public bool PrepareLoadProfileIfNeeded([NotNull] ProviderParameterDto parameters) { Module.SetPrint(0); //var relevantPotentials = _pvPotentials.Where(x => x.HouseGuid == houseComponent.HouseGuid); PvSystemEntry entry = (PvSystemEntry)parameters.HouseComponent; int idx = 0; foreach (var area in entry.PVAreas) { var key = MakeKeyFromPVArea(area); var keystr = key.GetKey(); //key has been checked in this run if (_checkedKeys.Contains(keystr)) { continue; } _checkedKeys.Add(keystr); bool isInDb = _saveableEntries.CheckForName(keystr, MyLogger); if (isInDb) { continue; } Info("Missing pv profile for " + keystr + ", generating..."); PVSystemSettings pvs = new PVSystemSettings(key, 1, 1, MyLogger, idx++); var profile = pvs.Run(Services.RunningConfig); _saveableEntries.AddRow(profile); _saveableEntries.SaveDictionaryToDatabase(MyLogger); } return(true); }
public void TestCreationSavingAndKeyCheck() { SqlConnectionPreparer ms = new SqlConnectionPreparer(Config); var db = ms.GetDatabaseConnection(Stage.Testing, Constants.PresentSlice); Profile p = new Profile("myProfile", new List <double>().AsReadOnly(), EnergyOrPower.Power); SaveableEntry <Profile> sa = SaveableEntry <Profile> .GetSaveableEntry(db, SaveableEntryTableType.PVGeneration, Logger); sa.MakeCleanTableForListOfFields(true); sa.MakeTableForListOfFieldsIfNotExists(true); string myKey = p.Name; if (sa.CheckForName(myKey, Logger)) { throw new FlaException("Key already exists in cleared db"); } sa.AddRow(p); sa.SaveDictionaryToDatabase(Logger); if (!sa.CheckForName(myKey, Logger)) { throw new FlaException("Saving failed. Key not in db"); } }
public bool PrepareLoadProfileIfNeeded([NotNull] ProviderParameterDto parameters) { CarDistanceEntry cde = (CarDistanceEntry)parameters.HouseComponent; Car myCar = _dbDto.Cars.Single(x => x.Guid == cde.CarGuid); parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CarStatus = "Gasoline, not analyzed further"; if (myCar.RequiresProfile == CarProfileRequirement.NoProfile) { return(true); } Hausanschluss ha = _dbDto.Hausanschlusse.Single(x => x.Guid == cde.HausAnschlussGuid); parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CarStatus = "Electric"; parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CommutingDistance = cde.CommutingDistance; parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.OtherDrivingDistance = cde.FreizeitDistance; Household flaHousehold = _dbDto.Households.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Guid == cde.HouseholdGuid); if (flaHousehold == null) { parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CarStatus += ", no household"; throw new FlaException("no household found"); } var house = _dbDto.Houses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HouseGuid == cde.HouseGuid); if (house == null) { throw new FlaException("no house found"); } HouseholdData householdData = null; if (_housesToBeCreated.Count > 0) { var houseJob = _housesToBeCreated.FirstOrDefault(x => x.House.HouseGuid == ha.HouseGuid); if (houseJob == null) { parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CarStatus += ", no house"; throw new FlaException("no house found"); } householdData = houseJob.House.Households.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HouseholdGuid == flaHousehold.HouseholdKey); if (householdData == null) { parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CarStatus += ", no household guid"; throw new FlaException("no household for household guid " + cde.HouseholdGuid); } //set lpg parameters householdData.UseElectricCar = ElectricCarUse.UseElectricCar; //find number of cars var householdCars = _dbDto.Cars.Where(x => x.HouseholdGuid == cde.HouseholdGuid).ToList(); switch (householdCars.Count) { case 1: //use lpg profile for a single car householdData.TransportationDeviceSet = TransportationDevicesTwoCar; break; case 2: //use lpg profile for a single car householdData.TransportationDeviceSet = TransportationDevicesTwoCar; break; case 3: // use lpg profile for a single car // todo: fix this and put in the right transportation device set householdData.TransportationDeviceSet = TransportationDevicesTwoCar; break; case 4: //use lpg profile for a single car //todo: fix this and put in the right transportation device set householdData.TransportationDeviceSet = TransportationDevicesTwoCar; break; default: throw new FlaException("Household with " + householdCars.Count + " cars is missing"); } householdData.TravelRouteSet = TravelRouteSet; householdData.ChargingStationSet = ChargingStationSet; if (householdData.TransportationDistanceModifiers == null) { householdData.TransportationDistanceModifiers = new List <TransportationDistanceModifier>(); } householdData.TransportationDistanceModifiers.Add(new TransportationDistanceModifier("Work", "Car", cde.CommutingDistance * 1000)); householdData.TransportationDistanceModifiers.Add(new TransportationDistanceModifier("Entertainment", "Car", cde.FreizeitDistance * 1000)); parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.CarStatus += ", asking for repare with distances commuting: " + cde.CommutingDistance + ", free time: " + cde.FreizeitDistance + " km"; } if (Services.RunningConfig.LpgPrepareMode == LpgPrepareMode.PrepareWithFullLpgLoad) { Profile lpgProfile = null; try { lpgProfile = _lpgProfileLoader.LoadLPGProfile(parameters, ha.Trafokreis, LoadtypetoSearchFor, _saveableEntry, flaHousehold.HouseholdKey, out _, house.ComplexName, Services.RunningConfig); } #pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types catch (Exception ex) { #pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types Error("trying to load lpg profile: " + ex.Message); parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.LPGErrors = "trying to load lpg profile failed: " + ex.Message; } // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException if (_housesToBeCreated.Count > 0) { if (lpgProfile != null) { householdData.IsCarProfileCalculated = true; parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.ProcessingStatus = "Found LPG profile on full check"; } else { householdData.IsCarProfileCalculated = false; parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.ProcessingStatus = "Missing LPG profile on full check"; } } // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException } else if (Services.RunningConfig.LpgPrepareMode == LpgPrepareMode.PrepareWithOnlyNamecheck) { // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException if (_housesToBeCreated.Count > 0) { if (_saveableEntry.CheckForName(flaHousehold.HouseholdKey, Services.Logger)) { householdData.IsHouseholdProfileCalculated = true; parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.ProcessingStatus = "Found LPG profile on name check"; } else { householdData.IsHouseholdProfileCalculated = false; parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.ProcessingStatus = "Miissing LPG profile on name check"; } } // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException } else { throw new FlaException("Unknown lpg prepare mode"); } return(true); }
public bool PrepareLoadProfileIfNeeded([NotNull] ProviderParameterDto parameters) { if (parameters.HouseComponent.HouseComponentType != HouseComponentType.Household) { throw new FlaException("Was not household: " + parameters.HouseComponent.HouseComponentType); } Household hh = (Household)parameters.HouseComponent; Hausanschluss ha = _dbDto.Hausanschlusse.Single(x => x.Guid == hh.HausAnschlussGuid); var houseJob = _housesToBeCreated.FirstOrDefault(x => x.House.HouseGuid == hh.HouseGuid); if (houseJob == null) { var flahouse = _dbDto.Houses.Single(x => x.Guid == hh.HouseGuid); houseJob = new HouseCreationAndCalculationJob(Slice.DstScenario.ToString(), Slice.DstYear.ToString(), ha.Trafokreis); houseJob.House = new HouseData(hh.HouseGuid, "HT01", 0, 0, flahouse.ComplexName); _housesToBeCreated.Add(houseJob); } HouseholdData hd = new HouseholdData(hh.HouseholdKey, hh.EffectiveEnergyDemand, ElectricCarUse.NoElectricCar, hh.Name, null, null, null, null, HouseholdDataSpecifictionType.ByPersons); hd.IsCarProfileCalculated = true; hd.HouseholdDataPersonSpecification = new HouseholdDataPersonSpecification(new List <PersonData>()); if (hh.Occupants.Count == 0) { throw new FlaException("No occupants in the household " + hh.Name); } foreach (var occupant in hh.Occupants) { hd.HouseholdDataPersonSpecification.Persons.Add(new PersonData(occupant.Age, (Gender)occupant.Gender)); } House house = _dbDto.Houses.First(x => x.Guid == hh.HouseGuid); if (Services.RunningConfig.LpgPrepareMode == LpgPrepareMode.PrepareWithFullLpgLoad) { Profile lpgProfile = null; try { lpgProfile = _lpgloader.LoadLPGProfile(parameters, ha.Trafokreis, LoadtypetoSearchFor, _saveableEntry, hh.HouseholdKey, out _, house.ComplexName, Services.RunningConfig); } #pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types catch (Exception ex) { #pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types parameters.HouseComponentResultObject.LPGErrors = "trying to load lpg profile failed: " + ex.Message; Error("trying to load lpg profile: " + ex.Message); } if (lpgProfile != null) { hd.IsHouseholdProfileCalculated = true; } else { hd.IsHouseholdProfileCalculated = false; } } else if (Services.RunningConfig.LpgPrepareMode == LpgPrepareMode.PrepareWithOnlyNamecheck) { if (_saveableEntry.CheckForName(hh.HouseholdKey, Services.Logger)) { hd.IsHouseholdProfileCalculated = true; } else { hd.IsHouseholdProfileCalculated = false; } } else { throw new FlaException("Unknown lpg prepare mode"); } houseJob.House.Households.Add(hd); return(true); }