/* * Python-esque sequence operations. */ private static string js_concat(string target, object [] args) { int N = args.Length; if (N == 0) { return(target); } else if (N == 1) { string arg = ScriptConvert.ToString(args [0]); return(string.Concat(target, arg)); } // Find total capacity for the final string to avoid unnecessary // re-allocations in StringBuffer int size = target.Length; string [] argsAsStrings = new string [N]; for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { string s = ScriptConvert.ToString(args [i]); argsAsStrings [i] = s; size += s.Length; } System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(size); result.Append(target); for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { result.Append(argsAsStrings [i]); } return(result.ToString()); }
internal static Namespace Parse(XMLLib lib, Context cx, Object uriValue) { String prefix; String uri; if (uriValue is Namespace) { Namespace ns = (Namespace)uriValue; prefix = ns.Prefix; uri = ns.Uri; } else if (uriValue is QName) { QName qname = (QName)uriValue; uri = qname.Uri; if (uri != null) { prefix = qname.Prefix; } else { uri = qname.ToString(); prefix = null; } } else { uri = ScriptConvert.ToString(uriValue); prefix = (uri.Length == 0) ? "" : null; } return(new Namespace(lib, prefix, uri)); }
/** * See E4X */ public bool IsXMLName(Context cx, object value) { string name; try { name = ScriptConvert.ToString(value); } catch (EcmaScriptError ee) { if ("TypeError".Equals(ee.Name)) { return(false); } throw ee; } // See http://w3.org/TR/xml-names11/#NT-NCName int length = name.Length; if (length != 0) { if (IsNCNameStartChar(name [0])) { for (int i = 1; i != length; ++i) { if (!IsNCNameChar(name [i])) { return(false); } } return(true); } } return(false); }
private static long toInteger(System.Object value, System.Type type, double min, double max) { double d = toDouble(value); if (System.Double.IsInfinity(d) || System.Double.IsNaN(d)) { // Convert to string first, for more readable message reportConversionError(ScriptConvert.ToString(value), type); } if (d > 0.0) { d = Math.Floor(d); } else { d = Math.Ceiling(d); } if (d < min || d > max) { // Convert to string first, for more readable message reportConversionError(ScriptConvert.ToString(value), type); } return((long)d); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, IScriptable scope, IScriptable thisObj, object [] args) { if (!f.HasTag(NUMBER_TAG)) { return(base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args)); } int id = f.MethodId; if (id == Id_constructor) { double val = (args.Length >= 1) ? ScriptConvert.ToNumber(args [0]) : 0.0; if (thisObj == null) { // new Number(val) creates a new Number object. return(new BuiltinNumber(val)); } // Number(val) converts val to a number value. return(val); } // The rest of Number.prototype methods require thisObj to be Number BuiltinNumber nativeNumber = (thisObj as BuiltinNumber); if (nativeNumber == null) { throw IncompatibleCallError(f); } double value = nativeNumber.doubleValue; switch (id) { case Id_toLocaleString: case Id_toString: return(ImplToString(value, args)); case Id_toSource: return("(new Number(" + ScriptConvert.ToString(value) + "))"); case Id_valueOf: return(value); case Id_toFixed: return(ImplToFixed(value, args)); case Id_toExponential: return(ImplToExponential(value, args)); case Id_toPrecision: return(ImplToPrecision(value, args)); default: throw new ArgumentException(Convert.ToString(id)); } }
internal static int AssertValidPrecision(int precision) { if (precision < 0 || precision > MAX_PRECISION) { string msg = ScriptRuntime.GetMessage("msg.bad.precision", ScriptConvert.ToString(precision)); throw ScriptRuntime.ConstructError("RangeError", msg); } return(precision); }
internal XMLName toQualifiedName(Context cx, Object namespaceValue, Object nameValue) { // This is duplication of constructQName(cx, namespaceValue, nameValue) // but for XMLName String uri; String localName; if (nameValue is QName) { QName qname = (QName)nameValue; localName = qname.LocalName; } else { localName = ScriptConvert.ToString(nameValue); } Namespace ns; if (namespaceValue == Undefined.Value) { if ("*".Equals(localName)) { ns = null; } else { ns = GetDefaultNamespace(cx); } } else if (namespaceValue == null) { ns = null; } else if (namespaceValue is Namespace) { ns = (Namespace)namespaceValue; } else { ns = Namespace.Parse(this, cx, namespaceValue); } if (ns == null) { uri = null; } else { uri = ns.Uri; } return(XMLName.FormProperty(uri, localName)); }
private static string getString(IScriptable obj, string id) { object value = ScriptableObject.GetProperty(obj, id); if (value == UniqueTag.NotFound) { return(""); } return(ScriptConvert.ToString(value)); }
internal static QName Parse(XMLLib lib, Context cx, object namespaceValue, object nameValue) { String uri; String localName; String prefix; if (nameValue is QName) { QName qname = (QName)nameValue; localName = qname.LocalName; } else { localName = ScriptConvert.ToString(nameValue); } Namespace ns; if (namespaceValue == Undefined.Value) { if ("*".Equals(localName)) { ns = null; } else { ns = lib.GetDefaultNamespace(cx); } } else if (namespaceValue == null) { ns = null; } else if (namespaceValue is Namespace) { ns = (Namespace)namespaceValue; } else { ns = Namespace.Parse(lib, cx, namespaceValue); } if (ns == null) { uri = null; prefix = null; } else { uri = ns.Uri; prefix = ns.Prefix; } return(new QName(lib, uri, localName, prefix)); }
public static Namespace Parse(XMLLib lib, Context cx, Object prefixValue, Object uriValue) { String prefix; String uri; if (uriValue is QName) { QName qname = (QName)uriValue; uri = qname.Uri; if (uri == null) { uri = qname.ToString(); } } else { uri = ScriptConvert.ToString(uriValue); } if (uri.Length == 0) { if (prefixValue == Undefined.Value) { prefix = ""; } else { prefix = ScriptConvert.ToString(prefixValue); if (prefix.Length != 0) { throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError( "Illegal prefix '" + prefix + "' for 'no namespace'."); } } } else if (prefixValue == Undefined.Value) { prefix = ""; } else if (!lib.IsXMLName(cx, prefixValue)) { prefix = ""; } else { prefix = ScriptConvert.ToString(prefixValue); } return(new Namespace(lib, prefix, uri)); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, IScriptable scope, IScriptable thisObj, object [] args) { if (!f.HasTag(SCRIPT_TAG)) { return(base.ExecIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args)); } int id = f.MethodId; switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { string source = (args.Length == 0) ? "" : ScriptConvert.ToString(args [0]); IScript script = compile(cx, source); BuiltinScript nscript = new BuiltinScript(script); ScriptRuntime.setObjectProtoAndParent(nscript, scope); return(nscript); } case Id_toString: { if (thisObj is BuiltinFunction) { return(((BuiltinFunction)thisObj).Decompile(0, 0)); } BuiltinScript real = realThis(thisObj, f); IScript realScript = real.script; if (realScript == null) { return(""); } return(cx.DecompileScript(realScript, 0)); } case Id_exec: { throw Context.ReportRuntimeErrorById("msg.cant.call.indirect", "exec"); } case Id_compile: { BuiltinScript real = realThis(thisObj, f); string source = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); real.script = compile(cx, source); return(real); } } throw new ArgumentException(Convert.ToString(id)); }
/// <summary> The global unescape method, as per ECMA-262</summary> private object js_unescape(object [] args) { string s = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); int firstEscapePos = s.IndexOf((char)'%'); if (firstEscapePos >= 0) { int L = s.Length; char [] buf = s.ToCharArray(); int destination = firstEscapePos; for (int k = firstEscapePos; k != L;) { char c = buf [k]; ++k; if (c == '%' && k != L) { int end, start; if (buf [k] == 'u') { start = k + 1; end = k + 5; } else { start = k; end = k + 2; } if (end <= L) { int x = 0; for (int i = start; i != end; ++i) { x = ScriptConvert.XDigitToInt(buf [i], x); } if (x >= 0) { c = (char)x; k = end; } } } buf [destination] = c; ++destination; } s = new string (buf, 0, destination); } return(s); }
public override object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, IScriptable scope, IScriptable thisObj, object [] args) { int id = f.MethodId; switch (id) { case Id_print: for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { Console.Out.Write(" "); } Console.Out.Write(ScriptConvert.ToString(args [i])); } Console.Out.WriteLine(); return(Undefined.Value); case Id_version: if (args.Length > 0) { if (CliHelper.IsNumber(args [0])) { int newVer = (int)ScriptConvert.ToNumber(args [0]); if (Context.IsValidLanguageVersion(newVer)) { cx.Version = Context.ToValidLanguageVersion(newVer); } } } return((int)cx.Version); case Id_options: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (cx.HasFeature(Context.Features.Strict)) { sb.Append("strict"); } return(sb.ToString()); case Id_gc: GC.Collect(); return(Undefined.Value); } throw f.Unknown(); }
internal static QName Parse(XMLLib lib, Context cx, object value) { QName result; if (value is QName) { QName qname = (QName)value; result = new QName(lib, qname.Uri, qname.LocalName, qname.Prefix); } else { result = Parse(lib, cx, ScriptConvert.ToString(value)); } return(result); }
/* * * See ECMA * */ private static int js_lastIndexOf(string target, object [] args) { string search = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); double end = ScriptConvert.ToNumber(args, 1); if (double.IsNaN(end) || end > target.Length) { end = target.Length; } else if (end < 0) { end = 0; } return(lastIndexOf( target.ToCharArray(), 0, target.Length, search.ToCharArray(), 0, search.Length, (int)end)); }
private static string js_toSource(Context cx, IScriptable scope, IScriptable thisObj) { // Emulation of SpiderMonkey behavior object name = ScriptableObject.GetProperty(thisObj, "name"); object message = ScriptableObject.GetProperty(thisObj, "message"); object fileName = ScriptableObject.GetProperty(thisObj, "fileName"); object lineNumber = ScriptableObject.GetProperty(thisObj, "lineNumber"); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("(new "); if (name == UniqueTag.NotFound) { name = Undefined.Value; } sb.Append(ScriptConvert.ToString(name)); sb.Append("("); if (message != UniqueTag.NotFound || fileName != UniqueTag.NotFound || lineNumber != UniqueTag.NotFound) { if (message == UniqueTag.NotFound) { message = ""; } sb.Append(ScriptRuntime.uneval(cx, scope, message)); if (fileName != UniqueTag.NotFound || lineNumber != UniqueTag.NotFound) { sb.Append(", "); if (fileName == UniqueTag.NotFound) { fileName = ""; } sb.Append(ScriptRuntime.uneval(cx, scope, fileName)); if (lineNumber != UniqueTag.NotFound) { int line = ScriptConvert.ToInt32(lineNumber); if (line != 0) { sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(ScriptConvert.ToString(line)); } } } } sb.Append("))"); return(sb.ToString()); }
/* * * See ECMA Uses Java String.indexOf() * OPT to add - BMH searching from jsstr.c. */ private static int js_indexOf(string target, object [] args) { string search = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); double begin = ScriptConvert.ToInteger(args, 1); if (begin > target.Length) { return(-1); } else { if (begin < 0) { begin = 0; } return(target.IndexOf(search, (int)begin)); } }
private static string num_to(double val, object [] args, int zeroArgMode, int oneArgMode, int precisionMin, int precisionOffset) { int precision; if (args.Length == 0) { precision = 0; oneArgMode = zeroArgMode; } else { /* We allow a larger range of precision than * ECMA requires; this is permitted by ECMA. */ precision = ScriptConvert.ToInt32(args [0]); if (precision < precisionMin || precision > MAX_PRECISION) { string msg = ScriptRuntime.GetMessage("msg.bad.precision", ScriptConvert.ToString(args [0])); throw ScriptRuntime.ConstructError("RangeError", msg); } } switch (zeroArgMode) { case DTOSTR_FIXED: return(val.ToString("F" + (precision + precisionOffset), NumberFormatter)); case DTOSTR_STANDARD_EXPONENTIAL: return(val.ToString("e" + (precision + precisionOffset), NumberFormatter)); case DTOSTR_STANDARD: if (oneArgMode == DTOSTR_PRECISION) { return(val.ToString(precision.ToString(), NumberFormatter)); } else { return(val.ToString(NumberFormatter)); } } Context.CodeBug(); return(string.Empty); // Not reached }
protected internal override void SetInstanceIdValue(int id, object value) { int shifted = id - base.MaxInstanceId; switch (shifted) { case Id_multiline: case Id_STAR: Impl.multiline = ScriptConvert.ToBoolean(value); return; case Id_input: case Id_UNDERSCORE: Impl.input = ScriptConvert.ToString(value); return; } base.SetInstanceIdValue(id, value); }
public XMLList(XMLLib lib, object inputObject) : this(lib) { string frag; if (inputObject == null || inputObject is Undefined) { frag = ""; } else if (inputObject is XML) { XML xml = (XML)inputObject; Add(xml); } else if (inputObject is XMLList) { XMLList xmll = (XMLList)inputObject; AddRange(xmll); } else { frag = ScriptConvert.ToString(inputObject).Trim(); if (!frag.StartsWith("<>")) { frag = "<>" + frag + "</>"; } frag = "<fragment>" + frag.Substring(2); if (!frag.EndsWith("</>")) { throw ScriptRuntime.TypeError("XML with anonymous tag missing end anonymous tag"); } frag = frag.Substring(0, frag.Length - 3) + "</fragment>"; XML orgXML = XML.CreateFromJS(lib, frag); // Now orphan the children and add them to our XMLList. XMLList children = (XMLList)orgXML.Children(); AddRange(children); } }
/// <summary> /// HTML composition aids. /// </summary> private static string Tagify(object thisObj, string tag, string attribute, object [] args) { string str = ScriptConvert.ToString(thisObj); System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); result.Append('<'); result.Append(tag); if (attribute != null) { result.Append(' '); result.Append(attribute); result.Append("=\""); result.Append(ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0)); result.Append('"'); } result.Append('>'); result.Append(str); result.Append("</"); result.Append(tag); result.Append('>'); return(result.ToString()); }
internal static EcmaScriptError BadXMLName(object value) { String msg; if (CliHelper.IsNumber(value)) { msg = "Can not construct XML name from number: "; } else if (value is Boolean) { msg = "Can not construct XML name from boolean: "; } else if (value == Undefined.Value || value == null) { msg = "Can not construct XML name from "; } else { throw new ArgumentException(value.ToString()); } return(ScriptRuntime.TypeError(msg + ScriptConvert.ToString(value))); }
internal static BuiltinError make(Context cx, IScriptable scope, IdFunctionObject ctorObj, object [] args) { IScriptable proto = (IScriptable)(ctorObj.Get("prototype", ctorObj)); BuiltinError obj = new BuiltinError(); obj.SetPrototype(proto); obj.ParentScope = scope; if (args.Length >= 1) { ScriptableObject.PutProperty(obj, "message", ScriptConvert.ToString(args [0])); if (args.Length >= 2) { ScriptableObject.PutProperty(obj, "fileName", args [1]); if (args.Length >= 3) { int line = ScriptConvert.ToInt32(args [2]); ScriptableObject.PutProperty(obj, "lineNumber", (object)line); } } } return(obj); }
/// <summary> Type-munging for field setting and method invocation. /// Conforms to LC3 specification /// </summary> internal static System.Object CoerceType(System.Type type, System.Object value) { if (value != null && value.GetType() == type) { return(value); } switch (GetJSTypeCode(value)) { case JSTYPE_NULL: // raise error if type.isPrimitive() if (type.IsPrimitive) { reportConversionError(value, type); } return(null); case JSTYPE_UNDEFINED: if (type == typeof(string) || type == typeof(object)) { return("undefined"); } else { reportConversionError("undefined", type); } break; case JSTYPE_BOOLEAN: // Under LC3, only JS Booleans can be coerced into a Boolean value if (type == typeof(bool) || type == typeof(bool) || type == typeof(object)) { return(value); } else if (type == typeof(string)) { return(value.ToString()); } else { reportConversionError(value, type); } break; case JSTYPE_NUMBER: if (type == typeof(string)) { return(ScriptConvert.ToString(value)); } else if (type == typeof(object)) { return(CoerceToNumber(typeof(double), value)); } else if ((type.IsPrimitive && type != typeof(bool)) || CliHelper.IsNumberType(type)) { return(CoerceToNumber(type, value)); } else { reportConversionError(value, type); } break; case JSTYPE_STRING: if (type == typeof(string) || type.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { return(value); } else if (type == typeof(char)) { // Special case for converting a single char string to a // character // Placed here because it applies *only* to JS strings, // not other JS objects converted to strings if (((System.String)value).Length == 1) { return(((System.String)value) [0]); } else { return(CoerceToNumber(type, value)); } } else if ((type.IsPrimitive && type != typeof(bool)) || CliHelper.IsNumberType(type)) { return(CoerceToNumber(type, value)); } else { reportConversionError(value, type); } break; case JSTYPE_CLI_CLASS: if (value is Wrapper) { value = ((Wrapper)value).Unwrap(); } if (type == typeof(Type) || type == typeof(object)) { return(value); } else if (type == typeof(string)) { return(value.ToString()); } else { reportConversionError(value, type); } break; case JSTYPE_CLI_OBJECT: case JSTYPE_CLI_ARRAY: if (type.IsPrimitive) { if (type == typeof(bool)) { reportConversionError(value, type); } return(CoerceToNumber(type, value)); } else { if (value is Wrapper) { value = ((Wrapper)value).Unwrap(); } if (type == typeof(string)) { return(value.ToString()); } else { if (type.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { return(value); } else { reportConversionError(value, type); } } } break; case JSTYPE_OBJECT: if (type == typeof(string)) { return(ScriptConvert.ToString(value)); } else if (type.IsPrimitive) { if (type == typeof(bool)) { reportConversionError(value, type); } return(CoerceToNumber(type, value)); } else if (type.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { return(value); } else if (type == typeof(DateTime) && value is BuiltinDate) { double time = ((BuiltinDate)value).JSTimeValue; // TODO: This will replace NaN by 0 return(BuiltinDate.FromMilliseconds((long)time)); } else if (type.IsArray && value is BuiltinArray) { // Make a new java array, and coerce the JS array components // to the target (component) type. BuiltinArray array = (BuiltinArray)value; long length = array.getLength(); System.Type arrayType = type.GetElementType(); System.Object Result = System.Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, (int)length); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { try { ((System.Array)Result).SetValue(CoerceType(arrayType, array.Get(i, array)), i); } catch (EcmaScriptException) { reportConversionError(value, type); } } return(Result); } else if (value is Wrapper) { value = ((Wrapper)value).Unwrap(); if (type.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { return(value); } reportConversionError(value, type); } else { reportConversionError(value, type); } break; } return(value); }
public override object Call(Context cx, IScriptable scope, IScriptable thisObj, object [] args) { if (m_MethodInfos.Length == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("No methods defined for call"); } int index = FindFunction(cx, m_MethodInfos, args, paramsParameters); if (index < 0) { Type c = m_MethodInfos [0].DeclaringType; string sig = c.FullName + '.' + FunctionName + '(' + ScriptSignature(args) + ')'; throw Context.ReportRuntimeErrorById("msg.java.no_such_method", sig); } MethodBase meth = (MethodBase)m_MethodInfos [index]; ParameterInfo [] pis = meth.GetParameters(); // First, we marshall the args. object [] origArgs = args; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { object arg = args [i]; if (paramsParameters [index] && i >= pis.Length - 1) { // params[] arg is always an array type Type arrayType = pis [pis.Length - 1].ParameterType; Type arrayElementType = arrayType.GetElementType(); object [] dummyArg = new object [args.Length - i]; for (int e = i; e < args.Length; e++) { dummyArg [e - i] = Context.JsToCli(arg, arrayElementType); } args = new object [i + 1]; args.CopyTo(args, 0); args [i] = dummyArg; } else { Type argType = pis [i].ParameterType; object coerced = Context.JsToCli(arg, argType); if (coerced != arg) { if (origArgs == args) { args = new object [args.Length]; args.CopyTo(args, 0); } args [i] = coerced; } } } object cliObject; if (meth.IsStatic) { cliObject = null; // don't need an object } else { IScriptable o = thisObj; Type c = meth.DeclaringType; for (; ;) { if (o == null) { throw Context.ReportRuntimeErrorById("msg.nonjava.method", FunctionName, ScriptConvert.ToString(thisObj), c.FullName); } if (o is Wrapper) { cliObject = ((Wrapper)o).Unwrap(); if (c.IsInstanceOfType(cliObject)) { break; } } o = o.GetPrototype(); } } object retval = null; try { retval = (meth as MethodBase).Invoke(cliObject, args); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.ThrowAsScriptRuntimeEx(ex); } Type staticType = meth.DeclaringType; if (meth is MethodInfo) { staticType = ((MethodInfo)meth).ReturnType; } object wrapped = cx.Wrap(scope, retval, staticType); if (wrapped == null && staticType == Type.GetType("System.Void")) { wrapped = Undefined.Value; } return(wrapped); }
internal static XMLName Parse(XMLLib lib, Context cx, Object value) { XMLName result; if (value is XMLName) { result = (XMLName)value; } else if (value is String) { String str = (String)value; long test = ScriptRuntime.testUint32String(str); if (test >= 0) { ScriptRuntime.storeUint32Result(cx, test); result = null; } else { result = Parse(lib, cx, str); } } else if (CliHelper.IsNumber(value)) { double d = ScriptConvert.ToNumber(value); long l = (long)d; if (l == d && 0 <= l && l <= 0xFFFFFFFFL) { ScriptRuntime.storeUint32Result(cx, l); result = null; } else { throw XMLLib.BadXMLName(value); } } else if (value is QName) { QName qname = (QName)value; String uri = qname.Uri; bool number = false; result = null; if (uri != null && uri.Length == 0) { // Only in this case qname.toString() can resemble uint32 long test = ScriptRuntime.testUint32String(uri); if (test >= 0) { ScriptRuntime.storeUint32Result(cx, test); number = true; } } if (!number) { result = XMLName.FormProperty(uri, qname.LocalName); } } else if (value is Boolean || value == Undefined.Value || value == null) { throw XMLLib.BadXMLName(value); } else { String str = ScriptConvert.ToString(value); long test = ScriptRuntime.testUint32String(str); if (test >= 0) { ScriptRuntime.storeUint32Result(cx, test); result = null; } else { result = Parse(lib, cx, str); } } return(result); }
public virtual object ExecIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, IScriptable scope, IScriptable thisObj, object [] args) { if (f.HasTag(FTAG)) { int methodId = f.MethodId; switch (methodId) { case Id_decodeURI: case Id_decodeURIComponent: { string str = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); return(decode(str, methodId == Id_decodeURI)); } case Id_encodeURI: case Id_encodeURIComponent: { string str = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); return(encode(str, methodId == Id_encodeURI)); } case Id_escape: return(js_escape(args)); case Id_eval: return(ImplEval(cx, scope, thisObj, args)); case Id_isFinite: { bool result; if (args.Length < 1) { result = false; } else { double d = ScriptConvert.ToNumber(args [0]); result = (!double.IsNaN(d) && d != System.Double.PositiveInfinity && d != System.Double.NegativeInfinity); } return(result); } case Id_isNaN: { // The global method isNaN, as per ECMA-262 bool result; if (args.Length < 1) { result = true; } else { double d = ScriptConvert.ToNumber(args [0]); result = (double.IsNaN(d)); } return(result); } case Id_isXMLName: { object name = (args.Length == 0) ? Undefined.Value : args [0]; XMLLib xmlLib = XMLLib.ExtractFromScope(scope); return(xmlLib.IsXMLName(cx, name)); } case Id_parseFloat: return(js_parseFloat(args)); case Id_parseInt: return(js_parseInt(args)); case Id_unescape: return(js_unescape(args)); case Id_uneval: { object value = (args.Length != 0) ? args [0] : Undefined.Value; return(ScriptRuntime.uneval(cx, scope, value)); } case Id_new_CommonError: // The implementation of all the ECMA error constructors // (SyntaxError, TypeError, etc.) return(BuiltinError.make(cx, scope, f, args)); } } throw f.Unknown(); }
/// <summary> The global method parseInt, as per ECMA-262</summary> private object js_parseInt(object [] args) { string s = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); int radix = ScriptConvert.ToInt32(args, 1); int len = s.Length; if (len == 0) { return(double.NaN); } bool negative = false; int start = 0; char c; do { c = s [start]; if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { break; } start++; }while (start < len); if (c == '+' || (negative = (c == '-'))) { start++; } const int NO_RADIX = -1; if (radix == 0) { radix = NO_RADIX; } else if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) { return(double.NaN); } else if (radix == 16 && len - start > 1 && s [start] == '0') { c = s [start + 1]; if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { start += 2; } } if (radix == NO_RADIX) { radix = 10; if (len - start > 1 && s [start] == '0') { c = s [start + 1]; if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { radix = 16; start += 2; } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { radix = 8; start++; } } } double d = ScriptConvert.ToNumber(s, start, radix); return(negative ? -d : d); }
/// <summary> The global method parseFloat, as per ECMA-262 /// /// </summary> /// <param name="cx">unused /// </param> /// <param name="thisObj">unused /// </param> /// <param name="args">the arguments to parseFloat, ignoring args[>=1] /// </param> /// <param name="funObj">unused /// </param> private object js_parseFloat(object [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { return(double.NaN); } string s = ScriptConvert.ToString(args [0]); int len = s.Length; int start = 0; // Scan forward to skip whitespace char c; for (; ;) { if (start == len) { return(double.NaN); } c = s [start]; if (!TokenStream.isJSSpace(c)) { break; } ++start; } int i = start; if (c == '+' || c == '-') { ++i; if (i == len) { return(double.NaN); } c = s [i]; } if (c == 'I') { // check for "Infinity" if (i + 8 <= len && String.Compare(s, i, "Infinity", 0, 8) == 0) { double d; if (s [start] == '-') { d = System.Double.NegativeInfinity; } else { d = System.Double.PositiveInfinity; } return(d); } return(double.NaN); } // Find the end of the legal bit int dec = -1; int exponent = -1; for (; i < len; i++) { switch (s [i]) { case '.': if (dec != -1) { // Only allow a single decimal point. break; } dec = i; continue; case 'e': case 'E': if (exponent != -1) { break; } exponent = i; continue; case '+': case '-': // Only allow '+' or '-' after 'e' or 'E' if (exponent != i - 1) { break; } continue; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': continue; default: break; } break; } s = s.Substring(start, (i) - (start)); try { return(System.Double.Parse(s, BuiltinNumber.NumberFormatter)); } catch (OverflowException) { // HACK if (s [0] == '-') { return(double.NegativeInfinity); } else { return(double.PositiveInfinity); } } catch (Exception) { return(double.NaN); } }
/// <summary> The global method escape, as per ECMA-262 /// Includes code for the 'mask' argument supported by the C escape /// method, which used to be part of the browser imbedding. Blame /// for the strange constant names should be directed there. /// </summary> private object js_escape(object [] args) { const int URL_XALPHAS = 1; const int URL_XPALPHAS = 2; const int URL_PATH = 4; string s = ScriptConvert.ToString(args, 0); int mask = URL_XALPHAS | URL_XPALPHAS | URL_PATH; if (args.Length > 1) { // the 'mask' argument. Non-ECMA. double d = ScriptConvert.ToNumber(args [1]); if (double.IsNaN(d) || ((mask = (int)d) != d) || 0 != (mask & ~(URL_XALPHAS | URL_XPALPHAS | URL_PATH))) { throw Context.ReportRuntimeErrorById("msg.bad.esc.mask"); } } System.Text.StringBuilder sb = null; for (int k = 0, L = s.Length; k != L; ++k) { int c = s [k]; if (mask != 0 && ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '@' || c == '*' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.' || (0 != (mask & URL_PATH) && (c == '/' || c == '+')))) { if (sb != null) { sb.Append((char)c); } } else { if (sb == null) { sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(L + 3); sb.Append(s); sb.Length = k; } int hexSize; if (c < 256) { if (c == ' ' && mask == URL_XPALPHAS) { sb.Append('+'); continue; } sb.Append('%'); hexSize = 2; } else { sb.Append('%'); sb.Append('u'); hexSize = 4; } // append hexadecimal form of c left-padded with 0 for (int shift = (hexSize - 1) * 4; shift >= 0; shift -= 4) { int digit = 0xf & (c >> shift); int hc = (digit < 10) ? '0' + digit : 'A' - 10 + digit; sb.Append((char)hc); } } } return((sb == null) ? s : sb.ToString()); }