コード例 #1
        public static string getschsub(string schid)
            string ret = "";

            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <Com.DataPack.UserInfo> rsp = Com.Public.UserFuncSoure(Com.SoureSession.jsid, Com.SoureSession.jstoken);
            if (rsp.code == "ERROR_TOKEN")
                ret = "expire";
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub SchSubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                DataTable            dtschsub  = SchSubBll.GetList("SubName", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                if (dtschsub.Rows.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sbSubName = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (DataRow drSubName in dtschsub.Rows)
                        sbSubName.Append(drSubName["SubName"] + "、");
                    ret = sbSubName.ToString().Substring(0, sbSubName.Length - 1);
コード例 #2
        //public string schclassinfo = "";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Request.Params["schid"] != null && Request.Params["schid"].ToString() != "")
                    schid = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["schid"].ToString());

                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub SchSubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                DataTable            dtschsub  = SchSubBll.GetList("SubName", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "' order by SubCode").Tables[0];
                if (dtschsub.Rows.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sbSubName = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (DataRow drSubName in dtschsub.Rows)
                        sbSubName.Append(drSubName["SubName"] + "、");
                    schsubname = sbSubName.ToString().Substring(0, sbSubName.Length - 1);

                SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo SchGradeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                DataTable dtschgrade = SchGradeBll.GetList("GradeId,GradeYear,GradeName", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "' Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
                schgradeinfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschgrade);

                //SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo SchClassBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
                //DataTable dtschclass = SchClassBll.GetList("ClassId,GradeId,ClassName", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                //schclassinfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschclass);
コード例 #3
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Request.Params["schid"] != null && Request.Params["schid"].ToString() != "")
         schid = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["schid"].ToString());
         SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgiBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
         DataTable dtSchGrade = sgiBLL.GetList(" IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "' order by GradeCode").Tables[0];//得到年级数据列表,并且是为非毕业的年级
         SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers sguBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers();
         if (dtSchGrade.Rows.Count > 0)
             for (int i = 0; i < dtSchGrade.Rows.Count; i++)
                 dtSchGrade.Rows[i]["GradeBoss"] = sguBLL.GetNames("GradeId=" + dtSchGrade.Rows[i]["GradeId"].ToString());
         grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtSchGrade);
         SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
         DataSet dsSchSub = schsubBll.GetList("Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'");
         subs = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dsSchSub);
         SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader scuBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader();
         DataSet dssubUser = scuBll.GetListTecSub("*", "schid='" + schid + "' and Stat=1");
         subUser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dssubUser);
         SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo suiBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
         DataSet dsSUI = suiBll.GetList("*", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'");
         tecs = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dsSUI);
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加科目
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="selsubs"></param>
 /// <param name="schid"></param>
 public static void subAdd(string selsubs, int schid)
     if (selsubs != "")
         SchSystem.BLL.SchSub subbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
         subbll.DoSchSubs(Com.Session.userid, schid.ToString(), selsubs);//SchWebAdmin.Com.Session.userid
コード例 #5
        public static string getSearch(string schid, string gradecode, string subcode, string ustat)
            schid     = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid);
            gradecode = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(gradecode);
            subcode   = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(subcode);
            ustat     = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
            string ret = "";

            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <Com.DataPack.UserInfo> rsp = Com.Public.UserFuncSoure(Com.SoureSession.jsid, Com.SoureSession.jstoken);
            if (rsp.code == "ERROR_TOKEN")
                ret = "expire";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgiBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                    DataTable dtSchGrade = sgiBLL.GetList(" IsFinish=0 and SchId=" + schid + " order by GradeCode").Tables[0];//得到年级数据列表,并且是为非毕业的年级
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers sguBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers();
                    if (dtSchGrade.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtSchGrade.Rows.Count; i++)
                            dtSchGrade.Rows[i]["GradeBoss"] = sguBLL.GetNames("GradeId=" + dtSchGrade.Rows[i]["GradeId"].ToString());
                    //grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtSchGrade);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                    DataSet dsSchSub = schsubBll.GetList("Stat=1 and SchId=" + schid);
                    //subs = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dsSchSub);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader scuBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader();
                    DataSet dssubUser = scuBll.GetListTecSub("*", "schid='" + schid + "' and Stat=1");
                    //subUser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dssubUser);

                    searchgradsub ds = new searchgradsub();
                    ds.grade  = dtSchGrade;
                    ds.subs   = dsSchSub;
                    ds.subtec = dssubUser;
                    ret       = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret = ex.Message;
コード例 #6
        public static string GetSubName(string subcode, string schid)
            string ret = "";

            SchSystem.BLL.SchSub subbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
            DataTable            dt     = subbll.GetList("SubName", "SchId=" + schid + " and stat=1 and subcode=" + subcode).Tables[0];

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ret = dt.Rows[0]["SubName"].ToString();
コード例 #7
        public static string getschsub(string schid)
            string ret = "";

            SchSystem.BLL.SchSub SchSubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
            DataTable            dtschsub  = SchSubBll.GetList("SubName", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];

            if (dtschsub.Rows.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sbSubName = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (DataRow drSubName in dtschsub.Rows)
                    sbSubName.Append(drSubName["SubName"] + "、");
                ret = sbSubName.ToString().Substring(0, sbSubName.Length - 1);
コード例 #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                islook = true;
                if (Com.Session.appeditstat == "0" && Com.Session.systype == "1")
                    isadd  = false;
                    isedit = false;
                    isdel  = false;
                    isadd  = true;
                    isedit = true;
                    isdel  = true;
                if (Com.Session.systype != "2")
                    schid = Com.Session.schid;
                    StringBuilder sbarea = new StringBuilder();
                    sbarea.Append("省:<select id=\"aprov\">");
                    string sareacode = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("0", "", ref sareacode, false));
                    sbarea.Append("市:<select id=\"acity\">");
                    string sareacitycode = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("1", sareacode, ref sareacitycode, false));
                    sbarea.Append("区:<select id=\"acoty\">");
                    string sareacotycode = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("2", sareacitycode, ref sareacotycode, false));
                    cotycode = sareacotycode;
                    sbarea.Append("学校:<select id=\"asch\">");
                    string sareaschid = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("3", sareacotycode, ref sareaschid, false));
                    if (sareaschid != "")
                        schid = sareaschid;
                    areastr = sbarea.ToString();

                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub SchSubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                DataTable            dtschsub  = SchSubBll.GetList("SubName", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                if (dtschsub.Rows.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sbSubName = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (DataRow drSubName in dtschsub.Rows)
                        sbSubName.Append(drSubName["SubName"] + "、");
                    schsubname = sbSubName.ToString().Substring(0, sbSubName.Length - 1);

                SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo SchGradeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                DataTable dtschgrade = SchGradeBll.GetList("GradeId,GradeYear,GradeName", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "' Order by GradeCode ASC").Tables[0];
                schgradeinfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschgrade);

                //SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo SchClassBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
                //DataTable dtschclass = SchClassBll.GetList("ClassId,GradeId,ClassName", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                //schclassinfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschclass);
コード例 #9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string jsid    = Request.Params["sid"].ToString();
            string jstoken = Request.Params["token"].ToString();

            Com.SoureSession.jsid    = jsid;
            Com.SoureSession.jstoken = jstoken;
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <Com.DataPack.UserInfo> rsp = Com.Public.UserFuncSoure(jsid, jstoken);
            if (rsp.code == "ERROR_TOKEN")
            else if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Com.SoureSession.Souresystype == "1" || Com.SoureSession.Souresystype == "2")//超级管理员和学校管理员
                    islook = true;
                    if (Com.SoureSession.Souresystype == "1")
                        isadd  = false;
                        isedit = false;
                        isdel  = false;
                        isadd  = true;
                        isedit = true;
                        isdel  = true;
                    isadd  = false;
                    isedit = false;
                    isdel  = false;
                    islook = true;//学科/年级/班级任课权限
                //isGradeClassAuth = Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 2) ? true : false;//学科/年级/班级任课权限

                if (Com.SoureSession.Souresystype != "2")
                    schid = Com.SoureSession.Soureschid;
                    StringBuilder sbarea = new StringBuilder();
                    sbarea.Append("省:<select id=\"aprov\">");
                    string sareacode = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("0", "", ref sareacode, false));
                    sbarea.Append("市:<select id=\"acity\">");
                    string sareacitycode = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("1", sareacode, ref sareacitycode, false));
                    sbarea.Append("区:<select id=\"acoty\">");
                    string sareacotycode = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("2", sareacitycode, ref sareacotycode, false));
                    cotycode = sareacotycode;
                    sbarea.Append("学校:<select id=\"asch\">");
                    string sareaschid = "";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("3", sareacotycode, ref sareaschid, false));
                    if (sareaschid != "")
                        schid = sareaschid;
                    areastr = sbarea.ToString();
                    systype = Com.SoureSession.Souresystype;
                // SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgiBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                //DataSet dsSchGrade = sgiBll.GetList("IsFinish=0 and SchId=" + schid);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgiBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                DataTable dtSchGrade = sgiBLL.GetList(" IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "' order by GradeCode").Tables[0];//得到年级数据列表,并且是为非毕业的年级
                SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers sguBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeUsers();
                if (dtSchGrade.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtSchGrade.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dtSchGrade.Rows[i]["GradeBoss"] = sguBLL.GetNames("GradeId=" + dtSchGrade.Rows[i]["GradeId"].ToString());
                grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtSchGrade);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                DataSet dsSchSub = schsubBll.GetList("Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'");
                subs = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dsSchSub);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader scuBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader();
                DataSet dssubUser = scuBll.GetListTecSub("*", "schid='" + schid + "' and Stat=1");
                subUser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dssubUser);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo suiBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
                DataSet dsSUI = suiBll.GetList("*", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "'");
                tecs = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dsSUI);
コード例 #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (true)//如果没对应权限,及判断用户类型是否跨界,主要防止非法篡改数据出现
            //    Response.Write("无对应权限");
            //    Response.End();
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Com.Session.systype != "2")
                    schid   = Com.Session.schid;
                    systype = "0";
                    schid = Request.Params["schid"].ToString();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid))//如果没有对应参数中任意一个
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                dotype = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["dotype"].ToString());
                string subid = "0"; //修改时的用户ID
                string uname = "";  //修改时的用户账号
                if (dotype == "e")  //修改,不能修改用户的类型及学校参数
                    btnname = "保存";
                    subid   = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["subid"].ToString());
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subid))
                    SchSystem.Model.SchSub ssModel = ssBll.GetModelSub(subid, schid);
                    if (ssModel != null && ssModel.SubId > 0)
                        umodelstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ssModel);
                        schid     = ssModel.SchId.ToString();
                if (!Com.Public.isVa(schid, systype))
                SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo schbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                schname = schbll.GetSchName(int.Parse(schid));
                SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo sdiBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo();
                DataTable dtdpt = sdiBll.GetList("Pid pId,convert(varchar(20),DepartId) id,DepartName name,'false' checked,'true' nochecks", "SchId=" + schid + " and Stat=1 Order by OrderId").Tables[0];
                dtdpt.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                DataTable dtdptuser = dtdpt.Clone();
                if (dtdpt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader sslBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader();
                    DataTable dtgradeuser             = sslBll.GetList("UserName", "SubCode=" + subid).Tables[0];
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV();
                    DataTable dtuser = userbll.GetList("DeptId ,UserId,UserTname", "Stat=1 and Ustat=1 and SchId=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid)).Tables[0];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtdpt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow[] drs = dtuser.Select("DeptId='" + dtdpt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");
                        if (drs.Length > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow item in drs)
                                DataRow[] drsgrade = dtgradeuser.Select("UserName='******'");
                                DataRow   dr       = dtdptuser.NewRow();
                                dr["id"]   = "sub_" + item["UserId"].ToString();
                                dr["name"] = item["UserTname"].ToString();
                                dr["pId"]  = item["DeptId"].ToString();
                                if (drsgrade.Length > 0)
                                    dr["checked"] = "true";

                depart = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtdptuser);
コード例 #11
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            usertname = Com.Session.uname;
            if (Com.Session.systype == "2")
                returl = "<div class=\"nav-search\" id=\"nav-search\"><a class=\"btn btn-danger btn-sm pull-right\" href=\"javascript:window.history.go(-1);\"><i class=\"icon-reply icon-only\"></i></a></div>";

            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Com.Session.systype != "2")
                    systype = Com.Session.systype;
                SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo   schbll    = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                SchSystem.Model.SchInfo usermodel = new SchSystem.Model.SchInfo();
                dotype = Request.Params["dotype"].ToString();
                if (dotype == "a")//添加
                else if (dotype == "e")//修改,不能修改用户的类型及学校参数
                    btnname = "修改";
                    schid   = Request.Params["schid"].ToString();
                    if (!Com.Public.isVa(schid, ""))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid))
                    usermodel = schbll.GetModel(int.Parse(schid));
                    if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0)
                        umodelstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(usermodel);
                    if (Com.Session.systype != "2")
                        btnname = "开始编辑";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid))
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysSub syssubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                    DataTable            dtsub     = syssubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 Order by SubCode").Tables[0];//Stat=1
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                    DataTable            dtschsub  = schsubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 and SchId=" + schid + " Order by SubCode").Tables[0];

                    if (dtsub != null && dtschsub != null && dtsub.Rows.Count > 0 && dtschsub.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtsub.Rows.Count; i++)
                            DataRow[] drs = dtschsub.Select("id='" + dtsub.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");
                            if (drs.Length > 0)
                                dtsub.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    subs    = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsub);
                    schsubs = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschsub);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sysgradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    DataTable dtgrade = sysgradebll.GetList("GradeType pId,GradeCode id,GradeName name,'false' checked,'false' nochecks", " 1=1 Order by GradeType,GradeLv").Tables[0];

                    SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo schgradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                    DataTable dtschgrade = schgradebll.GetList("GradeCode id", "isfinish='0' and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                    if (dtgrade != null && dtschgrade != null && dtgrade.Rows.Count > 0 && dtschgrade.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtgrade.Rows.Count; i++)
                            DataRow[] drs = dtschgrade.Select("id='" + dtgrade.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");
                            if (drs.Length > 0)
                                dtgrade.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    dtgrade.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                    DataRow dry = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]     = "0";
                    dry["id"]      = "1";
                    dry["name"]    = "幼儿园";
                    dry["nocheck"] = "false";
                    DataRow[] drs1 = dtgrade.Select("pId='1' and checked='false'");
                    if (drs1.Length == 0)
                        dry["checked"] = "true";
                    dry            = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]     = "0";
                    dry["id"]      = "2";
                    dry["name"]    = "小学";
                    dry["nocheck"] = "false";
                    DataRow[] drs2 = dtgrade.Select("pId='2' and checked='false'");
                    if (drs2.Length == 0)
                        dry["checked"] = "true";
                    dry            = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]     = "0";
                    dry["id"]      = "3";
                    dry["name"]    = "初中";
                    dry["nocheck"] = "false";
                    DataRow[] drs3 = dtgrade.Select("pId='3' and checked='false'");
                    if (drs3.Length == 0)
                        dry["checked"] = "true";
                    dry            = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]     = "0";
                    dry["id"]      = "4";
                    dry["name"]    = "高中";
                    dry["nocheck"] = "false";
                    DataRow[] drs4 = dtgrade.Select("pId='4' and checked='false'");
                    if (drs4.Length == 0)
                        dry["checked"] = "true";
                    grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtgrade);
                    StringBuilder sbarea = new StringBuilder();
                    sbarea.Append("<select id=\"aprov\">");
                    string sareacode = "";
                    if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                        sareacode = usermodel.AreaNo.Substring(0, 2) + "0000";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("0", "", ref sareacode, false));
                    sbarea.Append("<select id=\"acity\">");
                    string sareacitycode = "";
                    if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                        sareacitycode = usermodel.AreaNo.Substring(0, 4) + "00";
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("1", sareacode, ref sareacitycode, false));
                    sbarea.Append("<select id=\"acoty\">");
                    string sareacotycode = "";
                    if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                        sareacotycode = usermodel.AreaNo;
                    sbarea.Append(Com.Public.GetDrpArea("2", sareacitycode, ref sareacotycode, false));
                    areastr = sbarea.ToString();
コード例 #12
        public static string schsave(string dotype, string schid, string schname, string schaddr, string schmaster, string schmasterpst, string schmastertel, string iscity, string schstat, string selgrades, string selsubs, string areano, string schnote)
            string ret = "";

            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                ret = "expire";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schname))
                        ret += "学校名称不能为空!";
                    if (!Com.Public.isVa(schid, ""))
                        ret += "无跨界权限;";
                    if (ret == "")
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo   schbll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                        SchSystem.Model.SchInfo schmodel = new SchSystem.Model.SchInfo();
                        schmodel.LastRecTime   = DateTime.Now;
                        schmodel.LastRecUser   = Com.Session.userid;
                        schmodel.SchAddr       = schaddr;
                        schmodel.SchMaster     = schmaster;
                        schmodel.MasterPostion = schmasterpst;
                        schmodel.SchName       = schname;
                        schmodel.SchTel        = schmastertel;
                        schmodel.IsCity        = int.Parse(iscity);
                        schmodel.Stat          = int.Parse(schstat);
                        schmodel.AreaNo        = areano;
                        schmodel.SchNote       = schnote;
                        if (dotype == "e")
                            schmodel.SchId = int.Parse(schid);
                        if (dotype == "a")
                            schmodel.RecTime = DateTime.Now;
                            schmodel.RecUser = Com.Session.userid;
                            schid            = schbll.Add(schmodel).ToString();
                        if (int.Parse(schid) > 0)
                            SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo gradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                            gradebll.DoSchGrades(Com.Session.userid, schid, selgrades);
                            SchSystem.BLL.SchSub subbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                            subbll.DoSchSubs(Com.Session.userid, schid, selsubs);
                        ret = "success";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret = ex.Message;
コード例 #13
        public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize, string txtname, string ustat, string cotycode, string aprovserch, string acityserch, string schname)
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                rsp.code = "expire";
                rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();

                    string strwhere = "Stat<2 ";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cotycode))
                        strwhere += " and AreaNo = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(cotycode) + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aprovserch))
                        strwhere += " and left(AreaNo,2) = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(aprovserch.Substring(0, 2)) + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acityserch))
                        strwhere += " and left(AreaNo,4) = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(acityserch.Substring(0, 4)) + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schname))
                        strwhere += " and SchName like '%" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schname) + "%'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname))
                        strwhere += " and SchId  = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(txtname) + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ustat))
                        strwhere += " and HomeschServStat=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
                    string currentYear = "";
                    if (DateTime.Now.Month < 8)
                        currentYear = (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString();
                        currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                    Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
                    pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
                    pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
                    int       rowc   = 0;
                    int       pc     = 0;
                    string    dbcols = "SchId,SchName,HomeSchPlatName,HomeSchPlatUrl,HomeSchPlatIco,HomeSchPlatIP,SchMaster,SchoolSection,ServiceName,Artisan,SchCreator,RecTime,HomeschServStat,AreaNo";
                    DataTable dt     = userbll.GetListCols(dbcols, strwhere, "SchName", "ASC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
                    pages.PageCount = pc;
                    pages.RowCount  = rowc;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string[] areanames = Com.Public.GetArea(dt.Rows[i]["AreaNo"].ToString()).Split('|');
                            dt.Rows[i]["SHENG"] = areanames[0];
                            dt.Rows[i]["SHI"]   = areanames[1];
                            dt.Rows[i]["QU"]    = areanames[2];
                            SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgibll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                            //dt.Rows[i]["graduated"] = sgibll.GetGradedYear("SchId=" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + " and IsFinish=1");
                            string gradecurrent = " and isfinish=1 and ((left(GradeCode,1)='4' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=3) or (left(GradeCode,1)='3' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=3) or (left(GradeCode,1)='2' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=6) or (left(GradeCode,1)='1' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=5))";
                            dt.Rows[i]["graduated"] = sgibll.GetGradedYear("SchId=" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + gradecurrent);
                            SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRoleXXT sarxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRoleXXT();
                            DataTable dtsarxxt = sarxxtBll.GetList("SchId='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0];
                            if (dtsarxxt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                string[]      sarsAppCodearr = dtsarxxt.Rows[0]["AppStr"].ToString().Split(',');
                                StringBuilder sarsAppCodesb  = new StringBuilder();
                                StringBuilder sasSoureName   = new StringBuilder();
                                for (int j = 0; j < sarsAppCodearr.Length; j++)
                                    sarsAppCodesb.Append(sarsAppCodearr[j] + ",");
                                SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT saxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT();
                                if (sarsAppCodesb.ToString() != "")
                                        DataTable dtsas = saxxtBll.GetList("AppName", "AppCode in (" + sarsAppCodesb.ToString().Substring(0, sarsAppCodesb.ToString().Length - 1) + ")").Tables[0];

                                        if (dtsas.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            foreach (DataRow dr in dtsas.Rows)
                                                sasSoureName.Append(dr["AppName"] + ",");
                                            dt.Rows[i]["SoureName"] = sasSoureName.ToString().Substring(0, sasSoureName.Length - 1);
                                    catch (Exception e) { }
                                    dt.Rows[i]["SoureName"] = "";
                            SchSystem.BLL.SchSub ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                            dt.Rows[i]["SchSubNames"] = ssBll.GetSubNames("Stat=1 and SchId='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + "'");
                        pages.list = dt;
                    rsp.data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rsp.code = "error";
                    rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
コード例 #14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Params["schid"] != null && Request.Params["schid"].ToString() != "")
                string schid = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["schid"].ToString());
                SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo   schbll    = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                SchSystem.Model.SchInfo usermodel = new SchSystem.Model.SchInfo();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid))
                usermodel = schbll.GetSupportModel(int.Parse(schid));
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0)
                    umodelstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(usermodel);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schid))
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo   suiBll        = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
                    SchSystem.Model.SchUserInfo modeluserinfo = suiBll.GetSupportModel(int.Parse(schid), 1);
                    if (modeluserinfo != null)
                        if (modeluserinfo.PassWord == Com.Public.StrToMD5("123456"))
                            modeluserinfo.PassWord = "******";
                    usermanagerstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(modeluserinfo);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysSub syssubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                    DataTable            dtsub     = syssubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "1=1 Order by SubCode").Tables[0];//Stat=1
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                    DataTable            dtschsub  = schsubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "' Order by SubCode").Tables[0];
                    DataTable            dtsubmat  = dtsub.Copy();
                    if (dtsub != null && dtschsub != null && dtsub.Rows.Count > 0 && dtschsub.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtsub.Rows.Count; i++)
                            DataRow[] drs = dtschsub.Select("id='" + dtsub.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");
                            if (drs.Length > 0)
                                dtsub.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    subs    = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsub);
                    subsmat = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsubmat);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchApp     schappBll     = new SchSystem.BLL.SchApp();
                    DataTable                dtschapp      = schappBll.GetList("'0' pId,AutoId id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "").Tables[0];
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole schapproleBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole();
                    DataTable                dtschapprole  = schapproleBll.GetList("SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                    if (dtschapp.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtschapp.Rows.Count; i++)
                            DataRow[] drstr = dtschapprole.Select();
                            if (drstr.Length > 0)
                                string   approlestr    = drstr[0]["AppStr"].ToString();
                                string[] approlearr    = approlestr.Split(',');
                                int      approlearrlen = approlearr.Length;
                                for (int j = 0; j < approlearrlen; j++)
                                    if (dtschapp.Rows[i]["AppCode"].ToString() == approlearr[j])
                                        dtschapp.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    sonsys = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschapp);

                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sysgradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    DataTable dtgrade = sysgradebll.GetList("GradeType pId,GradeCode id,GradeName name,'false' checked,'false' nochecks,'0' IsFinish,'' GradeYear,'' GradeId", " GradeCode<>'3004' and GradeCode<>'4004' Order by GradeType,GradeLv").Tables[0];
                    #region 家校互通平台子模块
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT saxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT();
                    DataTable dtsaxxt = saxxtBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,'false' isShar", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRoleXXT sarxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRoleXXT();
                    DataTable dtsarxxt      = sarxxtBll.GetList("SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                    DataRow[] drsarxxt      = dtsarxxt.Select();
                    string[]  approlexxtarr = { };
                    if (drsarxxt.Length > 0)
                        approlexxtarr = drsarxxt[0]["AppStr"].ToString().Split(',');
                        if (dtsaxxt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < dtsaxxt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < approlexxtarr.Length; j++)
                                    if (dtsaxxt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == approlexxtarr[j].ToString())
                                        dtsaxxt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    sarxxttree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsaxxt);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchPerSubMatXXT spsmxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchPerSubMatXXT();
                    DataTable dtspsmxxt = spsmxxtBll.SchPerSubMatXXTV("SchId='" + schid + "' Order by convert(int,PerCode) asc").Tables[0];
                    showmaterxxttree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtspsmxxt);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo schgradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                    DataTable dtschgrade = schgradebll.GetList("GradeCode id,GradeYear,GradeId", "isfinish='0' and SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];

                    dtgrade.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                    DataRow dry = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]      = "0";
                    dry["id"]       = "1";
                    dry["name"]     = "幼儿园";
                    dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                    dry["IsFinish"] = "0";
                    dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]      = "0";
                    dry["id"]       = "2";
                    dry["name"]     = "小学";
                    dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                    dry["IsFinish"] = "0";
                    dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]      = "0";
                    dry["id"]       = "3";
                    dry["name"]     = "初中";
                    dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                    dry["IsFinish"] = "0";
                    dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                    dry["pId"]      = "0";
                    dry["id"]       = "4";
                    dry["name"]     = "高中";
                    dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                    dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                    if (dtgrade != null && dtschgrade != null && dtgrade.Rows.Count > 0 && dtschgrade.Rows.Count > 0) //系统年级和学校年级不等于null
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtgrade.Rows.Count; i++)                                                  //遍历实体年级行数
                            DataRow[] drs = dtschgrade.Select("id='" + dtgrade.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");       //根据系统年级id查询学校年级
                            if (drs.Length > 0)
                                dtgrade.Rows[i]["checked"]   = "true";
                                dtgrade.Rows[i]["GradeYear"] = drs[0]["GradeYear"];
                                dtgrade.Rows[i]["GradeId"]   = drs[0]["GradeId"];

                    //DataTable dtres = schgradebll.GetListGradeFinish("GradeCode,GradeName,GradeYear", int.Parse(schid), int.Parse(CurrentYear)).Tables[0];
                    DataTable dtres = schgradebll.Graduated(int.Parse(schid)).Tables[0];
                    updateGrade = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtres);

                    #region 获取服务资源
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchAppSoure schappsoureBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppSoure();
                    DataTable dtschappsoure = schappsoureBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,'false' isShar", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRoleSoure sarsBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRoleSoure();
                    DataTable dtsars          = sarsBll.GetList("SchId='" + schid + "'").Tables[0];
                    DataRow[] drsarsstr       = dtsars.Select();
                    string[]  approlesourearr = { };
                    if (drsarsstr.Length > 0)
                        approlesourearr = drsarsstr[0]["AppCode"].ToString().Split('|');
                    if (dtschappsoure.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtschappsoure.Rows.Count; i++)
                            //dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                            for (int j = 0; j < approlesourearr.Length; j++)
                                if (approlesourearr[j].Split(',').Length > 1)
                                    string appsourestr  = approlesourearr[j].Split(',')[0];
                                    string appsourestat = approlesourearr[j].Split(',')[1];
                                    if (dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == appsourestr)
                                        if (appsourestat == "1")
                                            dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【共享】";
                                            //dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["isShar"] = "true";
                                        else if (appsourestat == "0")
                                            dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                                            //dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["isShar"] = "false";
                                        dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                            if (dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["checked"].ToString() == "false")
                                dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                                //dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["isShar"] = "false";
                    souretree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschappsoure);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysMater smaterBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                    DataTable dtsmater = smaterBll.GetList("'0' pId,MaterCode id,MaterName name,'false' checked,'' subcodechk,MaterCode,'' PerCode,'' SubCode,'' SubName", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    SchSystem.BLL.SchPerSubMat spsmBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchPerSubMat();
                    DataTable dtspsm = spsmBll.SchPerSubMatVMatSub("SchId='" + schid + "' Order by convert(int,PerCode) asc").Tables[0];
                    //if (dtsmater.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    for (int i = 0; i < dtsmater.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //    {
                    //        foreach (DataRow dr in dtspsm.Rows)
                    //        {
                    //            string ss = dtsmater.Rows[i]["MaterCode"].ToString();
                    //            string sss = dr["MaterCode"].ToString();
                    //            if (dtsmater.Rows[i]["MaterCode"].ToString() == dr["MaterCode"].ToString())
                    //            {
                    //                dtsmater.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    //                dtsmater.Rows[i]["PerCode"] = dr["PerCode"];
                    //                dtsmater.Rows[i]["SubCode"] = dr["SubCode"];
                    //                dtsmater.Rows[i]["SubName"] = dr["SubName"];
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    sysmatertree  = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsmater);
                    showmatertree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtspsm);

                    grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtgrade);
                    StringBuilder sbarea    = new StringBuilder();
                    string[]      areanames = Com.Public.GetArea(usermodel.AreaNo.ToString()).Split('|');
                    areastr = sbarea.ToString();
コード例 #15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                usertname = Com.Session.uname;

                SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo   schbll    = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                SchSystem.Model.SchInfo usermodel = new SchSystem.Model.SchInfo();

                SchSystem.BLL.SysSub syssubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                DataTable            dtsub     = syssubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 Order by SubCode").Tables[0];//Stat=1
                DataTable            dtsubmat  = dtsub.Copy();
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                DataTable            dtschsub  = schsubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "' Order by SubCode").Tables[0];
                subs    = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsub);
                subsmat = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsubmat);

                treeNodekinderstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschsub);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchApp schappBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchApp();
                DataTable            dtschapp  = schappBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "Stat=1 and AppCode not in (1,2)").Tables[0];
                sonsys = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschapp);

                SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sysgradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                DataTable dtgrade = sysgradebll.GetList("GradeType pId,GradeCode id,GradeName name,'false' checked,'false' nochecks,'0' IsFinish", " GradeCode<>'3004' and GradeCode<>'4004' Order by GradeType,GradeLv").Tables[0];
                SchSystem.BLL.SysPer sysperbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                DataTable            dtper     = sysperbll.GetList("PerName Name,PerCode ID", " Stat=1 Order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];
                if (dtper.Rows.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtper.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (dtper.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() == percode)
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dtper.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + dtper.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dtper.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dtper.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                    percodes = sb.ToString();

                dtgrade.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                DataRow dry = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "1";
                dry["name"]     = "幼儿园";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "2";
                dry["name"]     = "小学";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "3";
                dry["name"]     = "初中";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "4";
                dry["name"]     = "高中";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";


                //if (dtgrade != null && dtschgrade != null && dtgrade.Rows.Count > 0 && dtschgrade.Rows.Count > 0)//系统年级和学校年级不等于null
                //    for (int i = 0; i < dtgrade.Rows.Count; i++)//遍历实体年级行数
                //    {
                //        DataRow[] drs = dtschgrade.Select("id='" + dtgrade.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");//根据系统年级id查询学校年级
                //        if (drs.Length > 0)
                //        {
                //            //string ss = drs[0]["id"].ToString();
                //            //dtgrade.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                //            //DataRow[] drss = dtgrade.Select("id='"+ss+"'");
                //            //int ss = int.Parse(drss["pId"].ToString());
                //        }
                //    }

                grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtgrade);

                SchSystem.BLL.SchAppSoure schappsoureBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppSoure();
                DataTable dtschappsoure = schappsoureBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                if (dtschappsoure.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtschappsoure.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                souretree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschappsoure);

                SchSystem.BLL.SysMater smaterBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                DataTable dtsmater = smaterBll.GetList("'0' pId,AutoId id,MaterName name,'false' checked,MaterCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                sysmatertree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsmater);

                SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT schappxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT();
                DataTable dtschappxxt = schappxxtBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                //if (dtschappsoure.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    for (int i = 0; i < dtschappsoure.Rows.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                //    }
                homeschtree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschappxxt);

                StringBuilder sbarea = new StringBuilder();
                sbarea.Append("<select id=\"aprov\">");
                string sareacode = "";
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                    sareacode = usermodel.AreaNo.Substring(0, 2) + "0000";
                sbarea.Append(SchWebAdmin.Com.Public.GetDrpArea("0", "", ref sareacode, false));
                sbarea.Append("<select id=\"acity\">");
                string sareacitycode = "";
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                    sareacitycode = usermodel.AreaNo.Substring(0, 4) + "00";
                sbarea.Append(SchWebAdmin.Com.Public.GetDrpArea("1", sareacode, ref sareacitycode, false));
                sbarea.Append("<select id=\"acoty\">");
                string sareacotycode = "";
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                    sareacotycode = usermodel.AreaNo;
                sbarea.Append(SchWebAdmin.Com.Public.GetDrpArea("2", sareacitycode, ref sareacotycode, false));
                areastr = sbarea.ToString();

                SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV();
                DataTable dtuser = userbll.GetList("DeptId,DepartName,UserId,UserTname", "Stat=1 and Ustat=1 and SchId=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid)).Tables[0];
                SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo dptbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo();
                DataTable dt        = dptbll.GetList("Pid pId,convert(varchar(20),DepartId) id,DepartName name,'0' isms,'' subcode,'false' checked,'true' nochecks", "SchId=" + schid + " and Stat=1 Order by OrderId,DepartName").Tables[0];
                DataTable dtdptuser = dt.Clone();
                dtdptuser.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow[] drss = dtuser.Select("DeptId='" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");
                        if (drss.Length > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow item in drss)
                                DataRow dr = dtdptuser.NewRow();

                                dr["id"]   = item["UserId"].ToString();
                                dr["name"] = item["UserTname"].ToString();
                                dr["pId"]  = item["DeptId"].ToString();
                                if (dr["name"].ToString() == usermodel.Artisan.ToString())
                                    dr["checked"] = true;

                deptsuser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtdptuser);
コード例 #16
        public static string GetDrp(string drptype, string schid, string stat, bool addall, string selfid, string selid)
            drptype = SqlEncStr(drptype);
            schid   = SqlEncStr(schid);
            stat    = SqlEncStr(stat);
            selfid  = SqlEncStr(selfid);
            DataTable     dt = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (schid == "")
                schid = "0";
            if (drptype == "dpt")
                SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo dptbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo();
                dt = dptbll.GetList("Pid,DepartId ID,DepartName Name", "SchId=" + schid + " and Stat=" + stat + " Order by OrderId,DepartName").Tables[0];
            else if (drptype == "sub")
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub subbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                dt = subbll.GetList("0 Pid,SubCode ID,SubName Name", "SchId=" + schid + " and Stat=" + stat + " Order by OrderId,SubName").Tables[0];
            else if (drptype == "grade")
                SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo subbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                if (stat == "")
                    dt = subbll.GetList("0 Pid,GradeId ID,GradeName Name", "SchId=" + schid + " Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
                    dt = subbll.GetList("0 Pid,GradeId ID,GradeName Name", "SchId=" + schid + " and IsFinish=" + stat + " Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
            if (addall)
                sb.Append("<option value=\'0\'>全部</option>");
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string    childrenids = "";
                DataRow[] drs         = dt.Select("Pid=0");
                foreach (DataRow dr in drs)
                    string nodeID   = dr["ID"].ToString();
                    string nodeText = dr["Name"].ToString();
                    if (nodeID != selfid)
                        //GetSonId(nodeID, dt, ref childrenids);
                        if (drptype == "dpt")
                            nodeText = "├" + nodeText;
                        if (dr["ID"].ToString() == selid)
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + nodeID + "\" selected=\"selected\" childrenids=\"\">" + nodeText + "</option>");
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + nodeID + "\" childrenids=\"\">" + nodeText + "</option>");
                        if (drptype == "dpt")
                            string blank = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

                            BindSon(sb, nodeID, dt, blank, selid, selfid);
コード例 #17
 public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize, string txtname, string ustat, string cotycode, string schid, string aprovserch, string acityserch)
     Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
     if (Com.Session.userid == null)
         rsp.code = "expire";
         rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
             SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
             string strwhere = "Stat<2 ";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cotycode))
                 strwhere += " and AreaNo = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(cotycode) + "'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aprovserch))
                 strwhere += " and  left(AreaNo,2)= '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(aprovserch.Substring(0, 2)) + "'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acityserch))
                 strwhere += " and left(AreaNo,4)= '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(acityserch.Substring(0, 4)) + "'";
             if (schid != "")
                 strwhere += " and SchId = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid) + "'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname))
                 strwhere += " and SchName like '%" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(txtname) + "%'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ustat))
                 strwhere += " and SonSysStat=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
             Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
             pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
             pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
             int       rowc   = 0;
             int       pc     = 0;
             string    dbcols = "SchId,SchName,PlatformName,PlatformUrl,PlatformIco,PlatformIP,SchMaster,SchoolSection,ServiceName,Artisan,SchCreator,RecTime,Stat,iscity,SonSysStat,AreaNo,SchType";
             DataTable dt     = userbll.GetListCols(dbcols, strwhere, "SchName", "ASC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
             pages.PageCount = pc;
             pages.RowCount  = rowc;
             if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                 SchSystem.BLL.SysPer bllper = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                 DataTable            dtper  = bllper.GetList("PerName,PerCode", " Stat=1 ").Tables[0];
                 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                     string[] areanames = Com.Public.GetArea(dt.Rows[i]["AreaNo"].ToString()).Split('|');
                     dt.Rows[i]["SHENG"] = areanames[0];
                     dt.Rows[i]["SHI"]   = areanames[1];
                     dt.Rows[i]["QU"]    = areanames[2];
                     DataRow[] dtr = dtper.Select("PerCode='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchType"].ToString() + "'");
                     if (dtr.Length > 0)
                         dt.Rows[i]["SchTypeName"] = dtr[0]["PerName"].ToString();
                         dt.Rows[i]["SchTypeName"] = "";
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo   suiBll        = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
                     SchSystem.Model.SchUserInfo modeluserinfo = suiBll.GetSupportModel(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString()), 1);
                     if (modeluserinfo != null)
                         if (modeluserinfo.UserName != "" && modeluserinfo.UserName != null)
                             dt.Rows[i]["ManagerAcount"] = modeluserinfo.UserName;
                         if (modeluserinfo.PassWord != "" && modeluserinfo.PassWord != null)
                             dt.Rows[i]["InitialPwd"] = 1;
                         dt.Rows[i]["ManagerAcount"] = "";
                         dt.Rows[i]["InitialPwd"]    = "";
                     string currentYear = "";
                     if (DateTime.Now.Month < 8)
                         currentYear = (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString();
                         currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgibll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                     //dt.Rows[i]["graduated"] = sgibll.GetGradedYear("SchId=" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + " and IsFinish=1");
                     string gradecurrent = " and isfinish=1 and ((left(GradeCode,1)='4' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=3) or (left(GradeCode,1)='3' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=3) or (left(GradeCode,1)='2' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=6) or (left(GradeCode,1)='1' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=5))";
                     dt.Rows[i]["graduated"] = sgibll.GetGradedYear("SchId=" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + gradecurrent);
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole sarBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole();
                     DataTable     dtsars            = sarBll.GetList("SchId='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0];
                     StringBuilder sbsars            = new StringBuilder();
                     if (dtsars.Rows.Count > 0)
                         string sarsarr             = dtsars.Rows[0]["AppStr"].ToString();
                         SchSystem.BLL.SchApp saBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchApp();
                         StringBuilder        sbsas = new StringBuilder();
                         DataTable            dtsas = saBll.GetList("AppName", "AppCode in (" + sarsarr + ")").Tables[0];
                         if (dtsas.Rows.Count > 0)
                             foreach (DataRow drsas in dtsas.Rows)
                                 sbsas.Append(drsas["AppName"] + ",");
                             dt.Rows[i]["AppSonSys"] = sbsas.ToString().Substring(0, sbsas.ToString().Length - 1);
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchSub ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                     dt.Rows[i]["SchSubNames"] = ssBll.GetSubNames("Stat=1 and SchId='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + "'");
                 pages.list = dt;
             rsp.data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
         catch (Exception ex)
             rsp.code = "error";
             rsp.msg  = ex.Message;