コード例 #1
        private void insertByteArray(IIde ide)
            string @default, selected = ide.GetSelectedText();

            try { @default = ScliptingUtil.DecodeByteArray(selected).ToHex(); }
            catch { @default = ""; }
            var line = InputBox.GetLine("Type a byte array to insert (in hexdump format; two hexadecimal digits per byte):", @default, "Esoteric IDE", "&OK", "&Cancel");

            if (line != null)
                try { ide.InsertText(ScliptingUtil.EncodeByteArray(line.FromHex())); }
                catch { DlgMessage.Show("The text you entered is not valid hexadecimal. Please ensure that you enter an even number of characters 0-9/a-f.", "Esoteric IDE", DlgType.Error, "&OK"); }
コード例 #2
        private void insertInteger(IIde ide)
            string @default, selected = ide.GetSelectedText();

                if (selected.Length == 1 && selected[0] >= 0xbc00 && selected[0] <= 0xd7a3)
                    @default = (0xbbff - selected[0]).ToString();
                    @default = new BigInteger(new byte[] { 0 }.Concat(ScliptingUtil.DecodeByteArray(selected)).Reverse().ToArray()).ToString();
            catch { @default = "0"; }
            var line = InputBox.GetLine("Type an integer to insert (must be greater than −7077):", @default, "Esoteric IDE", "&OK", "&Cancel");

            if (line != null)
                BigInteger i;
                if (BigInteger.TryParse(line, out i) && (i >= -7076))
                    if (i < 0)
                        ide.InsertText(((char)(0xbbff - i)).ToString());
                        ide.InsertText(ScliptingUtil.EncodeByteArray(i.ToByteArray().Reverse().SkipWhile(b => b == 0).DefaultIfEmpty().ToArray()));
                    DlgMessage.Show("The integer you typed is not a valid literal integer for Sclipting. Literal integers must be greater than −7077.", "Esoteric IDE", DlgType.Error, "&OK");
コード例 #3
        private void insertString(IIde ide)
            string @default, selected = ide.GetSelectedText();

                if (selected.Length == 1 && selected[0] >= 0xbc00 && selected[0] <= 0xd7a3)
                    @default = (0xbbff - selected[0]).ToString();
                    @default = ScliptingUtil.DecodeByteArray(selected).FromUtf8().CLiteralEscape();
            catch { @default = "\\n"; }
            var line = InputBox.GetLine("Type a string to insert (in C-escaped format; backslashes must be escaped):", @default, "Esoteric IDE", "&OK", "&Cancel");

            if (line != null)
                try { ide.InsertText(ScliptingUtil.EncodeByteArray(line.CLiteralUnescape().ToUtf8())); }
                catch { DlgMessage.Show("The string you typed is not a valid C-escaped string. Please ensure that your backslashes are escaped.", "Esoteric IDE", DlgType.Error, "&OK"); }
コード例 #4
        public override string GetInfo(string source, int cursorPos)
            if (cursorPos < 0 || cursorPos >= source.Length || source[cursorPos] < 0x100)

            if (source[cursorPos] >= 0xac00 && source[cursorPos] <= 0xbc0f)
                var index = cursorPos;

                // Go to the beginning of this sequence of Hangeul
                while (index > 0 && source[index - 1] >= 0xac00 && source[index - 1] < 0xbc10)

                while (true)
                    if (source[index] >= 0xbc00 && index == cursorPos)
                        goto negNum;
                    else if (source[index] >= 0xbc00)

                    var origIndex = index;
                    var hangeul   = Parser.ParseByteArrayToken(source, index);
                    index += hangeul.Length;
                    if (cursorPos >= origIndex && cursorPos < index)
                            var array = ScliptingUtil.DecodeByteArray(hangeul);
                            return("Byte array: {0} = {{ {1} }} = “{2}” = {3}".Fmt(hangeul, array.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")).JoinString(" "), array.FromUtf8().CLiteralEscape(), ScliptingUtil.ToInt(array)));
                        catch (CompileException ce)
                            return("Error while decoding byte array: " + ce.Message);
                    else if (index > cursorPos)
                        throw new InternalErrorException("This cannot happen.");

            if (source[cursorPos] >= 0xbc00 && source[cursorPos] <= 0xd7a3)
                return("Negative number: {0}".Fmt(0xbbff - source[cursorPos]));

            if (ListStringElementNode.Characters.Contains(source[cursorPos]))
                return("List/string manipulation: {0} ({1}) — {2}".Fmt(
                           new ListStringElementNode(source[cursorPos], cursorPos).Explain()));

            var attribute = typeof(Instruction).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                            .Select(f => f.GetCustomAttributes <InstructionAttribute>().FirstOrDefault())
                            .Where(attr => attr != null && attr.Character == source[cursorPos])

            if (attribute != null)
                return("{3}: {0} ({1}) — {2}".Fmt(attribute.Character, attribute.Engrish, attribute.Description,
                                                  attribute.Type == NodeType.BlockHead ? "Block head instruction" :
                                                  attribute.Type == NodeType.BlockElse ? "Block else instruction" :
                                                  attribute.Type == NodeType.BlockEnd ? "Block end instruction" : "Instruction"));

            string description;
            string instructionType = "Stack instruction:";

            if (source[cursorPos] >= '①' && source[cursorPos] <= '⑳')
                description = "Copy {0}th item from bottom.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '①' + 1);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '㉑' && source[cursorPos] <= '㉟')
                description = "Copy {0}th item from bottom.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '㉑' + 21);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '㊱' && source[cursorPos] <= '㊿')
                description = "Copy {0}th item from bottom.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '㊱' + 36);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '⓵' && source[cursorPos] <= '⓾')
                description = "Move {0}th item from top.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '⓵' + 1);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '❶' && source[cursorPos] <= '❿')
                description = "Copy {0}th item from top.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '❶' + 1);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '⓫' && source[cursorPos] <= '⓴')
                description = "Copy {0}th item from top.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '⓫' + 1);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '⑴' && source[cursorPos] <= '⒇')
                description = "Move {0}th item from bottom.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '⑴' + 1);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= '⒈' && source[cursorPos] <= '⒛')
                description = "Swap top item with {0}th item from bottom.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - '⒈' + 1);
            else if (source[cursorPos] >= 'Ⓐ' && source[cursorPos] <= 'Ⓩ')
                instructionType = "Regex instruction:";
                description     = "Push content of the {0}th regex capturing parenthesis.".Fmt(source[cursorPos] - 'Ⓐ' + 1);
            return("{2} {0} — {1}".Fmt(source[cursorPos], description, instructionType));