private static SchemaRule NewRule(SchemaRule_Kind kind, long id, int labelId, ByteBuffer buffer) { switch (kind.innerEnumValue) { case SchemaRule_Kind.InnerEnum.INDEX_RULE: return(ReadIndexRule(id, false, labelId, buffer)); case SchemaRule_Kind.InnerEnum.CONSTRAINT_INDEX_RULE: return(ReadIndexRule(id, true, labelId, buffer)); case SchemaRule_Kind.InnerEnum.UNIQUENESS_CONSTRAINT: return(ReadUniquenessConstraintRule(id, labelId, buffer)); case SchemaRule_Kind.InnerEnum.NODE_PROPERTY_EXISTENCE_CONSTRAINT: return(ReadNodePropertyExistenceConstraintRule(id, labelId, buffer)); case SchemaRule_Kind.InnerEnum.RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTY_EXISTENCE_CONSTRAINT: return(ReadRelPropertyExistenceConstraintRule(id, labelId, buffer)); default: throw new System.ArgumentException(; } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: static org.neo4j.storageengine.api.schema.SchemaRule deserialize(long id, int labelId, byte kindByte, ByteBuffer buffer) throws org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.exceptions.schema.MalformedSchemaRuleException internal static SchemaRule Deserialize(long id, int labelId, sbyte kindByte, ByteBuffer buffer) { SchemaRule_Kind kind = SchemaRule_Kind.forId(kindByte); try { SchemaRule rule = NewRule(kind, id, labelId, buffer); if (null == rule) { throw new MalformedSchemaRuleException(null, "Deserialized null schema rule for id %d with kind %s", id,; } return(rule); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MalformedSchemaRuleException(e, "Could not deserialize schema rule for id %d with kind %s", id,; } }