コード例 #1
 private static void OnResultProvided(object sender, ScanResultArgs <AutoTweakableResult> e)
     if (CheckForManager())
         ITweakable tweakble = e.result.tweakble;
         e.result.autoTweakable.tweakable = tweakble;
         e.result.autoTweakable.UniqueId  = e.result.uniqueId;
コード例 #2
        private void CustomSerializerFound(object sender, ScanResultArgs <CustomSerializerResult> e)
            CustomTypeSerializer customTypeSerializer = Activator.CreateInstance(e.result.type, this) as CustomTypeSerializer;

            customSerializers.Add(customTypeSerializer.CustomType, customTypeSerializer);
コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Output some information about the program running
            Console.Title = "Berzerk Malware Scanner - Test Client - http://JordanHook.com";

            // Output version of tester
            Console.WriteLine("Berzerk Malware Scanner Test Client 1.0");

            // Scan a folder based on the args
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No scan directory specified...");

            // Declare some variables for the scan
            string ScanDirectory = args[0];

            // Our controllers...
            SignatureController Signatures = new SignatureController("sigs.sdb");

            // Load the library setting defaults (we will add a settings controller later...)

            //Set max file size to 5mb to testing purposes..
            BerzerkAPI.Settings.MaxFileSize = (1024 * 1024) * 5;

            // Try to load the signatures
            if (Signatures.LoadDatabase())
                Console.WriteLine("Signature database was loaded with {0} entries", Signatures.Signatures.Count);
                // If the signatures can't be loaded... we can't scan for anything
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to load signature database...");

            // Output current task
            Console.WriteLine("\nGathering files to scan...");

            // Now that our controllers have been loaded... we can attempt to start scanning files
            Queue <string> ScanList = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.CreateFileQueue(ScanDirectory, true);

            // Output current task
            Console.WriteLine("\nScanning {0} files...", ScanList.Count);

            // Loop through each file in the list
            //foreach (string file in ScanList)
            //    try
            //    {
            //        // Run a scan on the file
            //        Signature scan = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(file, Signatures, Cached);

            //        // Check if there is a threat detected
            //        if (scan != null)
            //        {
            //            // Output the detection type and file location
            //            Console.WriteLine("\nDETECTED {0}:\n{1}", scan.Definition, file);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception)
            //    {
            //        // We were unable to access the current file due to permission issues or it being in use...
            //    }

            // Multi threaded scan
            List <Thread> ScanThreads = new List <Thread>();
            int           totalFiles  = ScanList.Count();

            // Run an extra thread to display some information about the scan...
            new Thread(() =>
                // While the scan is still running
                while (ScanList.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} Files left to scan...", ScanList.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} Scanning threads running...", ScanThreads.Count());
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} Files have been scanned...", totalFiles - ScanList.Count());
                    // Garbage collect call since our scans use a lot of resources

            // While there are files left to scan...
            while (true)
                // If there are no scans running and no files left to scan
                // Exit the infinite loop
                if (ScanThreads.Count() == 0 && ScanList.Count == 0)

                // Find a dead thread...
                var dead = ScanThreads.FirstOrDefault(th => th.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped);

                // While there are more dead threads
                while (dead != null)
                    // Remove them

                    // Find more?
                    dead = ScanThreads.FirstOrDefault(th => th.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped);

                // Ensure 1 thread per processor core
                while (ScanThreads.Count() < Environment.ProcessorCount)
                    // Don't start a new thread if the scan list is empty.. we just need to wait for the rest of the scans to finish...
                    if (ScanList.Count == 0)

                    // Create a new thead
                    Thread t = new Thread(() =>
                            // Get the next file
                            string current = ScanList.Dequeue();

                            // Scan the current file
                            //Signature scan = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(current, ref Signatures, ref Cached);
                            ScanResultArgs result = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(current, Signatures);

                            // Check the results
                            if (result.Detection != null)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nDETECTED {0}:\n{1}", result.Detection.Definition, current);
                        catch (Exception)
                            // We were unable to access the current file due to permission issues or it being in use...

                    // Add the scan thread to the list

                    // Run the thread
                    t.IsBackground = true;

                // Pause while we wait for a scan to finish...

            // All scans completed, give a delay before outputting finished results incase a detection is still being outputted..

            // EOP...
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nScan complete, press any key to exit...");
コード例 #4
 private void OnObjectFound(object sender, ScanResultArgs <T> e)
コード例 #5
 private void OnWatchableScanned(object sender, ScanResultArgs <IWatchable> e)
コード例 #6
 private void OnTweakableScanned(object sender, ScanResultArgs <ITweakable> e)
コード例 #7
        public void Run()
            // Create master thread to manage running threads
            Thread t = new Thread(() =>
                // Create local copies of databases to work with
                SignatureController localSignatures = this.Signatures;
                TargetProcess = Process.ProcessQueue();

                bool loadProcess = false;
                //MaxThreads = 1;
                //MaxThreads /=2;

                // While we are not canceling the whole scan...
                while (!Cancel)
                    while (Pause)

                        // exit
                        if (Cancel == true)
                            // exit

                    //detmine number of threads to use when scanning
                    if (Settings.ReducePriority)
                        this.MaxThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount / 2;
                        this.MaxThreads = Environment.ProcessorCount;

                    // If all scans have finished and there is nothing left to scan...
                    if (RunningThreads == 0 && TargetFiles.Count() == 0 && TargetProcess.Count() == 0)
                        // All files have been scanned... time to implement a process scanner....

                        // Attempt to raise event for scan complete
                        // Raise the event

                        // And then exit the loop
                    else if (TargetFiles.Count() == 0 && !loadProcess)
                        loadProcess = true;
                        // Get a queue of new process...
                        TargetProcess = Process.ProcessQueue();
                        // Check for existing dead threads in the thread list

                        //var dead = ScannerThreads.FirstOrDefault(th => th.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped);

                        // // while there are dead threads to remove...
                        // while (dead != null && !Cancel)
                        // {
                        //     // Remove dead thread
                        //     ScannerThreads.Remove(dead);

                        //     // Check for more
                        //     dead = ScannerThreads.FirstOrDefault(th => th.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped);
                        // }

                        if (ScannerThreads.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < ScannerThreads.Count; i++)
                                //if(ScannerThreads[i].ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)

                        // Clean garbage left behind by scans...

                        // All target files were scanned... start a process scanning...
                        if (TargetFiles.Count == 0)
                            // Loop through the process queue time..
                            while (RunningThreads < MaxThreads && TargetProcess.Count > 0 && !Cancel)
                                // Get next process
                                var target = TargetProcess.Dequeue();

                                // Create a scanner for it..
                                Thread scan = new Thread(() =>
                                        // Check white list against process before scanning it
                                        if (Settings.WhiteList.Contains(NativeMethods.GetExecutablePath(target)))

                                        // Heuristically analyze file first
                                        var heur = BerzerkAPI.IO.Heuristic.Analyze(API.NativeMethods.GetExecutablePath(target));
                                        if (heur != null)
                                            ThreatDetectedArgs args = new Controllers.ThreatDetectedArgs()
                                                Detection = heur, FilePath = API.NativeMethods.GetExecutablePath(target)
                                            ThreatDetected?.Invoke(this, args);
                                            // create a scan of the process
                                            Signature res = Process.ScanProcess(target, ref localSignatures);

                                            // Scan the file and get results
                                            //Signature result = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(target, ref localSignatures, ref localCache);
                                            ScanResultArgs result = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(NativeMethods.GetExecutablePath(target), localSignatures);

                                            // accumulate the total scanned data in MB
                                            ScannedData += (result.Size / 1024) / 1024;

                                            // Check results
                                            if (result.Detection != null)
                                                // Attempt to raise detection event

                                                // Create event args
                                                ThreatDetectedArgs args = new ThreatDetectedArgs()
                                                    Detection = result.Detection, FilePath = NativeMethods.GetExecutablePath(target)
                                                // Raise event ?
                                                ThreatDetected?.Invoke(this, args);
                                        } // end of heuristic else

                                        // Try to scan the process
                                        //var result = BerzerkAPI.IO.Process.ScanProcess(target, ref localSignatures);

                                        //// If a threat was found in the process
                                        //if(result != null)
                                        //    ThreatDetectedArgs args = new Controllers.ThreatDetectedArgs()
                                        //    {
                                        //        Detection = result,
                                        //        FilePath = NativeMethods.GetExecutablePath(target)
                                        //    };

                                        //    ThreatDetected?.Invoke(this, args);
                                    catch (Exception ex)

                                // Add thread to list

                                // Run thread in bg
                                scan.IsBackground = true;

                                // Run the scan
                                // scan.Join();

                        // Now that we have freed space in the thread list, we need to create new threads
                        // Loop while there is room left for more threads
                        // And while there are files left to scan
                        while (RunningThreads < MaxThreads && TargetFiles.Count > 0 && !Cancel)
                            // Get the next scannable file
                            string target = TargetFiles.Dequeue();

                            // Create new scan thrad for the next file
                            Thread scan = new Thread(() =>
                                    // Scan the file and get results
                                    //Signature result = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(target, ref localSignatures, ref localCache);
                                    ScanResultArgs result = BerzerkAPI.IO.File.ScanFile(target, localSignatures);

                                    // accumulate the total scanned data in MB
                                    ScannedData += (result.Size / 1024) / 1024;

                                    // Check results
                                    if (result.Detection != null)
                                        // Attempt to raise detection event

                                        // Create event args
                                        ThreatDetectedArgs args = new ThreatDetectedArgs()
                                            Detection = result.Detection, FilePath = target
                                        // Raise event ?
                                        ThreatDetected?.Invoke(this, args);

                                    // Sleep thread before ending it to provide some timeout for the cpu
                                catch (Exception ex) // debugging purposes
                                    // something went wrong...

                            // Add thread to list

                            // Run thread in bg
                            scan.IsBackground = true;

                            // Run the scan

            // Set the thread to run in the bg and run it
            t.IsBackground = true;