コード例 #1
        public void UpdateScheduleDateAndTime(int id, ScheduleDateAndTimeDto ScheduleDateAndTimeDto)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            var scheduleDateAndTimeInDb = _context.ScheduleDateAndTime.SingleOrDefault(c => c.id == id);

            if (scheduleDateAndTimeInDb == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            /*Both the "ScheduleDateAndTimeDto" and "scheduleDateAndTimeInDb" gets passed into the mapper method
             * This automatically maps the database object to the dto object properties.  it says i want to equal the
             * properties inputed by the user to the database properties.
            Mapper.Map <ScheduleDateAndTimeDto, ScheduleDateAndTime>(ScheduleDateAndTimeDto, scheduleDateAndTimeInDb);

コード例 #2
        [HttpPost] //This is needed as you're creating a resource
        public IHttpActionResult CreateScheduleDateAndTime(ScheduleDateAndTimeDto ScheduleDateAndTimeDto)
            //if what the user has enetered is not valid
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            /*To allow the user to add a new dataAndTime using this mapper method below. the
             * "ScheduleDateAndTimeDto" object is passed to the mapper method to be converted from Dto to domain object
             * This then gets saved in a variable called "ScheduleDateAndTime"
            var ScheduleDateAndTime = Mapper.Map <ScheduleDateAndTimeDto, ScheduleDateAndTime>(ScheduleDateAndTimeDto);

            //the variable "ScheduleDateAndTime" gets added to the database and then saved

            //an Id is generated in the database and needs to be returned to the user by converting it into the dto object
            ScheduleDateAndTimeDto.id = ScheduleDateAndTime.id;

            //dto object is returned to the user
            return(Created(new Uri(Request.RequestUri + "/" + ScheduleDateAndTime.id), ScheduleDateAndTimeDto));