コード例 #1
ファイル: MeshEditorTool.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsTools
        public void BeginStroke(Frame3f vFrameS, int nHitElementID, MeshEditorOpType.ElementType elemType)
            if (in_stroke)
                throw new Exception("MeshEditorTool.BeginBrushStroke: already in brush stroke!");

            Frame3f vFrameL = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(Target, vFrameS);

            begin_stroke(vFrameL, nHitElementID, elemType);

            in_stroke     = true;
            lastBrushPosS = vFrameS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ReprojectTool.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsTools
        protected override BaseDMeshSourceOp edit_op_factory(TargetObject o)
            TransformSequence xform = SceneTransforms.ObjectToObjectXForm(o.SO, ReprojectTargetSO);

            return(new ReprojectOp()
                MeshSource = o.MeshSourceOp,
                TargetMaxDistance = 1.0,
                RemeshRounds = 10,
                ProjectionRounds = 20,
                TargetSource = ReprojectTargetMeshOp,
                TransformToTarget = xform,
                ReprojectMode = ReprojectOp.ReprojectModes.SmoothSurfaceFlow
コード例 #3
        void update()
            MeshIsoCurves iso = new MeshIsoCurves(SO.Mesh, (v) => {
                return((v - frameL.Origin).Dot(frameL.Z));

            graph       = iso.Graph;
            localCurves = DGraph3Util.ExtractCurves(graph);

            // ugh need xform seq for to/from world...
            if (OutputSpace == CoordSpace.WorldCoords)
                foreach (DCurve3 c in localCurves.Loops)
                    for (int i = 0; i < c.VertexCount; ++i)
                        c[i] = SceneTransforms.TransformTo((Vector3f)c[i], SO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords, OutputSpace);
                foreach (DCurve3 c in localCurves.Paths)
                    for (int i = 0; i < c.VertexCount; ++i)
                        c[i] = SceneTransforms.TransformTo((Vector3f)c[i], SO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords, OutputSpace);
            else if (OutputSpace == CoordSpace.SceneCoords)
                TransformSequence xform = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneXForm(SO);
                foreach (DCurve3 c in localCurves.Loops)
                    for (int i = 0; i < c.VertexCount; ++i)
                        c[i] = xform.TransformP(c[i]);
                foreach (DCurve3 c in localCurves.Paths)
                    for (int i = 0; i < c.VertexCount; ++i)
                        c[i] = xform.TransformP(c[i]);
コード例 #4
        public virtual void Setup()
            // push history stream, so that we can do undo/redo internal to tool,
            // that will not end up in external history

            if (OnApplyF == null)
                OnApplyF = this.add_to_scene;

            combineMesh = new DMesh3();
            MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(combineMesh);

            foreach (var so in InputSOs)
                DMesh3 inputMesh = so.Mesh;
                int[]  mapV;
                if (editor.AppendMesh(so.Mesh, out mapV))
                    MeshTransforms.PerVertexTransform(combineMesh, inputMesh, mapV, (v, old_id, new_id) => {
                        return(SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(so, v));

            MeshSourceOp = new ConstantMeshSourceOp(combineMesh, true, true);
            SeparateOp   = new SeparateSolidsOp()
                MeshSource = MeshSourceOp

            ComputeOp = new ThreadedResultComputeOp <List <DMesh3> >()
                ResultSource = SeparateOp

            if (HiddenPreviewMaterial == null)
                HiddenPreviewMaterial = SOMaterial.CreateTransparent("remove_hidden_generated", new Colorf(Colorf.DimGrey, 0.5f));
            if (KeepPreviewMaterial == null)
                KeepPreviewMaterial = SOMaterial.CreateFlatShaded("remove_keep_generated", Colorf.DimGrey);
コード例 #5
        protected override void on_curve_validated()
            if (previewGO != null)

            if (EnableRegionOverlay)
                if (TargetModelSO == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("EnclosedPatchSO.on_curve_validated: curve is not connected to a Target");
                if (TransformMode != OutputCurveTransform.ToTargetSO)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("EnclosedPatchSO.on_curve_validated: curve is not transformed to TargetSO");

                DCurve3           target_curve = RequestCurveCopyFromMainThread();
                MeshFacesFromLoop loop         = new MeshFacesFromLoop(TargetModel.SourceMesh,
                                                                       target_curve, TargetModel.SourceSpatial);
                MeshFaceSelection face_selection = loop.ToSelection();

                DSubmesh3 submesh = new DSubmesh3(TargetModel.SourceMesh, face_selection, face_selection.Count);

                MeshNormals normals = new MeshNormals(submesh.SubMesh);
                foreach (int vid in submesh.SubMesh.VertexIndices())
                    Vector3d n = normals.Normals[vid];
                    Vector3d v = submesh.SubMesh.GetVertex(vid);
                    v += 0.1 * n;
                    v  = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(v, TargetModelSO, this);
                    submesh.SubMesh.SetVertex(vid, v);

                previewGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateMeshGO("patch",
                                                           new fMesh(submesh.SubMesh), false, true);
                previewGO.SetMaterial(previewMaterial, true);
                AppendNewGO(previewGO, root, false);
コード例 #6
ファイル: MeshEditorTool.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsTools
        public bool FindHitVertex(Ray3f sceneRay, MeshEditorOpType.BoundaryType boundaryMode, ref Frame3f hitFrameS, ref int hitVID)
            Ray3f objRay = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(Target, sceneRay);

            int hit_tri = PreviewSpatial.FindNearestHitTriangle(objRay);

            if (hit_tri == DMesh3.InvalidID)
            if (allow_backface_hits == false && is_back_facing(hit_tri))

            Index3i vt = PreviewMesh.GetTriangle(hit_tri);

            hitVID = -1; double near_sqr = double.MaxValue;
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                Vector3f v = (Vector3f)PreviewMesh.GetVertex(vt[j]);
                if (objRay.DistanceSquared(v) < near_sqr)
                    near_sqr = objRay.DistanceSquared(v);
                    hitVID   = vt[j];
            if (boundaryMode != MeshEditorOpType.BoundaryType.Any)
                bool is_boundary = PreviewMesh.IsBoundaryVertex(hitVID);
                if ((is_boundary && boundaryMode == MeshEditorOpType.BoundaryType.OnlyInternal) ||
                    (is_boundary == false && boundaryMode == MeshEditorOpType.BoundaryType.OnlyBoundary))

            Frame3f hitFrameL = new Frame3f(PreviewMesh.GetVertex(hitVID), PreviewMesh.GetTriNormal(hit_tri));

            hitFrameS = SceneTransforms.ObjectToScene(previewSO, hitFrameL);

コード例 #7
        public static PlaneIntersectionCurveSO CreateFromPlane(DMeshSO TargetSO, Frame3f PlaneS, SOMaterial material, FScene scene, double fNormalOffset = 0.0f)
            Frame3f PlaneO = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(TargetSO, PlaneS);

            PlaneIntersectionCurves curves = new PlaneIntersectionCurves(TargetSO.Mesh, PlaneO, 1)
                NormalOffset = fNormalOffset


            if (curves.Loops.Length != 1)
                throw new Exception("PlaneIntersectionSO.CreateFromPlane: got more than one cut loop?");
            DCurve3 loop = curves.Loops[0];

            // map loop back into plane frame
            for (int i = 0; i < loop.VertexCount; ++i)
                loop[i] = PlaneO.ToFrameP(loop[i]);

            PlaneIntersectionCurveSO curveSO = new PlaneIntersectionCurveSO()
                Curve = loop

            Frame3f curveFrame = SceneTransforms.ObjectToScene(TargetSO, PlaneO);

            curveSO.SetLocalFrame(curveFrame, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

                new AddSOChange()
                scene = scene, so = curveSO, bKeepWorldPosition = false

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// called on click-down
        /// </summary>
        override public void Begin(SceneObject so, Vector2d downPos, Ray3f downRayWorld)
            SORayHit hit;

            if (TargetSO.FindRayIntersection(downRayWorld, out hit) == false)

            Vector3d scenePos = SceneTransforms.WorldToSceneP(this.Scene, hit.hitPos);

            if (have_source == false)
                CurrentSourceHitPosS = new Frame3f(scenePos);

                sourceIndicator = new SphereIndicator()
                    SceneFrameF = () => { return(CurrentSourceHitPosS); },
                    Radius      = fDimension.Scene(SourceIndicatorSizeScene * 0.5),
                    ColorF      = () => { return(Colorf.Orange); }

                have_source     = true;
                source_modified = true;
            else if (have_extent == false)
                CurrentExtentHitPosS = new Frame3f(scenePos);

                extentIndicator = new SphereIndicator()
                    SceneFrameF = () => { return(CurrentExtentHitPosS); },
                    Radius      = fDimension.Scene(ExtentIndicatorSizeScene * 0.5),
                    ColorF      = () => { return(Colorf.CornflowerBlue); }

                have_extent     = true;
                extent_modified = true;
コード例 #9
        override public void Apply()
            float VerticalSpaceFudge = 10.0f;

            DMeshSO TargetMeshSO = TargetSO as DMeshSO;

            Frame3f           curFrameS = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            TransformSOChange change    = new TransformSOChange(TargetSO,
                                                                curFrameS, lastPreviewFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            Scene.History.PushChange(change, false);

            Frame3f newFrameS = new Frame3f(SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(TargetSO, meshBounds.Center));
            RepositionPivotChangeOp pivot1 = new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newFrameS, TargetMeshSO);

            Scene.History.PushChange(pivot1, false);

            newFrameS = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds         = TargetMeshSO.Mesh.CachedBounds;
            float            h              = (float)bounds.Height;
            Vector3f         o              = newFrameS.Origin;
            Vector3f         translate      = new Vector3f(-o.x, h * 0.5f - o.y + VerticalSpaceFudge, -o.z);
            Frame3f          centeredFrameS = newFrameS.Translated(translate);

            TransformSOChange centerChange = new TransformSOChange(TargetSO,
                                                                   newFrameS, centeredFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);

            Scene.History.PushChange(centerChange, false);

            newFrameS        = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            o                = newFrameS.Origin;
            o.y              = 0;
            newFrameS.Origin = o;

            RepositionPivotChangeOp pivot2 = new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newFrameS, TargetMeshSO);

            Scene.History.PushChange(pivot2, false);

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// initialize points w/ known base point and up direction
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize_KnownBasePoint(Vector3d basePointL, Vector3f upAxis)
            DMeshSO TargetMeshSO = TargetSO as DMeshSO;

            // initialize w/ auto-fit box
            DMesh3         mesh    = TargetMeshSO.Mesh;
            DMeshAABBTree3 spatial = TargetMeshSO.Spatial;

            meshBounds = mesh.CachedBounds;


            /*Frame3f frameO = TargetSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);*/

            // reproject base point onto surface in case somehow it is wrong
            Vector3f basePointUpdatedL = MeshQueries.NearestPointFrame(mesh, spatial, basePointL).Origin;
            Vector3f BasePointS        = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(TargetSO, basePointUpdatedL);

            Vector3f upAxisL   = Vector3f.AxisY;
            Vector3f topPointL = basePointUpdatedL + upAxisL * (float)meshBounds.Height;

            topPointL = MeshQueries.NearestPointFrame(mesh, spatial, topPointL).Origin;

            Vector3f TopPointS = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(TargetSO, topPointL);

            // shoot ray forward in scene, to find front point
            Vector3f forwardL = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectN(TargetSO, -Vector3f.AxisZ);
            Frame3f  fwHitFrameL;
            bool     bHit = MeshQueries.RayHitPointFrame(mesh, spatial, new Ray3d(meshBounds.Center, forwardL), out fwHitFrameL);

            if (!bHit)
                throw new Exception("SocketAlignmentTool.Initialize_KnownBasePoint: ray missed!");

            Vector3f FrontPointS = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(TargetSO, fwHitFrameL.Origin);

            SetPointPosition(BasePointID, new Frame3f(BasePointS), CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            SetPointPosition(FrontPointID, new Frame3f(FrontPointS), CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            SetPointPosition(TopPointID, new Frame3f(TopPointS), CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
コード例 #11
        public static void MoveToPrintBed(FScene scene, DMeshSO so, bool bInteractive)
            TransformSequence seq    = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneXForm(so);
            AxisAlignedBox3d  bounds = BoundsUtil.Bounds(so.Mesh.Vertices(), seq);

            Frame3f curFrameS = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            float   dy        = (float)(bounds.Center.y - bounds.Extents.y);

            if (Math.Abs(dy) > MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef)
                Frame3f newFrameS = curFrameS;
                newFrameS.Origin = curFrameS.Origin - dy * Vector3f.AxisY;
                TransformSOChange change = new TransformSOChange(so, curFrameS, newFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(change, false);
                if (bInteractive)
コード例 #12
        override public void SetLocalFrame(Frame3f newFrame, CoordSpace eSpace)
            if (Parent != GetScene())
                throw new Exception("SlicePlaneHeightSO.SetLocalFrame: unsupported");

            Frame3f newSceneFrame = newFrame;

            if (eSpace == CoordSpace.WorldCoords)
                newSceneFrame = SceneTransforms.WorldToScene(GetScene(), newFrame);

            Line3d    axis = new Line3d(ConstraintFrameS.Origin, Vector3d.AxisY);
            Segment3d seg  = new Segment3d(axis.ClosestPoint(MinPosS), axis.ClosestPoint(MaxPosS));
            Vector3d  cp   = seg.NearestPoint(newSceneFrame.Origin);

            newSceneFrame.Origin = (Vector3f)cp;
            base.SetLocalFrame(newSceneFrame, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
コード例 #13
ファイル: SnapElements.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsCore
        public void PreRender(Vector3f cameraPosition)
            // since we are supporting case where so is moving (ie bimanual grab), we need to
            // update position here. And SetGameObjectFrame() does not support SceneCoords.
            // So map scene to world
            Frame3f FrameW = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(FrameS, so, CoordSpace.SceneCoords, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);

            UnityUtil.SetGameObjectFrame(primGO, FrameW, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);

            float fScaling = VRUtil.GetVRRadiusForVisualAngle(
                primGO.transform.position, cameraPosition,
                SceneGraphConfig.DefaultPivotVisualDegrees * 0.98f);
            // [RMS] not sure this makes sense...eg what if we have multiple parents? they could
            //   have different scalings, no? ParentScale seems to be inherited from scene scaling,
            //   somehow, but it is unclear...
            float fParentScale = primGO.transform.parent.localScale[0];
            float fSceneScale  = so.GetScene().GetSceneScale();

            fScaling = fScaling / fParentScale / fSceneScale;
            primGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3f(fScaling, fScaling, fScaling);
コード例 #14
        public IVectorDisplacementSourceOp AppendLengthenOp(PivotSO Source)
            Frame3f deformF = Frame3f.Identity;

            deformF = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(deformF, Source, leg);

            LengthenOp deformOp = new LengthenOp()
                BasePoint        = deformF.Origin,
                Direction        = -Vector3d.AxisY,
                BandDistance     = 50.0f,
                LengthenDistance = 2.0f,
                MeshSource       = SOMeshSource

            SO_Op.Add(Source, deformOp);

            OnDeformationAdded?.Invoke(Source, deformOp);

コード例 #15
        public IVectorDisplacementSourceOp AppendRegionOffset(EnclosedPatchSO Source)
            Frame3f deformF = Frame3f.Identity;

            deformF = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(deformF, Source, leg);

            PolyCurveSOSourceOp    curveOp  = new PolyCurveSOSourceOp(Source);
            EnclosedRegionOffsetOp deformOp = new EnclosedRegionOffsetOp()
                Normal           = deformF.Y,
                PushPullDistance = 2.0f,
                MeshSource       = SOMeshSource,
                CurveSource      = curveOp

            SO_Op.Add(Source, deformOp);

            OnDeformationAdded?.Invoke(Source, deformOp);

コード例 #16
        public IVectorDisplacementSourceOp AppendPlaneBandExpansion(PlaneIntersectionCurveSO Source)
            Frame3f deformF = Frame3f.Identity;

            deformF = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(deformF, Source, leg);

            PlaneBandExpansionOp deformOp = new PlaneBandExpansionOp()
                Origin           = deformF.Origin,
                Normal           = deformF.Y,
                BandDistance     = 15.0f,
                PushPullDistance = -1.0f,
                MeshSource       = SOMeshSource

            SO_Op.Add(Source, deformOp);

            OnDeformationAdded?.Invoke(Source, deformOp);

コード例 #17
ファイル: MultiPointTool.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsCore
        public Frame3f GetPointPosition(int id, CoordSpace space = CoordSpace.SceneCoords)
            ControlPoint pt;

            if (GizmoPoints.TryGetValue(id, out pt) == false)
                throw new Exception("MultiSurfacePointTool.SetPointPosition: point with id " + id + " does not exist!");

            if (space == CoordSpace.WorldCoords)
                return(SceneTransforms.SceneToWorld(this.Scene, pt.currentFrameS));
            else if (space == CoordSpace.ObjectCoords)
                return(SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(TargetSO, pt.currentFrameS));
コード例 #18
ファイル: Actions_Model.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/OrthoVR
        /// <summary>
        /// adds an expand/contract-type plane/leg intersection thing at the given frame
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddLengthenOp()
            if (OG.IsInState(OGWorkflow.RectifyState) == false)

            LengthenPivotSO pivotSO = new LengthenPivotSO();

            pivotSO.Create(OG.Scene.PivotSOMaterial, null);
            OG.Scene.AddSceneObject(pivotSO, false);
            pivotSO.Name = "LengthenPivot";

            // we put the lengthen pivot at min vertex of leg
            DMesh3   mesh   = OG.Leg.SO.Mesh;
            Vector3d minYPt = Vector3d.Zero;

            foreach (Vector3d v in mesh.Vertices())
                if (v.y < minYPt.y)
                    minYPt = v;
            Vector3d basePtS = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(OG.Leg.SO, minYPt);

            Frame3f pivotF = new Frame3f(basePtS);

            pivotSO.SetLocalFrame(pivotF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
            pivotSO.InitialLegPtL = pivotF.Origin;


            // select pivot next frame
            OG.Context.RegisterNextFrameAction(() => {
                OG.Scene.Select(pivotSO, true);
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// called on click-down
        /// </summary>
        override public void Begin(SceneObject so, Vector2d downPos, Ray3f downRay)
            SORayHit hit;

            if (TargetSO.FindRayIntersection(downRay, out hit) == false)

            Vector3d scenePos = SceneTransforms.WorldToSceneP(this.Scene, hit.hitPos);

            CurrentHitPosS = new Frame3f(scenePos);

            float fObjectT = (CurrentHitPosS.Origin - ObjectFrameS.Origin).Dot(ObjectFrameS.Y);

            CurrentPlaneFrameS = ObjectFrameS.Translated(fObjectT, 1);

            if (have_set_plane == false)
                sphereIndicator = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSphereIndicator(0, "hit_point",
                                                                       fDimension.Scene(sphere_indicator_size * 0.5),
                                                                       () => { return(CurrentHitPosS); },
                                                                       () => { return(Colorf.Orange); },
                                                                       () => { return(true); });

                planeIndicator = IndicatorBuilder.MakeSectionPlaneIndicator(1, "section_plane",
                                                                            () => { return(CurrentPlaneFrameS); },
                                                                            () => { return(new Colorf(Colorf.LightGreen, 0.5f)); },
                                                                            () => { return(true); });

                have_set_plane = true;
コード例 #20
ファイル: AddHoleTool.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/gsTools
        void update_current_hole_type()
            if (HoleType == HoleTypes.CutHole)
                if (CutOp != null)
                    CutOp.StartPoint = LastUpdateRay.Origin;
                    CutOp.EndPoint   = LastUpdateRay.PointAt(LastThroughDepth);

            if (HoleType == HoleTypes.CavityObject || AlwaysShowPreview)
                Frame3f holeFrame = new Frame3f(LastUpdateRay.Origin, LastUpdateRay.Direction);
                holeFrame.Translate((float)(-CurEndOffset) * holeFrame.Z);

                Frame3f holeFrameS = SceneTransforms.ObjectToScene(InputMeshSO, holeFrame);
                CavityPreviewSO.SetLocalFrame(holeFrameS, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                CavityPreviewSO.SetLocalScale(new Vector3f(hole_size, hole_size, (float)CurHoleDepth));

            active_hole_type = HoleType;
コード例 #21
        public List <Polygon2d> GetPolygons()
            Frame3f f = frameL;

            if (OutputSpace != CoordSpace.ObjectCoords)
                f = SceneTransforms.TransformTo(f, SO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords, OutputSpace);

            List <Polygon2d> polygons = new List <Polygon2d>();

            foreach (DCurve3 c in localCurves.Loops)
                Polygon2d poly = new Polygon2d();
                for (int i = 0; i < c.VertexCount; ++i)
                    Vector2f uv = f.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)c[i], 2);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Actions_Scene.cs プロジェクト: tomleetv/Cotangent
        public static void DuplicateSelectedObjects(bool bInteractive)
            List <SceneObject> duplicate = new List <SceneObject>(CC.ActiveScene.Selected);

            foreach (var existingSO in duplicate)
                if (existingSO is PrintMeshSO == false)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("CCActions.DuplicateSelectedObjects: currently can only delete print meshes?");

                PrintMeshSO dupeSO = (existingSO as PrintMeshSO).DuplicateSubtype <PrintMeshSO>();
                dupeSO.Name = UniqueNames.GetNext(existingSO.Name);

                // If we have multi-select, then we duplicated relative to a transient group that will
                // go away. So, update position using scene coords
                if (existingSO.Parent is FScene == false)
                    var sceneF = existingSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                    dupeSO.SetLocalFrame(sceneF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                    Vector3f scaleL = existingSO.GetLocalScale();
                    Vector3f scaleS = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneV(existingSO, scaleL);
                    float    scale  = scaleS.Length / scaleL.Length;
                    dupeSO.SetLocalScale(scale * Vector3f.One);

                if (dupeSO.CanAutoUpdateFromSource() && dupeSO.AutoUpdateOnSourceFileChange == true)
            if (bInteractive)
コード例 #23
        void update_selection()
            if (have_source && have_extent)
                if (source_modified)
                    Frame3f objFrame = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(TargetSO, CurrentSourceHitPosS);
                    int     tid      = TargetSO.Spatial.FindNearestTriangle(objFrame.Origin);
                    selectionCache.InitializeGeodesicDistance(objFrame.Origin, tid);
                    source_modified = false;
                    selection_valid = false;

                if (extent_modified)
                    Frame3f objFrame = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(TargetSO, CurrentExtentHitPosS);
                    int     tid      = TargetSO.Spatial.FindNearestTriangle(objFrame.Origin);
                    float   scalar   = selectionCache.GetTriScalar(objFrame.Origin, tid);
                    extent_modified = false;
                    selection_valid = false;
コード例 #24
        public virtual void Setup()
            // push history stream, so that we can do undo/redo internal to tool,
            // that will not end up in external history

            if (OnApplyF == null)
                OnApplyF = this.add_so_to_scene;

            if (PreviewMaterial == null)
                PreviewMaterial = SOMaterial.CreateMesh("tool_generated", Colorf.DimGrey);
            if (ErrorMaterial == null)
                ErrorMaterial = SOMaterial.CreateMesh("tool_generated_error", Colorf.VideoRed);

            // clear selection here so that multi-select GroupSO goes away, otherwise
            // when we copy frmaes below, they are relative to that GroupSO, and things move
            inputSelection = new List <SceneObject>(Scene.Selected);

            if (InputSOs.Count == 1 && ForceSceneSpaceComputation == false)
                combineMesh         = new DMesh3(InputSOs[0].Mesh);
                sceneToObjUnitScale = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(InputSOs[0], 1.0f);
                combineMesh = new DMesh3();
                MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(combineMesh);
                foreach (var so in InputSOs)
                    TransformSequence xform     = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneXForm(so);
                    DMesh3            inputMesh = so.Mesh;
                    int[]             mapV;
                    if (editor.AppendMesh(so.Mesh, out mapV))
                        MeshTransforms.PerVertexTransform(combineMesh, inputMesh, mapV, (v, old_id, new_id) => {
                sceneToObjUnitScale = 1.0;

            MeshSourceOp = new ConstantMeshSourceOp(combineMesh, true, true);
            EditOp       = edit_op_factory(MeshSourceOp);
            ComputeOp    = new ThreadedMeshComputeOp()
                MeshSource = EditOp

            PreviewSO = new DMeshSO()
                EnableSpatial = EnablePreviewSpatial
            PreviewSO.Create(new DMesh3(), PreviewMaterial);
            if (InputSOs.Count == 1 && ForceSceneSpaceComputation == false)
                PreviewSO.SetLocalFrame(InputSOs[0].GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords), CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);

コード例 #25
        public virtual void Setup()
            // push history stream, so that we can do undo/redo internal to tool,
            // that will not end up in external history

            if (OnApplyF == null)
                OnApplyF = this.add_so_to_scene;

            if (PreviewMaterial == null)
                PreviewMaterial = SOMaterial.CreateMesh("tool_generated", Colorf.DimGrey);
            if (ErrorMaterial == null)
                ErrorMaterial = SOMaterial.CreateMesh("tool_generated_error", Colorf.VideoRed);

            // clear selection here so that multi-select GroupSO goes away, otherwise
            // when we copy frmaes below, they are relative to that GroupSO, and things move
            inputSelection = new List <SceneObject>(Scene.Selected);

            objects = new List <TargetObject>();
            foreach (var so in InputSOs)
                TargetObject o = new TargetObject();

                o.SO                  = so;
                o.sceneFrame          = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                o.sceneToObjUnitScale = SceneTransforms.SceneToObject(o.SO, 1.0f);

                o.MeshSourceOp = new WrapDMeshSourceOp()
                    MeshSourceF    = () => { return(so.Mesh); },
                    SpatialSourceF = () => { return(so.Spatial); }
                o.EditOp  = edit_op_factory(o);
                o.Compute = new ThreadedMeshComputeOp()
                    MeshSource = o.EditOp

                o.Preview = new DMeshSO()
                    EnableSpatial = EnablePreviewSpatial
                o.Preview.Create(new DMesh3(), PreviewMaterial);
                o.Preview.SetLocalFrame(so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords), CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);


コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the action we give to the trim-scan tool, to run on accept
        /// </summary>
        public static void CropScanFromSelection(DMeshSO so, MeshFaceSelection selection, object tool)
            DMesh3 beforeMesh = new DMesh3(so.Mesh);
            DMesh3 mesh       = so.Mesh;

            // [RMS] if we are using the two-point tool, then we can use the user input points to
            // try to figure out an up axis, by assuming the first point is on the base of the scan. Steps are:
            //   1) guess a midpoint. Currently centroid of upper-half of geodesic selection.
            //   2) construct up axis as (midpoint-basepoint). this axis to Y-up.
            Vector3f upAxisS = Vector3f.AxisY;
            TwoPointFaceSelectionTool ptool = tool as TwoPointFaceSelectionTool;

            if (ptool != null)
                var        cache     = ptool.SelectionCache;
                Interval1d range     = new Interval1d(cache.CurrentScalarThreshold / 2, cache.CurrentScalarThreshold);
                List <int> triangles = new List <int>(selection.Count);
                cache.FindTrianglesInScalarInterval(range, triangles);
                Vector3d c        = MeshMeasurements.Centroid(triangles, mesh.GetTriCentroid);
                Vector3d cS       = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(so, c);
                Vector3d basePosS = ptool.SourcePositionS.Origin;
                upAxisS = (Vector3f)(cS - basePosS).Normalized;

            // crop scan and fill top hole
            List <int> borderTris = selection.FindBorderTris();
            MeshEditor editor     = new MeshEditor(mesh);

            editor.RemoveTriangles((tid) => { return(selection.IsSelected(tid) == false); }, true);
            if (OGActions.FillHoleInScan)
                SmoothedHoleFill fill = new SmoothedHoleFill(mesh)
                    TargetEdgeLength = 2.5f,
                    SmoothAlpha      = 0.5f,
                    BorderHintTris   = borderTris,
                    OffsetDirection  = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectN(so, upAxisS),
                    OffsetDistance   = (ptool != null) ? 25.0 : 0.0

            DMesh3 afterMesh = new DMesh3(so.Mesh);

            so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new ReplaceEntireMeshChange(so, beforeMesh, afterMesh), true);
            mesh = so.Mesh;

            // Now we auto-align the scan so it points upwards, and then
            // recenter pivot and shift to above ground plane
            if (ptool != null)
                Vector3d    basePosS = ptool.SourcePositionS.Origin;
                Quaternionf alignUp  = Quaternionf.FromTo(upAxisS, Vector3f.AxisY);

                // rotate part so that axis points up
                Frame3f           curF          = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                Frame3f           newF          = curF.Rotated(alignUp);
                TransformSOChange alignUpChange = new TransformSOChange(so, curF, newF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                basePosS = newF.FromFrameP(curF.ToFrameP(basePosS));   // map to new frame
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(alignUpChange, false);

                // recenter pivot at bbox center
                // [RMS] previously was using vertex centroid, but this is then affected by mesh density
                //   (maybe tri centroid? but bbox makes more sense...and below we assume box center)
                Vector3d centerL   = mesh.CachedBounds.Center;
                Vector3d centerO   = newF.FromFrameP(centerL);
                Frame3f  newPivotO = new Frame3f(centerO);
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newPivotO, so), false);

                // position above ground plane
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds     = so.Mesh.CachedBounds;
                float            h          = (float)bounds.Height;
                Vector3f         o          = newPivotO.Origin;
                Vector3f         translateO = new Vector3f(-o.x, h * 0.5f - o.y + BaseHeightAboveGroundPlaneMM, -o.z);
                //Vector3f translateO = new Vector3f(0, h * 0.5f - o.y + BaseHeightAboveGroundPlaneMM, 0);
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new TransformSOChange(so, newPivotO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords), false);

                // save base point in frame of scan
                basePosS += translateO;
                Vector3d basePosL = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectP(so, basePosS);
                OG.Scan.UserBasePoint = basePosL;
