コード例 #1
 public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> getclass(string gradecode)
     Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
     if (Com.Session.userid == null)
         rsp.code = "expire";
         rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
             SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo schclass = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
             DataTable dtSchClass     = schclass.GetList("ClassName,ClassId", "IsFinish=0 and GradeCode='" + gradecode + "' and SchId='" + SchId + "'").Tables[0];
             string    optionSchClass = "";
             for (int i = 0; i < dtSchClass.Rows.Count; i++)
                 optionSchClass += "<option value=\"" + dtSchClass.Rows[i]["ClassId"].ToString() + "\">" + dtSchClass.Rows[i]["ClassName"].ToString() + "</option>";
             rsp.data = optionSchClass.ToString();
         catch (Exception ex)
             rsp.code = "ExcepError";
             rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
コード例 #2
        public static string getclassdatas(string schid)
            string ret = "";

            SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo SchClassBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
            DataTable dtschclass = SchClassBll.GetList("ClassId,GradeId,ClassName", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "' order by ClassName asc").Tables[0];

            ret = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschclass);
コード例 #3
        public static string getarea(string typecode, string pcode, string ustat, string gradecode)
            typecode  = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(typecode);
            pcode     = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pcode);
            ustat     = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
            gradecode = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(gradecode);
            string ret = "";

            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <Com.DataPack.UserInfo> rsp = Com.Public.UserFuncSoure(Com.SoureSession.jsid, Com.SoureSession.jstoken);
            if (rsp.code == "ERROR_TOKEN")
                ret = "expire";
                    string selp = "";
                    if (typecode != "4")
                        ret = Com.Public.GetDrpArea(typecode, pcode, ref selp, false);
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo sciBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
                        string strWhere = " IsFinish=0 ";
                        if (pcode != "")
                            strWhere += " and Schid=" + pcode;
                        if (gradecode != "" || gradecode != "0")
                            strWhere += " and GradeId='" + gradecode + "'";
                        SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader scuBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSubLeader();
                        DataTable dssubUser = scuBll.GetListTecSub("*", "schid='" + pcode + "' and Stat=1").Tables[0];

                        DataTable scids = sciBll.GetList("ClassId,ClassName", strWhere).Tables[0];
                        gradsub ds = new gradsub();
                        ds.grade    = Com.Public.GetDrp("grade", pcode, ustat, true, "", "");//是否已毕业,1毕业,0未毕业
                        ds.subs     = Com.Public.GetDrp("sub", pcode, "1", true, "", "");
                        ds.schclass = scids;
                        ret         = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds);
                        //ret = Com.Public.GetDrp("sub", Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pcode), "1", true, "", "");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ret = "";
コード例 #4
        public static string page(string txtname, string ustat, string cotycode, string schid, string gradeCode)
            txtname   = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(txtname);
            ustat     = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
            cotycode  = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(cotycode);
            schid     = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid);
            gradeCode = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(gradeCode);
            SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo sciBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
            if (schid == "")
                schid = "0";
            string strwhere = "IsFinish = 0 and SchId = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid) + "'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ustat))
                strwhere += " and IsFinish=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gradeCode) || gradeCode != "")
                strwhere += " and GradeCode='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(gradeCode) + "'";
            int rowc = 0;
            int pc   = 0;
            //DataTable dt = userbll.GetListCols("*", strwhere, "SchName", "ASC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
            DataTable ClassDt = sciBll.GetList(strwhere).Tables[0];//得到班级数据列表

            //pages.PageCount = pc;
            if (ClassDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ClassDt.Columns.Add("TeacherClass"); //班主任
                ClassDt.Columns.Add("TeacherSub");   //任课老师科目
                SchSystem.BLL.SchClassUser scuBLL = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassUser();
                for (int i = 0; i < ClassDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    ClassDt.Rows[i]["Ustat"] = ClassDt.Rows[i]["IsFinish"].ToString() == "0" ? "正常" : "停用";
                    string ClassId = ClassDt.Rows[i]["ClassId"].ToString();
                    ClassDt.Rows[i]["TeacherClass"] = scuBLL.GetNames("ClassId='" + ClassId + "' and Stat=1 and IsMs=1");
                    ClassDt.Rows[i]["TeacherSub"] = scuBLL.GetNames("ClassId='" + ClassId + "' and Stat=1 and IsMs=0");
                //pages.list = ClassDt;
            //string ddd = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
            //string ddd = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ClassDt);
コード例 #5
        public static string getclassdatas(string schid)
            string ret = "";

            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <Com.DataPack.UserInfo> rsp = Com.Public.UserFuncSoure(Com.SoureSession.jsid, Com.SoureSession.jstoken);
            if (rsp.code == "ERROR_TOKEN")
                ret = "expire";
                SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo SchClassBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
                DataTable dtschclass = SchClassBll.GetList("ClassId,GradeId,ClassName", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + schid + "' order by ClassName asc").Tables[0];
                ret = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschclass);
コード例 #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SchId = Com.Session.schid;
            SchSystem.BLL.WebSchChn SchChn = new SchSystem.BLL.WebSchChn();
            DataTable dtSchChn             = SchChn.GetList("ChnName,ChnCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];

            SchChnJsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtSchChn);
            SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo schgrade = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
            DataTable dtSchGrade = schgrade.GetList("GradeName,GradeCode", "IsFinish=0 and SchId=" + SchId).Tables[0];
            string    GradeCode  = dtSchGrade.Rows[0]["GradeCode"].ToString();

            SchGradeJsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtSchGrade);
            SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo schclass = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
            DataTable dtSchClass = schclass.GetList("ClassName,ClassId", "IsFinish=0 and GradeCode='" + GradeCode + "' and SchId='" + SchId + "'").Tables[0];

            SchClassJsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtSchClass);
コード例 #7
        public static string GetIdsAllStu(string TypeCode, string pAreaCode)
            DataTable     dt = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("0");

            SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo bllgrade = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo bllclass = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
            if (TypeCode == "4")//年级
                if (Com.Session.systype == "0")
                    if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 2))//有查询权限,则全校
                        dt = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "'").Tables[0];
                        dt = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' and (GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchGradeUsers where UserName="******") or GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchClassUserV where UserName="******"))").Tables[0];
                    dt = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "'").Tables[0];
            else if (TypeCode == "5")//班级
                if (pAreaCode == "")
                    pAreaCode = "0";
                if (pAreaCode == "-1")
                    if (Com.Session.systype == "0")
                        if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 2))//有查询权限,则全校
                            dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Session.schid + "'").Tables[0];
                            dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Session.schid + "' and (GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchGradeUsers where UserName="******") or ClassId in (select ClassId FROM SchClassUserV where UserName="******"))").Tables[0];
                        dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Session.schid + "'").Tables[0];
                    if (Com.Session.systype == "0")
                        if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 2))//有查询权限,则全校
                            dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "'").Tables[0];
                            dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' and (GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchGradeUsers where UserName="******") or ClassId in (select ClassId FROM SchClassUserV where UserName="******"))").Tables[0];
                        dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "'").Tables[0];
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sb.Append("," + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
コード例 #8
        public static string GetDrpAreaStu(string TypeCode, string pAreaCode, ref string sAreaCode, bool addall)
            DataTable     dt = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            SchSystem.BLL.SysArea      bll      = new SchSystem.BLL.SysArea();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo      bllsch   = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo bllgrade = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo bllclass = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();

            string sqlstr = "";

            if (TypeCode == "0")//取省份
                sqlstr = "";
            else if (TypeCode == "1" && pAreaCode != "")//取城市
                if (pAreaCode.Length == 6)
                    sqlstr = " and left(AreaCode,2)='" + pAreaCode.Substring(0, 2) + "'";
                    sqlstr = " and AreaCode='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "'";
            else if (TypeCode == "2" && pAreaCode != "")//取区县
                if (pAreaCode.Length == 6)
                    sqlstr = " and left(AreaCode,4)='" + pAreaCode.Substring(0, 4) + "'";
                    sqlstr = " and AreaCode='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "'";
            if (addall)
                sb.Append("<option value=\"-1\"  selected=\"selected\">全部</option>");
            if (TypeCode == "0" || TypeCode == "1" || TypeCode == "2")
                //dt = bll.GetList("AreaCode ID,AreaName Name", "Stat=1 and TypeCode='" + TypeCode + "' " + sqlstr + " Order by AreaName").Tables[0];
                dt = bll.GetList("AreaCode ID,AreaName Name", "TypeCode='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(TypeCode) + "' " + sqlstr + " Order by AreaName").Tables[0]; //获取全部省份
            else if (TypeCode == "3")                                                                                                                          //学校
                dt = bllsch.GetList("SchId ID,SchName Name", "Stat=1 and AreaNo='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' Order by SchName").Tables[0];
            else if (TypeCode == "4")//年级
                if (Com.Session.systype == "0")
                    if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 2))//有查询权限,则全校
                        dt = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID ,GradeName Name", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
                        dt = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID ,GradeName Name", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' and (GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchGradeUsers where UserName="******") or GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchClassUserV where UserName="******")) Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
                    dt = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID ,GradeName Name", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
            else if (TypeCode == "5")//班级
                if (pAreaCode == "")
                    pAreaCode = "0";
                if (Com.Session.systype == "0")
                    if (Com.Public.IsUserVal(Com.Session.userrolestr, 2))//有查询权限,则全校
                        dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID, ClassName Name", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' Order by ClassName").Tables[0];
                        dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID, ClassName Name", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' and (GradeId in (select GradeId FROM SchGradeUsers where UserName="******") or ClassId in (select ClassId FROM SchClassUserV where UserName="******")) Order by ClassName").Tables[0];
                    dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID, ClassName Name", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(pAreaCode) + "' Order by ClassName").Tables[0];
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (sAreaCode == "")//输出第一个节点
                    sAreaCode = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();

                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (sAreaCode == "" && i == 0)
                        sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                        // selected="selected"
                        if (dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() == sAreaCode)
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TypeCode"></param>
        /// <param name="pAreaCode"></param>
        /// <param name="sAreaCode"></param>
        /// <param name="addall"></param>
        /// <param name="listoredit">區分是否為列表頁面和編輯頁面(1代表列表頁面;0代表編輯頁面)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetDrpArea(string TypeCode, string pAreaCode, ref string sAreaCode, bool addall, string listoredit = "1")
            DataTable     dt = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            SchSystem.BLL.SysArea      bll      = new SchSystem.BLL.SysArea();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo      bllsch   = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo bllgrade = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
            SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo bllclass = new SchSystem.BLL.SchClassInfo();
            string sqlstr = "";

            if (TypeCode == "0")//取省份
                sqlstr = "";
            else if (TypeCode == "1")//取城市
                if (pAreaCode.Length == 6)
                    sqlstr = " and left(AreaCode,2)='" + pAreaCode.Substring(0, 2) + "'";
                    sqlstr = " and AreaCode='" + pAreaCode + "'";
            else if (TypeCode == "2")//取区县
                if (pAreaCode.Length == 6)
                    sqlstr = " and left(AreaCode,4)='" + pAreaCode.Substring(0, 4) + "'";
                    sqlstr = " and AreaCode='" + pAreaCode + "'";
            if (addall)
                sb.Append("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">全部</option>");
            if (TypeCode == "0" || TypeCode == "1" || TypeCode == "2")
                //dt = bll.GetList("AreaCode ID,AreaName Name", "Stat=1 and TypeCode='" + TypeCode + "' " + sqlstr + " Order by AreaName").Tables[0];
                dt = bll.GetList("AreaCode ID,AreaName Name", "TypeCode='" + TypeCode + "' " + sqlstr + " Order by AreaName").Tables[0]; //获取全部省份
            else if (TypeCode == "3")                                                                                                    //学校
                dt = bllsch.GetList("SchId ID,SchName Name", "Stat=1 and AreaNo='" + pAreaCode + "' Order by SchName").Tables[0];
            else if (TypeCode == "4")//年级
                schids = pAreaCode;
                dt     = bllgrade.GetList("GradeId ID ,GradeName Name", "IsFinish=0 and SchId='" + pAreaCode + "' Order by GradeCode").Tables[0];
            else if (TypeCode == "5")//班级
                string strWhere = "";
                if (Com.Session.systype != "2")
                    strWhere += " and schid ='" + Com.Session.schid + "'";
                    strWhere += " and schid ='" + schids + "'";
                dt = bllclass.GetList("ClassId ID, ClassName Name", "IsFinish=0 and GradeId='" + pAreaCode + "'" + strWhere + " Order by ClassName").Tables[0];
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (addall && listoredit == "1")
                    sAreaCode = "";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sAreaCode))
                        sAreaCode = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //if (sAreaCode == "" && i == 0)
                    //    sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                    // selected="selected"

                    if (dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() == sAreaCode)
                        sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                        sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");