コード例 #1
        public void ImportPendingRecords()
            SaveStatus        status = new SaveStatus();
            List <Credential> list   = CredentialManager.GetPending();

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format(thisClassName + " - ImportPendingRecords(). Processing {0} records =================", list.Count()));

            foreach (Credential item in list)
                status = new SaveStatus();
                //SWP contains the resource url
                if (!ImportByResourceUrl(item.SubjectWebpage, status))
                    //check for 404
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("     - (). Failed to import pending credential: {0}, message(s): {1}", item.Id, status.GetErrorsAsString()));
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("     - (). Successfully imported pending credential: {0}", item.Id));
        }           //
コード例 #2
        public void ImportPendingRecords()
            string where = " [EntityStateId] = 1 ";
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            SaveStatus        status = new SaveStatus();
            List <ThisEntity> list   = AssessmentManager.Search(where, "", 1, 500, ref pTotalRows);

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format(thisClassName + " - ImportPendingRecords(). Processing {0} records =================", pTotalRows));
            foreach (ThisEntity item in list)
                status = new SaveStatus();
                //SWP contains the resource url
                //pending records will have a  CTID, it should be used to get the envelope!
                //if ( !ImportByResourceUrl( item.SubjectWebpage, status ) )
                if (!ImportByCtid(item.CTID, status))
                    //check for 404
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("     - (). Failed to import pending record: {0}, message(s): {1}", item.Id, status.GetErrorsAsString()));
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("     - (). Successfully imported pending record: {0}", item.Id));
コード例 #3
        public void ImportPendingRecords()
            string where = " [EntityStateId] = 1 ";
            int pTotalRows = 0;

            SaveStatus status = new SaveStatus();
            List <OrganizationSummary> list = OrganizationManager.MainSearch(where, "", 1, 500, ref pTotalRows);

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format(thisClassName + " - ImportPendingRecords(). Processing {0} records =================", pTotalRows));
            foreach (OrganizationSummary item in list)
                status = new SaveStatus();
                //SWP contains the resource url

                if (!ImportByResourceUrl(item.SubjectWebpage, status))
                    //check for 404
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("     - (). Failed to import pending credential: {0}, message(s): {1}", item.Id, status.GetErrorsAsString()));
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(1, string.Format("     - (). Successfully imported pending credential: {0}", item.Id));