public static List <string> Cuidados(string raca) { List <string> informacoes = new List <string>(); switch (raca) { case "scottishfold": ScottishFold sf = new ScottishFold(); informacoes.Add(sf.Nome); informacoes.Add(sf.Cuidados); break; case "persa": Persa p = new Persa(); informacoes.Add(p.Nome); informacoes.Add(p.Cuidados); break; case "russoazul": RussoAzul ra = new RussoAzul(); informacoes.Add(ra.Nome); informacoes.Add(ra.Cuidados); break; } return(informacoes); }
public static List <string> Imagens(string raca) { List <string> informacoes = new List <string>(); string imagens = ""; switch (raca) { case "scottishfold": ScottishFold sf = new ScottishFold(); informacoes.Add(sf.Nome); imagens = ";;"; informacoes.Add(imagens); break; case "persa": Persa p = new Persa(); informacoes.Add(p.Nome); imagens = ";;"; informacoes.Add(imagens); break; case "russoazul": RussoAzul ra = new RussoAzul(); informacoes.Add(ra.Nome); imagens = ";;"; informacoes.Add(imagens); break; } return(informacoes); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Instantiate objects from concrete classes ScottishFold waffles = new ScottishFold("Waffles"); Sphynx cleo = new Sphynx("Cleopatra"); MaineCoon simba = new MaineCoon("Simba"); Mouse minnie = new Mouse("Minnie"); Rat rat = new Rat("PizzaRat"); SoftShellTurtle softie = new SoftShellTurtle("Softie"); SeaTurtle wen = new SeaTurtle("Wen"); // Display properties and behaviors of all objects. Categorize them in two main loops. Concrete animals inheriting from the Cat class, Turtle class, and Rodent Class. var cats = new List <Cat> { waffles, cleo, simba }; Console.WriteLine("********************************** WELCOME TO MY CAT$$$$$$$$$$ *************************************"); foreach (var cat in cats) { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, my name is {cat.Name}. I'm a {cat.GetType().Name}."); Console.WriteLine($"Endoskeleton: {cat.Endoskeleton}"); Console.WriteLine($"Brain: {cat.Brain}"); Console.WriteLine($"Avg. Life Span in Years: {cat.AvgLifeSpanInYears}"); Console.WriteLine($"Ear type: {cat.Ears}"); Console.WriteLine($"Cuteness: {cat.Cuteness}"); Console.WriteLine($"Sleeping Pattern: {cat.Sleeps()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Activity: {cat.Plays()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Demeanor: {cat.GetDemeanor()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Has Hair: {cat.HairOnSkin}"); Console.WriteLine($"NOTE TO TOURISTS: {cat.ShouldTouristApproach()}"); Console.WriteLine($"ARE WE EDIBLE: {cat.ShouldWeEatThis()}"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } var rodents = new List <Rodent> { minnie, rat }; Console.WriteLine("**************************************** Rodents *************************************************"); foreach (var rodent in rodents) { Console.WriteLine($"I'm a {rodent.GetType().Name}."); Console.WriteLine($"Endoskelenton: {rodent.Endoskeleton}"); Console.WriteLine($"Brain: {rodent.Brain}"); Console.WriteLine($"Avg. Life Span in Years: {rodent.AvgLifeSpanInYears}."); Console.WriteLine($"Diseased: {rodent.Diseased}"); Console.WriteLine($"Sound: {rodent.MakeSound()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Has Hair: {rodent.HairOnSkin}"); Console.WriteLine($"Blood Temperature: {rodent.BloodTemperature()}"); Console.WriteLine($"ARE WE EDIBLE: {rodent.ShouldWeEatThis()}"); Console.WriteLine($"GROWS UNTIL: {rodent.GrowsUntil()}"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } var turtles = new List <Turtle> { softie, wen }; Console.WriteLine("**************************************** TURTLE$ *************************************************"); foreach (var turtle in turtles) { // Is there any way I can get the property from this turtle object's derived type SeaTurtle or SoftShellTurtle? // Is there any way I can force it to be a derived type at runtime? {turtle.Name} gives me red squigglies because I never gave implemented a name property in the abstract Turtle class. I only did that in derived classes. // I know there's a way to extract derived types from a collection with LINQ, but that means generating an entirely new collection of the subtype and iterating over that subtype collection. I'm wondering if there's a type casting we can do to extract a derived type from a base type. Console.WriteLine($"I'm a {turtle.GetType().Name}."); Console.WriteLine($"Endoskelenton: {turtle.VertebrateGretting()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Brain: {turtle.Brain}"); Console.WriteLine($"Moving Speed: {turtle.MovingSpeed}."); Console.WriteLine($"Skin Type: {turtle.GetSkinType()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Blood Temperature: {turtle.BloodTemperature()}"); Console.WriteLine($"NOTE TO TOURISTS: {turtle.ShouldTouristApproach()}"); Console.WriteLine($"ARE WE EDIBLE: {turtle.ShouldWeEatThis()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Fatty Meat: {turtle.FattyMeat}"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } }