static public void PlayScenario(string levelName, string scenarioName) { if (levelName != Application.loadedLevelName) // currentlyLoadedLevelName ){ { Debug.LogWarning("ScenarioCtrl couldn't play because LoadLevelName not match."); return; } // Get ScenarioObject. GameObject scenarioObj = GameObject.Find(scenarioName); bool isFromResource = false; if (scenarioObj == null) { Debug.LogWarning("ScenarioNode object NOT FOUND in scene. now Find in Resources."); scenarioObj = ViNoGOExtensions.InstantiateFromResource(scenarioName, null); if (scenarioObj == null) { Debug.LogError("ScenarioNode :" + scenarioName + " also Not Found in Resources."); } else { isFromResource = true; ViNoGOExtensions.StripGameObjectName(scenarioObj, "(Clone)", ""); } } ScenarioNode scenario = scenarioObj.GetComponent <ScenarioNode>(); if (scenario != null) { if (m_LoadLevelAndStartScenario) { scenario.startFromSave = true; } if (!isFromResource) { scenario.Play(); } } else { Debug.LogError("Scenario :" + scenarioName + "object not attached a ScenarioNode."); } m_LoadLevelAndStartScenario = false; m_LoadLevelAndNewGame = false; }
// ------------- Override --------------------. /// <summary> /// Handles the opcode. /// </summary> public override void OnUpdate() { if (IsFinish()) { return; } // Pomp Message to MessagingHandler. if (m_MessagePompToMsghandler) { if (m_MessagingHandler != null) { bool handled = m_MessagingHandler.HandleOpcode(this); m_MessagePompToMsghandler = !handled; } return; } m_CanTextProgress = false; switch (code[pc]) { case Opcode.STRING: pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 1); m_TextBuilder.Append(loadedString); break; case Opcode.TEXT: pc = ReadText(pc); break; case Opcode.VAR: pc = ByteCodeReader.readVar(code, pc, ref paramHash, ref m_TextBuilder, stubIndent); break; case Opcode.TABLE: pc = ByteCodeReader.readTable(code, pc, ref paramHash); break; case Opcode.ASSIGN_STRING: // Debug.Log("OPCODE>ASSIGN_STRING"); pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 2); leftHand = loadedString; pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 1); rightHand = loadedString; // Debug.Log( "Opcode.ASSIGN key=" + leftHand + " value=\"" + rightHand + "\"" ); // Assign Value to Hashtable ?. #if false symbolTable[leftHand] = rightHand; // Assign Value to FlagTable. #else ScenarioNode scenario = ScenarioNode.Instance; if (scenario != null && scenario.flagTable != null) { scenario.flagTable.SetStringValue(leftHand, rightHand); } #endif leftHand = ""; rightHand = ""; break; case Opcode.NULL: pc++; break; case Opcode.MESSAGING: pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 2); messagingTargetName = loadedString; m_MessagePompToMsghandler = true; bool isIgnoreObj = loadedString.Equals("env"); if (!isIgnoreObj) { if (tweenDataCached.tweenTarget != null) { if (! { tweenDataCached.tweenTarget = GameObject.Find(messagingTargetName); } } else { tweenDataCached.tweenTarget = GameObject.Find(messagingTargetName); } } tweenDataCached.paramTable = paramHash; break; case Opcode.NODE: m_PrevNodeName = m_CurrNodeName; pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 2); ViNoDebugger.Log("NODE", loadedString); m_CurrNodeName = loadedString; m_NodePcMap[loadedString] = pc; SetCurrentNodeToScriptEngine(); // Callback to ScriptBinder. scriptBinder.OnEnterNode(this); break; case Opcode.LOAD_RESOURCE: m_LoadedResourcePath = VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString; m_LoadedResource = UnityWrapper.LoadResource(m_LoadedResourcePath); pc++; break; // TODO : Need to Test . case Opcode.PLAY_AUDIO_FROM_RESOURCE: m_LoadedResourcePath = VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString; ISoundPlayer.Instance.PlayAudioClip(m_LoadedResource as AudioClip, m_LoadedResourcePath, ViNoConfig.prefsBgmVolume, 0f); m_LoadedResource = null; Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); pc++; break; case Opcode.INSTANTIATE_AS_GAMEOBJECT: if (m_LoadedResource != null) { string parentName = VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString; UnityWrapper.InstantiateAsGameObject(m_LoadedResource, parentName); m_LoadedResource = null; Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } else { Debug.LogError("Resource not loaded."); } pc++; break; case Opcode.DESTROY_OBJECT: string goName = VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString; GameObject go = GameObject.Find(goName); // TODO : GO.Find is Slow . GameObject.Destroy(go); pc++; break; case Opcode.JUMP: // Jump to loadedString Node . ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 2); GoToLabel(loadedString); ViNoDebugger.Log("NODE", "jump to :" + loadedString); break; case Opcode.IF: pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 2); string flagName = VirtualMachine.loadedString; Debug.Log("flag name :" + flagName); bool isOnOrOff = (code[pc] == 1) ? true : false; pc++; pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 1); string ifTarget = VirtualMachine.loadedString; Debug.Log("IF =>" + ifTarget); pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 1); string elseTarget = VirtualMachine.loadedString; Debug.Log("ELSE =>" + elseTarget); bool isFlagOn = ScenarioNode.Instance.flagTable.CheckFlagBy(flagName); if (isFlagOn == isOnOrOff) { Debug.Log("IF"); GoToLabel(ifTarget); } else { Debug.Log("ELSE"); GoToLabel(elseTarget); } break; // ----- Layer -----. #if false case Opcode.LAYOPT: GOOptionNode.Do(paramHash); pc++; break; #endif case Opcode.BEGIN_TRANSITION: UnityWrapper.BeginTransition(); pc++; break; case Opcode.END_TRANSITION: UnityWrapper.EndTransition(); pc++; break; case Opcode.SCENE_NODE: SceneData.SceneNodeData data = SceneCreator.CreateNodeData(paramHash); SceneCreator.Create(data); pc++; break; case Opcode.LOAD_SCENE: // bool destroy = ( code[ pc + 1 ] == 0 ) ? true : false ; // UnityWrapper.LoadScene( m_LoadedResource , destroy ); LoadSceneNode.Do(m_LoadedResource, paramHash); m_LoadedResource = null; Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); pc++; break; case Opcode.CLEAR_SCENE: GameObject advSceneRoot = ViNoSceneManager.Instance.theSavedPanel; bool immediateDestroy = false; SceneCreator.DestroyScene(advSceneRoot, immediateDestroy); pc++; break; /* case Opcode.PLAY_ANIMATION: * byte animationID = code[ pc + 1 ]; * ViNoAnimationManager.Instance.PlayAnimation( (int)animationID ); * pc+= 2; * break; * //*/ // ----- Message -----. case Opcode.BR: // m_TextBuilder.Append( "\n" ); pc++; break; //scriptBinder.BR( this ); pc++; break; case Opcode.CM: ClearMessage(); pc++; break; case Opcode.ER: AddToBacklog(); ClearTextBuilder(); if (m_MsgTargetTextBox != null) { m_MsgTargetTextBox.ClearMessage(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Current Message Target Not Set."); } pc++; break; case Opcode.PRINT: scriptBinder.PRINT(this); pc++; break; case Opcode.CURRENT: TriggerMessageEvent("OnMessageTargetChanged", code[pc + 1], "", true); break; case Opcode.SET_TEXT: TriggerMessageEvent("OnSetText", code[pc + 1], VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString, true); m_CurrentText = m_MessageEventData.message; break; case Opcode.HIDE_MESSAGE: TriggerMessageEvent("OnHideMessage", code[pc + 1], "", false); break; // ------ System Opcode -----. case Opcode.START_WAIT: m_ElapsedSec = 0f; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loadedTextLiteralString)) { m_WaitSec = float.Parse(loadedTextLiteralString); } else { m_WaitSec = kWaitSec; } pc++; break; case Opcode.UPDATE_WAIT: // ViNoDebugger.Log( "VM" , "waiting ..."); m_ElapsedSec += Time.deltaTime; if (m_ElapsedSec > m_WaitSec) { pc++; } break; case Opcode.STOP: // Wait Until Player choosing from options . or reached to the end of a leaf node . // Nothing to do... break; case Opcode.END: ViNoEventManager.Instance.TriggerEvent("OnFinishScenario"); update = false; break; case Opcode.PLAY_SCENARIO: pc = ByteCodeReader.readString(code, pc + 2); string scenarioName = loadedString; GameObject scenarioObj = GOCache.SetActive(scenarioName, true); if (scenarioObj != null) { ScenarioNode s = scenarioObj.GetComponent <ScenarioNode>(); s.Play(); } break; case Opcode.FLAG_ON: if (ScenarioNode.Instance != null && ScenarioNode.Instance.flagTable != null) { ScenarioNode.Instance.flagTable.SetFlagBy(VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString, true); } pc++; break; case Opcode.FLAG_OFF: if (ScenarioNode.Instance != null && ScenarioNode.Instance.flagTable != null) { ScenarioNode.Instance.flagTable.SetFlagBy(VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString, false); } pc++; break; case Opcode.SELECTIONS: ISelectionsCtrl selCtrl = ISelectionsCtrl.Instance; if (selCtrl != null) { if (!selCtrl.IsActive()) { string title = VirtualMachine.loadedTextLiteralString; selCtrl.SetTitle(title); ISelectionsCtrl.Instance.ChangeActive(true); } } else { Debug.LogError("ISelectionsCtrl instance not found."); } pc++; break; case Opcode.LINK: ISelectionsCtrl.Instance.AddSelection(ref paramHash); pc++; break; case Opcode.WAIT_TOUCH: if (IScriptEngine.skip) { if (IScriptEngine.skipAlreadyPass && !VirtualMachine._ALREADY_PASS_THE_NODE) { return; } _SkipText( ); ISoundPlayer pl = ISoundPlayer.Instance; if (pl != null) { if (pl.IsPlayingVoice()) { pl.StopVoice(); } } m_CanTextProgress = true; return; } if (autoMode) { float dt = Time.deltaTime; m_TimeElapsed += dt; if (m_TimeElapsed > _AUTO_MODE_WAIT_TIME) { m_TimeElapsed = 0f; _SkipText(); } return; } m_CanTextProgress = true; break; // case Opcode.PLAY_BGM: // break; // -----Audio -----. case Opcode.PLAY_SOUND: byte soundCategory = code[pc + 1]; // 0: BGM 1:SE 2: VOICE. byte soundID = code[pc + 2]; UnityWrapper.PlaySound(soundCategory, soundID); if (soundCategory == 2) { SET_CURRENT_VOICE_ID(true, soundID); } pc += 3; break; case Opcode.STOP_SOUND: //TODO : pc++; break; case Opcode.STOP_VOICE: SET_CURRENT_VOICE_ID(false, 0); if (ISoundPlayer.Instance != null) { ISoundPlayer.Instance.StopVoice(); } pc++; break; default: ViNoDebugger.LogError("VM", "PC : " + pc); break; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // serializedObject.Update(); ScenarioNode scenario = target as ScenarioNode; if (Application.isPlaying) { // Ping Current Node in playmode. IScriptEngine scr = IScriptEngine.Instance; if (scr != null) { GUICommon.DrawScriptEngineCommonInspector(scr); } } //*/ Color savedCol = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor =; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scenario.m_PlayAtStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Play at Start", scenario.m_PlayAtStart); //, GUILayout.Width( 15f ) ); // EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Start and Play" , GUILayout.Width( 100f ) ); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scenario.startFromSave = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Start from SavePoint", scenario.startFromSave); //, GUILayout.Width( 15f ) ); // EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Start from Savepoint" , GUILayout.Width( 150f ) ); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); scenario.flagTable = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Flag", scenario.flagTable, typeof(FlagTable), false) as FlagTable; //*/ // scenario.saveInfo = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( "SaveInfo" , scenario.saveInfo , typeof( ViNoSaveInfo ) , false ) as ViNoSaveInfo; // scenario.soundData = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( "SoundData" , scenario.soundData , typeof( ScriptableSoundData ) , false ) as ScriptableSoundData; /* if ( soundDataProp != null){ * EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundDataProp ); * } * //*/ // Dont show now. // Adv Script Compile Option. #if false if (GUILayout.Button("Node Names")) { List <string> list = scenario.GetNodeTagsUnderMe(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Debug.Log("Node:" + list[i]); } } // scenario.execMode = (ScenarioExecMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup( "ExecLevel" , scenario.execMode ); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Scenario Script"); scenarioScript = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(scenarioScript); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scenario.useCompiledScript = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(scenario.useCompiledScript); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("useCompiled", GUILayout.Width(100f)); scenario.compiledScriptFile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(scenario.compiledScriptFile, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Compile")) { CompileAndSaveAsBinaryFile(, scenario); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scenario.m_CacheCode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(scenario.m_CacheCode, GUILayout.Width(15f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("IsCacheCode", GUILayout.Width(100f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scenario.m_PlayOnEnable = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(scenario.m_PlayOnEnable, GUILayout.Width(15f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("PlayOnEnable", GUILayout.Width(100f)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endif /* GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * * scenario.useScenarioScript = EditorGUILayout.Toggle( "use Scenario Script" , scenario.useScenarioScript );// , GUILayout.Width( 15f ) ); * // EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "useScenarioScript" , GUILayout.Width( 100f ) ); * * GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); * //*/ /* if( scenario.useScenarioScript ){ * scenario.scenarioScript = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( "TextAsset" , scenario.scenarioScript , typeof( TextAsset ) , false ) as TextAsset; * } * else{ * //*/ // GUI.enabled = ! scenario.useScenarioScript; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scenario.startNode = (ViNode)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("START NODE", scenario.startNode, typeof(ViNode), true); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // } // GUI.enabled = true; // GUI.enabled = Application.isPlaying; // NodeGUI.OnGUI_ViNode( scenario , true , false ); if (Application.isPlaying) { if (GUILayout.Button("PLAY")) { if (AssetDatabase.Contains(scenario.gameObject)) { GameObject clone = Instantiate(scenario.gameObject) as GameObject; ViNoGOExtensions.StripGameObjectName(clone, "(Clone)", ""); } else { scenario.Play(); } } } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(30f); if (AssetDatabase.Contains(scenario.gameObject)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Edit")) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Note", "If you finish editing in your scene , please do not forget to apply changes to the prefab", "Ok"); GameObject obj = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(scenario.gameObject) as GameObject; //AttachedAsset( scenario.gameObject ); PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(obj, scenario.gameObject, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(obj); } } else { /* if( GUILayout.Button ( "Save as ScenarioScript" ) ){ * // scenarioScript = KAGInterpreter._TEST_TO_KIRIKIRI_SCRIPT( scenario.gameObject ); * string text = ViNoToolkit.KAGInterpreter.ToScenarioScript( scenario.gameObject ); * // System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); * // scenario.ToScenarioScript( ref sb ); * string filePath = Application.dataPath + "/" + + ".txt"; * Debug.Log( "Saved as a Scenario Script at :" + filePath ); * File.WriteAllText( filePath , text ); * AssetDatabase.Refresh(); * * // scenario.scenarioScript = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( filePath , typeof(TextAsset) ) as TextAsset; * // scenarioScript = sb.ToString(); * // Debug.Log ( sb.ToString ()); * } * //*/ } GUILayout.Space(30f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } // GUI.enabled = true; GUI.backgroundColor = savedCol; // serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }