コード例 #1
        public void UpdateAllFootnotesWhenValuesChangeInScripture()

            ScrBook james = (ScrBook)m_scr.ScriptureBooksOS[0];

            m_scr.DisplayFootnoteReference = false;
            m_scr.FootnoteMarkerSymbol     = "*";
            m_scr.FootnoteMarkerType       = FootnoteMarkerTypes.SymbolicFootnoteMarker;


            for (int i = james.FootnotesOS.Count - 2; i < james.FootnotesOS.Count; i++)
                StFootnote fNote = (StFootnote)james.FootnotesOS[i];
//				Assert.AreEqual(m_footnoteView.m_updatedDisplayMarker,
//					fNote.DisplayFootnoteMarker);
//				Assert.AreEqual(m_footnoteView.m_updatedDisplayReference,
//					fNote.DisplayFootnoteReference);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                StFootnote fNote = (StFootnote)m_Jude.FootnotesOS[i];
//				Assert.AreEqual(m_footnoteView.m_updatedDisplayMarker,
//					fNote.DisplayFootnoteMarker);
//				Assert.AreEqual(m_footnoteView.m_updatedDisplayReference,
//					fNote.DisplayFootnoteReference);
コード例 #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a book
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The new book</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook Do()
            IScripture scr = m_cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            int        hvoTitle;
            IScrBook   newBook = ScrBook.CreateNewScrBook(m_bookID, scr, out hvoTitle);

            m_bookHvo = newBook.Hvo;

            // Insert the new book title and set the book names

            // Now insert the first section for the new book.
            ITsTextProps textProps = StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber,

            ScrSection.CreateScrSection(newBook, 0, scr.ConvertToString(1), textProps, false);

            // Do synchronize stuff
            if (FwApp.App != null)
                FwApp.App.Synchronize(new SyncInfo(SyncMsg.ksyncReloadScriptureControl, 0, 0),

            // Use Redo for rest of sync'ing and updating book filter

コード例 #3
ファイル: FilteredScrBooks.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a book without issuing a PropChanged or checking for deleted books.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookHvo">The book hvo.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void AddInternal(int bookHvo)
            if (!m_cache.IsRealObject(bookHvo, ScrBook.kClassId))

            int canonicalNum = new ScrBook(m_cache, bookHvo).CanonicalNum;

            // find the spot to insert the book
            int insertIndex = 0;

            for (; insertIndex < m_filteredBooks.Count; insertIndex++)
                int checkCanonicalNum = new ScrBook(m_cache, m_filteredBooks[insertIndex]).CanonicalNum;

                // if the book already exists, overwrite it
                if (checkCanonicalNum == canonicalNum)

                // found the insert location
                if (checkCanonicalNum > canonicalNum)

            // insert the book at the found location or the end
            m_filteredBooks.Insert(insertIndex, bookHvo);
コード例 #4
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// If name of one book is not available in the first (primary) writing system,
        /// the info in the next available (secondary) writing system is substituted.
        /// If not available in any given writing system, the 3-letter SIL/UBS book code is
        /// returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fAvailable">Normally, the output array only includes available books
        /// if fAvailable is true.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of BookNameInfo objects in the requested primary writing system,
        /// as far as possible.</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override BookLabel[] GetBookNames(bool fAvailable)
            // TODO: ToddJ (BryanW)	Implement the description above
            // foreach (int nEnc in m_requestedEncodings)
            // Assert that knEncSilCodes is in the list

            if (m_scripture == null)
            BookLabel[] rgblBookNames = new BookLabel[m_scripture.ScriptureBooksOS.Count];

            // for performance reasons, we assume that the books are fully cached. So
            // we temporary disable loading them from the database.
            FdoCache cache            = m_scripture.Cache;
            bool     fPrevPreloadData = cache.PreloadData;

            cache.PreloadData = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_scripture.ScriptureBooksOS.Count; i++)
                ScrBook book      = (ScrBook)m_scripture.ScriptureBooksOS[i];
                string  sBookName = book.BestUIName;
                rgblBookNames[i] = new BookLabel(sBookName, (book.CanonicalNum));

            cache.PreloadData = fPrevPreloadData;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
        /// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
        /// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
        /// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
        /// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
        /// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
        /// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
        /// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
        /// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
        /// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
        /// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
            // Must not be run more than once.
            if (IsDisposed)

            if (disposing)
                // Dispose managed resources here.

            // Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
            m_footnote = null;;
            m_book     = null;
            if (m_strFact != null)
            m_strFact = null;;

コード例 #6
        public void InsertVerseNumber_Verse2NoVerse1()
            // Remove the formatting on the verse number so it doesn't interfere with the test.
            m_draftView.SelectRangeOfChars(1, 11, 0, 1, 2);
            // Set the IP in the middle of verse James 4:1 when there is no verse number 1
            m_draftView.SetInsertionPoint(1, 11, 0, 8, true);
            // insert verse num 2 at the IP
            ScrBook book =
            StTxtPara para =
            ITsString tss = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString;

            AssertEx.RunIsCorrect(tss, 0, "4", "Chapter Number", m_cache.DefaultVernWs);
            Assert.AreEqual("1Where ",
                            para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.get_RunText(1).Substring(0, 7));
            Assert.AreEqual(StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, m_cache.DefaultVernWs),
            AssertEx.RunIsCorrect(tss, 2, "2", "Verse Number", m_cache.DefaultVernWs);
            Assert.AreEqual("do all the fights",
                            para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.get_RunText(3).Substring(0, 17));
            Assert.AreEqual(StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, m_cache.DefaultVernWs),
コード例 #7
        public void UndoReinsertInsertFootnote()
            // Need to have an IP
            m_firstDraftView.RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, true, false, true);
            ScrBook book       = (ScrBook)m_firstMainWnd.Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA.ScriptureBooksOS[0];
            int     nFootnotes = book.FootnotesOS.Count;

            // When we start up we shouldn't be able to Undo
            Assert.IsFalse(m_firstMainWnd.Cache.CanUndo, "Undo possible after startup");

            Assert.IsTrue(m_firstMainWnd.Cache.CanUndo, "Undo not possible after inserting footnote");
            Assert.AreEqual(nFootnotes + 1, book.FootnotesOS.Count);

            Assert.IsFalse(m_firstMainWnd.Cache.CanUndo, "Inserting footnote not undone");
            Assert.AreEqual(nFootnotes, book.FootnotesOS.Count);

            m_firstDraftView.RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, true, false, true);
            Assert.IsTrue(m_firstMainWnd.Cache.CanUndo, "Undo not possible after second inserting footnote");
            Assert.AreEqual(nFootnotes + 1, book.FootnotesOS.Count);
コード例 #8
        public void DisableCompareBtn()
            // Add Revelation, archive it and then remove it.
            int hvoTitle;

            Assert.IsNull(ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_cache, 66),
                          "Revelation should not be in the database. Restore the clean version of TestLangProj.");
            IScrBook        revelation = ScrBook.CreateNewScrBook(66, m_scr, out hvoTitle);
            ITsPropsFactory propFact   = TsPropsFactoryClass.Create();
            ITsTextProps    ttp        = propFact.MakeProps(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, m_cache.DefaultVernWs, 0);

            ScrSection.CreateScrSection(revelation, 0, "Text for section", ttp, false);
            AddArchive("Revelation Archive", new List <int>(new int[] { revelation.Hvo }));

            DummySavedVersionsDialog dlg = new DummySavedVersionsDialog(m_cache);
            TreeView tree = dlg.ArchiveTree;

            // Select the archive node that was just added.
            tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0];

            // Check to make sure the Compare to Current Version button is disabled
            Assert.IsFalse(dlg.ComparetoCurrentVersionBtn.Enabled, "The Compare to Current Version button should be disabled");

            // Select a book node.
            tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0].Nodes[0];

            // Check to make sure the Diff button is still disabled if we select Philemon
            // after it is removed from the DB.
                           "The Compare to Current Version button should still");
コード例 #9
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cache"></param>
 /// <param name="filter">book filter in place</param>
 /// <param name="bookID">ordinal ID of the book being removed</param>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public UndoRemoveBookAction(FdoCache cache, FilteredScrBooks filter, int bookID)
     m_cache      = cache;
     m_bookFilter = filter;
     m_bookID     = bookID;
     m_bookHvo    = ScrBook.FindBookByID(m_cache, bookID).Hvo;
コード例 #10
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Go to the previous footnote in the footnote view
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override ScrFootnote GoToPreviousFootnote()

            // In case no footnote is selected - can happen when footnote pane is first opened.
            if (CurrentSelection == null)

            // Get the information needed from the current selection
            int     iBook     = CurrentSelection.GetLevelInfoForTag(BookFilter.Tag).ihvo;
            int     iFootnote = CurrentSelection.GetLevelInfoForTag((int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes).ihvo;
            ScrBook book      = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

            // Get the previous footnote if it exists
            if (--iFootnote < 0)
            ScrFootnote footnote = new ScrFootnote(m_cache, book.FootnotesOS.HvoArray[iFootnote]);

            ScrollToFootnote(iBook, iFootnote, 0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: FootnoteVc.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data needed to display the specified objects using the specified fragment.
        /// This is called before attempting to Display an item that has been listed for lazy
        /// display using AddLazyItems. It may be used to load the necessary data into the
        /// DataAccess object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vwenv"></param>
        /// <param name="rghvo"></param>
        /// <param name="chvo"></param>
        /// <param name="hvoParent"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <param name="frag"></param>
        /// <param name="ihvoMin"></param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override void LoadDataFor(IVwEnv vwenv, int[] rghvo, int chvo, int hvoParent,
                                         int tag, int frag, int ihvoMin)

            string text;

                switch ((FootnoteFrags)frag)
                case FootnoteFrags.kfrBook:
                    ScrBook scrBook;

                    // The range of hvo's are for scripture books. Loop through the list of
                    // requested books (i.e. requested by the views framework).
                    foreach (int hvo in rghvo)
                            scrBook = new ScrBook(m_cache, hvo);

                            // Loop through all the footnotes in the book.
                            foreach (StFootnote stFootnote in scrBook.FootnotesOS)
                                if (ContentType == ContentTypes.kctSegmentBT)
                                // This serves only to load the data from the database into the
                                // cache. That's because referencing an fdo cache property forces
                                // its data to be loaded if it hasn't been already.
                                foreach (StTxtPara stPara in stFootnote.ParagraphsOS)
                                    text = stPara.Contents.Text;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.WriteLine("Got exception while loading footnotes for book: " + e.Message);


            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("Got exception in LoadDataFor: " + e.Message);
コード例 #12
        int m_wsUr;           // Urdu writing system (used for Foreign style)

        #region Test setup
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected override void CreateTestData()

            // create footnote
            m_footnote = new StFootnote();
            m_book     = (ScrBook)m_scrInMemoryCache.AddBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis");
            m_footnote.FootnoteMarker.Text      = "o";
            m_footnote.DisplayFootnoteMarker    = true;
            m_footnote.DisplayFootnoteReference = false;

            // create one empty footnote para
            StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara();

            para.StyleRules = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph);

            m_strFact = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
            m_vernWs  = Cache.LangProject.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem;
            para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = m_strFact.MakeString(string.Empty, m_vernWs);
            m_footnotePara = (StTxtPara)m_footnote.ParagraphsOS[0];

            m_wsUr = InMemoryFdoCache.s_wsHvos.Ur;             // used with 'foreign' character style
            m_wsDe = InMemoryFdoCache.s_wsHvos.De;             // used for back translations
            m_wsEs = InMemoryFdoCache.s_wsHvos.Es;
コード例 #13
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the footnotes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="footnoteHvo">The footnote hvo.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void LoadFootnotes(int footnoteHvo)
            Debug.Assert(m_cache.GetClassOfObject(footnoteHvo) == StFootnote.kClassId);
            StFootnote foot          = new StFootnote(m_cache, footnoteHvo);
            IScrBook   book          = new ScrBook(m_cache, foot.OwnerHVO);
            int        footnoteCount = GetBookFootnoteCount(book.Hvo);
            FdoOwningSequence <IStFootnote> footnotes = book.FootnotesOS;

            // If the information we want is already in the cache, then do nothing
            if (footnotes.Count == footnoteCount && m_htFootnoteIndex.ContainsKey(footnoteHvo))

            ScrFootnote footnote = null;
            int         index    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < footnotes.Count; i++)
                footnote = new ScrFootnote(m_cache, footnotes.HvoArray[i]);
                if (footnote.FootnoteType == FootnoteMarkerTypes.AutoFootnoteMarker)
                    int oldIndex = GetFootnoteIndex(footnote.Hvo);
                    if (oldIndex != index)
                        m_htFootnoteIndex[footnote.Hvo] = new FootnoteIndexCacheInfo(index, true);
            m_htBookFootnoteCount[book.Hvo] = footnotes.Count;
コード例 #14
        public void PageElementsDontOverlap_TwoFootnotes()
            IScripture scr     = Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            ScrBook    genesis = (ScrBook)scr.ScriptureBooksOS[0];
            // Add a footnote in the first book, first section, first paragraph
            IScrSection section  = (IScrSection)genesis.SectionsOS[0];
            StFootnote  footnote = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddFootnote(genesis,
                                                                  (StTxtPara)section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0], 2);
            StTxtPara para = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddParaToMockedText(footnote.Hvo,

            m_scrInMemoryCache.AddRunToMockedPara(para, "Another footnote", 0);

            // Add a footnote in the first book, last section, 6th paragraph
            section  = (IScrSection)genesis.SectionsOS[genesis.SectionsOS.Count - 1];
            footnote = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddFootnote(genesis,
                                                      (StTxtPara)section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[5], 10);
            para = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddParaToMockedText(footnote.Hvo,
            m_scrInMemoryCache.AddRunToMockedPara(para, "This is the footnote", 0);

            m_pub.PrepareToDrawPages(0, m_pub.AutoScrollMinSize.Height * 2);

            Page firstPage           = m_pub.Pages[0];
            int  cFoonotesOnThisPage = (int)m_division.m_testPageFootnoteInfo[firstPage.Handle];

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cFoonotesOnThisPage, "Should display two footnotes on first page");

            // None of the page elements on the first page should intersect
コード例 #15
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a string that describes the Scripture passage based on the selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tag">The flid of the selected element</param>
        /// <param name="hvoSel">The hvo of the selected element, either a ScrSection (usually)
        /// or ScrBook (if in a title)</param>
        /// <param name="fSimpleFormat">Gets a simple, standardized reference (uses SIL 3-letter
        /// codes and no verse bridges)</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// String that describes the Scripture passage or null if the selection
        /// can't be interpreted as a book and/or section reference.
        /// </returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override string GetPassageAsString(int tag, int hvoSel, bool fSimpleFormat)

            if (m_cache == null)

            string sEditRef = null;             // Title/reference/etc of text being edited in the draft pane

            switch (tag)
            case (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes:
                ScrBook book = new ScrBook(m_cache, hvoSel, false, false);
                sEditRef = (fSimpleFormat ? (book.BookId + " 0:0") : book.BestUIName);

                return(base.GetPassageAsString(tag, hvoSel, fSimpleFormat));

            // Add the back translation writing system info to the output string, if needed
            if (IsBackTranslation)
                LgWritingSystem ws = new LgWritingSystem(m_cache, ViewConstructorWS);
                sEditRef = string.Format(
                    sEditRef, ws.Name.UserDefaultWritingSystem);

            return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sEditRef) ? null : sEditRef);
コード例 #16
ファイル: FootnoteView.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// When a footnote is deleted and there are no more in the book, find the book index
        /// and footnote index of the nearest footnote.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iBook">The book index in the filter.</param>
        /// <param name="iFootnote">The footnote index.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void FindNearestFootnote(ref int iBook, ref int iFootnote)
            // first, try to move to the first footnote in a following book
            for (int iFindBook = iBook + 1; iFindBook < m_bookFilter.BookCount; iFindBook++)
                ScrBook book = m_bookFilter.GetBook(iFindBook);
                if (book.FootnotesOS.Count > 0)
                    iBook     = iFindBook;
                    iFootnote = 0;

            // we did not find a footnote in any following books, so look at the previous books
            for (int iFindBook = iBook; iFindBook >= 0; iFindBook--)
                ScrBook book = m_bookFilter.GetBook(iFindBook);
                if (book.FootnotesOS.Count > 0)
                    iBook     = iFindBook;
                    iFootnote = book.FootnotesOS.Count - 1;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ScrTxtPara.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the start and end reference for the section this paragraph belongs to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectRefStart">Section start reference</param>
        /// <param name="sectRefEnd">Section end reference</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void GetSectionStartAndEndRefs(out BCVRef sectRefStart,
                                                 out BCVRef sectRefEnd)
            // Processing depends on "type" of paragraph (content, heading, title...)
            switch (m_cache.GetOwningFlidOfObject(OwnerHVO))
            case (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent:
            case (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading:
                int hvoScrSection = m_cache.GetOwnerOfObject(OwnerHVO);
                int nSectRefMin   = m_cache.GetIntProperty(hvoScrSection,
                int nSectRefMax = m_cache.GetIntProperty(hvoScrSection,
                sectRefStart = new BCVRef(nSectRefMin);
                sectRefEnd   = new BCVRef(nSectRefMax);

            case (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle:
                IScrBook scrBook = new ScrBook(m_cache, m_cache.GetOwnerOfObject(OwnerHVO));
                sectRefStart = new BCVRef(scrBook.CanonicalNum, 1, 0);
                sectRefEnd   = new BCVRef(scrBook.CanonicalNum, 1, 0);

                Debug.Assert(false);                         // Unexpected owning field for StText
                sectRefStart = 0;
                sectRefEnd   = 0;
コード例 #18
        public void DeleteFootnoteSelection()
            m_ScrPubCtrl.PageHeight  = 432000;        // 6 inches
            m_ScrPubCtrl.PageWidth   = 288000;        // 4 inches
            m_division.TopMargin     = 18000;         // Half inch
            m_division.BottomMargin  = 18000;
            m_division.InsideMargin  = 18000;
            m_division.OutsideMargin = 18000;
            m_ScrPubCtrl.Width       = 4 * 96;       // represents a window that is 4" wide at 96 DPI
            List <Page>     pagesToBeDrawn = m_ScrPubCtrl.PrepareToDrawPages(0, 2000);
            IVwLayoutStream layoutStream   = m_division.MainLayoutStream;
            IVwRootBox      rootbox        = layoutStream as IVwRootBox;

            // Get number of footnotes in book.
            IScripture scr = m_fdoCache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, scr.ScriptureBooksOS.Count);
            ScrBook james        = (ScrBook)m_fdoCache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA.ScriptureBooksOS[1];
            int     numFootnotes = james.FootnotesOS.Count;

            // Select the first footnote in James.
            SelectionHelper selHelper = SelectRangeOfChars(rootbox, 2, 2, 3);

            // Delete the footnote marker selection.
            //m_footnoteView.OnKeyDown(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Delete));
            m_ScrPubCtrl.PressKey(new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Delete));

            // Confirm that there is one less footnote in the book.
            Assert.AreEqual(numFootnotes - 1, james.FootnotesOS.Count);
コード例 #19
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="para"></param>
        /// <param name="iPara"></param>
        /// <param name="section"></param>
        /// <param name="iSec"></param>
        /// <param name="book"></param>
        /// <param name="iBook"></param>
        /// <param name="setupForHeading"></param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void SetupSelectionInPara(StTxtPara para, int iPara, ScrSection section,
                                         int iSec, ScrBook book, int iBook, int ich, bool setupForHeading)

            SetupRangeSelection(book, iBook, section, iSec, para, iPara, ich, setupForHeading,
                                book, iBook, section, iSec, para, iPara, ich, setupForHeading);
コード例 #20
ファイル: FootnoteView.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Clear the footnote cache before refreshing the display.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override void RefreshDisplay()

            DoSpellCheck = (EditingHelper as TeEditingHelper).ShowSpellingErrors;
コード例 #21
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ScrCheckingTokenizer"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="book">The book being parsed.</param>
 /// <param name="chapterNum">The 1-basede canonical chapter number being parse, or 0 to
 /// parse the whole book</param>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public ScrCheckingTokenizer(ScrBook book, int chapterNum)
     m_book                 = book;
     m_scr                  = (Scripture)book.Owner;
     m_chapterNum           = chapterNum;
     m_writingSystemLocales = new Dictionary <int, string>();
コード例 #22
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
 /// </summary>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public void Dispose()
     m_book           = null;
     m_currentSection = null;
     m_internalToken  = null;
     m_outerText      = null;
     m_currentScrText = null;
コード例 #23
ファイル: ParaNodeMap.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs ParaNode map using the paragraph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="para">The given paragraph.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void ConstructFromPara(StTxtPara para)
            // Get the iPara first
            m_location[kParaIndex] = para.IndexInOwner;

            // Prepare to get the others
            StText text       = new StText(para.Cache, para.OwnerHVO);
            int    hvoOwner   = para.Cache.GetOwnerOfObject(text.Hvo);
            int    ownerClass = para.Cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoOwner);

            // If the ownerClass is a book, we know that sections are not relevant
            // to this paragraph and can process accordingly
            if (ownerClass == ScrBook.kClassId)
                // If we've got a title, we can set the rest in short order
                // (we know that there are no sections)
                Debug.Assert(text.OwningFlid == (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle);
                m_location[kSectionFlidIndex] = 0;
                m_location[kSectionIndex]     = 0;
                m_location[kBookFlidIndex]    = kTitle;

                ScrBook book = new ScrBook(para.Cache, text.OwnerHVO);
                m_location[kBookIndex] = book.IndexInOwner;
            // Otherwise, we'll need to use the section data
            else if (ownerClass == ScrSection.kClassId)
                // Since we have sections, get the flid and set others based upon it
                int sectionFlid = text.OwningFlid;
                if (sectionFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
                    m_location[kSectionFlidIndex] = kHeading;
                else if (sectionFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
                    m_location[kSectionFlidIndex] = kContent;
                // If it was not one of these types, something is wrong, it's an invalid
                // flid

                ScrSection section = new ScrSection(para.Cache, text.OwnerHVO);
                m_location[kSectionIndex]  = section.IndexInOwner;
                m_location[kBookFlidIndex] = kSections;

                m_location[kBookIndex] = section.OwningBook.IndexInOwner;

            // default char offset
            m_location[kCharIndex] = 0;
コード例 #24
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the text for the specified book number.
        /// ENHANCE: For our initial implementation, we'll see how it performs if we don't
        /// do the parsing ahead of time. We'll just set up the enumerators...Parse into Tokens.
        /// The tokens are accessed via the TextTokens() method.
        /// We split this operation into two parts since we often want to create
        /// the tokens list once and then present them to several different checks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookNum">Canonical number of book, as returned in list from call to
        /// BooksPresent.</param>
        /// <param name="chapterNum">0=read whole book, else specified chapter number</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool GetText(int bookNum, int chapterNum)
            m_bookBeingChecked = (ScrBook)m_scr.FindBook(bookNum);

            SetParameterValue("Book ID", m_bookBeingChecked.BookId);
            SetParameterValue("Chapter Number", chapterNum.ToString());

コード例 #25
ファイル: FootnoteView.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a footnote
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if we handle this</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected bool OnDeleteFootnote(object args)
            if (DataUpdateMonitor.IsUpdateInProgress(DataAccess))
                return(true);                //discard this event
            if (!ValidFootnoteSelection)

            string undo;
            string redo;

            TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidUndoDelFootnote", out undo, out redo);
            using (new UndoTaskHelper(this, undo, redo, false))
                using (new DataUpdateMonitor(this, RootBox.DataAccess, this, "DeleteFootnote"))
                    SelectionHelper helper  = SelectionHelper.Create(this);
                    int             fnLevel = helper.GetLevelForTag((int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidFootnotes);

                    if (helper.Selection.IsRange)
                        // There's no range selection, so delete only one footnote
                        ScrFootnote footnote = new ScrFootnote(m_fdoCache, helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel].hvo);

                    if (RootBox.Height <= 0)
                        int     iBook     = helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel + 1].ihvo;
                        ScrBook book      = m_bookFilter.GetBook(iBook);
                        int     iFootnote = helper.LevelInfo[fnLevel].ihvo;

                        // If the last footnote in the book was deleted find a footnote to move to
                        if (iFootnote >= book.FootnotesOS.Count)
                            FindNearestFootnote(ref iBook, ref iFootnote);

                        FootnoteEditingHelper.ScrollToFootnote(iBook, iFootnote, 0);

コード例 #26
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the View Differences button. Display the Review Differences window to
        /// view/merge differences between the current scripture and selected book in the tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void m_btnDiff_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // If the selected item is not a book, then don't do a diff.
            TreeNode node = m_treeArchives.SelectedNode;

            if (node == null)

            ScrBook bookRev = node.Tag as ScrBook;

            if (bookRev == null)

            //ScrDraft archive = node.Parent.Tag as ScrDraft;

            using (BookMerger merger = new BookMerger(m_cache, m_styleSheet, bookRev))
                using (ProgressDialogWithTask progress = new ProgressDialogWithTask(this))
                    progress.Title   = DlgResources.ResourceString("kstidCompareCaption");
                    progress.Message = string.Format(
                        DlgResources.ResourceString("kstidMergeProgress"), bookRev.BestUIName);
                    progress.RunTask(true, new BackgroundTaskInvoker(merger.DetectDifferences));

                // always hide diffs that could cause deletion of current sections, if reverted

                // If there were differences detected then show the diff dialog
                if (merger.NumberOfDifferences != 0)
                    using (DiffDialog dlg = new DiffDialog(merger, m_cache, m_styleSheet, m_zoomDraft,
                        // We have to pass the owner (this), so that the dialog shows when the
                        // user clicks on the TE icon in the taskbar. Otherwise only the Archive
                        // dialog would pop up and beeps; diff dialog could only be regained by Alt-Tab.
                    // Tell users that no differences were found in the merge
                                                  bookRev.BestUIName), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
コード例 #27
ファイル: ScrSection.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves one or more paragraphs from the content of one section to the beginning of
        /// the heading of the following section. The paragraphs from the given index to the
        /// last content paragraph are moved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">the fdocache</param>
        /// <param name="book">the current book</param>
        /// <param name="iSection">index of the section we move paragraphs from</param>
        /// <param name="indexFirstPara">index of the first content paragraph to be moved</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void MoveContentParasToNextSectionHeading(FdoCache cache, ScrBook book,
                                                                int iSection, int indexFirstPara)
            Debug.Assert(iSection < book.SectionsOS.Count - 1);
            IScrSection origSection = book.SectionsOS[iSection];
            IScrSection nextSection = book.SectionsOS[iSection + 1];

            // Copy the paragraphs from the section content to the next section heading
            StText.MoveTextParagraphs(origSection.ContentOA, nextSection.HeadingOA,
                                      indexFirstPara, false);
コード例 #28
        public void PagesWithFootnotes()

            // Need VC with footnotes for this test, so we recreate one

            // Add a footnote in the last book, last section, last paragraph
            IScripture  scr      = Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            ScrBook     deut     = (ScrBook)scr.ScriptureBooksOS[scr.ScriptureBooksOS.Count - 1];
            IScrSection section  = (IScrSection)deut.SectionsOS[deut.SectionsOS.Count - 1];
            StFootnote  footnote = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddFootnote(deut,
                                                                  (StTxtPara)section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1], 10);
            StTxtPara para = m_scrInMemoryCache.AddParaToMockedText(footnote.Hvo,

            m_scrInMemoryCache.AddRunToMockedPara(para, "This is the footnote", 0);

            // Set up the publication
            m_pub.PageHeight         = 72000 * 11;         // 11 inches
            m_pub.PageWidth          = (int)(72000 * 8.5); // 8.5 inches
            m_division.TopMargin     = 36000;              // Half inch
            m_division.BottomMargin  = 18000;              // Quarter inch
            m_division.InsideMargin  = 9000;               // 1/8 inch
            m_division.OutsideMargin = 4500;               // 1/16 inch
            DummyMainLazyViewVc vc = m_division.MainVc as DummyMainLazyViewVc;

            vc.m_estBookHeight    = 2000;
            vc.m_estSectionHeight = 2000;
            m_pub.Width           = 3 * 96;   // represents a window that is 3" wide at 96 DPI
            Assert.AreEqual(14, m_pub.Pages.Count,
                            "Our estimate of book should try to fit all of Scripture on 14 pages.");

            // expand the last page
            m_pub.ScrollPosition = new Point(-m_pub.ScrollPosition.X,
                                             m_pub.AutoScrollMinSize.Height - 10);
            m_pub.PrepareToDrawPages(0, 100);

            // now expand all of the pages
            m_pub.ScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0);
            m_pub.PrepareToDrawPages(0, m_pub.AutoScrollMinSize.Height * 2);

            Page        lastPage = (Page)m_pub.Pages[m_pub.Pages.Count - 1];
            PageElement peMain   = lastPage.GetFirstElementForStream(m_division.MainLayoutStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, lastPage.PageElements.Count,
                            "Main and footnote streams should be laid out on page " + lastPage.PageNumber);
            int cFoonotesOnThisPage = (int)m_division.m_testPageFootnoteInfo[lastPage.Handle];

            Assert.Greater(cFoonotesOnThisPage, 0, "Should display at least one footnote on last page");
コード例 #29
ファイル: ScrSection.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the requested number of paragraphs from the heading of one section to the end
        /// of the content of the previous section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">the fdocache</param>
        /// <param name="book">the current book</param>
        /// <param name="iSection">index of the section we move paragraphs from</param>
        /// <param name="indexLastPara">index of the last heading paragraph to be moved</param>
        /// <returns>number of paragraphs in previous section before move (use as index
        /// of first moved paragraph)</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static int MoveHeadingToPreviousSectionContent(FdoCache cache, ScrBook book,
                                                              int iSection, int indexLastPara)
            IScrSection prevSection    = book.SectionsOS[iSection - 1];
            IScrSection origSection    = book.SectionsOS[iSection];           //this*************
            int         cInitParaCount = prevSection.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count;

            // Copy the paragraphs from the section heading to the previous section content
            StText.MoveTextParagraphs(origSection.HeadingOA, prevSection.ContentOA,
                                      indexLastPara, true);

コード例 #30
ファイル: FilteredScrBooks.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/WorldPad
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets book from list of filtered books by book ordinal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="canonicalNum">Ordinal of book - <code>ScrBook.CanonicalNum</code></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public ScrBook GetBookByOrd(int canonicalNum)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_filteredBooks.Count; i++)
         ScrBook book = new ScrBook(m_cache, m_filteredBooks[i]);
         if (book.CanonicalNum == canonicalNum)
コード例 #31
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IScrBook"/> class and adds it to
		/// the given sequence.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="booksOS">Owning sequence of books to add the new book to</param>
		/// <param name="bookNumber">Canonical book number to be inserted</param>
		/// <returns>A ScrBook object representing the newly inserted book</returns>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If this method is called with a
		/// canonical book number which is already represented in the given sequence</exception>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IScrBook Create(IFdoOwningSequence<IScrBook> booksOS, int bookNumber)
			int iBook = 0;
			foreach (var existingBook in booksOS)
				if (existingBook.CanonicalNum == bookNumber)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempting to create a Scripture book that already exists.");

				if (existingBook.CanonicalNum > bookNumber)

			IScrBook book = new ScrBook();
			booksOS.Insert(iBook, book);
			book.CanonicalNum = bookNumber;
			book.BookIdRA = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS[bookNumber - 1];
			return book;