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(196, 49, 86);   // Change color of the Selected Word
                    Script_richTextBox.Select(selectStart, 0);                             // Selecteion start is the Typers last position before i began to select word
                    Script_richTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Script_richTextBox.BackColor;  // Reset Fore Color
                    Script_richTextBox.ScrollToCaret();                                    // Scroll To Word
コード例 #2
        //Shortcut keys-----KEY WATCHER---------::END::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Keyword Colors
        private void Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words(string word, Color color, int startIndex)                                    // StartIndex is not required
            int index       = -1;                                                                                          // Word index
            int selectStart = Script_richTextBox.SelectionStart;                                                           // The Index of the Typer

            while ((index = Script_richTextBox.Text.IndexOf(word, (index + 1), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != -1) // index = word start index // if there is no more words than returns  -1 Text ended
                Script_richTextBox.Select((index + startIndex), word.Length);                                              // Select the word
                Script_richTextBox.SelectionColor = color;                                                                 // Change color of the Selected Word
                Script_richTextBox.Select(selectStart, 0);                                                                 // Selecteion start is the Typers last position before i began to select word
                Script_richTextBox.SelectionColor     = Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 64);                                      // Reset Fore Color
                Script_richTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Script_richTextBox.BackColor;
コード例 #3
        // On Text Changed - Change Word Color
        private void Script_richTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int selectStart = Script_richTextBox.SelectionStart;              // Remember The Index of the Typer

            Script_richTextBox.SelectAll();                                   // Select The whole text
            Script_richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 64); // The whole text to Yellow
            Script_richTextBox.Select(selectStart, 0);                        // Move the typper to the previeous position

            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Select", Color.FromArgb(187, 255, 69), 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("From", Color.FromArgb(82, 233, 255), 0); // StartIndex is not required
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Where", Color.FromArgb(0, 133, 250), 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("if", Color.Red, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Inner", Color.BlueViolet, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Join", Color.Azure, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Outter", Color.Bisque, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Full", Color.Green, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Date", Color.Green, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Delete", Color.Red, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Update", Color.Orange, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Values", Color.FromArgb(0, 250, 62), 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Insert", Color.ForestGreen, 0);
            Stylize_Custom_SQL_Words("Else", Color.FromArgb(66, 135, 245), 0);