コード例 #1
        //New schedule
        public async Task <int> Create(ScheduleContainer schedule)
            if (schedule == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            var now = DateTime.Now;

            if (!AllowCreate(now))
                throw new BussinessException("Not accepting new schedule at the moment.");
            await ThrowIfCheckFail(schedule);

            var posSchedule = schedule.ToPosSchedule();

            //User submited schedule
            posSchedule.AutoFill   = false;
            posSchedule.SubmitTime = now;
            await DbContext.PosSchedule.AddAsync(posSchedule);

            await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromBody] ScheduleContainer schedule)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var id = await _service.Create(schedule);

            catch (BussinessException ex) //Fail bussiness check
            catch (DbUpdateException ex)
                Helper.Utility.LogException(ex, _logger);
                return(BadRequest("System error."));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                Helper.Utility.LogException(ex, _logger);
                return(BadRequest("System error."));
コード例 #3
 public void UpdateSchedule(ScheduleContainer scheduleContainer)
     if (scheduleContainer is null)
         throw new Exception("Schedule container hasn't set");
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: TomonoriSoejima/es_client
        public static void put_watcher_sample(ElasticClient client)
            // action
            var action = new LoggingAction("mylog")
                Text  = "some node is down",
                Level = LogLevel.Info

            ConditionContainer condition = new AlwaysCondition();

            var my_http = new HttpInputRequest
                Host   = "localhost",
                Port   = 9200,
                Path   = "_cat/nodes",
                Method = HttpInputMethod.Get

            var input = new HttpInput
                Request = my_http

            var hourly = new HourlySchedule();

            int[] intNumbers = new int[] { 30 };
            hourly.Minute = intNumbers;

            var trigger = new ScheduleContainer
                Hourly = hourly

            var             id           = "status-check";
            PutWatchRequest watchRequest = new PutWatchRequest(id)
                Actions   = action,
                Condition = condition,
                Input     = input,
                Trigger   = trigger

            PutWatchResponse response = client.Watcher.Put(watchRequest);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if schedule sastisfies bussines logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduleContainer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task ThrowIfCheckFail(ScheduleContainer scheduleContainer)
            var userId = UserId;

            if (scheduleContainer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"Param: {nameof(scheduleContainer)} is null.");
            var emptyDefine = scheduleContainer.Schedules.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Shift == null || s.User == null);

            if (emptyDefine != null)
                throw new BussinessException($"Some shift details missing shift/user definition");
            //Check format valid
            if (!scheduleContainer.CheckBasicFormat(out string formatReason))
                throw new BussinessException(formatReason);
            //Every day of month must have shifts defined
            var missing = scheduleContainer.DaysInMonthRange.Select(d => d.Day).Except(scheduleContainer.Schedules.Select(s => s.Day));

            if (missing.Any())
                throw new BussinessException($"Missing shift for days: {string.Concat(missing.Select(s => s.ToString("dd") + " "))}");
            //Check logic/bussiness valid
            //Find any dupicate of same ShiftDate-ShiftId-UserId
            var dupFound =
                from s in scheduleContainer.Schedules
                group s by new {
            } into g
            select g;
            int    dupCount = dupFound.Count(g => g.Count() > 1);

            if (dupCount > 0)
                throw new BussinessException($"Duplicate of exact same detail count: {dupCount}");
            //Check if this POS is manage by this user
            if (!DbContext.Pos.Any(p => p.PosId == scheduleContainer.TargetPos))
                throw new BussinessException($"Target pos: {scheduleContainer.TargetPos} is not managed by user id: {userId}");
            //Get all shift of POS
            var shiftsOfPos = await DbContext.PosShift
                              .Where(ps => ps.PosId == scheduleContainer.TargetPos)
                              .Select(ps => ps.Shift)

            if (!shiftsOfPos.Any())
                throw new BussinessException($"Cant find any shifts of target pos: {scheduleContainer.TargetPos}");
            var groupByDate = scheduleContainer.Schedules.GroupBy(s => s.Day);

            //Every day must have number shift defined equals to number of shift the POS has
            //For ex: POS123 have 4 shift, every day of schedule must have 4 shift schedule defined
            //Also if detail contains ShiftId that are not defined in PosShift of the POS then -> not valid
            //All shift ids of POS must have 1 match
            //ShiftId of POS except shiftid of day if any then not all are defined
            if (groupByDate.Any(g => shiftsOfPos
                                .Select(shiftId2 => shiftId2.ShiftId)
                                .Except(g.Select(s => s.Shift.ShiftId))
                throw new BussinessException($"Some shift ids are not valid or POS does not have this shift");
            //Check all user id of shift detail are managed by current user
            //Get all user under this user management
            var managedUserIds = await DbContext.AppUser
                                 .Where(u => u.ManagerId == userId)
                                 .Select(u => u.UserId)

            if (!managedUserIds.Any())
                throw new BussinessException($"UserId: {userId} have no users under management");
            //Group by all user ids of schedule
            var groupByUserId = scheduleContainer.Schedules
                                .GroupBy(s => s.User.UserId)
                                .Select(u => u.First().User.UserId);
            var notUnderManaged = groupByUserId.Except(managedUserIds);

            if (notUnderManaged.Any())
                throw new BussinessException($"User ids: {string.Concat(notUnderManaged.Select(u => u + " "))} are not managed by: {userId}");
            //Check if this specific schedule Month/Year has been defined
            if (DbContext.PosSchedule.Any(
                    s => s.Pos.PosId == scheduleContainer.TargetPos &&
                    s.MonthYear.Month == scheduleContainer.MonthYear.Month &&
                    s.MonthYear.Year == scheduleContainer.MonthYear.Year))
                throw new BussinessException($"Schedule: {scheduleContainer.MonthYear.ToString("MM/yyyy")} of POS: {scheduleContainer.TargetPos} has already been defined");
コード例 #6
ファイル: ScheduleScreen.cs プロジェクト: omkelderman/osu
        private void matchChanged(ValueChangedEvent <TournamentMatch> match)
            var upcoming     = ladder.Matches.Where(p => !p.Completed.Value && p.Team1.Value != null && p.Team2.Value != null && Math.Abs(p.Date.Value.DayOfYear - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DayOfYear) < 4);
            var conditionals = ladder
                               .Matches.Where(p => !p.Completed.Value && (p.Team1.Value == null || p.Team2.Value == null) && Math.Abs(p.Date.Value.DayOfYear - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DayOfYear) < 4)
                               .SelectMany(m => m.ConditionalMatches.Where(cp => m.Acronyms.TrueForAll(a => cp.Acronyms.Contains(a))));

            upcoming = upcoming.Concat(conditionals);
            upcoming = upcoming.OrderBy(p => p.Date.Value).Take(8);

            ScheduleContainer comingUpNext;

            mainContainer.Child = new FillFlowContainer
                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                Direction        = FillDirection.Vertical,
                Children         = new Drawable[]
                    new Container
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        Height           = 0.74f,
                        Child            = new FillFlowContainer
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Direction        = FillDirection.Horizontal,
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                                new ScheduleContainer("recent matches")
                                    RelativeSizeAxes   = Axes.Both,
                                    Width              = 0.4f,
                                    ChildrenEnumerable = ladder.Matches
                                                         .Where(p => p.Completed.Value && p.Team1.Value != null && p.Team2.Value != null &&
                                                                Math.Abs(p.Date.Value.DayOfYear - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DayOfYear) < 4)
                                                         .OrderByDescending(p => p.Date.Value)
                                                         .Select(p => new ScheduleMatch(p))
                                new ScheduleContainer("upcoming matches")
                                    RelativeSizeAxes   = Axes.Both,
                                    Width              = 0.6f,
                                    ChildrenEnumerable = upcoming.Select(p => new ScheduleMatch(p))
                    comingUpNext = new ScheduleContainer("coming up next")
                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                        Height           = 0.25f,

            if (match.NewValue != null)
                comingUpNext.Child = new FillFlowContainer
                    AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Direction    = FillDirection.Horizontal,
                    Spacing      = new Vector2(30),
                    Children     = new Drawable[]
                        new ScheduleMatch(match.NewValue, false)
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                        new TournamentSpriteTextWithBackground(match.NewValue.Round.Value?.Name.Value)
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Scale  = new Vector2(0.5f)
                        new TournamentSpriteText
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Text   = match.NewValue.Team1.Value?.FullName + " vs " + match.NewValue.Team2.Value?.FullName,
                            Font   = OsuFont.Torus.With(size: 24, weight: FontWeight.SemiBold)
                        new FillFlowContainer
                            AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                            Direction    = FillDirection.Horizontal,
                            Anchor       = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin       = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Children     = new Drawable[]
                                new ScheduleMatchDate(match.NewValue.Date.Value)
                                    Font = OsuFont.Torus.With(size: 24, weight: FontWeight.Regular)