コード例 #1
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: hbaidu/gccv2
        public void SetSource(SourceY srcY, SourceX srcX)
            if (srcY != SourceY.Old && srcY != sourceY)
                sourceY  = srcY;
                scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo;
            if (sourceY == SourceY.Speed)
                y      = parent.PlotS;
                y2     = null;
                title1 = "Speed [/";
                if ((parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 0) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 3))
                    yScaleP = 32; yScaleQ = 515;
                    title2  = "mph]";
                    yScaleP = 1; yScaleQ = 10;
                    title2  = "km/h]";
            else if (sourceY == SourceY.Heart)
                y       = parent.PlotH;
                y2      = null;
                yScaleP = 1; yScaleQ = 1;
                title1  = "Heart Rate [/"; title2 = "bpm]";
            else  //if (sourceY == SourceY.Alt)
                y      = parent.PlotZ;
                y2     = parent.Plot2ndZ;
                title1 = "Altitude [/";
                if ((parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 3) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 5) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 6))
                    yScaleP = 1250; yScaleQ = 381;    // altitude in feet
                    title2  = "feet]";
                    yScaleP = 1; yScaleQ = 1;
                    title2  = "m]";

            //int indexMin = -1;
            //int indexMax = -1;
            if (srcX != SourceX.Old && srcX != sourceX)
                sourceX = srcX;
                //if (autostate != Autostate.DoAutoscale)       //todo keep x section

                //    for (int i = 0; i < parent.PlotCount; i++)
                //    {
                //        if (indexMin == -1 && x[i] >= xMin) indexMin = i;
                //        if (x[i] <= xMax) indexMax = i;
                //    }
                scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo;
            if (sourceX == SourceX.Distance)
                x       = parent.PlotD;
                x2      = parent.Plot2ndD;
                xLabel1 = "Distance [/"; //xLabel2 = "m]";
                if ((parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 0) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 3))
                    xScaleP = 64; xScaleQ = 103;
                    xLabel2 = "miles]";
                    xScaleP = 1; xScaleQ = 1;   //additional settings in UpdateScaling()
            else  //if (sourceX == SourceX.Time)
                x       = parent.PlotT;
                x2      = parent.Plot2ndT;
                xScaleP = 1; xScaleQ = 1;
                //xUnit = 1;
                xLabel1 = "Time [/"; //xLabel2 = "sec]";
            UpdateScaling(false);    //also ensures that whole graph is drawn (Index2draw=-1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: hbaidu/gccv2
        public void DrawGraph(Graphics g, Bitmap BackBuffer, Graphics BackBufferGraphics)
            int PlotCount    = parent.PlotCount;
            int Plot2ndCount = parent.Plot2ndCount;

            Pen        p  = new Pen(Color.Gray, 1);
            SolidBrush b  = new SolidBrush(parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxKmlOptColor));
            Font       f  = new Font("Tahoma", 8F * parent.df, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
            Font       f2 = new Font("Tahoma", 12F * parent.df, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);

            int x0 = BackBuffer.Width / 24;         //10   4.16%
            int y0 = BackBuffer.Height * 472 / 508; //h-18

            int  Psize             = parent.GetLineWidth(parent.comboBoxKmlOptWidth);
            bool intersectionValid = false;

            Debug.Write(scaleCmd.ToString() + " " + drawMode);
            if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 || PlotCount > 0 || (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0))
                if (alignT2f && parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0)
                    intersectionValid = true;
                    x2Ofs             = x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - xs;
                    x2Ofs = 0;

                if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoAutoscale || scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo)
                else if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoYAutoscale)
                else if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoRedraw)
                    Index2draw = -1;
                scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.Nothing;

                int xEdgeDist, yEdgeDist;
                if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 1)     //keep 1/3 of "T2F in advance" visible
                    xEdgeDist = (xMaxOrg - xMinOrg) / 3;
                    yEdgeDist = (yMaxOrg - yMinOrg) / 3;
                    xEdgeDist = 0;
                    yEdgeDist = 0;

                if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && moveState == MoveState.Nothing)
                    if (drawMode == DrawMode.KeepAutoscale)
                        if (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] > xMaxOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] > yMaxOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] < yMinOrg ||
                            Plot2ndCount > 0 && (x2[0] + x2Ofs <xMinOrg || x2[Plot2ndCount - 1] + x2Ofs> xMaxOrg || Math.Abs(x2Ofs - x2OfsDrawn) > (xMaxOrg - xMinOrg) / 32))
                    else if (drawMode == DrawMode.Track)
                        bool needUpdateScaling = false;

                        while (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + xEdgeDist > xMaxOrg)
                            xMax             += xDiv;
                            xMin             += xDiv;
                            xMaxOrg           = xMax * xScaleQ / xScaleP * xUnit;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        while (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] < xMinOrg)
                            xMax             -= xDiv;
                            xMin             -= xDiv;
                            xMinOrg           = xMin * xScaleQ / xScaleP * xUnit;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        while (y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + yEdgeDist > yMaxOrg)
                            yMax             += yDiv;
                            yMin             += yDiv;
                            yMaxOrg           = yMax * yScaleQ / yScaleP;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        while (y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - yEdgeDist < yMinOrg)
                            yMin             -= yDiv;
                            yMax             -= yDiv;
                            yMinOrg           = yMin * yScaleQ / yScaleP;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        if (needUpdateScaling || Math.Abs(x2Ofs - x2OfsDrawn) > (xMaxOrg - xMinOrg) / 32)

                if (moveState == MoveState.Move || moveState == MoveState.MoveEnd)
                    int xDelta = parent.MouseShiftX * (xMaxSave - xMinSave) / (int)xFactor * xScaleP / xScaleQ;     //test XScale
                    int yDelta = parent.MouseShiftY * (yMaxSave - yMinSave) / yFactor * yScaleP / yScaleQ;
                    if (moveState == MoveState.MoveEnd)
                        moveState = MoveState.Nothing;
                    bool xChanged = false, yChanged = false;
                    if (Math.Abs(parent.MouseShiftX) > BackBuffer.Width / 20)
                        xChanged = true;
                    if (Math.Abs(parent.MouseShiftY) > BackBuffer.Height / 20)
                        yChanged = true;
                    bool shift;
                    if (mousePos == MousePos.middle)    //shift
                        int vz;
                        if (xChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseShiftX < 0)
                                vz = -1;
                                vz = 1;
                            xDelta = (xDelta * vz / xDiv) * xDiv * vz;
                            xMin   = xMinSave - xDelta;
                            xMax   = xMaxSave - xDelta;
                            xUnit  = 1;
                        if (yChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseShiftY < 0)
                                vz = -1;
                                vz = 1;
                            yDelta = (yDelta * vz / yDiv) * yDiv * vz;
                            yMin   = yMinSave + yDelta;
                            yMax   = yMaxSave + yDelta;
                        shift = true;
                    else                                             //zoom
                        xMax = xMaxSave; xMin = xMinSave; xUnit = 1; //return to default unit
                        if (xChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseClientX < BackBuffer.Width * 40 / 480)
                                xMin = xMinSave - xDelta;
                            }                                                                                         //20
                            else if (parent.MouseClientX > BackBuffer.Width * 440 / 480)
                                xMax = xMaxSave - xDelta;
                            }                                                                                             //w-20
                            else if (parent.MouseShiftX > 0)
                                xMax = xMaxSave - xDelta;
                                xMin = xMinSave - xDelta;
                        if (yChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseClientY < BackBuffer.Width * 40 / 480)
                                yMax = yMaxSave + yDelta;
                            }                                                                                       //20
                            else if (parent.MouseClientY > BackBuffer.Height * 460 / 508)
                                yMin = yMinSave + yDelta;
                            }                                                                                              //h-24
                            else if (parent.MouseShiftY > 0)
                                yMin = yMinSave + yDelta;
                                yMax = yMaxSave + yDelta;
                        shift = false;
                    if (xChanged || yChanged)
                        if (drawMode == DrawMode.KeepAutoscale)
                            drawMode = DrawMode.Track;
                        if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + xEdgeDist > xMaxOrg || x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] < xMinOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + yEdgeDist > yMaxOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - yEdgeDist < yMinOrg))
                            drawMode = DrawMode.Draw;
                        Index2draw = -1;

                if (Index2draw < 0)
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Draw full");
                    Index2draw = 0;

                    //Draw grid
                    int xFac = parent.NoBkPanel.Width * 11 / 12;
                    int yFac = parent.NoBkPanel.Height * 9 / 10;
                    for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xDiv)
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0 + (int)((i - xMin) * xFac / xSector), y0, x0 + (int)((i - xMin) * xFac / xSector), y0 - (yMax - yMin) * yFac / ySector);
                    for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yDiv)
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0, y0 - (i - yMin) * yFac / ySector, x0 + (int)((xMax - xMin) * xFac / xSector), y0 - (i - yMin) * yFac / ySector);

                    //Draw text
                    String xMaxStr = xMax.ToString();
                    SizeF  size    = BackBufferGraphics.MeasureString(xMaxStr, f);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(xMin.ToString(), f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 4 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 480 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(xMaxStr, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 476 / 480 - size.Width, BackBuffer.Height * 480 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(xLabel1 + xDiv.ToString() + xLabel2, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 160 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 480 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(yMax.ToString(), f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 2 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 4 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(yMin.ToString(), f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 2 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 460 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(title1 + yDiv.ToString() + title2, f2, b, BackBuffer.Width * 120 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 4 / 508);
                    String drawModeStr = null;;
                    if (drawMode == DrawMode.KeepAutoscale)
                        drawModeStr = "auto";
                    else if (drawMode == DrawMode.Track)
                        drawModeStr = "track";
                    if (drawModeStr != null)
                        size = BackBufferGraphics.MeasureString(drawModeStr, f);
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(drawModeStr, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 460 / 480 - size.Width, BackBuffer.Height * 14 / 508);

                    if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0 && !hideT2f)
                    {                    //Draw line T2F
                        p.Color = parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxLine2OptColor);
                        p.Width = parent.GetLineWidth(parent.comboBoxLine2OptWidth) / 2;
                        if (alignT2f)
                            b.Color = p.Color;
                            String x2OfsStr = (x2Ofs * xScaleP / (xScaleQ * xUnit)).ToString();
                            size = BackBufferGraphics.MeasureString(x2OfsStr, f);
                            BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(x2OfsStr, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 460 / 480 - size.Width, BackBuffer.Height * 448 / 508);
                        x2OfsDrawn = x2Ofs;

                        int j1, j2;
                        for (j1 = 0; j1 < Plot2ndCount - 1; j1++)   //ignore not visible
                            if (x2[j1 + 1] + x2OfsDrawn >= xMinOrg)
                        while (y2[j1] == Int16.MinValue)     //ignore invalids at the beginning
                            if (j1 >= Plot2ndCount)
                        if (j1 >= Plot2ndCount - 1)
                            j2 = j1;                            //draw single point  - working?
                            j2 = j1 + 1;
                        for (; j2 < Plot2ndCount; j2++)
                            while (y2[j2] == Int16.MinValue)
                                if (++j2 >= Plot2ndCount)
                                    goto exit2;
                            if (x2[j1] + x2OfsDrawn > xMaxOrg)
                                goto exit2;                                     //not visible
                            BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0 + (int)((x2[j1] - xMinOrg + x2OfsDrawn) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y2[j1] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector,
                                                        x0 + (int)((x2[j2] - xMinOrg + x2OfsDrawn) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y2[j2] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector);
                            j1 = j2;
                        exit2 :;

                p.Color = parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxKmlOptColor);
                if (PlotCount > 0 && !hideTrack)
                    //Draw line
                    p.Width = Psize / 2;
                    int i1 = Index2draw, i2;
                    for (i1 = 0; i1 < PlotCount - 1; i1++)   //ignore not visible
                        if (x[i1 + 1] >= xMinOrg)
                    while (y[i1] == Int16.MinValue)     //ignore invalids at the beginning
                        if (i1 >= PlotCount)
                    if (i1 >= PlotCount - 1)
                        i2 = i1;                         //draw single point
                        i2 = i1 + 1;
                    for (; i2 < PlotCount; i2++)
                        while (y[i2] == Int16.MinValue)
                            if (++i2 >= PlotCount)
                                goto exit;
                        if (x[i1] > xMaxOrg)
                            goto exit;                       //not visible
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0 + (int)((x[i1] - xMinOrg) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y[i1] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector,
                                                    x0 + (int)((x[i2] - xMinOrg) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y[i2] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector);
                        Index2draw = i2;
                        i1         = i2;
                    exit :;
                BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(title1 + title2, f2, b, BackBuffer.Width * 120 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 4 / 508);
                BackBufferGraphics.DrawString("no data to plot", f2, b, BackBuffer.Width * 20 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 80 / 508);
            g.DrawImage(BackBuffer, 0, 0);                  // draw back buffer on screen
            //Draw current point
            if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0 && !hideT2f) //draw point with index of intersection to t2f
                if (!intersectionValid)
                b.Color = GpsUtils.Utils.modifyColor(parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxLine2OptColor), +180);
                g.FillEllipse(b, x0 + (int)((xs - xMinOrg + x2OfsDrawn) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector) - Psize, y0 - (ys - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector - Psize, 2 * Psize, 2 * Psize);
            if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && !hideTrack)        //draw current point
                b.Color = p.Color;
                g.FillEllipse(b, x0 + (int)((x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - xMinOrg) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector) - Psize, y0 - (y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector - Psize, 2 * Psize, 2 * Psize);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: hbaidu/gccv2
        private void Autoscale(bool full)    //full or only y autoscale
            xMinUndo = xMin; xMaxUndo = xMax; xUnitUndo = xUnit;
            yMinUndo = yMin; yMaxUndo = yMax;
            if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo)
                undoPossible = false;
                x2Ofs        = 0;
                undoPossible = true;
            scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.Nothing;
            if (drawMode == DrawMode.Draw && (parent.GpsDataState == Form1.GpsOk || parent.oHeartBeat != null))
                drawMode   = DrawMode.Track;      //first autoscale: only switch to Track Mode
                Index2draw = -1;

            int PlotCountCurrent = Math.Max(parent.PlotCount - 1, parent.CurrentPlotIndex);
            int Plot2ndCount     = parent.Plot2ndCount;

            if (!full && xMax == short.MinValue && xMin == short.MaxValue)
                full = true;        //if coming from speed without data
            if (full)
                xMax = short.MinValue;
                xMin = short.MaxValue;
            yMax = short.MinValue;
            yMin = short.MaxValue;
            if (PlotCountCurrent >= 0 && !hideTrack)
                if (full)
                    xMin = x[0];
                    xMax = x[PlotCountCurrent];
                for (int i = 0; i <= PlotCountCurrent; i++)
                    //if (x[i] < xMin) continue;
                    //if (x[i] > xMax) break;
                    if (y[i] == Int16.MinValue)
                        continue;                               //ignore invalid values
                    if (y[i] > yMax)
                        yMax = y[i];
                    if (y[i] < yMin)
                        yMin = y[i];
            if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0 && !hideT2f)
                if (full)
                    if (x2[0] + x2Ofs < xMin)
                        xMin = x2[0] + x2Ofs;
                    if (x2[Plot2ndCount - 1] + x2Ofs > xMax)
                        xMax = x2[Plot2ndCount - 1] + x2Ofs;
                for (int i = 0; i < Plot2ndCount; i++)
                    //if (x2[i] < xMin) continue;       //only evaluate visible points
                    //if (x2[i] > xMax) break;
                    if (y2[i] == Int16.MinValue)
                        continue;                                //ignore invalid values
                    if (y2[i] > yMax)
                        yMax = y2[i];
                    if (y2[i] < yMin)
                        yMin = y2[i];
            if (full)
                xUnit = 1;
                int xMaxPrev = xMax;                 //change to user units
                xMax = xMax * xScaleP / xScaleQ;
                if (xMax * xScaleQ / xScaleP != xMaxPrev)
                xMin = xMin * xScaleP / xScaleQ;

                drawMode   = DrawMode.KeepAutoscale;
                x2OfsDrawn = x2Ofs;

            int yMaxPrev = yMax;

            yMax = yMax * yScaleP / yScaleQ;
            if (yMax * yScaleQ / yScaleP != yMaxPrev)
            yMin = yMin * yScaleP / yScaleQ;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: abdojobs/gccv2
        public void SetSource(SourceY srcY, SourceX srcX)
            if (srcY != SourceY.Old && srcY != sourceY)
                sourceY = srcY;
                scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo;
            if (sourceY == SourceY.Speed)
                y = parent.PlotS;
                y2 = null;
                title1 = "Speed [/";
                if ((parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 0) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 3))
                    yScaleP = 32; yScaleQ = 515;
                    title2 = "mph]";
                    yScaleP = 1; yScaleQ = 10;
                    title2 = "km/h]";
            else if (sourceY == SourceY.Heart)
                y = parent.PlotH;
                y2 = null;
                yScaleP = 1; yScaleQ = 1;
                title1 = "Heart Rate [/"; title2 = "bpm]";
            else  //if (sourceY == SourceY.Alt)
                y = parent.PlotZ;
                y2 = parent.Plot2ndZ;
                title1 = "Altitude [/";
                if ((parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 3) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 5) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 6))
                    yScaleP = 1250; yScaleQ = 381;    // altitude in feet
                    title2 = "feet]";
                    yScaleP = 1; yScaleQ = 1;
                    title2 = "m]";

            //int indexMin = -1;
            //int indexMax = -1;
            if (srcX != SourceX.Old && srcX != sourceX)
                sourceX = srcX;
                //if (autostate != Autostate.DoAutoscale)       //todo keep x section

                //    for (int i = 0; i < parent.PlotCount; i++)
                //    {
                //        if (indexMin == -1 && x[i] >= xMin) indexMin = i;
                //        if (x[i] <= xMax) indexMax = i;
                //    }
                scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo;
            if (sourceX == SourceX.Distance)
                x = parent.PlotD;
                x2 = parent.Plot2ndD;
                xLabel1 = "Distance [/"; //xLabel2 = "m]";
                if ((parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 0) || (parent.comboUnits.SelectedIndex == 3))
                    xScaleP = 64; xScaleQ = 103;
                    xLabel2 = "miles]";
                    xScaleP = 1; xScaleQ = 1;   //additional settings in UpdateScaling()
            else  //if (sourceX == SourceX.Time)
                x = parent.PlotT;
                x2 = parent.Plot2ndT;
                xScaleP = 1; xScaleQ = 1;
                //xUnit = 1;
                xLabel1 = "Time [/"; //xLabel2 = "sec]";
            UpdateScaling(false);       //also ensures that whole graph is drawn (Index2draw=-1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: abdojobs/gccv2
        public void DrawGraph(Graphics g, Bitmap BackBuffer, Graphics BackBufferGraphics)
            int PlotCount = parent.PlotCount;
            int Plot2ndCount = parent.Plot2ndCount;

            Pen p = new Pen(Color.Gray, 1);
            SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxKmlOptColor));
            Font f = new Font("Tahoma", 8F * parent.df, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
            Font f2 = new Font("Tahoma", 12F * parent.df, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);

            int x0 = BackBuffer.Width / 24;        //10   4.16%
            int y0 = BackBuffer.Height * 472 / 508;     //h-18

            int Psize = parent.GetLineWidth(parent.comboBoxKmlOptWidth);
            bool intersectionValid = false;

            Debug.Write(scaleCmd.ToString() + " " + drawMode);
            if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 || PlotCount > 0 || (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0))
                if (alignT2f && parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0)
                    intersectionValid = true;
                    x2Ofs = x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - xs;
                else x2Ofs = 0;

                if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoAutoscale || scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo)
                else if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoYAutoscale)
                else if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoRedraw)
                    Index2draw = -1;
                scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.Nothing;

                int xEdgeDist, yEdgeDist;
                if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 1)     //keep 1/3 of "T2F in advance" visible
                    xEdgeDist = (xMaxOrg - xMinOrg) / 3;
                    yEdgeDist = (yMaxOrg - yMinOrg) / 3;
                    xEdgeDist = 0;
                    yEdgeDist = 0;

                if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && moveState == MoveState.Nothing)
                    if (drawMode == DrawMode.KeepAutoscale)
                        if (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] > xMaxOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] > yMaxOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] < yMinOrg
                        || Plot2ndCount > 0 && (x2[0] + x2Ofs < xMinOrg || x2[Plot2ndCount - 1] + x2Ofs > xMaxOrg || Math.Abs(x2Ofs - x2OfsDrawn) > (xMaxOrg - xMinOrg) / 32))
                    else if (drawMode == DrawMode.Track)
                        bool needUpdateScaling = false;
                        while (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + xEdgeDist > xMaxOrg)
                            xMax += xDiv;
                            xMin += xDiv;
                            xMaxOrg = xMax * xScaleQ / xScaleP * xUnit;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        while (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] < xMinOrg)
                            xMax -= xDiv;
                            xMin -= xDiv;
                            xMinOrg = xMin * xScaleQ / xScaleP * xUnit;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        while (y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + yEdgeDist > yMaxOrg)
                            yMax += yDiv;
                            yMin += yDiv;
                            yMaxOrg = yMax * yScaleQ / yScaleP;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        while (y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - yEdgeDist < yMinOrg)
                            yMin -= yDiv;
                            yMax -= yDiv;
                            yMinOrg = yMin * yScaleQ / yScaleP;
                            needUpdateScaling = true;
                        if (needUpdateScaling || Math.Abs(x2Ofs - x2OfsDrawn) > (xMaxOrg - xMinOrg) / 32)

                if (moveState == MoveState.Move || moveState == MoveState.MoveEnd)
                    int xDelta = parent.MouseShiftX * (xMaxSave - xMinSave) / (int)xFactor * xScaleP / xScaleQ;     //test XScale
                    int yDelta = parent.MouseShiftY * (yMaxSave - yMinSave) / yFactor * yScaleP / yScaleQ;
                    if (moveState == MoveState.MoveEnd)
                        moveState = MoveState.Nothing;
                    bool xChanged = false, yChanged = false;
                    if (Math.Abs(parent.MouseShiftX) > BackBuffer.Width / 20)
                        xChanged = true;
                    if (Math.Abs(parent.MouseShiftY) > BackBuffer.Height / 20)
                        yChanged = true;
                    bool shift;
                    if (mousePos == MousePos.middle)    //shift
                        int vz;
                        if (xChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseShiftX < 0) vz = -1; else vz = 1;
                            xDelta = (xDelta * vz / xDiv) * xDiv * vz;
                            xMin = xMinSave - xDelta;
                            xMax = xMaxSave - xDelta;
                            xUnit = 1;
                        if (yChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseShiftY < 0) vz = -1; else vz = 1;
                            yDelta = (yDelta * vz / yDiv) * yDiv * vz;
                            yMin = yMinSave + yDelta;
                            yMax = yMaxSave + yDelta;
                        shift = true;
                    else        //zoom
                        xMax = xMaxSave; xMin = xMinSave; xUnit = 1;        //return to default unit
                        if (xChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseClientX < BackBuffer.Width * 40 / 480) { xMin = xMinSave - xDelta; }      //20
                            else if (parent.MouseClientX > BackBuffer.Width * 440 / 480) { xMax = xMaxSave - xDelta; }    //w-20
                            else if (parent.MouseShiftX > 0) { xMax = xMaxSave - xDelta; }
                            else { xMin = xMinSave - xDelta; }
                        if (yChanged)
                            if (parent.MouseClientY < BackBuffer.Width * 40 / 480) { yMax = yMaxSave + yDelta; }    //20
                            else if (parent.MouseClientY > BackBuffer.Height * 460 / 508) { yMin = yMinSave + yDelta; }    //h-24
                            else if (parent.MouseShiftY > 0) { yMin = yMinSave + yDelta; }
                            else { yMax = yMaxSave + yDelta; }
                        shift = false;
                    if (xChanged || yChanged)
                        if (drawMode == DrawMode.KeepAutoscale)
                            drawMode = DrawMode.Track;
                        if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && (x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + xEdgeDist > xMaxOrg || x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] < xMinOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] + yEdgeDist > yMaxOrg || y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - yEdgeDist < yMinOrg))
                            drawMode = DrawMode.Draw;
                        Index2draw = -1;

                if (Index2draw < 0)
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Draw full");
                    Index2draw = 0;

                    //Draw grid
                    int xFac = parent.NoBkPanel.Width *  11 / 12;
                    int yFac = parent.NoBkPanel.Height * 9 / 10;
                    for (int i = xMin; i <= xMax; i += xDiv)
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0 + (int)((i - xMin) * xFac / xSector), y0, x0 + (int)((i - xMin) * xFac / xSector), y0 - (yMax - yMin) * yFac / ySector);
                    for (int i = yMin; i <= yMax; i += yDiv)
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0, y0 - (i - yMin) * yFac / ySector, x0 + (int)((xMax - xMin) * xFac / xSector), y0 - (i - yMin) * yFac / ySector);

                    //Draw text
                    String xMaxStr = xMax.ToString();
                    SizeF size = BackBufferGraphics.MeasureString(xMaxStr, f);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(xMin.ToString(), f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 4 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 480 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(xMaxStr, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 476 / 480 - size.Width, BackBuffer.Height * 480 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(xLabel1 + xDiv.ToString() + xLabel2, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 160 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 480 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(yMax.ToString(), f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 2 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 4 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(yMin.ToString(), f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 2 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 460 / 508);
                    BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(title1 + yDiv.ToString() + title2, f2, b, BackBuffer.Width * 120 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 4 / 508);
                    String drawModeStr = null; ;
                    if (drawMode == DrawMode.KeepAutoscale)
                        drawModeStr = "auto";
                    else if (drawMode == DrawMode.Track)
                        drawModeStr = "track";
                    if (drawModeStr != null)
                        size = BackBufferGraphics.MeasureString(drawModeStr, f);
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(drawModeStr, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 460 / 480 - size.Width, BackBuffer.Height * 14 / 508);

                    if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0 && !hideT2f)
                    {                    //Draw line T2F
                        p.Color = parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxLine2OptColor);
                        p.Width = parent.GetLineWidth(parent.comboBoxLine2OptWidth) / 2;
                        if (alignT2f)
                            b.Color = p.Color;
                            String x2OfsStr = (x2Ofs * xScaleP / (xScaleQ * xUnit)).ToString();
                            size = BackBufferGraphics.MeasureString(x2OfsStr, f);
                            BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(x2OfsStr, f, b, BackBuffer.Width * 460 / 480 - size.Width, BackBuffer.Height * 448 / 508);
                        x2OfsDrawn = x2Ofs;

                        int j1, j2;
                        for (j1 = 0; j1 < Plot2ndCount - 1; j1++)   //ignore not visible
                            if (x2[j1 + 1] + x2OfsDrawn >= xMinOrg) break;
                        while (y2[j1] == Int16.MinValue)     //ignore invalids at the beginning
                            if (j1 >= Plot2ndCount) break;
                        if (j1 >= Plot2ndCount - 1) j2 = j1;    //draw single point  - working?
                        else j2 = j1 + 1;
                        for (; j2 < Plot2ndCount; j2++)
                            while (y2[j2] == Int16.MinValue)
                                if (++j2 >= Plot2ndCount) goto exit2;
                            if (x2[j1] + x2OfsDrawn > xMaxOrg) goto exit2;      //not visible
                            BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0 + (int)((x2[j1] - xMinOrg + x2OfsDrawn) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y2[j1] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector,
                                                           x0 + (int)((x2[j2] - xMinOrg + x2OfsDrawn) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y2[j2] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector);
                            j1 = j2;
                    exit2: ;

                p.Color = parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxKmlOptColor);
                if (PlotCount > 0 && !hideTrack)
                    //Draw line
                    p.Width = Psize / 2;
                    int i1 = Index2draw, i2;
                    for (i1 = 0; i1 < PlotCount - 1; i1++)   //ignore not visible
                        if (x[i1 + 1] >= xMinOrg) break;
                    while (y[i1] == Int16.MinValue)     //ignore invalids at the beginning
                        if (i1 >= PlotCount) break;
                    if (i1 >= PlotCount - 1) i2 = i1;    //draw single point
                    else i2 = i1 + 1;
                    for (; i2 < PlotCount; i2++)
                        while (y[i2] == Int16.MinValue)
                            if (++i2 >= PlotCount) goto exit;
                        if (x[i1] > xMaxOrg) goto exit;      //not visible
                        BackBufferGraphics.DrawLine(p, x0 + (int)((x[i1] - xMinOrg) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y[i1] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector,
                                                       x0 + (int)((x[i2] - xMinOrg) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector), y0 - (y[i2] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector);
                        Index2draw = i2;
                        i1 = i2;
                exit: ;
                BackBufferGraphics.DrawString(title1 + title2, f2, b, BackBuffer.Width * 120 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 4 / 508);
                BackBufferGraphics.DrawString("no data to plot", f2, b, BackBuffer.Width * 20 / 480, BackBuffer.Height * 80 / 508);
            g.DrawImage(BackBuffer, 0, 0); // draw back buffer on screen
            //Draw current point
            if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0 && !hideT2f)     //draw point with index of intersection to t2f
                if (!intersectionValid)
                b.Color = GpsUtils.Utils.modifyColor(parent.GetLineColor(parent.comboBoxLine2OptColor), +180);
                g.FillEllipse(b, x0 + (int)((xs - xMinOrg + x2OfsDrawn) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector) - Psize, y0 - (ys - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector - Psize, 2 * Psize, 2 * Psize);
            if (parent.CurrentPlotIndex >= 0 && !hideTrack)        //draw current point
                b.Color = p.Color;
                g.FillEllipse(b, x0 + (int)((x[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - xMinOrg) * xFactor / xUnit / xSector) - Psize, y0 - (y[parent.CurrentPlotIndex] - yMinOrg) * yFactor / ySector - Psize, 2 * Psize, 2 * Psize);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: abdojobs/gccv2
        private void Autoscale(bool full)    //full or only y autoscale
            xMinUndo = xMin; xMaxUndo = xMax; xUnitUndo = xUnit;
            yMinUndo = yMin; yMaxUndo = yMax;
            if (scaleCmd == ScaleCmd.DoAutoscaleNoUndo)
                undoPossible = false;
                x2Ofs = 0;
                undoPossible = true;
            scaleCmd = ScaleCmd.Nothing;
            if (drawMode == DrawMode.Draw && (parent.GpsDataState == Form1.GpsOk || parent.oHeartBeat != null))
                drawMode = DrawMode.Track;        //first autoscale: only switch to Track Mode
                Index2draw = -1;

            int PlotCountCurrent = Math.Max(parent.PlotCount - 1, parent.CurrentPlotIndex);
            int Plot2ndCount = parent.Plot2ndCount;

            if (!full && xMax == short.MinValue && xMin == short.MaxValue)
                full = true;        //if coming from speed without data
            if (full)
                xMax = short.MinValue;
                xMin = short.MaxValue;
            yMax = short.MinValue;
            yMin = short.MaxValue;
            if (PlotCountCurrent >= 0 && !hideTrack)
                if (full)
                    xMin = x[0];
                    xMax = x[PlotCountCurrent];
                for (int i = 0; i <= PlotCountCurrent; i++)
                    //if (x[i] < xMin) continue;
                    //if (x[i] > xMax) break;
                    if (y[i] == Int16.MinValue) continue;       //ignore invalid values
                    if (y[i] > yMax) yMax = y[i];
                    if (y[i] < yMin) yMin = y[i];
            if (y2 != null && Plot2ndCount > 0 && !hideT2f)
                if (full)
                    if (x2[0] + x2Ofs < xMin) xMin = x2[0] + x2Ofs;
                    if (x2[Plot2ndCount - 1] + x2Ofs > xMax) xMax = x2[Plot2ndCount - 1] + x2Ofs;
                for (int i = 0; i < Plot2ndCount; i++)
                    //if (x2[i] < xMin) continue;       //only evaluate visible points
                    //if (x2[i] > xMax) break;
                    if (y2[i] == Int16.MinValue) continue;       //ignore invalid values
                    if (y2[i] > yMax) yMax = y2[i];
                    if (y2[i] < yMin) yMin = y2[i];
            if (full)
                xUnit = 1;
                int xMaxPrev = xMax;                 //change to user units
                xMax = xMax * xScaleP / xScaleQ;
                if (xMax * xScaleQ / xScaleP != xMaxPrev) xMax++;
                xMin = xMin * xScaleP / xScaleQ;

                drawMode = DrawMode.KeepAutoscale;
                x2OfsDrawn = x2Ofs;

            int yMaxPrev = yMax;
            yMax = yMax * yScaleP / yScaleQ;
            if (yMax * yScaleQ / yScaleP != yMaxPrev) yMax++;
            yMin = yMin * yScaleP / yScaleQ;