public async Task TestScopeNode() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree(";"); Scope scope = new Scope(); Scope innerScope = new Scope(); scope.Set("foo", innerScope); innerScope.Set("bar", 5); DynamicReturnValue value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Console.WriteLine($"result {value.GetValue<int>()}"); Assert.Equal(5, value.GetValue <int>()); innerScope.Set("bar", false); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(false, value.GetValue <bool>()); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo.baz.nitch"); Scope lastScope = new Scope(); lastScope.Set("nitch", 101); innerScope.Set("baz", lastScope); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(101, value.GetValue <int>()); }
public async Task TestForStatementNode() { Scope scope = new Scope(); Scope innerScope = new Scope(); List <float> loopTest = new List <float>(); for (float i = 1.0f; i <= 9.0f; i++) { loopTest.Add(i); } scope.Set("loopTest", loopTest); scope.Set("test", innerScope); ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree(@" = 1.0; foo = 1.0; for (var of loopTest) { += var; foo = var; } "); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(46.0f, innerScope.Get("foo")); Assert.Equal(9.0f, scope.Get("foo")); }
public async Task TestStringLiteral() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("'testing'"); DynamicReturnValue value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(new Scope()); Assert.Equal("testing", value.GetValue <string>()); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("\"testing double quotes\""); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(new Scope()); Assert.Equal("testing double quotes", value.GetValue <string>()); }
public async Task TestBooleanLiteral() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("true"); DynamicReturnValue value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(new Scope()); Assert.Equal(true, value.GetValue <bool>()); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("false"); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(new Scope()); Assert.Equal(false, value.GetValue <bool>()); }
public async Task TestNumberLiteral() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("5.52"); DynamicReturnValue value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(new Scope()); Assert.Equal(5.52f, value.GetValue <float>()); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("5"); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(new Scope()); Assert.Equal(5, value.GetValue <int>()); }
public async Task TestAsyncFunctionCallNode() { Function function = new Function(typeof(FunctionTest), "MyTestAsyncFunction"); ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree(@"test_function(words)"); Scope scope = new Scope(); string words = "pancakes are super tasty."; scope.Set("words", words); scope.Set("test_function", function); DynamicReturnValue r = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(words, r.GetValue <string>()); }
public async Task TestFunctionMultipleArgumentsCallNode() { Function function = new Function(typeof(FunctionTest), "MyTestFunctionWithMultipleArguments"); ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree(@"test_function(words, 'Cheese is also rather tasty.')"); Scope scope = new Scope(); string words = "pancakes are tasty."; scope.Set("words", words); scope.Set("test_function", function); DynamicReturnValue r = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal($"{words} Cheese is also rather tasty.", r.GetValue <string>()); }
public async Task TestArrayInitialization() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("array = [0, 9, 200, 30];"); Scope scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); var array = scope.Get <List <int> >("array"); Assert.Equal(4, array.Count); Assert.Equal(0, array[0]); Assert.Equal(9, array[1]); Assert.Equal(200, array[2]); Assert.Equal(30, array[3]); }
public async Task TestForStatementNodeWithInlineArray() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree(@" test = 0; for (var of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) { test += var; } "); Scope scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(21, scope.Get("test")); }
public async Task TestArithmeticNode() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 + 5.0"); Scope scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(155.0f, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 + 5"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(155, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 - 5.0"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(145f, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 - 5"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(145, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 * 5.0"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(750f, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 * 5"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(750, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 / 5.0"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(30f, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 / 5"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(30, scope.Get("foo")); }
public async Task TestRootScopeNode() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo"); Scope scope = new Scope(); scope.Set("foo", 5); DynamicReturnValue value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(5, value.GetValue <int>()); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo"); scope.Set("foo", false); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(false, value.GetValue <bool>()); }
public async Task TestIfStatementNode() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree(@" if (false) { result = false; } else if (1 > 2) { result = 'impossibru!'; } else if (2 > 1) { result = true; } else { result = 'not right'; } "); Scope scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Console.WriteLine($"Result it Type {scope.GetType("result")}"); Assert.Equal(true, scope.Get("result")); }
public async Task TestArithmeticOrderOfOperations() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 1 + (5 + 1) * 2"); Scope scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(12.0f, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150 + 5.0 / 5 + 1"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(152.0f, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 5 * 5 + 2 * 5"); scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(35, scope.Get("foo")); }
public async Task TestScopeAssignmentNode() { ScriptTree scriptTree = new ScriptTree("foo = 150"); Scope scope = new Scope(); await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(150, scope.Get("foo")); scriptTree = new ScriptTree("bar = 1.5;bar;"); DynamicReturnValue value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(1.5f, value.GetValue <float>()); scope = new Scope(); scriptTree = new ScriptTree(" = 7.5;;"); Scope innerScope = new Scope(); scope.Set("foo", innerScope); value = await scriptTree.Evaluate(scope); Assert.Equal(7.5f, value.GetValue <float>()); }