コード例 #1
        private void ConvertRowToSchemaColumns(ref SchemaFieldDefinition fd, DataRow row, DbConnection connection)
            // Helper function to convert schema information (in a DataRow variable) into our own format
            if (connection is OdbcConnection)
                // ODBC
                    fd.name = (string)row[m_utilsODBC.Schema_Columns_ODBC_Name];

                    // For ODBC data types, preferentially use "TYPE_NAME" to determine the field type. ODBC must work
                    // across multiple data sources and the mappings from underlying SQL data types to ODBC type
                    // identifiers are only approximate.
                    // Note: The "DATA_TYPE" column for ODBC data sources is actually an Int16
                    fd.type = Convert.ToInt32(row[m_utilsODBC.Schema_Columns_ODBC_Type]);

                    fd.typeName = (string)row[m_utilsODBC.Schema_Columns_ODBC_TypeName];
                    fd.size     = (int)row[m_utilsODBC.Schema_Columns_ODBC_Size];
                    fd.nullable = (string)row[m_utilsODBC.Schema_Columns_ODBC_Nullable];
                catch (Exception ex)
                                          this.ToString(), System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message));
                    fd.name = "(name)";

                    // The value contained in COUNTER or INTEGER columns is "4", but the value of "4" in
                    // System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType is "Char" (and the "Int" type is "10"). These appear to be different
                    // types...to be investigated.
                    fd.type = (int)OdbcType.Int;

                    fd.typeName = "(type)";
                    fd.size     = -1;
                    fd.nullable = "(nullable)";
            else if (connection is OleDbConnection)
                // OleDB
                    fd.name = (string)row[m_utilsOleDB.Schema_Columns_OleDB_Name];
                    fd.type = (int)row[m_utilsOleDB.Schema_Columns_OleDB_Type];
                    if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(OleDbType), fd.type))
                        fd.typeName = ((OleDbType)fd.type).ToString();

                    // Note:
                    // NUMERIC_PRECISION            => Int32
                    // CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH     => Int64
                    // DATETIME_PRECISION           => Int64
                    fd.size     = Convert.ToInt32(row[m_utilsOleDB.GetOleDBTypeSchemaSizeColumn(fd.type)]);
                    fd.nullable = Convert.ToString(row[m_utilsOleDB.Schema_Columns_OleDB_Nullable]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                                          this.ToString(), System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message));
                    fd.name     = "(name)";
                    fd.type     = (int)OleDbType.Integer;
                    fd.typeName = "(type)";
                    fd.size     = -1;
                    fd.nullable = "(nullable)";
コード例 #2
        private void GetSchemaColumns(ref List <string> columns, DbConnection connection, string table)
            // Retrieve "Columns" schema information, which differs between connection types. To see all columns,
            // use "GetSchemaColumnsFull".

            #region Schema details
            // See the "Data type conversions" section for conversion of the ODBC "TYPE_NAME" or OleDB "DATA_TYPE" to .NET types

            /* ### OdbcConnection ###
             * See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/odbc-schema-collections
             * ColumnName                  DataType    Description
             * TABLE_CAT                   String      Name of database (eg. C:\Apps\Data\Northwind 97)
             * TABLE_SCHEM                 String      ?
             * TABLE_NAME                  String      Name of table to which this column belongs (eg. Products)
             * COLUMN_NAME                 String      Field name (eg. ProductID)
             * DATA_TYPE                   Int16       Data type as a numerical code (eg. "4" representing COUNTER or INTEGER)
             * TYPE_NAME                   String      Data type as a string (eg. "COUNTER")
             * COLUMN_SIZE                 Int32       Set by the data type, except VARCHAR and NVARCHAR (eg. 1 for BIT, 10 for INTEGER, etc)
             * BUFFER_LENGTH               Int32       As above (eg. 1 for BIT, 2 for SMALLINT, 4 for INTEGER, 21 for CURRENCY, etc)
             * DECIMAL_DIGITS              Int16       Null for string types and 0 for integral types
             * NUM_PREC_RADIX              Int16       ? (Appears to be the base for numerical fields)
             * NULLABLE                    Int16       Does this field allow null values? 0 for the key column.
             * REMARKS                     String      Description of field
             * COLUMN_DEF                  String      ?
             * SQL_DATA_TYPE               Int16       Appears to be the same as DATA_TYPE
             * SQL_DATETIME_SUB            Int16       Appears to be 3 for fields of type "DATETIME", otherwise null
             * CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH           Int32       Appears to be the same as BUFFER_LENGTH for non-integral types
             * ORDINAL_POSITION            Int32       Column number (eg. 1)
             * IS_NULLABLE                 String      Does this field allow null values as string? NO for the key column.
             * ORDINAL                     ?           Column number (eg. 1)
             * Note: Schema information may differ between ODBC drivers */

            /* ### OleDbConnection ###
             * See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/ole-db-schema-collections
             * ColumnName                  DataType    Description
             * TABLE_CATALOG               String      ?
             * TABLE_SCHEMA                String      ?
             * TABLE_NAME                  String      Name of table to which this column belongs (eg. Products)
             * COLUMN_NAME                 String      Field name (eg. HireDate)
             * COLUMN_GUID                 Guid        ?
             * COLUMN_PROPID               Int64       ?
             * ORDINAL_POSITION            Int64       Column number (eg. 1)
             * COLUMN_HASDEFAULT           Boolean     Mostly null. If available, then COLUMN_DEFAULT will have a value.
             * COLUMN_DEFAULT              String      Mostly empty. If available, the default value for the field.
             * COLUMN_FLAGS                Int64       ?
             * IS_NULLABLE                 Boolean     Does this field allow null values? False for the key column.
             * DATA_TYPE                   Int32       Numerical value representing the data type (eg. 130 for "WChar" or string)
             * TYPE_GUID                   Guid        ?
             * CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH    Int64       Null for integral types. Number of characters for non-integral types.
             * CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH      Int64       If available, appears to be double CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
             * NUMERIC_PRECISION           Int32       Set by the data type, analogous to OdbcConnection::COLUMN_SIZE
             * NUMERIC_SCALE               Int16       ?
             * DATETIME_PRECISION          Int64       Mostly null. If available, appears to indicate the field of type "Date".
             * CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG       String      ?
             * CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA        String      ?
             * CHARACTER_SET_NAME          String      ?
             * COLLATION_CATALOG           String      ?
             * COLLATION_SCHEMA            String      ?
             * COLLATION_NAME              String      ?
             * DOMAIN_CATALOG              String      ?
             * DOMAIN_SCHEMA               String      ?
             * DOMAIN_NAME                 String      ?
             * DESCRIPTION                 String      Description of field */
            #endregion // Schema details

            #region Data type conversions

            /*          DAO                 ODBC                OleDB                   C#          VB
             *          TypeName    Type    TypeName    Type    TypeName        Type
             *          ================    ================    ====================    ===================
             * String      Text        10      VARCHAR     -9      WChar           130     string      String
             *          Memo        1       LONGCHAR    -1      WChar           130     string      String
             * Integer     Boolean     1       BIT         -7      Boolean         11      bool        Boolean
             *          Byte        2       BYTE        -6      UnsignedTinyInt 17      byte        Byte
             *          Integer     3       SMALLINT    5       SmallInt        2       short       Short
             *          Long        4       INTEGER     4       Integer         3       int         Integer
             * Float       Single      6       REAL        7       Single          4       float       Single
             *          Double      7       DOUBLE      8       Double          5       double      Double
             *          Currency    5       CURRENCY    2       Currency        6       decimal     Decimal
             * DateTime    Date        8       DATETIME    93      Date            7       DateTime    Date
             * Other       LongBinary  11      LONGBINARY  -4      Binary          128     ?           ? */
            #endregion // Data type conversions

            // Specify the Catalog, Schema, Table Name, Column Name to get the specified column(s)
            // * Index 0 represents Catalog
            // * Index 1 represents Schema
            // * Index 2 represents Table Name
            // * Index 3 represents Column Name
            SchemaFieldDefinition fd    = new SchemaFieldDefinition();
            string[] columnRestrictions = new String[4];
            columnRestrictions[2] = table;
            DataTable schemaColumns = connection.GetSchema(Schema_Columns, columnRestrictions);
            if (schemaColumns.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in schemaColumns.Rows)
                    ConvertRowToSchemaColumns(ref fd, row, connection);

                    // Alternatively, you code it right here:

                    /*if (connection is OdbcConnection)
                     * {
                     *  // ODBC
                     *  columns.Add(string.Format(Schema_Header_Column_Formatting,
                     *      row[Schema_Columns_ODBC_Name],
                     *      row[Schema_Columns_ODBC_Type],
                     *      row[Schema_Columns_ODBC_TypeName],
                     *      row[Schema_Columns_ODBC_Size],
                     *      row[Schema_Columns_ODBC_Nullable]));
                     * }
                     * (etc) */